Chapter 912

“Report! The reconnaissance plane found that many Persian oil tankers were transporting oil on the island of Khark…”

Iraq, Basra’s front-line headquarters, General Qasim frowned as he listened to the report of the intelligence staff.

Halk Island was bombed by the Air Force only two years ago. Although there are a lot of domestic missiles, the president does not want to attack there with missiles. After all, the price of a missile is not cheap. Sit down at the negotiating table and reach a ceasefire agreement is king.

“Report to the President and wait for orders.” Qasim did not rashly order the fighters to go out to bomb the oil port that the Persians had restored.

Their crude oil is being shipped out continuously, and the funds can be used to supplement more weapons and equipment.

It is impossible for the Persians on the southern front to know the news, but they did not send out warplanes. Even the artillery on the Fao Peninsula did not fire on the oil tanker at the entrance of the Abdullah Channel.

Everyone has to make money.

Perhaps this is the best?

If the bombing rashly caused the Persians to counterattack frantically, that would be bad.

In retaliation, Iraq bombed the oil port on Khark Island. In retaliation, the Persians mobilized more than 150 fighters to launch a frantic retaliation bombing, destroying the two most important oil fields in northern Iraq-Kirkuk Oil Field and Mosul oilfield.

Finally, it is only now that the production of the two oil fields has been gradually resumed.

“By the way, Commander, those oil tankers entering Halk Island are all flying crab flags…” As the intelligence staff was about to leave, suddenly thought of the situation reported by the reconnaissance plane pilot.

General Qasim frowned. “Are the mercenaries on the tankers escorting us to transport oil?”

“Yes, if they are equipped with the standard equipment for our escort, no tanker has at least more than 5 avant-garde air defense missiles…” the intelligence staff assuredly said.

“Report the situation in detail.” Qasim thought for a while and knew that he couldn’t directly order this matter.

The silly Damu who owed a debt was getting more and more irritable. He had agreed to a truce and shook hands with the Persians to make peace. Everyone stopped fighting and made small money with peace of mind, but Khomeini disagreed.

He continued to fight without any progress. The huge military expenditures every day weighed on him.

“The Persians also started transporting oil on Hark Island?” When the silly Damu heard the news, he was furious.

Halk Island is the most important oil production and export port for the Persians. From 1984 to 1985, Persia’s annual scheduled oil revenue was 23.5 billion U.S. dollars, and Halk Island was responsible for 20 billion U.S. dollars.

Therefore, Sha Damu sent out the air force to blow up the island.

He even continued to send warplanes to the surrounding oil tankers that bombed the other side. Usually, few oil tankers dared to go forward to transport oil.

Now that’s okay, there is another large-scale oil transportation operation. When the combat effectiveness of the Iraqi Air Force does not exist?

“Send the air force, and then blow up the island for me!” After getting the affirmative answer, Sha Damu gave the bombing order.

The number of the Persian air force is small, and it is too late to deal with the Iraqi air force. The fighter planes deployed in the south have to deal with several other countries.

“Your Majesty, you can’t bomb!” Ibrahim, who got the news, rushed over, trying to stop the president’s order.

“Ibrahim, this is not your business…” The president was in a bad mood. “If the Persians get money, they will get more weapons and equipment, and our war will be more difficult to end…”

“Your Majesty, it is even more difficult to end the war. We are currently transporting oil from the Baizur waterway to the Abdullah waterway. The Persian artillery on the Fao Peninsula has not stopped any obstacles. Once their oil port is bombed, the consequences will be disastrous!” Ibrahim knew that Xie Kai didn’t threaten him blindly.

The other party dared to take the risk of Persian attack to transport Iraqi oil, the price is low, it is impossible to give up Persian crude oil.

Perhaps, the Persians have lower crude oil prices.(Read more @

If it really explodes, the relationship will be big.

But he couldn’t tell the president clearly.

“They didn’t dare to bombard oil tankers, but the oil tankers were in the Kuwaiti waters…” Silly Damu looked at his relatives and didn’t want to give up bombing the oil ports of the Persians.

Without money, if the war can’t go on, they naturally agree not to fight.

“Your Majesty, they even sank several Kuwaiti oil tankers, and more merchant ships… the Persians have strengthened a lot of air defense forces, and they also have a large number of individual air defense missiles from China in their hands!”

“Then arrange for fighters to bomb their oil tankers!” Silly Damu also knew that the Persians placed most of the domestic Hawker medium-range air defense missiles and Nike long-range air defense missiles around their most important oil port.

These missile systems were originally deployed by the Pahlavi dynasty in the United States to defend against the Soviet air force across the Caspian Sea; now Pahlavi has been overthrown, the Persians have fallen out with European and American countries, and they are very close to the Soviet Union. Anti-aircraft missiles are naturally unnecessary.

Just as the Persians did not dare to bomb the tightly defended Baghdad.

