Chapter 103 Harvest Season

June 15

Qin Yuanqing was invited to participate in this year’s Ramanu Gold Award Ceremony and Academic Report.

The Ramanujan Prize is named after the Indian mathematical genius Ramanujan. It is awarded to mathematicians under the age of 45. One place is awarded every year. It is a very important international mathematics award.

The nomination and selection work was jointly carried out by the ICTP Institute of Mathematics, IMU, and the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology. The winner of the 2006 Ramanujan Gold Medal was the famous Tao Zhexuan. Of course, like many mathematics awards, the prize money is not much, only US$15,000!

Originally, Qin Yuanqing did not want to participate in the Ramanu Gold Medal. After all, compared with the Fields Medal and the Wolf Medal, the Ramanu Gold Medal is much inferior in gold content. Just thinking about it, many mathematicians will participate in the Ramanujan Prize. Communication with mathematicians from all over the world may inspire your own inspiration and prove the hail conjecture.

When Qin Yuanqing arrived at the award ceremony, he learned that there were more than a thousand mathematicians participating in the Ramanu Gold Medal this time.

"Professor Qin!" While Qin Yuanqing was wandering on the street, experiencing the foreign customs and customs, a Chinese voice came into Qin Yuanqing's ears.

Being able to hear Mandarin in this foreign country made Qin Yuanqing feel particularly warm!

"Who are you?" Qin Yuanqing looked up and saw a young man walking over with excitement on his face. Qin Yuanqing was quite puzzled. Who is this young man?

"Professor Qin, my name is Zhang Wei. I graduated from the Department of Mathematics at Yan'an University and am currently a lecturer at Harvard University!" The young man introduced himself.

Zhang Wei?

The mathematical genius that Yanda is proud of?

Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but flash the information of Zhang Wei in his mind. Zhang Wei was recommended to Yan University in 2000 and entered the School of Mathematics of Yan University. In 2004, he entered Columbia University for further study. He received his doctorate five years later and later worked as a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at Harvard University. The entire Yanda University is proud of Zhang Wei's achievements and believes that Zhang Wei is the biggest genius in Chinese mathematics and has a good chance of winning the Fields Medal.

"It turns out to be Dr. Zhang. I've heard of him for a long time!" Qin Yuanqing shook hands with Zhang Wei and said with a smile, "I didn't expect to meet Dr. Zhang here. What an unexpected surprise!"

"Professor Qin is amazing. I have heard in the United States that there is a super mathematical genius in China. He proved Zhou's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture, two world-class problems, just after entering the freshman year. Many young people in America admire you! "Zhang Wei said.

Only in the field of mathematics can we know how great it is to solve Zhou's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture. The prover is destined to be recorded in the history of mathematics.

With Zhang Wei, Qin Yuanqing also has a companion, and Zhang Wei is also familiar with the mathematics world. When he meets mathematicians that Qin Yuanqing doesn't know, he will introduce them one by one. At this mathematics event, Qin Yuanqing met Wiles , Wiles is a famous British mathematician. In 1994, he proved the long-standing "Fermat Conjecture" in number theory, and thus won the Fields Medal specially produced by the International Mathematical Union at the 1998 International Congress of Mathematicians. Silver medal, and he is also the chairman of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University. He can be said to be the top mathematician in the world today.

At the award ceremony, Qin Yuanqing successfully won the Ramanu Gold Award for proving Zhou's conjecture and the twin prime conjecture!

As soon as the news spread, it was immediately reported.

"Chinese mathematician Professor Qin Yuanqing won the Ramanu Gold Medal! This is Professor Qin Yuanqing's second mathematics award after the Wolf Prize in Mathematics!" - CCTV4 reported on the international news channel.

"The amazing Qin won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and the Ramanujan Medal at the age of only 20. I believe he has a chance to win the Fields Medal!" - American CNN also reported.

"The youngest Ramanu Gold Medal winner, Professor Qin Yuanqing of China, has become a world-class mathematician!" French media also reported.

Various media outlets rushed to report that Qin Yuanqing also received a reward from the system at this time: "Congratulations to the host for winning the Ramanu Gold Award, and a reward of 3,000 learning coins!"

Qin Yuanqing did not expect that attending the Ramanu Gold Award and winning the Ramanu Gold Award would have such an unexpected reward.

"The system is so generous. When the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is won, won't there be even more rewards?" Qin Yuanqing's heart was filled with excitement.

You must know that the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is much more valuable than the Ramanujan Prize!

Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but start looking forward to the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony a week later!

. . . . . .

When Qin Yuanqing returned to China, there were already many media reporters at the airport.

Qin Yuanqing had to hold a temporary press conference at the airport to accept interviews from reporters.

"Hello, Professor Qin, CCTV reporter Yang Qian, first of all congratulations on winning the Ramanu Gold Award. How do you feel about winning the Ramanu Gold Award?" As the boss of the media, CCTV reporters enjoy the privilege of being the first to ask questions. .

