Chapter 933

Even Capers can’t bear his face right now.

Such maneuvers, not to mention the low-performance fighters such as the F-1679 that are deliberately reduced, even the F-16, it is difficult to make such maneuvers.

This is a super maneuver created by the backward Chinese Air Force! This has very high requirements for the super maneuverability of the fighter.

F-16 has not yet developed such super mobility.

“The Cobra maneuver was made by our test pilots inadvertently while testing the super-7A flight performance.” Xie Kai explained briefly.

When Commander Wang saw the U.S. Secretary of Defense’s expression uncontrollable, he hurriedly changed the subject. How could this young man step on someone’s sore feet? It was rude at all, “There is no international one?”

“Yes.” Xie Kai said affirmatively.

The current Sukhoi Design Bureau has not yet begun to conduct research on the Su-27’s super maneuverability, and the Su-27’s super maneuverability has not yet been discovered.

It will have to wait at least a year.

“This action does look like a cobra raising your head…” Li Mingshan said.

“Isn’t close air combat being studied again in the world? If it is used in actual combat, our fighter planes are in front and the enemy planes are chasing after them. Using such maneuvers, not only can we avoid enemy planes from chasing by, but also let them Because the chasing speed was too fast, he rushed to the front and changed the offensive and defensive positions…” General Zhang saw the effect of such maneuvers on actual combat at a glance.

At this moment Capus, his face had turned blue and red.

With regard to his trip to China, the things that were sure of his success, now there is an accident.

“Chief, this is not only an evasive fighter. In the current development of air combat, most air defense missiles are guided by infrared homing, and the infrared characteristics of the tail of the fighter are the most obvious…” Xie Kai said triumphantly.

Super Cobra maneuvering is a highly difficult maneuver and requires high fighter maneuverability. Whether it has practical significance or not, there have always been fierce quarrels in the world.

Especially Americans, for the sake of face, they say that this kind of maneuverability does not have much practical effect, and pilots are prone to accidents. Therefore, after the aircraft is produced, they are specially set to limit the maximum elevation angle…

In fact, anyone who knows how to understand it.

America’s main fighter aircraft, whether it is F-15, F-16, or F-18, are actually due to the aerodynamic layout. There is no canard and no side wing design in the front. The fighter aircraft has not strong air lift, even if it relies on With a good power system, it is very easy to make such a maneuver.

The Sukhoi Design Bureau of the Soviet Union began with Su-27, and continued to Su-30, Su-35, Su-37, and Mikoyan’s MiG-29. Even if the canard layout was not adopted, there was an increase in front of the main wing. The design of the side strip wing and the wing body fusion.

China’s J-10, J-20, etc., canard wings are almost all standard equipment!

The excellent aerodynamic layout can make up for the super maneuverability even if the power system is a little short.

“Mr. Minister, our performance is about to end. I don’t know what your country’s fighter aircraft with more advanced performance and lower combat capability will show us. Let’s study hard…” Xie Kai I’m not going to let Capus just like that.

General Zhang and the others would definitely not come forward to talk about this kind of thing.

That seemed too petty.

But he is okay, he is young.

When Capers heard this, his face was ugly, but he didn’t talk to him.

General Zhang saw that Xie Kai had no choice but to disregard people and prevent the U.S. Secretary of Defense from coming to Taiwan. At that time, he would have to make trouble. “Is your performance over?”

“Chief, not yet. In order to demonstrate the super maneuverability of our new fighter aircraft at low altitudes, there is a more thrilling project…” Xie Kai gave the leader a vaccination first. “Anyway, this thing is an export model, our air force can’t look down on it…”

Speaking of this, he looked resentful.

Commander Wang almost exploded when he heard this.

These 404 guys have always regarded the fighter as an export project. It is just a light fighter, which is used as a trainer at most. I didn’t want the Air Force to introduce it!

Such advanced fighters have been sold!

I haven’t asked them to settle the account yet, so I’m doing well now.(Read more @

General Zhang naturally knew the inside story, and ignored Xie Kai, “Since there are performances, let’s watch it first! After the end, please show us the wonderful performances by the Thunderbirds Aerobatic Team of the United States…”

When Xie Kai said that this was an export fighter, Capiston on one side was moved.

I have signed a purchase contract for the J-7 with China. It is not advanced. As a hypothetical enemy of the US Air Force and naval aviation, it is not very ideal.

Perhaps this kind of fighter plane in front of them could become the main model of their imaginary enemy forces?

At this moment, he doesn’t care about face or something.

Besides, it was the subordinate who said these words, not him.

The five Super-7A in the sky made three consecutive Cobra maneuvers, allowing people on the ground to clearly see their maneuvers from all directions. Subsequently, the four Super-7A climbed upwards, and Tu Lang was the driver. The fighter quickly lowered its height.

