Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 162 National Acceptance (Third Update)

Chapter 162 National Acceptance (Third Update)

Basic properties:

Host: Qin Yuanqing

Age: 21 years old

Emotional Quotient: 115

IQ: 225

Physical fitness: Level 10 (1/100)

Skills: "Advanced Singing Skills", "Yan Zhenqing Font", "Guitar Proficiency", "Advanced Programming Proficiency", "Advanced Architecture Proficiency", "Advanced Computer Proficiency"

Honors obtained: Top scorer in the college entrance examination, CMO gold medalist, IMO gold medalist, 2 first prizes of the National Natural Science Award, Ramanujan Gold Medal, Wolf Prize in Mathematics, academician of the two academies, Fields Medal, Chen Shengshen Mathematics Prize, Morningside Mathematics Award, National Science and Technology Progress Award Special Prize

Professional attributes:

Mathematics: Level 14 (400000/1000000)

Physics: Level 13 (1000/100000)

Chemistry: Level 12 (2000/10000)

Creature: Level 12 (3000/10000)

Look at the learning coins in the upper right corner of the system: 45,000

Before the Spring Festival, he won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award and the special prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, which brought Qin Yuanqing a lot of learning coins, more than Qin Yuanqing's own learning coins.

This period of research and development also brought Qin Yuanqing great progress in physics, reaching level 13, the level of a true academic leader.

Looking at the system mall again, the various technologies really made Qin Yuanqing greedy. With his learning coins, he can exchange for most of the technologies.

It is precisely because of so many learning coins that Qin Yuanqing is confident about the future. Many of the technologies in them are ones that China has not yet mastered.

Qin Yuanqing made some preparations, and accompanied a director of the Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition to relevant personnel from the Ministry of Science and Technology, there were also several members of the expert team, as well as several graduate students and doctoral students of Qin Yuanqing.

The plane went directly from Beijing Airport to Xinjing Airport. FAW staff had already arranged the fleet at Xinjing Airport, and then everyone headed to FAW headquarters.

Qin Yuanqing's graduate students and doctoral students were all excited when they saw the FAW headquarters. After all, FAW is the eldest son of the Republic, and its status in the Republic is really extraordinary. Anyone who is engaged in the automobile industry has a special affection for it.

And now FAW has made a wonderful turnaround, which has greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese automobile industry. Many people have a pilgrimage mentality towards FAW.

Mr. Xu personally brought senior FAW executives to greet him at the door. After getting off the car, Qin Yuanqing could clearly feel that the atmosphere of FAW was much more vibrant than last time. The last time FAW gave Qin Yuanqing the feeling that a large enterprise with too many organizations and bloated personnel was In sick central enterprises, the guards will appear listless.

It seems that Mr. Xu has taken many measures in the past year to drastically change FAW's outlook.

In the conference room, the director announced the members of the expert group and expressed the importance he attached to 6AT.

As a major strategic project for domestically produced autonomous vehicles, automatic transmissions are completely blank in China. The country once organized a "national team" to jointly tackle the problem, but in the end it came to nothing.

Now that FAW Group has officially submitted its results plan, many experts in automobile-related fields have volunteered to see for themselves the weight of this so-called independent 6AT.

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

Being able to produce 6AT and being able to produce 6AT are two very different benefits. If you really want to imitate a movable 6AT and invest a lot of money, you may be able to do it, but it cannot be mass-produced, because once it is produced, it will Have to face infringement lawsuits from foreign manufacturers.

China is no longer what it used to be. After integrating into the world, China has to abide by many rules. Failure to comply will lead to extremely serious consequences.

In recent years, domestic companies have continuously claimed to have made breakthroughs in CVT and AT, but they are either counterfeit and have various problems, or the laboratory products cannot be mass-produced at all.

But no one would say anything at this time, because everyone already knew that the results belonged to Qin Yuanqing's laboratory. Qin Yuanqing had previously come up with a higher-tech engine, and no one dared to question it. After all, those three car engines had been The performance shown in one year is very stable, and the market praise rate is extremely high.

This is authority!

If it were an unknown engineer, then many experts on the expert group would begin to criticize that young people today are too impetuous and so on.

The chief engineer of FAW reported on the relevant technical indicators and the verification status during this period. The chief engineer also answered the questions raised by the experts one by one. Obviously, the chief engineer was also with the 6AT project team during this period. For All indicators and performance are clearly understood.

Then the leader of the expert group suggested that everyone go to the 6AT production workshop, and then the group went to the newly renovated FAW Seiko AT production workshop.

As the eldest son of the Republic and a giant domestic car company, FAW owns the entire automobile industry chain. Even though many of the supporting facilities are provided to other supporting manufacturers, it still retains a production workshop and the workers are all existing.

This is to prevent some special situations and can effectively solve them.

