Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 154 6AT technology (first update)

Chapter 154 6AT Technology (First update)

Read and learn knowledge, knowledge is priceless!

Today's society is different from the past. Now society relies on technology and tests technology. As long as you master the technology, you are not afraid of finding funds. There are many investment institutions waving money to invest, and there are various incubators everywhere. If College students can also get college student business loans, and the conditions are frighteningly favorable.

Especially with the development of the country, the sustainable development strategy and ecological strategy are destined to eliminate industries with serious pollution, serious energy consumption and low output. It is imperative to adjust and upgrade the industrial structure, which makes technology more prominent. out.

People who advocate the futility of reading are either ignorant or heartless.

"My fellow students, you are still students. What students have to do is study hard and make themselves stronger. When you become stronger, the motherland will also become stronger!" Qin Yuanqing said.

Soon, this link was over, followed by awarding scholarships to outstanding students and students from poor families, and the last link was to award awards to outstanding teachers!

Overall, the amount of the student scholarship is kept equal to the amount of the outstanding teacher award, 2 million per year, divided into two semesters, both at the beginning of the semester.

After Qin Yuanqing attended the opening ceremony, he declined the principal's invitation to stay and went home directly.

He could feel that his high school alma mater was getting stronger, both the teachers and the students were getting stronger, and the environment was getting better.

However, education does consume a lot of money. Now the campus area has reached 250 acres, with 50 acres of land reserved. The government's investment has accumulated in the past two years, reaching hundreds of millions.

However, repeat students are also a major source of income for the school. As a public school, tuition and accommodation fees are all set and cannot be charged arbitrarily. The only income they could earn was from repeat students. At that time, Qin Yuanqing and the others paid 10,000 for repeat students a year including accommodation, but starting from their next term, the price has risen to 30,000 per year, and the number of repeat students in each term is about It has 1,000 to 1,500 students, which gives the school an annual income of 30 million to 45 million.

The increase in income from this area has made the salary of teachers at Jinpu No. 1 Middle School much higher than that of other surrounding middle schools, directly catching up with No. 1 Middle School and Double Ten Middle School in the city. It is precisely because of this that excellent teachers can be recruited.

"Sure enough, money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money!" Qin Yuanqing has a deeper understanding of this truth.

This is true whether it is as small as an individual or as large as a country.

In today's society, three big problems are constantly mentioned. In the final analysis, they are economic issues. Although the country's fiscal revenue is constantly increasing, fiscal expenditures are also increasing. There are too many places where money needs to be spent in various aspects, such as national defense construction, education investment, Medical investment and so on, expenditures have increased significantly every year, which makes the national finance insufficient to solve the problem in a short time, leaving the problem existing.

At this time, Qin Yuanqing finally understood why the country in the previous life used real estate as the pillar of the national economy. It was because Chinese people loved saving money so much, so the country used real estate as a breakthrough to introduce Chinese people's deposits into real estate for consumption.

It’s just that no one expected that the game almost collapsed in the end. Housing prices rose to an exaggerated level, which had a siphon effect on other industries. Business owners did not want to run factories and companies properly but focused on real estate speculation. People were in debt one by one. Young people were so overwhelmed by housing prices that they were reluctant to even have children, so the country decided to crack down on the real estate industry, and by the way, the education industry was also rectified.

Qin Yuanqing is increasingly determined to win the core technology of smartphones. After all, this is a trillion-dollar industry, and the jobs and taxes generated are extremely staggering. China has no colonies, nor does it attack or plunder others. It can only rely on its own efforts to make money!

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Qin Yuanqing attended the opening ceremony of the village primary school and awarded scholarships to outstanding students.

Because of the large age gap, Qin Yuanqing no longer knows these students, and he doesn't know who is the child of whose family.

In the newly rebuilt primary school, the classrooms have been changed into multimedia classrooms, and there is also a computer room. There are not many computers in the computer room, only about 20.

Qin Yuanqing still remembers that in 1998, there were two computers in their school, but the computers were ugly, white, and very big. The computer classes at that time actually taught you how to start the computer and shut it down. The symbolic meaning was greater than In practical terms, at least at that time, Qin Yuanqing did not understand what the Internet was.

When Qin Yuanqing was in school, he wrote a letter in his own handwriting, inviting overseas Chinese from Nanyang to return to his hometown to visit relatives. It has been 20 years since Mr. Qin last returned to his hometown to visit relatives. The last time the ancestral hall was cut, Mr. Qin did not come back. Instead, he asked His son returned to his hometown. It's just that Mr. Qin's son no longer knows how to speak Chinese and can only speak English.

In Qin Yuanqing's autographed letter, every word was written in traditional Chinese characters and in block letters. He knew that the people of Qin's generation still learned traditional Chinese characters. Simplified Chinese characters were only gradually promoted after the founding of the Republic. This was also the case in Hong Kong and Macao. , the reason why Baodao still uses traditional Chinese characters.