At this moment, he also knew that just a high-speed dive in front and a maneuvering display of the cobra behind it was enough.

But there is no way to fully demonstrate the low-altitude maneuverability of super-7A.

“What is he going to do? Play like just now?” Commander Wang was a little dissatisfied. Although he knew that the pilot was excellent, his heart couldn’t bear the tension.

“Chief, no. Just continue to demonstrate the maneuverability of our fighters at low altitudes. At present, the development of air force equipment in various countries is studying the maneuverability of low altitudes. Only by flying close to the ground can you avoid the detection radar. The threat of firepower…” Xie Kai now doesn’t have the fear that he had just started.

Originally, these should be introduced by Huo Haiyuan and other technical designers.

At this moment, he introduced it to the US Secretary of Defense.

It’s all to this level. If you don’t buy some Chinese fighters, it will be difficult in the future.

Capus has been listening.

Tu Lang drove the fighter plane and kept lowering its altitude. At 600 meters in the air, he performed all the maneuvers such as rolling, breaking S, Immerman, somersaults, etc., which can be done by ordinary fighters. Maneuver.

“Is this established before?” Zheng Yucheng asked Wang Guilin next to him.

Wang Guilin shook his head blankly.

really do not know.

Xie Kai turned his head and whispered, “After they ask, they have to say that it is the established plan. He probably wants to consume the fuel in the plane. There is too much fuel, which is not conducive to flying close to the ground.”

Zheng Yucheng and the others agreed to the plan of flying close to the ground.

Tu Lang in the air is indeed to consume the fuel in the fighter’s fuel tank. What he has to do is to fly to the ground, not to fly to the ground, but to fully demonstrate the maneuverability of the fighter.

When the aircraft is on the ground and the belly is facing upwards, whether it is the lift obtained by the aircraft or the work of the entire fighter’s fuel system and lubrication system, it is a severe test.

Especially in this kind of flight situation, the overload on the pilot is negative, which is a severe test for the entire physiological state.

As he hovered and lowered his height, Tu Lang’s palms had already begun to sweat.

Now that the arrow is on the line, I have to send it, even if Xie Kai told him, don’t do it if you don’t have absolute certainty.

Super-7A can satisfy the flight in this state, whether it is a power system or a system.

Because the entire fighter is positioned as a trainer and a light fighter, there are not too many functions.

Now everyone in the audience is no longer making a fuss like before.

The Americans didn’t say a word, just watched, what else is this fighter plane left alone doing.

The hearts of Kamal and others have become heavier. Originally, they were just preparing to fly some simple maneuvers. After all, this F-1679 could not make too many super maneuvers.

They originally came here on excitement and wanted to give the Chinese people a lot of knowledge, but now it’s better, the Chinese people have given them a lot of knowledge first.

When the fighter plane was lowered to 50 meters in the air, Tu Lang stopped thinking about anything, as if he was the only one driving the fighter plane in the entire world.

Staring at the height while slowing down.

“Fly close to the ground?”

When many people saw the action of the fighter plane not far away, they thought that the fighter plane was going to fly close to the ground at a height of ten meters.

However, the fighter plane driven by Tu Lang lifted one side of its wings and turned 180° in the air ten meters above the ground, shocking some timid people screaming again.

Even the big brothers were so frightened by Tu Lang’s action that their heart suddenly stopped beating.

I originally thought that the fighter plane would take off soon, but found that not only did it not take off, but it also lowered its height. Seeing that the vertical tail of the fighter plane was about to stick to the ground, if one was not paying attention, the fighter plane would fall to the ground.

The roar of the super-7A engine has been constantly changing, making everyone dizzy, but no one said anything.

They all held their breaths and did not dare to make any noises, for fear that their loud voices would make the pilots distracted and the plane just fell on the ground.

At this time, Tu Lang didn’t dare to be distracted at all, he didn’t even dare to look at the outside situation, staring at the front dashboard and display screen. At this time, he could only use various parameters.

It has been flying for several hundred meters until the altitude is higher than -7A. Just like this, when it is about to touch the ground, the nose is up, and it is flying upwards instead.

Everyone just took a breath, and before they relaxed, they became nervous again.

Because the Super-7A in the air did not rise much distance, it was another Inmeman maneuver, the belly of the plane was up again, and the height was lowered again, and flew back along the original route…


I don’t know how long it took, and the roar of the engine was no longer in my ears, and everyone reacted.

“This is impossible! China simply can’t design a fighter with such excellent performance!” The colonel was still roaring in disbelief.

In any case, he couldn’t believe that the Chinese fighters were designed to such a level!

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