Fighter, now silly Damu can’t afford to lose.

“It’s okay to blow up their oil tanker, right?” Now Ibrahim’s weight in Damu’s heart is getting heavier and heavier.

A few days ago, Ibrahim found someone to help them transport oil by sea. Although the price was low, the quantity was not small, which effectively solved the funding gap for purchasing equipment. When the president was happy, he promoted Ibrahim from major general. Arrived Lieutenant General.

Even Colonel Harry Mossan, who was involved in this matter, followed suit and stepped from the colonel to the ranks of Iraq’s few generals.

“Your Majesty, if there is no escort, there is no problem. I am afraid that they will also find someone from the crab mercenary group to escort. Those damn mercenaries only admit money!”

“They escort the Persians?” Silly Damu was stunned. “How can they do this?”

For the river crab mercenary group, Silly Damu is even more familiar.

Many of his elite presidential guards are trained by the river crab mercenary group. Every year, a group of backbones are sent to Tanzania for training. For this reason, the Iraqi government pays up to 18 million US dollars in training fees every year.

“They only recognize money. According to the news, they are now cooperating with the peninsula army of Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia…” Ibrahim explained the situation. “It would be too wasteful to use anti-ship missiles to deal with oil tankers. It would not be easy to sink them. It can only lead to crazier retaliation. Our first priority now is to obtain more funds and accumulate strength. …”

The President only saw a few days ago that the soldiers of the River Crab Mercenary Corps used individual anti-aircraft missiles to destroy the anti-ship missiles launched by the Persians on the Sea Giant, and used rockets to destroy the video of the Persian armed patrol boats.

Silly Damu is like accumulating strength now.

If the Persians don’t sit down and talk, they will fight back fiercely and take back the Faor Peninsula. Even if they don’t sit down and talk, they will not be afraid of everything every day.

“Then don’t blow up the tanker they escorted!” The president finally compromised.

If the other party did not bomb their tanker, then they would not bomb the other party’s port.

The bastards of the River Crab Mercenary Corps, the anti-aircraft missiles in their hands, can effectively threaten most of the fighter jets in Iraq that can perform attack on ships.

As a result, under the order of the President, the Iraqi Air Force deployed again and took off from the southern airport to search for the oil tanker that helped the Persians transport crude oil in the direction of the Persian Gulf.

In the vast ocean, how can we tell who is helping a huge oil tanker?

Look at the flags flying at the top of the mast on the ship.

Those flying the crab flag, they don’t blow up, as long as they are sure that they are not transporting freighters for them and other allies, they are all within the attack range.

“Are you making an appointment with both countries? They attacked cargo ships and oil tankers without your escort at the same time?” The red wine glass in Thomson’s hand shook lightly, looking at Liao Dong pointedly.

Liao Dong smiled and shook his head, “If we really have this ability, what kind of mercenary are we doing?”

Only a handful of people know the inside story of this matter.

No matter how pervasive the CIA’s intelligence personnel are, it is impossible to know the inside story.

“We want to cooperate, and I need to know the reasons. Only in this way can the White House agree to cooperate with NGOs that control a large number of armed forces like you…” Thomson knew it was not so easy to confuse the other party.

Liao Dong did not explain, but asked his subordinates to show the complete video to Thomson.

“Major, this is the reason why we can get so much business. Now we are cooperating with the peninsula defense force. Although there are not a few warships, our fighter planes are coming soon. As long as we meet for help, it will take less than half an hour for our fighter planes. I’ll be there!” Liao Dong introduced the situation.

Even if the people of the CIA do not accept such a result, there is no way.

“Major, even if your U.S. merchant ships fly our flag, our mercenaries will provide all-round security services. The price is very cheap, only 50 cents per ton!”

Liao Dong naturally did not let it go when the other party sent it to the door.

Thomson shook his head, “No, we have warships to escort. But thank you very much for allowing the crude oil energy of the Persian Gulf to be continuously transported out…”

“Crab flags are flying everywhere on the Persian Gulf. Everyone makes their own money with peace of mind and no longer hinders world peace, okay?” Liao Dong grinned.

The Americans would not fly the banner of mercenaries on their merchant ships. Liao Dong and the others knew this at the very beginning.

Anyway, it is also one of the two superpowers in the world. If you do it, you will lose face…

In just a few days, whether it was Persian pilots, armed patrol boats, or Iraqi pilots, they found it difficult to find merchant ships without the crab flag…

The freshwater mythical beast created by Xie Kai unexpectedly began to ramp up in the Persian Gulf in the Middle East.

For a time, the whole world knew about this crab with its teeth and claws. It has made outstanding contributions to global economic development and world peace…

“What reminders, the Americans are coming, can we keep them from coming!” Xie Kai was very happy to see more and more ships with crab flags hung on them. However, five or six telegrams urging him to return to China were sent out in a row in a day, leaving him speechless.

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