Chapter 962

“Obviously they hacked our money, why don’t you tell Ge Tan directly, otherwise, he himself will be kept in the dark, and the people around him have problems, and cooperation will be troublesome in the future…” Mo Qi was a little puzzled Xie Kai means.

Although the money is not much, some problems have emerged.

Each of these money should be invested in the research and development of military technology, otherwise, Xie Kai will stay.

“Let Tan take care of it himself, he will naturally have an explanation at that time,” Xie Kai said.

Xie Kai always faintly feels something is wrong with such things happening on Tan Lin’s side. If it is said that hundreds of millions of people have been hacked, he would not have such an idea. It is normal that people cannot bear the temptation in front of money.

For less than 20 million U.S. dollars, Xie Kai gave Tan Lin tens of millions of barrels of oil from the Persians and added the Iraqi oil contract. Tan Lin paid hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars.

That is Tan Lin’s personal, not national.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to lose the watermelon for Sesame.

For specific matters, Tan Lin had to deal with it himself, and the 404 intelligence system could not investigate the matter, unless Tan Lin did not give an explanation.

“Okay, stop making trouble, let’s go have something to eat.” Mo Qi saw Xie Kai making trouble and diverted his attention, “Let’s think about how the Israelis will settle it.”

For Israelis, Xie Kai has a headache.

Today’s temptation made him nothing at all, as if everyone was joking.

For the young man Xie Kai, the Israelis are also a little confused, and today’s temptation, they also have no gain.

Since Xie Kai and the others left, a group of people have been gathered together to discuss and analyze, but there is no useful result from the analysis.

“What he said should be true. It depends on whether he can really bring us to the top of that unit…” said a short middle-aged man in his fifties with a frown.

Radnor looked at him, smiled bitterly and shook his head, “Captain Elbert, now we are not sure if that young man is really the other’s business person.”

“It should be. Mossad’s first concern in Asia is a young man named Xie Kai. The specifics are unknown, except that he is about the same age.” Colonel Elbert said, “If he didn’t talk nonsense, Israelis He should have sold all those weapons and equipment. Egypt has also introduced a production line of fighter aircraft. The specific model is unknown. Otherwise, the military will not approve this purchase…”

As a representative of the military, Albert naturally knew a lot of things that Ladino did not know.

Xie Kai often travels to the Middle East, but he is a special plane, and there will be no news in advance, only after the Mossad investigation knows.

Before Xie Kai had been in Oman for a long time, Mossad could not get close to each other at all.

A large number of mercenaries are around the young man, and Xie Kai almost rarely leaves the door, even taking pictures is not easy.

So, up to now, Mossad has not collected much personal information about Xie Kai.

After all, Xie Kai has provided too many advanced weapons and equipment to Arab countries, which is absolutely dangerous for Israel, which has always been inharmonious relations with the Arab world.

Therefore, Xie Kai, who sells weapons and equipment, must be listed as a dangerous target by Mossad. Even if it is not cleared, at least the detailed information must be known.

Not only Mossad was investigating Xie Kai secretly, but even the CIA and other intelligence agencies also began to notice Xie Kai.

“Now what?”

“Since he took the initiative to come here, it shows that the other party also attaches great importance to them. We must figure out their bottom line. After all, what we need is more than a fighter production line.” Hidden in it, it’s not without purpose.

But with a special mission.

Just purchasing one is not outstanding and requires many modifications to the fighter production line, without the need for military personnel to toss.

The military must only see the true performance of the fighter and determine that it meets the requirements of the Air Force before the military agrees to purchase.

After the founding of the nation, it has always fought against Arab countries, but Israel, which is a small country, has never been defeated in a war. Once it is defeated, it will destroy the country, and no one dares to take it lightly.

Under such circumstances, they know better what kind of weapons and equipment they need to defend against possible attacks from Arab countries.(Read more @

“Why don’t you look for him alone?” Radino asked, “When there are outsiders, it is really not suitable to talk about things. Once leaked, it will cause very serious consequences…”

This refers to the presence of Tan Lin.

Tan Lin didn’t bother to find out what deal Israel and Xie Kai were going to make. Zhang Ruihei should pay 404 money. This made him have to reconsider his marriage with Zhang Rui.

It was originally planned to take Zhang Rui home this time and let Xie Kai speak for help.

Don’t wait to see Zhang Rui at home.

Over the years, Zhang Rui has helped him a lot, and even many of his relationships were introduced by Zhang Rui.

“Dongzi.” Tan Lin wondered how a smart woman like Zhang Rui could do such a thing.

An ordinary-looking young man in his twenties came in from the door, “Brother. My sister-in-law went out crying, are you going to find her?”

