Chapter 906

“You, you…” The middle-aged Persian pointed at Xie Kai and said several you in succession, but couldn’t say anything else.

Hazari’s face was blue, and he wrung out the water, which was not enough to describe.

Looking at Xie Kai, he knew that although Xie Kai was talking with a smile, there are some things in it that are the key. If you don’t agree, let’s not say that the follow-up cooperation will not continue. It is just some things that are not so smooth. .

“We have no money.”

“Don’t you have oil if you don’t have money?” Xie Kai didn’t care. “8 dollars a barrel, that’s 10 million dollars, 1.25 million barrels. It’s not enough to install the Sea Giant once.”

I’m sorry if I don’t strike the other side.

It was delivered.

“Of course, you can not give it, or you can continue to do this. I don’t mind equipping the oil tankers and merchant ships flying the crab flag with anti-aircraft missile systems and adding a set of anti-ship missiles at the same time.” Xie Kai said coldly. “Anti-ship missiles do not necessarily have to be launched by warships or fighters.”

Xie Kai is obviously frightening each other.

Not to mention making anti-ship missiles into an independent system, it is not easy to integrate them together with detection radars, locked fire control systems, etc. Only the weight of C801 anti-ship missiles exceeding 800 kilograms is not a single soldier. solved.

Xie Kai is bragging, but Hazari dare not gamble.

Based on his knowledge of Xie Kai, this is a lunatic. Who can guarantee that they don’t have an independent anti-ship missile system in their hands?

Shoulder-fired individual missiles such as avant-garde air defense missiles can eventually be built into a missile defense system by Chinese designers. The Persians know better than anyone the effectiveness of fighters used to defend against the air.

Their two F-14 Tomcat fighters were stabbed by what the Iraqis acquired from China.

The defensive missile has been confirmed for the second time.

Previously, it was only a defense against the old-fashioned ground-to-surface missiles developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s, and its performance was backward, but it was not comparable to ordinary fighters.

In the end, Saudi Arabia successfully intercepted several Scud missiles from South Yemen with an air defense missile system from China.

Therefore, Hazari felt that he didn’t dare to gamble, and couldn’t afford to gamble.

“What on earth do you want to do? Thank you, you can tell directly. We are friends, there is no need to be like this.” Hazari was like a discouraged ball.

“Big Mullah, did I not express it clearly, or did you not understand?” Xie Kai’s mouth curled slightly, without giving him any color, the Persians really didn’t know who had the initiative in the negotiation.

“You are very clear, oil is available…” Hazari was a little embarrassed, “I can’t be the master.”

“Then lose money. Let’s talk about it.” Xie Kai had an expression that I thought of you very much, “Crude oil is not easy to find a buyer.”

“Thank you, we can guarantee the safe passage of the oil tanker flying the crab flag with the merchant ship, but you have promised before that we will also transport our crude oil safely.” Hazari retreated.

It is not easy for them to transport their current crude oil.

From time to time, Iraqis fighters ran to Abbas to bomb oil tankers. Even if the air defense force was increased, some tankers would still be lost.

Silly Damu bought a lot of flying fish anti-ship missiles from the French. They can be launched from dozens of kilometers away, especially when flying close to the sea level. When they are not actively guided by the end, they will not turn on at all. It’s hard to find.

The fighter plane lost the missile and ran away. How about the air defense force?

“Even if you don’t want to, we can guarantee safe passage. Unless you send a warship, otherwise, it doesn’t matter whether it is an aerial bombardment or an armed patrol boat coming to make trouble.” Xie Kai said indifferently, “So far, as long as On the tanker that transports the crude oil that I own, there is at least one escort team of river crabs, some two or three…there are not too many avant-garde missiles, a team has at least five…”

“Do you have so many anti-aircraft missiles?” The middle-aged man, who had not said a word, finally couldn’t help it.

Xie Kai is so bullish, it’s too much.

Avant-garde air defense missiles are made in China, right, Xie Kai has the ability to equip a mercenary with so much?(Read more @

Xie Kai looked at him, smiled surly, did not speak, but looked at Hazari with the same smile.

