Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 101 The College Entrance Examination Ends

Chapter 101 The College Entrance Examination Ends

The two days of the college entrance examination passed quickly.

But the enthusiasm for the college entrance examination has not dissipated. As the test questions continue to be compiled, people have also seen this year's college entrance examination real questions, and everyone's eyes are focused on the mathematics real questions. People are eager to know how millions of candidates What are the embarrassing real mathematics college entrance examination questions?

"What should I do? What should I do? I am a sophomore in high school and I can't even solve a single question. Brothers and sisters, am I doomed???" A young sophomore in high school immediately checked the real mathematics questions. He was dumbfounded. There was not a single question. During the question meeting, I burst into tears and asked for help.

"Don't be afraid, little brother. My brother is a freshman in the Mathematics Department of Yan'an University. I can tell you responsibly that this year's national math test is very difficult. I only scored 110 points!!!" There is a student from Yan'an University. Upload your answer sheet with various question marks.

He scored 145 points in the college entrance examination last year! This year he took advanced mathematics at Yan University and thought his combat effectiveness had strengthened, but in fact he only scored 110 points this time. Mathematics scores were so dazzling two years ago.

"I am a high school mathematics teacher. I have read the test papers. I have to say that the questions in the mathematics proposition group of this year's college entrance examination are very good. There are twenty-one questions in the entire test paper. All the knowledge content tested is within the scope of the college entrance examination syllabus. There is no trace of it. Super syllabus knowledge. But the questions are difficult, so difficult that you have nothing to say! I did the questions once, checked the answers, and only got 115 points! Shame!" A senior high school teacher uploaded the test paper he made. Said with shame.

"Wang Bo, a gold medal mathematics lecturer at New Oriental, has completed the evaluation of this mathematics paper. The difficulty of this year's test paper is 1.5 to 1.6 times that of last year. I did it myself and got 140 points!" A self-proclaimed gold medal mathematics lecturer at New Oriental posted on Weibo Posted a message: "According to predictions by my colleagues and I, this year's national average math test score will experience the largest drop in history, with a guaranteed drop of 30 points compared to last year!"

"Thirty points??? So cruel? I remember that the average score in mathematics in the college entrance examination last year was 93.5, which means that this year's average score may be 63.5???" Someone screamed in horror: "Fuck, Uncle Ge is so cruel. ah!"

"When you come back after reading the questions of this year's mathematics paper, you won't think so. Again, thirty points is just my conservative estimate. The final result may be even greater than this difference! I have to say that this year The Ministry of Education is very courageous!”

"Huh, I just came back from reading the test paper. I have to say, it's really scary. If no one had told me, I would have thought it was a question from the National Mathematics League in which year! Fortunately, I have been recommended to Yan University and don't have to take the college entrance examination. , otherwise you will be scared to death!”

"Capture the escort boss upstairs alive!"

"I'm envious. If only I could have been recommended, then I wouldn't have to put in a lot of effort and get the top scorer in science in the province to get into Yanda!"

. . . . . .

A lot of discussion focused on the test questions of the college entrance examination mathematics paper. The other three subjects were not even one-tenth as popular as the mathematics paper.

After all, this is a set of test questions that will literally test ‘millions of candidates’.

On the Internet, videos of candidates crying loudly after leaving the examination room have been released one after another.

In the video, it can be clearly seen that the candidates were greatly troubled by the mathematics test paper. The strong men aged 17 or 18 were in tears, while the little girls burst into tears one by one without any image.

No one had ever thought that this year's math paper would be so difficult.

Netizens thought that the difficulty of this year's math paper would be at most the same as last year, but they did not expect that it would soar to this level.

This is equivalent to jumping directly from last year's easy mode to this year's difficult mode.

And in the middle, there is no transition from normal mode.

On the Internet, most netizens who have graduated are of course happy to hear about this matter. In their opinion, the mathematics papers in recent years have been too simple, so simple that they have no role in selecting talents.

Everyone can get high scores, so this subject doesn't have much meaning.

Therefore, everyone is happy to see the difficulty of this year's mathematics test papers increase.


For those who are taking the college entrance examination or have not yet taken the college entrance examination, it has completely exploded.

Of course, for most of them, the college entrance examination can be made as simple as possible.

But I didn't expect that this would happen.

This year’s math paper suddenly became so incredibly difficult!

So what will happen next year and the year after that?

. . . . . . .

Not just outsiders, as the college entrance examination ended, the students who had just taken the college entrance examination tore up all the exercise books, test papers and books, turned them into snowflakes, and joined the discussion of the college entrance examination. The mathematics college entrance examination papers It became the focus of firepower.

