Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 168 Overseas Chinese Return Home (2/10)

Chapter 168 Overseas Chinese Return Home (210)

Chapter 169 Overseas Chinese Return Home

On May Day, the biggest thing for Qinjiacun is to welcome Mr. Qin and his family back to their hometown to visit relatives.

There are five cars. Except for Qin Yuanqing's car, the other four cars are cars from relatively wealthy families in the village. They are either BMWs, Mercedes-Benz, or Audis.

In Qin Yuanqing's car, besides Qin Yuanqing, Jingtian was sitting in the passenger seat, and the old man and one of his grandsons and granddaughters were sitting in the back seat.

Mr. Qin has a son and a daughter, and he has three sons and three daughters. The eldest is already in high school, and the youngest is just in elementary school.

"Uncle, we can reach the village in 15 minutes!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile as he exited the highway.

Then wait for other cars at the highway entrance.

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Qin looked at the houses on both sides of the highway entrance with a smile on his face.

When they arrived at Ludao last night, Qin Yuanqing took them to the Haiyue Villa Hotel, and then took them for a walk around the area. They saw the prosperity of Ludao and witnessed the huge development of China in the past twenty years.

A Heron Island is more prosperous than Jakarta, the largest city in Indonesia, with many high-rise buildings, many tourists and a prosperous economy.

Looking at the countryside again, when he returned to his hometown to visit relatives, there was no such expressway. The countryside was full of tile-roofed houses, and it was rare to see buildings. But now there are many buildings.

When Qin Yuanqing saw other cars arriving, he continued to drive. When he entered the town, the speed slowed down. Mr. Qin followed his grandchildren through the window and talked about the past, but it was obvious that his grandchildren were too young. It's been too long, and I don't understand Mr. Qin's heart at all.

After passing through the town, it took only 5 minutes to reach the village boundary. Qin Yuanqing pressed the double flash and saw that the car behind him had followed. When he arrived at the entrance of the village, the villagers at the entrance of the village saw the convoy and began to play music. , beating gongs and drums, and firecrackers and fireworks on both sides were also set off. Students held flowers and shouted "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome". Young people held banners with welcome words. All the old and young in the village wore their own uniforms. Wearing new clothes and with bright smiles on their faces, they greeted Mr. Qin and his family.

Qin Yuanqing parked the car in the open space of the ancestral temple, got out of the car and opened the door for Mr. Qin. When he saw Mr. Qin getting out of the car, tears filled his eyes.

The old people in the village were in the front, and those walking in the front were all of the same generation as Mr. Qin, or even a generation older than Mr. Qin.

Mr. Qin burst into tears. He was still middle-aged when he returned to his hometown, but now he is gray-haired and old.

In particular, Mr. Qin's younger brother brought the juniors over and asked them to kowtow and kneel to Mr. Qin.

Qin Yuanqing was full of emotions. Since the life in the village has become much better, the villagers have hoped that Mr. Qin and his family can return to their hometown to visit, and now this hope has come true.

Under the auspices of the older generation, we first went to the ancestral tomb to pay homage to our ancestors. At first, the people of Qinjia Village did not live here for generations, but in the county town. Later, this ancestor who had been a high official passed by here when he returned to his hometown. Back here with mountains and the sea, the environment is very good. I said that if I die, I will be buried here. Then after he passes away, his descendants will bury him here. If he has a house, he will live here. Every year, he will visit his tomb and worship. Over a hundred years later, the number of people living in one house has grown to 1,400 to 5,000.

After worshiping the ancestral tomb, it is time to worship the ancestral temple. The merit monument in the ancestral temple belongs to Mr. Qin alone, because Mr. Qin’s donation accounted for 70% of the establishment of the ancestral temple. Without Mr. Qin’s love for his hometown , no ancestral temple was rebuilt.

"The unfilial descendants are back~" Mr. Qin burst into tears and kowtowed before his ancestors. His children and grandchildren also followed the same example under the guidance of the old man.

After visiting the ancestral temple, we went to visit the ancestral temple. Although there were less than 2,000 people in Qinjia Village, they were divided into the first and second houses. The first family worshiped their ancestors in the main ancestral hall. Mr. Qin’s lineage also belonged to the first family. house.

After paying homage to the ancestors, an old man first told the merit monument that Mr. Qin had helped his hometown for more than 20 years and had countless merits. The villagers were always grateful for his contribution. Then he took out the family tree and asked Mr. Qin to add the names of his grandchildren in his own hand.

Mr. Qin took a pen and wrote the names of his grandchildren under the names of his son and daughter in traditional Chinese characters.

At this time, Qin Yuanqing finally realized what the power of culture is. This is the power of culture, which affects a person all the time. This kind of influence is not temporary, but a lifetime. Even like Mr. Qin, he has lived in Nanyang for a long time. Far more than in his hometown, but in the end he is still no different from the old people in the village.

Lunch is served directly in the square at the entrance of the ancestral temple. Someone has already been in charge of preparing it. This kind of country banquet is more delicious and is far from comparable to the banquet in the hotel.

