Chapter 946

“However, chief, this requires the support of superiors…” Xie Kai immediately cheeked and smiled.

Long Yaohua never expected that this kid would still be ill, “If you don’t have someone, you can’t dig someone.”

“Head, no people…” Zheng Yucheng’s old face was also full of smiles, “After all, this project is huge and systematic, and needs the support of brothers across the country…”

When you catch the opportunity, you need policies and support. This is the consistent style of 404.

Seeing the prototype of Super-7B, Long Yaohua and Li Mingshan had a bottom line in their hearts, and the higher-level leaders could also confess when they asked.

Super-7A performance is good, but that thing is much smaller than Super-7B.

Neither Long Yaohua nor Li Mingshan heard about Zheng Yucheng’s brazen support.

What they didn’t expect was that the Americans asked to sign a contract of intent with China in the afternoon. After they returned home, the Congress approved it and signed a formal contract to send money to China.

Long Yaohua and others did not expect such a result at all. The non-discriminatory demands put forward by Xie Kai all the Americans agreed.

“General, the contracts are here, look…” Soon, with the various resources of the 132 factory, Zheng Yucheng and the others got the contract done.

Originally, Long Yaohua was asked to sign with the U.S. Department of Defense on behalf of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, or Li Mingshan was asked to sign with the Americans on behalf of the Logistics Department. I don’t know if the two big men are dissatisfied with selling such advanced fighters to the Americans, or don’t. The reason is that they are not willing to sign the contract with the Americans.

Let the 132 manufacturer sign it. Xiong Hongyuan was worried because of the various requirements of the Americans to buy their fighters, and the quantity was small. As a result, there were no requirements to buy the 404 fighters, so he naturally did not do it.

The Americans have been trying to figure out the code name of this mysterious Chinese company that suddenly appeared, and naturally they did not agree to sign a contract with the 132 factory.

So, in desperation, Zheng Yucheng could only use the name of Hongqi Machinery Factory again.

“Hongqi Machinery Factory? There seems to be a lot of Hongqi Machinery Factory in your country!” After reading the contract, Jonathan almost vomited blood when he saw the name of the last unit that they worked with.

How can the Chinese randomly get a name to sign with the US Department of Defense?

“This is a military contract involving 1.4 billion US dollars! Are you so casual?” Even Capus became uncomfortable.

Since meeting these people, his mood has become extremely unbeautiful.

This is China’s most hidden scientific research unit, and it has finally surfaced, so that the US government can understand China’s true technological level, which has always hidden good things and kept the outside world from knowing its specific strength.

In the future, the U.S. intelligence agency will specifically formulate a plan to find out the details of this mysterious Chinese military scientific research unit.

As a result, they said it was Hongqi Machinery Factory.

MMP, China’s Hongqi Machinery Factory does not have one thousand, so there must be eight hundred?

What does the intelligence department do?

“Your Excellency, we are Hongqi Machinery Factory!” Zheng Yucheng listened to the translation and looked at the American innocently, “Really, we used to produce various mechanical parts… Later, we reformed and opened up. Everything is centered on economic construction, and a large number of military projects are dismantled. We don’t think this is an option. Therefore, we have to engage in fighter planes and take over the technicians who cannot support the various units…”

“Puff…” When Long Yaohua heard this, he almost couldn’t hold back a spit of old blood.

Dare to be shameless?

Obviously they are digging people everywhere, digging into several major domestic aircraft design research institutes to the extent that they are hurting and complaining, and they actually say that they are all technical personnel that other units do not want!

But this is a long face to the Americans.

Capers almost vomited blood too.

Is China’s defense technology so powerful?

Regardless of him, first sign the contract, and then arrange professional personnel to slowly test their details in the subsequent transaction process.(Read more @

Ever since, in the eyes of Xiong Hongyuan and others, the Americans, who are extremely difficult to deal with, signed a contract with 404 to purchase 100 Super-7A, valued at 1.4 billion US dollars.

Of course, it’s just a contract of intent now. Whether you can get American money or not, you have to wait for a formal contract.

“Your Excellency, please arrange for personnel to sign a formal contract with us as soon as possible. If no formal contract is signed, we will not be able to start production…” Zheng Yucheng seriously warned the other party when he shook hands with Capers after signing the contract. .

We won’t start production without giving money.

Capos brows, and finally resists it, and said without a smile, “We will arrange it as soon as possible!”

In this way, the Americans left.

It left the humiliation of the F-1679 crash, and the humiliation of the C-141 that wanted to use a large plane to crush the Chinese Yun-10, but was crushed by the Soviet Il-76, with 100 Chinese-made fighters. The draft contract has returned to China…

Such things made the leaders of the 132 factory such as Xiong Hongyuan envy and hate them.

