Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 120 Returning Home (Fifth Update)

Chapter 120 Returning Home (fifth update)

During the summer vacation, he went to participate in the Ramanu Gold Medal, and due to some other matters, Qin Yuanqing did not go home. This was the first time since his rebirth that he did not go home during the summer vacation.

Driving back home, the unique smell of his hometown made Qin Yuanqing feel comfortable from the depths of his soul, and his whole body and mind instantly felt extremely relaxed.

Chinese people have a strong sense of rurality and have always had the tradition of returning to their roots after falling leaves. No matter how good the outside world is, they will eventually return to their hometown, because that is their roots and home!

At home, there are no worries and you can relax.

As soon as Qin Yuanqing arrived home, his mother, who was watering the flowers, screamed in surprise. However, Qin Yuanqing did not tell his parents that he was coming back, which was considered a surprise for them.

"Mom!" Qin Yuanqing shouted.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back? Mom wanted to kill a chicken and duck. Look at you, you have lost weight. The food you eat outside is as delicious as at home~~~" Mom happily put down the bucket in her hand, and then started to crackle. Talk about it.

Qin Yuanqing suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart, had he lost weight? But I'm obviously not thin, I've gained three kilograms more than during the Spring Festival.

Maybe for parents, their children just can't eat well outside, and no matter how fat they are, they will still be thin.

However, Qin Yuanqing will not find his mother's nagging annoying. Qin Yuanqing cherishes what he has lost. Only after losing it can he realize how precious this kind of nagging is.

"Mom, where is my dad?" Qin Yuanqing entered the living room and asked when he saw that his dad was not there.

"Your dad went to the town and said he wanted to get funding from higher authorities to renovate the two rivers in the village. Now the government has money and is very supportive of local infrastructure construction." Mom said.

When Qin Yuanqing heard this, he immediately understood.

As the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2008 and evolved into the world financial crisis, China, as the world's factory, mainly focused on foreign trade, was naturally affected. Therefore, the country launched rescue measures. One of the major measures was to invest in infrastructure, including railways and highways. , urban construction, etc. Against this background, the construction industry has ushered in a wave of great development.

Water conservancy, as a basic infrastructure construction, has directly ushered in a golden age. Qin Yuanqing has experienced it before. He has been working in this industry since graduation. He has heard about the tragic situation of the water conservancy industry before 2009. Even the wages of public institutions cannot be paid. come out. Then after 2009, I couldn’t finish my work and money came in in huge amounts.

River regulation is naturally the top priority. After all, it is related to the construction of a flood control and drainage system in an area. If it is well constructed, it will really enrich the place for decades.

However, Qin Yuanqing had been immersed in this industry for nearly 8 years in his previous life, and he knew all about it. The funds for the river improvement project are central funds. The central government provides 55% and requires local governments to match 45%. As a result, local governments have no money and land acquisition is included in the project. This is equivalent to using central funds to do 100% of the project, plus winning the bid. The units are basically privately affiliated. After winning the bid, they either do it themselves or sell the bid. Finally, the quality of the projects is worrying, and there are many shoddy projects.

As soon as the shoddy project appears, no one involved in the construction dares to expose it, and they all have to try their best to cover it up. If it is not covered up, once it is exposed, the upper board will be knocked down, and it will not only be the construction unit, but also all the participating parties. Jianfang will be beaten.

Moreover, the concept of water conservancy design at this time was still very backward. River regulation basically meant building retaining walls. The river channels were channelized and hardened. Qin Yuanqing naturally found it ugly, so he couldn't help but think about it. There were two rivers in the village, east and west, surrounding the village. However, it can be said that it is the mother river of Qinjia Village, nourishing several surrounding villages. Qin Yuanqing still remembers that when he was a child, he often went to the river to swim, fish, and catch snails.

But now, with the development of society and economy, the water of the two rivers has been greatly polluted, and the water has turned black and smelly. The river, which was originally thirty or forty meters wide, has become more and more polluted as people occupy the river as farmland and take advantage of it. Now it's only seven or eight meters wide.

Qin Yuanqing still remembers that there were heavy rainstorms in the next few years, and there was a vast ocean underneath because the river was too narrow to drain water.

If we can take this opportunity to make some improvements, it will undoubtedly be a good deed that makes the people rich.

Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but feel concerned about this matter.

It was around nine o'clock in the evening when I saw my dad come home. There was no smell of alcohol on his body and he obviously hadn't drank. After buying a car for my dad last year and asking him to get a driver's license, my dad I also obediently adhered to the principle of driving without drinking, and drinking without driving.

"Dad, I heard that mom said you went to the town to fight for a project?" Qin Yuanqing took the initiative.

Dad said: "Now that I am the master of the village, I must always seek benefits for the blind dates in the village. Now that I have such a good opportunity, I must strive for it!"

Qin Yuanqing nodded.

Dad became the village director last year.

"I went to the Chengguan Water Conservancy Bureau with the mayor and met with the bureau leaders. The bureau leaders took it very seriously and supported it, and we made a decision on the spot!" Dad said.

