Chapter 107 Academician

August 30, 2010

The high-profile academician conference of the two academies was held in Beijing, attracting the attention of people across the country. After all, academician represents the highest academic title in science and technology established by the country and is a lifelong honor.

Since the founding of the Republic, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has appointed 233 academic members in 1955. 46 famous scientists including Hua Luogeng, Su Buqing, Guo Moruo, Li Siguang, Zhu Kezhen, and Mao Yisheng were among the first academicians of the Republic. In 1994, members of the academic department were renamed academicians. It can be said that academicians have a very high status in China and represent authority in a certain field.

Up to now, there are more than 1,100 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and more than 700 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, some of whom are academicians of both academies.

Each academician is given a monthly allowance of 1,000 yuan, and the standard allowance for academicians is 10,000 yuan per person per year!

Yes, the allowances received by academicians are actually not much, but more of an honor.

The selection of former academicians is conducted every two years, and the total number of previous selections shall not exceed 60. There are only two ways to recommend academician candidates. One is that academicians recommend candidates directly. The limit of recommended candidates for each academician is no more than two, and it is enough to be recommended by 3 or more academicians; the other is that all domestic academicians recommend candidates. Relevant first-level societies affiliated to scientific and technological research institutions, colleges and universities, and Huaxia Scientific Research Institute will recommend candidates based on the organizational system.

A total of 1,215 academicians participated in this conference of academicians of the two academies. In addition, there are 23 foreign academicians. The candidate list of academicians has also been announced before.

The most eye-catching thing is that Qin Yuanqing has entered the academician candidate list, and it is not a single academician, but a candidate list for academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Once Qin Yuanqing is elected as an academician, he will become the youngest academician in the history of the Republic. The previous holder of this record was Lu Ke. Lu Ke was born in Zhongyuan Province in 1965. He started working in 1990. He joined Jiusan Society in 1993 and received a doctorate in engineering. At the age of 30, he became a doctoral tutor at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2003, at the age of 38, Was co-opted as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

And if Qin Yuanqing is co-opted as an academician this year, this record will be greatly advanced, because Qin Yuanqing will be 20 years old this year.

The conference of academicians of the two academies has just begun, and there has already been a quarrel in the news about Qin Yuanqing's inclusion in the candidate list for co-optation of academicians. Some reporters interviewed some older academicians, and some older academicians clearly expressed their objections, thinking that Qin Yuanqing was too young. Although Although they have made outstanding achievements, there are also many old experts who have worked hard all their lives and have been waiting in line for a long time. The opportunity should be given to these old experts.

Some academicians believe that those who are ambitious should not be young but those who achieve first. Since Qin Yuanqing has made world-recognized achievements and his level is second to none in China, he should be elected. To the best of my ability, this is a principle recognized by the world.

This time Qin Yuanqing entered the academician candidate list because Shuimu University recommended Qin Yuanqing, and the reason is that Qin Yuanqing proved Zhou's conjecture and twin prime conjecture in the field of mathematics, and won the first prize of the National Natural Science Award, Ramanujan Award, Wolf Mathematics Prize. In the field of application, the research and development of automobile engines has made our country's engines rank among the top in the world, making up for the shortcomings and making great contributions to our country's automobile industry and economic construction.

This is also the advantage of key universities such as Shuimu and Yanda, and their influence extends to all aspects. As reported this time, academicians from universities and the Chinese Academy of Sciences account for a large proportion of 1/3.

On the day when Qin Yuanqing was elected as an additional academician, he also came to the conference center. Except for Qin Yuanqing, all the academician candidates arrived. After all, this was related to whether he could be elected as an academician.

Becoming an academician will not only greatly increase your voice in the industry, but it will also be much easier to apply for scientific research funding. For example, Mr. Yuan, 20 million in funding does not require any procedures.

"Professor Qin is here!" Academician Wang said with a smile when he saw Qin Yuanqing.

"Academician Wang!" Qin Yuanqing greeted Academician Wang. Academician Wang is an expert in nuclear reactors and nuclear plants. He is highly respected and an old expert and veteran worthy of admiration.

The experts who came from that era are all worthy of admiration. The research conditions in that era were far worse than today. They even grew their own vegetables and food during scientific research.

Qin Yuanqing watched the movie "The World" and was deeply shocked and moved by the hard work and self-reliance of the scientists in it.

Moreover, academician Wang’s generation does not pay attention to rewards, does not seek fame or wealth, they only want to rise for China and no longer be bullied by foreigners. They receive a meager salary a month and even donate some of their savings. After the 2008 earthquake, , it is said that Academician Wang donated all his life savings to the people in the disaster area. He didn't have a mansion, he lived in a house assigned by the school in his early years.

"Your quota is not a big problem, don't worry!" Academician Wang patted Qin Yuanqing's shoulder and walked into the venue.

The other candidates around him looked at Qin Yuanqing with envy.

