Chapter 965

Xie Kai never believes that two peoples in two different countries will only have a friendship that does not involve interests.

Just like the Israelis selling Chinese industrial design software, it is definitely not just to help the Chinese improve their technical strength.

“Indeed, it is not a good thing that a project investment cannot be recovered. Moreover, their entire country is not as rich in oil resources as the surrounding Arab countries.” Xie Kai said.

Israel, which has only 25,000 square kilometers in the country, is actually a country with severe resource shortages.

Because of this, their high-tech field development is the focus.

“What we are worried about now is, if they use Western countries’ technology to transform our Super-7A to a stronger performance, what should we do?” Wang Guilin said everyone’s concerns.

Although Israel’s industrial base is good, the entire country does not have a large and complete industrial base.

When all of them are built, the land area of ​​Israel is not enough.

But behind the Israelis is the entire United States and Europe.

They can use the technology of the United States and Europe, and then compete with China, which will virtually make Chinese fighters lose more export opportunities.

Xie Kai looked at Wang Guilin and felt that the old man’s worries were too advanced.

“Then go for it. Uncle Wang, don’t forget that the aerodynamic layout of the fighter plane shown to the Americans at the 132 factory is not a real Super-7B that has been well-designed and followed by wind tunnel experiments. If they really get it out Now, we can save a lot of time and experience. At least, we can know what they have made changes.” Xie Kai smiled sinisterly.

The twin-engine fighter shown to the Americans is just a plan they modified based on the Super-7B. No one knows whether the aerodynamic shape is suitable or not.

The appearance of the MiG 1.44 is very similar to the Soviets. When the time comes, the Soviets will find them in trouble.

Even if it is created after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, don’t forget that there are still big hairs in this world.

“Then what do you take them to visit tomorrow?”

“Hongqi Machinery Factory, especially the finishing workshop and CNC machine tool R&D center, as long as the entire base can be opened to them, show them!” When dealing with shrewd Jews, they had to be fully prepared.

This is why Xie Kai is unwilling to bring a group of Israelis here.

404 this base must not be exposed.

In the entire area, the architectural paint is similar to the environment, and some refinement treatments will be made on the top of the house to avoid being photographed by satellites.

At 6:30 in the morning, the base radio rang, and the two Israelis who had slept for more than an hour woke up.

Last night, it was impossible for them to understand their surroundings. Hearing the wake-up number in the radio, even if they were exhausted, they were forced to fall asleep.

“Colonel, I don’t seem to see anything around, except for the lights…” Ladino dressed up and looked around outside the room, but there were no figures at all.

There are a lot more lights and so on.

It’s like being in a city.

“Bring us here at night, even flying around in a circle in the air…” Albert didn’t even look out. “They are not like what we can see, it is impossible to see. There is no country in the whole world. China’s secrecy measures are more effective and more effective. They are the same as our nation…”

Albert, relatively speaking, knows the Chinese better.

The two of them couldn’t sleep anymore, while guessing what the mysterious unit was going to show them, while waiting for the Chinese to come and find them.

After a while, the sky outside was still dark, and the two heard a sound of footsteps from outside, and they were about to go out to look, but they heard someone talking.

“Hurry up, or the damn Arabs will grab our things again!”

The two who were about to go out stopped.


Actually meet a Persian here?

The two Israelis were shocked, and they were about to open the door and go out to have a look, but they heard a curse in Arabic, “Damn Persian, do you think you rob our quota…”

“Damn Arab, shameless…”

The two were puzzled.(Read more @

The Arabs are fighting with the Persians. It is normal to scold them, and they still can’t go out. Listening to the footsteps, there are a lot of people on both sides.

Besides, they cannot be exposed to the Arabs.

The Chinese are also true. They actually arranged them together. Is this a foreign-related hotel?

It doesn’t seem to be right, but China’s foreign hotels are not like that.

The expectant group frame did not hear, except that the two sides went further and further.

“Oh, these bastards are real too. They are fried every day without doing anything. The excitement can’t be seen!” A sigh made the two Israelis even more puzzled.

How many countries do people live here?

When they checked in just now, they didn’t pay attention. Now they want to go out, but they can’t see it.

“They’re just talkative. Lieutenant Colonel, when do you think this group of bastards will leave?”

“Who knows so much! This place is too boring. If you don’t talk to the Chinese technicians, you can’t live…”

The sound is gone.