"Dad, let's just destroy the Sanli River and Shangdai River together. The blind dates from several villages that don't have enough funds will work together. Those who have money will contribute money, and those who have no money will contribute their efforts to improve these two rivers." Qin Yuanqing said: "When the design unit is confirmed, tell me and I will make some suggestions."

"That's good. You have knowledge. Unlike us rough guys, we can't understand what others say." Dad said with a smile.

This year, Qin Yuanqing was elected as an academician of the two academies, which caused a sensation across the country. There were also warm celebrations in his hometown. As Qin Yuanqing's father, he was also very proud.

For people like them, they have no idea what mathematics awards are, but they have a deep understanding of academicians, that is, academicians are the most awesome.

Now that Qin Yuanqing is so concerned about this, many things will be easier to handle.

"Dad, this time I come back to take you to travel to the capital." Qin Yuanqing said about the purpose of coming back this time, "Didn't you always say in the past that you wanted to go to the People's Square and the Forbidden City in the capital? This time I will take you Go take a good look!”

"When I returned to the capital this time, Jingtian's mother was mentioning the engagement. Such a big matter must be discussed carefully when you, the parents, are here." Qin Yuanqing said about the engagement.

"Okay!" Dad said excitedly: "Jingtian, this kid, is beautiful and polite. You should marry him as soon as possible."

My father didn’t read much, but he knew a lot about the principles of life. He knew that a woman could influence three generations of children and grandchildren, so when he met a good woman, he married her as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

Now when I hear Qin Yuanqing talk about getting engaged, my dad thinks that getting engaged and getting married are the same. Once engaged, the two of them are husband and wife.

The father and son chatted while making tea, and the father began to teach Qin Yuanqing some life lessons, such as how to be gentle with women, and men should be broad-minded and do not need to worry about things. . . . . .

When the conversation was almost over, they went back to their rooms to sleep.

Qin Yuanqing turned on the air conditioner in the room, took a shower, and immediately felt much more comfortable. Seeing that the room was still a little hot, Qin Yuanqing went to the balcony to enjoy the cool air.

In October, the days are still very hot, but the nights are much cooler.

Looking outside, there are already village-level KTVs and hotels, and the sound of music can be heard across a village. No one thought that the consumption power in rural areas is so huge. Next, rural areas will buy TVs, air conditioners, and refrigerators. Wait, it can be said that rural areas have helped China get out of the economic crisis.

Qin Yuanqing thought about the construction of rural areas and farmers again!

The construction of rural areas and rural areas is a very broad term. Since the 1980s, China has been emphasizing rural areas and rural areas in its No. 1 document. The so-called rural areas and rural areas refer to rural areas, agriculture, and farmers, and not only these three aspects, because China has China's rural society is different from other countries. In China, the countryside is actually a small society, and each village can actually be self-sufficient.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, farmers made huge contributions to the half-century-long scissor gap between industry and agriculture. It is not an exaggeration to say that farmers contributed funds to the construction of China's industrial system with their own hands. It was only in 2006 that the country began to cancel agricultural taxes to reduce the burden on farmers.

It won't be long before the country will propose new rural construction, enrich and improve the countryside, and invest money in the countryside on a large scale.

Qin Yuanqing remembered watching Wen Tiejun's video program. Qin Yuanqing deeply agreed with the crises mentioned in it.

A few years later, the Internet entered the video era, news appeared in the form of short videos, and various course videos would also appear one by one. It became more convenient for people to obtain knowledge, and they would be able to access many things that were inaccessible.

For example, if there were no video websites for Shi Yigong's lecture videos, ordinary people would never have the opportunity to listen to his lectures in their lifetime. For example, Zhang Ju Zuo, if there were no video websites, many people would not know much about national defense, the arduous process of China's national defense construction, and the invisible battle lines.

Qin Yuanqing still remembers that at that time, he liked to watch some videos to learn about China's history, China's industrial construction process, China's civilization, etc., which could make him feel satisfied with a bumper harvest every time.

And if there is any news, it will be obtained quickly. But at that time, the entertainment industry was experiencing thunderstorms from time to time, top traffic figures were detained, and A-list actresses were issued fixed tax fines. . . . . . Each big melon makes the people who eat melons very happy, and also subverts people's three views. There is also a certain Jing who reported with her real name that she had been impersonated in the college entrance examination for two consecutive years. One of the impersonators was the daughter of her senior class teacher. The class teacher wrote a confession to her, which caused a huge social impact. The last sentence was slightly ironic. "Taking a step back, even if I exaggerate, what have you lost? What have you lost? Those who say that I am exaggerating, and then say that I am exaggerating, say that I am selling poorly or consuming people's feelings, I did not invite you. , I didn’t invite you, right?..." The people who were full of justice were beaten until their faces were swollen, and it turned out that he was a clown.

Unfortunately, right now, everything is still in its infancy.

Thinking of taking his parents to the capital early tomorrow morning, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but retract his thoughts and went back to his room to sleep.

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