In the letter, Qin Yuanqing reviewed Mr. Qin's contributions to his hometown over the past 20 years, as well as the development of his hometown and the country over the years, and finally issued a sincere invitation. The entire letter was about 2,000 words long.

The letter did not go through international mail. Qin Yuanqing specially asked an alumnus of the foreign affairs department to hand it over directly to the other party through the embassy. This was Qin Yuanqing's small use of his privileges.

After celebrating the Lantern Festival at home, Qin Yuanqing returned to the capital.

Although Shuimu University has not yet started school, the corresponding scientific research institutions have already started working on the eighth day of the lunar new year. After all, the school's scientific research institutions are responsible for scientific research tasks, and naturally they do not have three months of winter and summer vacations every year like students and lecturers.

Even in scientific research institutions, it is normal to work overtime all night, and even 996 and 997 are not a big deal.

Qin Yuanqing returned to the capital, went home directly from the airport, put all the gifts back in his room, and then went to school. Qin Yuanqing sent some specialties to school a few days ago, and they just arrived today. The specialties are nothing more than dried shrimps and dried squid. Waiting for dried seafood, Qin Yuanqing purchased a batch of tea.

Qin Yuanqing gave each person in the laboratory a piece of dried seafood and a pound of tea, and the remaining tea was placed in the office so that researchers could make tea at their leisure.

"Boss, I love you so much~!" Yang Jing didn't expect that there would be gifts after the festival, so she shouted in surprise.

Others also screamed with joy, feeling that the benefits here are so good, the working environment is comfortable, the wages are high, and most importantly, there is no generation gap at all among the bosses.

Qin Yuanqing often calls milk tea to the office from time to time and treats everyone to drink milk tea. Sometimes I treat everyone to a late-night snack and make skewers directly at a roadside stall.

Qin Yuanqing was rated as the most popular boss in Shuimu last year!

"Boss, the first version of the complete 6AT drawings is complete!" The deputy leader of the gearbox team reported to Qin Yuanqing.

"Let's take a look!" Qin Yuanqing was a little surprised. According to his estimation, the 6AT gearbox technology should not be complete until more than a month. Unexpectedly, it has already been completed just after the New Year.

Qin Yuanqing turned on his computer, entered the server, and started browsing. Only Qin Yuanqing's server in the laboratory had a complete set of drawings, and everyone else had to upload them to the server after they were completed.

This is also a measure taken to avoid technology leakage.

It took Qin Yuanqing a full 2 ​​hours to finish reading, and there was basically no problem. It seems that these guys did not have a safe holiday during the Spring Festival, but worked a lot of overtime.

However, Qin Yuanqing still made modifications. Every time he completed a part before, Qin Yuanqing would optimize it to avoid existing patent barriers. Moreover, the existing 6AT was not perfect. There were also many problems. Qin Yuanqing optimized them one by one. .

That night, no one in the laboratory went back. They all watched Qin Yuanqing make optimizations. They didn't understand why Qin Yuanqing made such adjustments, but they knew that Qin Yuanqing was concentrating on his work and his thoughts could not be disturbed.

As R\u0026D personnel in this field, they know that the forefront of the world is now 6AT. Even European and American car giants are already developing 8AT and have even proposed the concept of 10AT. Even 6AT has already developed its second generation.

They were able to make such rapid progress this time mainly because of Qin Yuanqing's guidance and regular lessons for them. Otherwise, they would not be able to figure it out in three to five years if they had just been left to figure it out, let alone a year.

Technology is like this. You can't find it even though it's separated by a layer of paper. It keeps spinning in circles. And once this layer of window paper is punctured, it will happen quickly.

This is invention and creation. Sometimes it is very simple, but it is difficult for ordinary people to break their thinking stereotypes. Otherwise, why do we always say that inspiration and groundbreaking thinking are very important.

Qin Yuanqing pressed save, closed the drawing, stretched, and then saw that the sky was completely bright and everyone else was around him. Qin Yuanqing said with a smile: "Very good, this time the 6AT gearbox was successfully developed. I'm proud of you."

"We can't relax, there will be 6AT optimization, even 8AT, 10AT, and even CVT research and development!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

Then Qin Yuanqing asked everyone to go to rest. He would hold a celebration banquet for everyone in the evening, and then Qin Yuanqing called Mr. Xu of FAW Group.

As a partner, you still need to share any good news with the other party. After all, the other party has priority in patent authorization.

"What!? Academician Qin, you said you have developed a complete 6AT technology?" Mr. Xu was shocked when he heard the news from Qin Yuanqing, because it was only half a year since the last time, less than a year, and FAW also has a research and development department. Automatic transmissions have been developed for several years, but to no avail.

The same situation exists in car companies such as SAIC, which shows the technical content of 6AT.

And now, Qin Yuanqing's laboratory has actually conquered 6AT technology.

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