“You must be looking for it. First investigate who she is in contact with during this time. Arrange someone to stare at her at that time!” Tan Lin said with a gloomy face.

Dongzi was stunned, “Didn’t we investigate before, there is no problem?”

“She has a younger sister, we didn’t know before…” Liao Dong’s words made Dongzi stunned for a moment, and he reacted quickly and went out immediately.

In an ordinary hotel not far from Tan Lin’s new home, Zhang Rui, with a swollen cheek, was being rolled on the sheets with a man, and the heavy gasps stopped for a while.

A man in his forties hugged Zhang Rui with one hand, while the other hand was moving dishonestly, but his mouth gently sighed against Zhang Rui’s swollen cheeks, “Rui’er, fortunately you… …”

“This is the last time! Don’t be so pretentious, you treat every woman under your hand like this?” Zhang Rui pushed the man away, sat up with a cold face, and asked while putting on his clothes. “The things you planned make it easy for me to expose!”

“How come? With so much crude oil, if an oil tanker does not settle the bill, they will pursue it?” The man ignored Zhang Rui’s angry words.

“He’s starting to investigate this matter now.” Zhang Rui said coldly, “If there is no such thing, he will take me back to the mainland, and I will be able to get in touch with more senior CCP officials!”

What happened this time really put her in a very dangerous situation.

Tan Lin is not easy to handle. It took her so many years to finally get Tan Lin to take her back.

“If the mission changes, you must send Lin Qiao’er to Xie Kai. Only in this way can Chen Lin appear reasonably!”

“I didn’t say I had a younger sister before. Do you think he is so stupid? And a woman who lost tens of millions of dollars…” Zhang Rui sneered, “Are you too low IQ or do you think these people are too stupid?” ”

“Don’t worry, everything has been arranged!” the man said calmly, “but you have to memorize the information…”

“You won’t move her, will you?”

“How come? If Tan Lin didn’t touch you, would I dare to touch you? When you were training, I didn’t dare to send you the initiative…” The man shook his head.

They all know how much Chinese men care about this.

“By the way, the woman next to Xie Kai should have a close relationship with him, take it everywhere, and live in the same room outside, so she must get rid of…”

“Don’t worry, since you want people to come to him, there is definitely no plan. You only need to do what you should do.” The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Rui with a little dissatisfaction, “You are the best in this matter. Do it well. The CIA has a joint plan with the MIB and the Japanese Defense Agency. I know that you are now close to the Japanese Defense Agency…”

Zhang Rui just glanced at the man, “Where is Chen Lin?”

The man left, and Chen Lin was in the same hotel.

Very young and beautiful, with a height of about 160, a delicate face, and a soft look of a gentle woman from the south of the Yangtze River.

The temperament is similar to that of Mo Qi next to Xie Kai, but he is much more beautiful than Mo Qi.

Looking at this girl, Zhang Rui sighed, just like she just debuted back then.

“Do you know your mission?” Zhang Rui asked Chen Lin.

Chen Lin nodded shyly, and Zhang Rui was speechless for a while. She knew the details and what to pretend.

“First I will tell you something I have learned. You will get familiar with it first, and then come back with me first…”

After Tan Lin asked Dongzi to arrange for someone to investigate Zhang Rui, he was upset. He really couldn’t understand why Zhang Rui wanted to do such a thing.

More than ten million US dollars, not much for him now.

As long as Zhang Rui speaks, he won’t say anything.

Zhang Rui’s sister?

He had never heard of it, and even the reason why the family opposed it was because of Zhang Rui’s identity.


Tan Lin recalled everything after he met Zhang Rui, and he couldn’t find any flaws. Even the family arranged for investigations, and they couldn’t find any flaws.

He really didn’t believe that Zhang Rui was a spy.

Tan Lin didn’t fall asleep until more than three o’clock in the morning.

Hearing the sound of the key opening the door, Tan Lin suddenly looked towards the door.

Zhang Rui, with her cheeks swollen high, pushed the door in, followed by a beautiful young girl with a nervous look on her clothes.

“Tan Lin, let’s break up. But before we break up, I must make things clear. This is my sister, my own sister. You have been asking me before, where the money you gave me is all for my sister. , It was not her who lost the gambling in Macau, but our father, a scum… Ever since he knew that I was with a big boss, he kept using my sister to force me to give money, I dare not tell you… …”

“Sister…Brother-in-law…” Chen Lin, no, now my name is Zhang Lin. After taking a look at Tan Lin who was sitting on the sofa, he immediately shifted his gaze away, shivering.

All the explanations are very reasonable…

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