Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 140 Top Life Scientist (Second Update)

Chapter 140 Top Life Scientist (Second Update)

As the notice was issued, the R\u0026D personnel of the two laboratories burst out with 200% enthusiasm. This bonus is simply the best refueling agent!

And this bonus is different from others. You only need to pay 20% personal tax without having to pay medical, social security and provident funds. It is much more than the usual salary.

Sure enough, following a good boss is the most important thing!

Xu Jiayi was naturally very happy. When she was a state-owned enterprise, she took advantage of her vacation time to buy a house with her husband. It was well-decorated and could be moved in, which also put her in debt. Although she had paid off part of it in the past few months, But I still owe some money. Now with this month's bonus and this month's salary, all the debts can be paid off.

However, Xu Jiayi was more concerned about next year's recruitment. Although Qin Yuanqing still conducted the interview, she had to take care of the first step, and there was also the salary setting for graduate students, which was also very important.

Graduate students are not as good as doctoral students, so naturally they cannot earn millions per year.

Qin Yuanqing browsed the graduate student directory. He had previously agreed on the quota for graduate students and doctoral students. There were 3 graduate students in mathematics and 4 in mechanical power, and 4 PhD students in mathematics and 5 in mechanical power.

Naturally, Qin Yuanqing will not recruit at will. Everyone will be carefully selected. This is responsible for himself and the students.

Of course, there are still 2 months until the interview.

Qin Yuanqing's interview quota is three times the recruitment quota, which is equivalent to choosing one of three.

For graduate students, mathematics naturally focuses on the test scores during the postgraduate entrance examination. If the test scores are not full marks, there is naturally no way to enter Qin Yuanqing. Mechanical power focuses on the results of university professional courses, while mathematics is relatively secondary. However, under the same circumstances, people who are good at mathematics will naturally be selected.

For doctoral students, a written test and an interview are combined. Qin Yuanqing personally formulated the questions for the written test and conducted the online test directly. Naturally, the questions he asked were not afraid of open-book tests. If he did not have enough knowledge, he would not be able to understand the questions. Only those who pass the written test will enter the interview stage.

Qin Yuanqing stayed in the office all day, and the two latest test papers were freshly released. Qin Yuanqing handed the electronic version of the test paper to Xu Jiayi, and Xu Jiayi contacted the school to resolve the rest.

This is the advantage of having people under you. Many things can be left to your subordinates instead of being bound by various trivial matters.

Xu Jiayi was naturally familiar with the road, and she murmured to herself that she didn't know which lucky ones would become Qin Yuanqing's students. You must know that the most important thing for studying for graduate school or Ph.D. is to choose a big boss, such as Academician, Yangtze River, Outstanding Youth, Qianren, etc. The second is to choose a tutor who is good to students and has a good reputation. Qin Yuanqing is the leader of academicians of the two academies. His reputation is well-known in Shuimu University. I don’t know how many people will compete for the spots. It is definitely more competitive than the national examination. fierce.

There is a magical relationship between students and teachers. A good teacher is simply a fuel for students.

Qin Yuanqing left the office when he saw that it was getting late, but the lights in the two laboratories were still bright.

This is a good scientific research environment, full of passion, and you will never feel tired no matter what you do. And some units are lifeless.

"Sister Xu, are you right? The boss wants to recruit new graduate students and doctoral students into the laboratory, and he himself wants to be a master's and doctoral supervisor?" Yang Jing was surprised when she heard Xu Jiayi talking about the recruitment.

Others were also shutting down their computers and cleaning. They couldn't help but stop when they heard Yang Jing's words, showing surprise.

Because they haven't heard the news before.

"Well, the boss just brought it up today. Don't forget, the boss has two titles: master's degree supervisor and doctoral supervisor." Xu Jiayi said.

"The boss is really hard to predict. How can other bosses recruit graduate students! Which one doesn't only recruit doctoral students!" Yang Jing said with emotion.

Big names such as Academicians, Yangtze River, Distinguished Young Scholars, and Qian Ren basically rarely recruit graduate students. They only recruit doctoral students, and some even study for master's and doctoral degrees.

Moreover, other people only recruited one or two graduate students and doctoral students, but Qin Yuanqing only waved his hand and there were so many people.

Of course, what surprised them most was the recruitment of people into the Qin, Yuanqing and Qing laboratories. This was a major event related to them.

They have many relatives and friends, so let them know the news first so that they can be prepared.

They understand the importance of taking refuge in a good boss. Not only are they paid well, but they can also learn a lot of knowledge. The problems they encounter seem to not exist in front of Qin Yuanqing, and their papers are also checked by Qin Yuanqing. The two laboratories produced twenty papers in one month, which is very productive.

This is why several doctors have chosen to submit applications for doctoral graduation because the papers are sufficient and of excellent quality, and they are not afraid of the grudges and revenge of their original supervisors.