"This year's mathematics paper is definitely not for students participating in the Olympiad. I was mentally exhausted while doing it in the examination room yesterday."

"I cried, what about you?"

"+1 for crying!"

"I am a seven-foot-tall man who is not afraid of anything. I am actually made to cry by a math problem. Can you believe it?"

"I was really pushed into a hurry at that time. Isn't there a saying that if people are pushed into a hurry, they can do anything? This is completely nonsense. If you can do anything, why can't you do math problems?"

"The logic genius upstairs!"

"Hey, I usually score 1,230 points, but I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to pass this year!"

“I failed before and have no hope of passing this time!”

"There are still fifteen days left before the final trial, and I want to enjoy this time."

"Who can tell me who wrote the math paper for this year's college entrance examination? I hope the price of food will go up!"

"I wish he bought instant noodles without seasoning packets."

"I searched around and couldn't find any information about the person who took the math question in this year's college entrance examination?"

"What time is it now? Confidential information about the college entrance examination candidates should not be released until tomorrow at the earliest!"

"I'm going to stay on the official website of the Ministry of Education tonight. I want to see who is going to publish such a set of test papers to embarrass us. When the time comes, haha..."

. . . . . . .

"Hey~~~" Qin Yuanqing was sent home. As soon as he got home, he connected to the Internet and watched the candidates crying one by one. The more he watched, the more excited he became, and the more he watched, the happier he became. Hehehe kept smiling.

Relieve your anger!

It’s so refreshing!

It was completely in line with my expectations. These senior high school students were really naive, thinking that mathematics was that simple and they could easily pass the exam. We underestimate mathematics too much. If we don’t let you see the true face of mathematics, you will just waste your time.

At the same time, this is also a lesson to high school mathematics teachers, asking you to produce some simple test papers every day, so that a school can get perfect scores in dozens of mathematics tests. Now take the full score test and see?

Looking at the angry remarks of those candidates and parents, Qin Yuanqing laughed even more, "My child, it was me who asked the questions. Do you want to bite me?"


"Eh? Why did Ge Jun become the leader of the topic group? Isn't it me????" Qin Yuanqing saw a hot topic ranked in the top five, clicked on it, and was suddenly at a loss.

Although Ge Jun has been famous for a long time, Qin Yuanqing knew nothing about him in Fujian Province and did not know him at all. Seeing the results summarized by netizens, Qin Yuanqing was amazed. He was indeed a fellow-minded person and a close friend.

"It seems that this Mr. Ge is taking the blame for me. I'm really sorry for him!" Qin Yuanqing smiled secretly. It felt so good to have someone take the blame for his bad deeds.

However, Qin Yuanqing agreed with Professor Ge Jun's style. The difficulty of the mathematics paper was too low, which was not a good thing. It did not reflect the true level at all and was not conducive to students' choice of university majors and the admission of students to universities.

Universities are inherently hierarchical. The best schools naturally want to admit the best students, and first-class students naturally want to admit first-class students.

Everyone did well in the exam, but the university didn’t know how to select students. Students do well in all subjects, but they don’t know what major to choose.

Every year, there are not even 100,000 but 80,000 students who choose to major in mathematics across the country. However, you must know that mathematics requires a strong talent. Ordinary people entering this field will only delay their lives and end up becoming ordinary mathematics teachers.

The Department of Mathematics doesn’t need so many people. It’s important to be good at mathematics but not too many!

In the same way, students who are good at mathematics are also required to enter the physics department, otherwise they will not be able to gain a foothold in the field of physics.

Qin Yuanqing has no regrets at all for raising the difficulty of this year's math paper so much. Even Qin Yuanqing was thinking that in fact, mathematics is not required for the college entrance examination. The mathematics departments of colleges and universities can recruit students from mathematics competitions.

But based on Qin Yuanqing's understanding of China, once this is done, there will definitely be few schools that will seriously teach students to learn mathematics, and few students will seriously learn mathematics!

Therefore, this is why education has always insisted on incorporating mathematics into the college entrance examination system.

Many mathematicians and scholars are advocating that mathematics is enough for junior high school and does not require mathematics for the college entrance examination. It is said that the West does not need to popularize mathematics, but as a result, so many of the world's top mathematicians have been produced. However, China attaches great importance to it and invested countless resources, manpower and material resources, but as a result, it has not produced one of the world's top mathematicians.

Of course, there are also many critics who are calling for the abolition of English and the abolition of Chinese, saying that no country abroad will test their mother tongue.

Anyway, in this era, there are all kinds of noises, monsters, monsters and demons dancing around. They all sound reasonable, but they all seem to be nonsense.

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