A complete set of high-precision processing equipment imported from Germany, the first 6AT production line has been built and is now starting small-scale trial production.

Many experts secretly murmured in their hearts that FAW Group was really courageous. It started organizing production even after it failed the national review. I saw various transmission parts, assembled by workers on the assembly line, and turned into a mass-produced AT transmission.

Any extra words are not as good as what you see before your eyes. ATs are born one after another under the eyes of experts.

In addition to being shocked, it is still shocking!

I originally thought that FAW Group would bring out an AT prototype to give an explanation report to experts, and then everyone would comment on it one by one on the computer data. Unexpectedly, I could see it clearly next to the production line and prove everything with powerful facts.

"We are now starting small-scale trial production. The mass-produced 6AT will be mounted on Hongqi. The six previously produced prototypes have all been mounted on Hongqi for testing. The current test results are very good!" said the chief engineer.

After everyone saw the production line, they went to see Hongqi, which was already equipped with 6AT. Some experts went directly to the car for testing. There is nothing more intuitive than testing it by yourself.

At the same time, experts asked AT a series of questions on site one by one, and finally received positive answers.

Experts were all amazed. After all, 6AT has only been applied for a short time, and now FAW has mastered the technology for 6AT. This means that in the automobile industry, China has also mastered the world's most advanced 6AT, especially all parts and components can be domestically produced. And it’s all unique technology, which is even more important.

Seeing it with my own eyes and testing it myself, there is no doubt that this 6AT technology has indeed been conquered, and FAW has indeed fully reached mass production standards.

"I'm convinced! I'm convinced! Academician Qin, you are really good at car design. I won't accept it!" An old expert sighed: "And FAW is worthy of being the eldest son of the Republic. It has great courage and technical strength!"

Others also nodded. With the previous engine technology and the fully independent automatic transmission, FAW Group has the core technology in its hands, which will make FAW more competitive and dominate the Chinese market.

However, some people have particularly complicated feelings. The most complicated one is undoubtedly the expert from SAIC. SAIC has always been the leader in the past and is the number one car company in China. Regardless of the annual vehicle production volume, sales volume, and annual sales amount, SAIC is significantly ahead of FAW. , but did not expect that FAW would turn things around in an instant, relying on Qin Yuanqing's engine technology to control engine manufacturing technology. As a result, its sales volume and sales amount last year surpassed SAIC, taking away SAIC's number one spot.

And now, because of Qin Yuanqing, FAW has mastered automatic transmission technology, and its competitiveness has become even stronger.

no! After returning home, I should submit a letter to suggest that SAIC leaders go to the ministry and not let FAW be left alone! Experts from SAIC have made up their minds at this time.

There is no doubt that the 6AT project has been unanimously approved by the national review team. Such an outstanding product is far ahead among its domestic counterparts and is in no way inferior to foreign products. How could it not pass?

Even experts have understood that this year's first prize for automotive industry technology has been determined, if nothing else.

In 2010, Qin Yuanqing and FAW won the first prize in the automotive industry for their automotive engine technology, and Qin Yuanqing even won the National Science and Technology Progress Award. There is no doubt that this 6AT technology is also very important, and it is entirely possible to win another National Science and Technology Progress Award.

For a time, many experts had very complicated thoughts. Everyone worked hard on scientific research, and the country even formed a "national team" to tackle the problem, but they failed to conquer AT. However, now Qin Yuanqing took his own laboratory to complete it.

Alas, I have been living like a dog all my life.

At this moment, many people couldn't help but feel depressed. It was really shocking.

However, FAW Group is overjoyed. After all, it has passed the national acceptance, and the relevant core patents will be released immediately.

Qin Yuanqing is also in a good mood, which means that his laboratory will receive a large amount of money every quarter. This is a cash cow that allows the laboratory to continue to improve and develop. After all, 8AT has been proposed, and 6AT is not only It is suitable for cars and various models, which require research and development.

Qin Yuanqing temporarily left his graduate students and doctoral students in the FAW Group together with the people in the laboratory. However, unlike the laboratory, they not only need to understand automatic transmissions, but also need to understand various automotive technologies.

The time Qin Yuanqing gave them was half a year, with food and accommodation all at FAW.

After Qin Yuanqing participated in the national acceptance, he returned to the capital from Xinjing, and then went from the capital to Pengcheng. This time he had two tasks in Pengcheng. One was to debug the Hongmeng operating system to ensure that the Hongmeng operating system could be officially commercialized. One is chips, chip architecture design, and chip production issues. Although HiSilicon is well-known in the semiconductor industry, to be honest, it does not have many core technologies, and it often turns to TSMC for OEMs. This is undoubtedly A thunder can explode at any time.

The editor-in-chief strongly recommends Thursday that there will be 10 updates for 2 consecutive days! Thank you for your support!

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