"The holiday notice has been sent to the group. Everyone has seen it. This year's Spring Festival holiday starts on January 27th." Xu Jiayi once again emphasized the holiday time: "Before the holiday, remember to store the information well, turn off the power, and turn off the information. Archive of archives!”

In four months, the two laboratories have formed quite standardized systems, and both researchers are accustomed to these systems.

Qin Yuanqing didn't know about the discussion that took place in the laboratory after he left. He saw that the time was only 8:30 pm, which was still early. Jingtian went to attend the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal again. There was no need to go back so early, so he just walked on the campus.

The campus seems a bit quiet at night, and it has not snowed yet. It can be said to be a rare good weather in winter.

"Hey, Academician Qin!?" Qin Yuanqing was taking a walk, thinking about something in his mind, when a voice came.

Qin Yuanqing came back from his thoughts, followed the sound, and saw a thin, tall middle-aged man.

"Dean Shi, come out for a walk too!" Qin Yuanqing laughed and said hello.

This middle-aged man is none other than Shi Yigong. Shi Yigong is also a legendary figure. He was born in Central Plains Province in 1967 and is just 44 years old this year. He is a real academic master. He graduated from Zhongyuan Experimental Middle School in 1984 and won the CMO gold medal. He was also the first in Zhongyuan Province. He was recommended to the Department of Biological Science and Technology of Shuimu University. He graduated a year early in 1989 and then went to John's College of America. He studied molecular biophysics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and received his PhD in 1995. He then conducted postdoctoral research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the United States. From 1998 to 2008, he served as assistant professor, associate professor, tenured professor, and Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Chair Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University in the United States. In 2008, he declined the invitation to be a researcher at Howard Houston Medical Center in the United States and returned to work full-time at Shuimu University as the dean of the School of Life Sciences at Shuimu University.

At Shuimu University, Shi Yigong has a high reputation among students. After all, he is a world-class scientist in the field of life sciences. In 2003, he cracked this type of life science due to his outstanding work in the fields of apoptosis and TGF-signaling. Mysterious, at the age of only 36, he won the "Ewen Sig Young Researcher Award" issued by the Global Bioprotein Research Society, becoming the first Chinese scholar to win the award in the 17 years since its establishment.

Moreover, Shi Yigong was elected president of the Chinese Biologists Association in 2005. It can be said that although Shi Yigong is not yet an academician, his election as an academician is already a certainty.

Qin Yuanqing and Shi Yigong walked side by side on the campus path. Shi Yigong talked about his experience in the United States. Although as a top student, Shi Yigong still suffered from various kinds of discrimination in the United States. It was for this reason that he returned to China in 2008. Taught full-time at Shuimu University.

"Freedom and equality are all lies! The United States is not a beacon of human civilization. It has its bright side and its extremely ugly side! I went there with beautiful longings, but the reality gave me a heavy setback. Hit!" Shi Yigong said mockingly.

Qin Yuanqing smiled lightly. This was also unique to that era, yearning for Europe and the United States. The 1990s and the first decade of the 21st century were the most foreign-oriented years. Young people wanted to go abroad and get green cards.

However, reality has proven that these 20 years have been the most rapid development years for China. The achievements of those who go abroad are often not as good as those who have stayed and worked hard in China for 20 years.

This is the trend of the times!

"Of course, I have to admit that the United States has its unique advantages. I think our top priority in China is to solve the problem of top scientific and technological talents. We must learn from the United States and absorb the world's top talents." Shi Yigong said: "To be honest, after returning to China these few days "In 2016, I was still a little uncomfortable. I felt that our development path at Huaxia University was not right. The political atmosphere was too strong, and the academic atmosphere was very lacking!"

"Dean Shi, I once told my juniors at my high school alma mater: If you think your motherland is not good, you go to build it; if you think the government is not good, you take the civil service exam and become an official. If you feel that the people have no quality, start by being a high-quality citizen. If you feel that your compatriots are ignorant, start by learning from you and changing the people around you instead of just abusing, complaining, and running away. He pointed out that he bowed his head and was willing to be a coward." Qin Yuanqing said calmly: "I have never studied in European and American universities. I don't know what European and American universities are like and what their advantages are, but I always believe that Chinese education must be rooted in the people. "

"This is a promotion channel from the bottom to the top. If the channel is smooth, the entire social class will not be rigid and solidified!" Qin Yuanqing also shared his own point of view: "My parents are both peasants who cannot read a lot of Chinese characters. If they did not have nine years Compulsory education, without continuous reform of education, then I wouldn’t even be able to go to high school, let alone go to university.”

"Are there any problems in education? There must be problems, but the existence of problems does not mean that everything must be overthrown, and it is impossible to overthrow." Qin Yuanqing said: "Our ancestors said that oranges born in Huainan are oranges. Huaibei is like Zhi! The problem of acclimatization also exists in education. What we need to do is to continue to deepen the reform of education to eliminate the waste and retain the green!"

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