Because it feels like home here.

"I didn't expect that in just 20 years, my hometown has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the villagers are living a good life!" Mr. Qin was full of emotions while eating.

Houses in my hometown are three-story buildings everywhere, and the food is much richer than it was 20 years ago. It is really hard for Mr. Qin to imagine that in just 20 years, his hometown has undergone such earth-shaking changes.

"Uncle, when you returned to your hometown, you built a primary school, cement roads, and water plants in the village. You also set up an education fund and a fund for the elderly, so that we, the younger generations, would have a guaranteed education, the elderly would have something to depend on, and our hometown would have the current development. , you have contributed a lot. Everyone remembers your kindness." Qin Yuanqing said: "For example, when I was in elementary school, my tuition fee was only a quarter of that of other villages. When I went to junior high school, I ranked among the top ten in grades every year. There will be a reward of 1,000 yuan, and there will also be a fund reward set up by you for those who have excellent academic performance in high school, which will reduce the burden on my parents a lot."

"Our village is also the first among the surrounding villages to repair ancestral halls and ancestral halls. These are all due to your efforts." Qin Yuanqing said.

In Qinjia Village, many people can graduate from junior high school. An important reason is that the education fund established by Mr. Qin has reduced the family burden. Otherwise, many people would have dropped out of school after the first grade of junior high school.

"Over the years, I am very happy every time I receive letters from my hometown. But as I get older, it is inconvenient to come back to visit relatives," Mr. Qin said.

Although it has been 20 years since I visited my hometown to visit relatives, I still keep in touch by sending letters back and forth every year.

The villagers came over to toast Mr. Qin one after another, while Qin Yuanqing and Jing Tian took the initiative to chat with Mr. Qin's son and daughter. After all, they were the only two people here who could speak English.

After lunch, the old man and his family rested at his younger brother's house. His younger brother was the last person to build a villa in the village and was very prestigious in the village.

In the afternoon, relevant departments from the province, city, and county came to the village one after another to express a warm welcome to Mr. Qin and his family when they returned to their hometown to visit relatives.

On this May Day, Qinjia Village seemed very lively, with villagers holding spontaneous celebrations and government departments coming to express their condolences.

The construction bidding for the river regulation project has also been completed, and construction is already underway on site. Qin Yuanqing took Mr. Qin and his family to describe to Mr. Qin what the project will look like in the future based on the renderings.

"Farming has no future. If we want to develop here, we must either develop aquaculture or leisure and tourism agriculture." Qin Yuanqing said: "After the construction of the ecological bank protection, the entire river will be treated and a water landscape belt will be formed. There is enough water in the middle and bottom for people to swim, and there are also parks, trails, and pavilions for people to play!”

"The fields on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will be transformed into fishing areas, strawberry areas, etc. for people to fish and pick, etc., and restaurants will be opened. Economic fruit trees will be planted on the mountains for people to pick, and then some chickens, ducks and geese will be raised." Qin Yuanqing is already very excited about the entire plan. It was clear. After all, the planning unit sent him all the planning materials. Qin Yuanqing was still very concerned about the construction of his hometown.

Including many fields will be developed into wetlands, and the construction of the entire area will require an investment of about 350 million.

And the plan is much bigger than the original plan. It is not only the leisure and sightseeing agriculture envisaged at the beginning, but also a hotel will be built.

Warwick's registered wholly-owned subsidiary Narcissus Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has completed its registration and signed an agreement with Narcissus City, and is currently under construction.

Once the first and second phases of construction are completed, it will have 15,000 employees and an annual output value of 50 billion, which can bring a large amount of tax revenue to the local area.

The factory is only 20 kilometers away from Qinjia Village.

These workers will also be one of the consumers here in the future. After all, workers also need to rest and play.

Mr. Qin was filled with emotion after listening to Qin Yuanqing's introduction. This is really a big deal. Once it is realized, the lives of the villagers will be greatly improved. Not to mention how much dividends they can get every year, people who come here to play can always be here. Producing consumption, this part can bring a lot of income to the villagers.

Then when I think about my family business, it seems a bit trivial.

This time, the efforts of several villages are really big. The flat fields on both sides of the river alone reach 5,000 acres, the ponds are 800 acres, and the mountainous land totals 15,000 acres. This project also connects three villages into one. Originally, there were more than three villages. There were some grudges, but with more and more exchanges, these grudges disappeared with the wind.

Of course, this is nothing. Huaxi Village is the real powerhouse. It has long won the No. 1 village in the world, has its own large-scale township enterprises, and the per capita wealth has reached a staggering level.

Like what Qinjia Village is doing now with two other villages, it can be considered a small undertaking.

However, Qin Yuanqing still believes that with the development of society and economy, more and more people like to travel. As long as we do a good job here, people will come to travel.

As for the failure, it was simply that the money he donated was wasted, and even if it was wasted, the building is still there and will not disappear.

I write this out of my own personal experience and feelings. The overseas Chinese in southern Fujian have greatly helped me! Thank you overseas Chinese!

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