There are no more than 60 academician candidates every year. They have worked hard to consider each one, but it is still very uncertain and they may not be elected. It seems that Qin Yuanqing, a young man, has already occupied a quota, which means that there is one less quota. Thousands of people have to fight for less than 59 quotas. You can imagine the fierce competition.

Qin Yuanqing's mentality was very calm. Academicians are important to others, but not so important to him. Is research funding available? He is not short of money, so he can build his own laboratory and conduct scientific research.

In the venue, the agenda for selecting additional academicians began. After preliminary screening, there were still over a thousand academician candidates. This meeting needs to select no more than 60 academicians from thousands of candidates, so the competition for each academician spot is very fierce.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the Academician Conference of the two academies is no exception. After all, these candidates themselves are academicians and have connections. Having one more academician in their unit represents an increase in status.

The first thing to start is the co-election of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Academicians of the Academy of Sciences need to select candidates from candidates to be academicians. This is a huge workload.

Each candidate can become an academician only if he obtains the approval of two-thirds of the academicians' votes. This is why even though the number of academicians in the biennial election of academicians does not exceed 60, they often fail to reach two-thirds of the votes.

"The next step will be to vote on Comrade Qin Yuanqing's academician co-optation. Please cast your precious vote." The president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said solemnly.

"Dean, I have something to add about Comrade Qin Yuanqing." Dean Li suddenly raised his hand and said.

It immediately attracted the attention of all the academicians.

"Academician Li, we know that Comrade Qin Yuanqing is from your Shuimu University. His age is a major disadvantage. Logically speaking, you should avoid suspicion. Speaking for Comrade Qin Yuanqing now is suspected of canvassing votes." said an academician.

"This matter is very important. As the saying goes, no one should avoid relatives when promoting talents. There are some things that need to be explained. Otherwise, if Comrade Qin Yuanqing fails to be elected as an academician, it will be a big joke, and our Chinese Academy of Sciences will also become an international laughing stock." Dean Li Said calmly.

The president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said calmly: "Academician Li, do you have anything to add?"

"Dean, fellow academicians, Comrade Qin Yuanqing has proved the hail conjecture a week ago. Today his paper will be published in the latest issue of "Chronicles of Mathematics". At the same time, Comrade Qin Yuanqing has been invited to participate in the World Conference held one month later. Mathematicians conference, and will give a one-hour report at the conference. Comrade Qin Yuanqing is very hopeful that he can win the Fields Medal this time!"


"Has the hail conjecture been proven?"

"1 hour report?"

"Aim for the Fields Medal?"

The entire venue became agitated, and few academicians could remain calm. They did not expect that Qin Yuanqing had quietly proved another world-class mathematical problem and was invited to give a one-hour report at the World Congress of Mathematicians.

Academic reports at the Congress of Mathematicians are divided into three levels: 1 hour, 45 minutes, and 30 minutes. Previous Fields Medal winners undoubtedly gave 1-hour academic reports.

Since the founding of the Republic, Chinese mathematicians have been invited to give one-hour academic reports.

"Academician Li, are you telling the truth?" the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences couldn't help but ask.

"It's absolutely true, maybe even now that "Chronicles of Mathematics" has been released." Dean Li said with a smile.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Academician Li knew that Qin Yuanqing's academician position was secured. If even Qin Yuanqing could not become this academician, who of the candidates this time would be qualified to be an academician?

Sure enough, as each academician conducted a secret vote, the number of votes in favor of Qin Yuanqing's election as academician reached 100%, and no one voted against or abstained from voting.

As Qin Yuanqing became the new academician, the entire venue burst into warm applause. This was the first academician co-opted this year. Now that he was born, he naturally applauded to celebrate.

Three minutes later, the election of academicians continued. Unfortunately, most candidates failed to obtain more than two-thirds of the votes. After half a day, the Chinese Academy of Sciences only approved the election of 8 academicians, and Qin Yuanqing was one of them.

When the meeting ended and the results were announced immediately, Qin Yuanqing was naturally elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Qin Yuanqing was very calm, with only a faint smile on his face.

Others who were successfully elected as academicians cried with joy and jumped up and cheered. As a result, their level was promoted by one level, their academic voice was greatly increased, and they became important figures in their own units. And this is an academician. Becoming an academician also means that your academic establishment has been recognized nationwide and has been recognized by the country.

Candidates who failed to be elected as academicians inevitably showed signs of frustration and disappointment. Many of them had already become academician candidates twice, but failed this time. This kind of blow was not easy to adjust to.

Many people looked at Qin Yuanqing with envy. He was elected as an academician at the age of only 20, which was an unprecedented event since the Republic of China.

But no one is dissatisfied. After all, everyone who knows Qin Yuanqing knows his achievements in the field of mathematics, as evidenced by the Ramanujan Gold Medal and the Wolf Prize in Mathematics.

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