This is also an unwritten rule in the country. Official media are given priority. The greater their influence, the more privileges they get.

"I am very happy to win the Ramanu Gold Medal this time. I will continue to work hard to overcome more mathematical problems and achieve greater achievements!" Qin Yuanqing, who received 3,000 learning coins, was in a good mood with a smile on his face.

His poor study coins finally became abundant.

"Hello, Renren Daily reporter Yang Lin, may I ask Professor Qin, which field of mathematics are you currently studying?" asked a reporter from Renren Daily.

"It's no secret that I am conquering the hail conjecture, which is also a world-class mathematical problem." Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

He was in a good mood, and Qin Yuanqing was happy to answer any questions he had.

"Hello Professor Qin Yuanqing, Global Times reporter Chen Yuxi, the Wolf Prize award ceremony is about to begin. Will you participate this time?" the Global Times asked.

Everyone knows that Qin Yuanqing has won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics. Unlike the Ramanujan Prize, the winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is announced months in advance.

This time, the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is awarded to Qin Yuanqing and Qiu Chengtong, both from the Chinese nation. This has become the focus of media reports. I don’t know how many people are very proud of this.

"Of course, I will go to Israel!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile.

The Wolf Prize in Mathematics is awarded in Israel.

Although Israel is a small country with a small population, it is known as the little overlord of the Middle East. It has continuously won wars in the Middle East with the support of the United States. Israel has also produced many scientists, many of whom are world-renowned.

Of course, Israel's national strength has also been exaggerated, that is, it has the support of the United States, and none of the surrounding Arab countries have industrialized, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago. With a small population and no depth, it is impossible to fight a truly modern war.

Even Qin Yuanqing felt that Germany during World War II could sweep through Israel.

Qin Yuanqing also wanted to take this opportunity to visit Israel.

"Professor Qin, Jingtian posted a message on WeChat saying that you didn't take her abroad and she was very angry! What do you think of this?" asked an entertainment reporter.

"She was filming before, but next I plan to take her to participate in the Wolf Prize and also travel to Israel!" Qin Yuanqing said.

"Professor Qin, the country has introduced policies to draw three red lines and plans to set up a property tax. What impact will it have on housing prices?" The financial news talked about real estate.

Qin Yuanqing was a little confused. When he asked, he learned that the country had issued three red lines: after pre-sale funds were kicked out, the asset-liability ratio should not be greater than 70%, the net debt ratio should not be greater than 100%, and the cash-to-short-term debt ratio should not be greater than 1 times.

At the same time, the financial system has also issued new regulations. Provident fund loans are only used for first homes. From the second home onwards, the down payment ratio is increased to no less than 50%, and the down payment for the third home is no less than 70%.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has also drafted a draft for public opinion on a property vacancy tax, which will be levied on houses that have been vacant for more than three months.

Qin Yuanqing did not expect that the country was so determined to put the brakes on real estate. He seemed to remember that the three red lines regulations did not appear until 2020. As for the loan ratio, there are no regulations.

But this is a good thing. Qin Yuanqing smiled happily and said: "This is a good thing. I believe it will be conducive to the healthy development of the real estate industry and prevent it from growing into a deformed monster!"

The country has no choice. What Qin Yuanqing said in the hot live broadcast room has too much impact. People are worried that housing prices will really be that high. Moreover, Qin Yuanqing has invested in so many properties. If even scientists are keen on real estate speculation, Not to mention ordinary people. In just three months from the Two Sessions to June, house prices in many cities have been rising. They are afraid that they will be slow to buy and will have to pay a higher price in the future.

If you buy it, you will make money. Many real estate agents use Qin Yuanqing's effect to encourage people to buy houses.

The state has to take heavy measures to rectify real estate, and use policies to shut down the continuous inflow of hot money into real estate, and instead divert funds to the industrial sector to promote the upgrading and transformation of industrial manufacturing.

For example, FAW Group raised tens of billions of dollars in the stock market for the construction and upgrading of its engine plant.

Qin Yuanqing said with a smile: "Now that national policies have been introduced to regulate real estate, I think the return from investing in other fields will not be lower than real estate. As for the house in my hand, I will sell it slowly."

To be honest, the profits from the houses Jingtian invested in are already very generous. As the number of WeChat users continues to grow, either financing or capital injection from shareholders, and those who happen to profit from real estate cash-in, are required to inject capital.

As for financing, Qin Yuanqing has no such plan yet. There are not enough users, and financing cannot raise much money. Just like now, Tencent only values ​​WeChat at 600 million.

If there were 50, 60, or even 100 million users, it would be completely different!

As for making money, you don’t have to think about it in a short time. The huge server expenses alone, according to Chen Zhiyuan, are in the billions to ensure the normal use of the huge user base, not to mention the need to continuously build an ecosystem. These are all needs Money.

It will be on the shelves on October 1st! I hope everyone will support me after it is released!

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