After a while, the sky was already bright outside, and footsteps were heard outside again.

“Sir, please go to the cafeteria to have a meal, and our liaison officer will show you around our base soon…” A middle-aged man of about 30 years old appeared in front of them.

“Excuse me, are you here?” Albert looked at the young man before him in surprise.

“Sorry, the secret question cannot be answered.” The middle-aged man calmly rejected Israel’s question of wanting to know where this is.

“Then excuse me, where is Xie Kai? When will your contact person come over?” Radino was a little angry.

As for?

Doesn’t it mean that customers are all gods?

Damn the Chinese, isn’t it a big customer that purchases the production line of fighter jets?

“I’m very sorry, I’m just a staff member of the guest house, and you can’t answer your question…” The middle-aged man was not humble and did not say anything, so angry that the Israelis were ready to beat him.

Didn’t it say that when Chinese meet foreigners, they are like seeing gods, with various low-profile attitudes?

How come this young man doesn’t take them seriously…

Or do they know that China treats foreigners not like that at all?

If it weren’t for the introduction of a fighter aircraft production line, anyone would get angry.

In desperation, I can only follow the middle-aged people to the restaurant for dinner.

Fortunately, although the restaurant environment is not unusual, there are only some long wooden tables. These tables have glass tops, which is not ugly; but the eggs and oatmeal in the restaurant are in line with Jewish eating habits…

Until they finished eating and didn’t know when the Chinese contact person appeared or how to find them, Xie Kai appeared beside them with a smile on his face.

“Xie Kai, are you the contact person?” Radino was speechless.

Xie Kai nodded and said, “I’m very sorry, both of you, due to time constraints, I didn’t wait for you to rest first…”

“Where is this? How come there are so many foreigners?” Radino asked.

“This is one of our secret bases. They are all military representatives of the purchasing country…” Xie Kai didn’t hide it.

Since the Iraqis and the Persians lived in the same building, the quarrel between the two sides could be heard every day.

The original output was delivered in single and double days. Later, the Persians discovered that the Iraqis were involved in ghosts and had a good relationship with the Chinese. As a result, their orders have not been delivered yet…

And Iraq got more.

There have been many protests, and the leaders of the unit have also come forward. Most of the people involved are ninth-level fitters from the towns in the base. Even Zheng Yucheng and the others have to be careful, let alone the grassroots leaders.

As a result, the leaders can only give the Persians their ideas, so that they can also have a good relationship with these big players.

Since then, listening to Persians quarreling with Iraqis in this base has become a pleasure for many people. Many people even speak a few words in Persian and Arabic.

Xie Kai has always known.

Arranging the Israelis to the guest house was also deliberate.

It is to tell the Israelis that our unit does not lack business now.

“Their missiles and tanks…”

“I said it before, I sold it. The two of you are ready to eat, the base leader is waiting for you, we are very tight.” After Xie Kai finished speaking, he took the two to walk outside.

Zheng Yucheng and others did not wait at the headquarters, but first went to the Hongqi Machinery Factory.

“If you are only purchasing fighter aircraft assembly lines, there is actually no need to visit our base. But in order to reassure you of our technical strength, I think it is necessary to bring you to our base to see from R&D and design to various production processes ……” On the way to the Hongqi Machinery Factory, Xie Kai briefed the Israelis.

Hongqi Machinery Factory, this is a public name, of course, the real body is not here, but at Jiayuguan.

Xie Kai brought the Israelis here, on the one hand to obtain some Israeli technology, on the other hand, to sell more things to the Israelis.

The Israelis today are far less technologically advanced than thirty years later.

Although in some respects more advanced than China.

Except for the advanced radar system in Israel, there is really not much that Xie Kai can see.

Although the Israelis are leading the way in technologies such as drones, the technical performance will not be compared with that of decades later. The technology is not good and the cost is expensive. Not only can it not be sold, but it can’t be used for the PLA equipment with insufficient funding, right?

“Can you tell me, what kind of weapons and equipment do you have here?”

On the way, Albert asked Xie Kai.

“Here is mainly the production of high-precision complex parts. Of course, it also involves the production of missiles and air defense systems…” Xie Kai is not afraid of secrets. “Warplanes, air defense missiles, air-to-air missiles, surface-to-air missiles, and surface-to-surface missiles are all our business scope…”

Xie Kai has begun to raise the knife to kill the Israelis.

I am not afraid that they are interested, I am afraid that they are not interested.

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