Before the Yankees bought their J-7 as a imaginary enemy force, the leaders of the 132 were fudged and offered a great price promotion, and they also provided perfect after-sales service. As a result, the Americans were picky, with various conditions and various requirements. I bought 15 of them for a total of 100 million, which was a fraction of 5 million dollars, but the fraction was wiped out by the stingy Americans…

The 404 people, an emergency fighter plane that was made casually, was first bought by the Egyptians and even the production line, which cost a billion dollars; later, they fooled the Pakistanis to invest in technology and gave 250 million dollars, and now it is from the Americans. More than a billion!

Both are military units. Why can 404 be able to make such a big profit?

What’s more, people use knives to slaughter sheep against Americans. That is also unambiguous at all.

“Why, it’s a fighter plane research and development unit. The Americans are so generous in buying their fighter planes!” Xiong Hongyuan finally couldn’t help it.

In the past two years, he had just changed from the deputy director to the chief director, and he was about to throw off his sleeves and have a big fight. As a result, compared with 404, he couldn’t do anything he wanted.

“404 is rich and can set up projects independently, and their stuff is aimed at the international market from the beginning…” Deputy Director Chen Bizhi smiled bitterly.

Everyone is envious of 404. People don’t even bother with this domestic order. In the past few years, they have been earning a lot of foreign exchange abroad, and the fat is draining.

“Old Chen, this is not the way to go, we also have to go to the superior to ask for project autonomy…” Xiong Hongyuan didn’t want to go on like this.

In addition to the lack of money for 404, the 132 factory has advantages over 404 in many other aspects.

Chen Bizhi shook his head and smiled bitterly.

I don’t know how many units want to do this.

The superior has given autonomy, but there is no other way, isn’t it?

The J-7 can be exported, and even the Strong-5 can be exported, but the 132 factory does not have many orders.

“Are you really going to engage in a stealth fighter?” Long Yaohua and the others did not send the Americans off, but felt that the 404 people were so swollen now that they had to poke so as not to ruin the great prospects in time.

“Chief, many projects have already started.” Zheng Yucheng was puzzled.

This is not for fun. For this project, Zheng Yucheng and Xie Kai went to 601 to dig people together, a glass of wine and a technical backbone, but they fell down after drinking.

If you don’t want to live, can you not start the project?

“The performance indicators of Super-7B and Project 10 are somewhat overlapped…” Li Mingshan didn’t say anything about the stealth fighter.

But I feel that Super-7B has a great overlap with the No. 10 project that 611 is doing.

Some technical verifications of the No. 10 Project have all appeared on Super-7B.

For example, the DIS bulge air inlet, wing-body fusion and other technologies are all derived from the technology of the 10th project.

When Xie Kai heard it, he suddenly felt bad, “Head, Project No. 10 is a single shot, we have a double shot…”

“I said technical performance.”

“There is Pakistani investment in it.” Xie Kai didn’t want his superiors to merge the two projects.

Even if he knows that under the current situation, if two projects are merged into one project, the utilization rate of funds can be maximized, and the speed of research and development will be faster.

Like the Soviet MiG 1.44, there were originally two projects, a light single-engine and a heavy-duty twin-engine. Finally, in 1983, the two projects were merged into one project, resulting in the MiG 1.44.

“I haven’t said this yet, just stop me with words.” Li Mingshan looked at Xie Kai with a helpless expression.

This kid and Zheng Yucheng have the same urinary sex.

Wang Guilin knew what they were thinking, and Huo Haiyuan had already introduced before that the Super-7B equipped with two RD-33 engines is the same as the No. 10 project in performance.

From the tenth project to the present, the speed of technical demonstration has been very fast, with Super-7A and Super-7B to share the financial pressure required for research and development, and the speed is faster.

“The chief, the No. 10 project, currently has many technical problems that have not been solved. The aerodynamic layout has been verified, and the problem is not big. After all, it is also developed on the basis of the J-9; but in terms of control system and power system, it cannot be solved. Get an effective solution…not that we only care about the small interests of our own units, but once the two projects are merged and integrated, some basic technology research driven by Super-7B will almost stop fighting, and the Air Force or the National Defense Science and Industry Commission can have How much money is invested in this?” Wang Guilin also asked.

404 has a lot of funds in hand, just to spend the money, otherwise it would not be involved in so many projects.

In terms of military equipment, land, sea and air, such a unit is almost entirely involved.

This is rare in any country.

Li Mingshan also knows that what they are saying is true, but who will be paid for the limited budget of the Air Force for the two fighters?

“Super-7B are you still going to export?” Long Yaohua asked.

Although Xie Kai they all said it was prepared for the Air Force, Long Yaohua didn’t believe it.

The 404 people, 359 tanks and everything were sold, and the ground red flag was also sold. Feidun-359 was sold without even being reported. They didn’t know until the contract was signed.

“The ones sold are two versions for the Air Force’s own use. Of course, if our Air Force looks good…” Xie Kai told the truth.

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