Hazari also thinks that Xie Kai is bragging.

Some of the tankers’ escort teams are equipped with avant-garde air defense missiles, even if they are very good.

The problem is that, as Xie Kai said at the beginning, he was afraid to take a bet if he had to equip the escort squad on the tanker with anti-ship missiles.

He couldn’t hold back even if there was only one possibility.

The number of Persian fighters was small, and most of them were dragged by the damn Iraqi Air Force; even if there were enough fighters and reconnaissance aircraft to find Xie Kai’s tankers, they did not have enough anti-ship missiles.

The C-801 anti-ship missile produced in China is not as expensive as the French, but one is worth one or two million dollars.

It seems to be worthwhile to use it to hit an oil tanker. After all, the crude oil transported by a 100,000-ton tanker would cost 30 million U.S. dollars. But the Persians could not afford such a result. They have begun to imitate the Chinese Flying Fish missiles. So far, the basic work has not been done well.

They dare not bet now.

“Thank you, you can’t do this! Don’t you always emphasize that cooperation should be a win-win situation?” Hazari was anxious and spoke quickly. We drive away under our noses, which will seriously damage our national reputation.”

At a moment like this, Hazari never forgets to add a damn before when he calls Iraqis.

Xie Kai looked at Hazari, and when he heard this, he did feel a bit too much.

But what about excessive?

Originally, the two sides had negotiated, and the Persians broke the agreement first.

“Originally it was a win-win situation, but now, how can we believe that you are willing to win a win-win situation with us?” Liao Dong said, “The compensation of 10 million US dollars must be paid. Crude oil can also be given, and we can transport it to the port ourselves!”

Liao Dong didn’t know what Xie Kai’s purpose was, and he didn’t worry about confronting the Persians anyway.

The mercenaries are based in Africa. The United States and the Soviet Union are not too powerful there, let alone countries like Persia.

Crude oil is needed.

“Is this too much? The international oil price is more than 40 US dollars.” By now, middle-aged people understand that they have no advantage in front of this mysterious young man.

Even the method of negotiating with the United States is useless at all.

Persia needs to obtain technology from the Chinese. Threats are useless. The diplomatic relations between the two sides are pretty good.

“At this price. Either give money or give gas. If there is other cooperation, I must wait for all of my more than 20 ships to come out safely, and the merchant ships with crab flags are not attacked…” Xie Kai has no room for negotiation. .

Hazari looked at Xie Kai’s resolute expression and could only say that he wanted to come down to discuss.

“Aren’t we going too far? They bombed their ship, killed their people, and asked them to compensate… the other party represents a government.” Mo Qi never expected Xie Kai to be so excessive.

“It’s really too much.” Liao Dong nodded, “No matter what the final result is, at least we have to express our attitude. Otherwise, things will easily happen later.”

Dunzi didn’t interrupt.

He was grateful to Xie Kai from the bottom of his heart. Xie Kai said it was okay before, but in front of him, he was contending with the big mullahs of a country that is not a weak country, and he didn’t even consider the influence on him, just to protect him. grateful?

Honest man, can’t express his heart.

“Okay, Hazari will agree. As for crude oil for $8 a barrel, it is estimated that this will not be directly agreed. It is very likely that more crude oil will be used to dilute these costs. In theory, things here are considered safe. Yes.” Xie Kai rubbed his temples.

It’s really not easy to do something.

It has been more than ten days since Zheng Yucheng took several telegrams in a row to urge him to return to China. If he hadn’t taken into consideration some problems, he would personally come here to catch Xie Kai and go back.

These Xie Kais have taken a long time to come out.

“Big Mullah, they are so excessive, why not let them bear the consequences! This is insulting the dignity of the country!” The middle-aged man is already in pain now.

He had no idea that this negotiation would be like this.

“Colonel Muhammad, we can fight for a sigh of relief, but how can we get those equipment or skills from them?” Hazari looked at the young colonel and shook his head in his heart.

Muhammad is from Tehran and is a close confidant of high-level military officials.

I have never taken the heroes of the world seriously, otherwise, when Xie Kai let people do it, Hazari did not move.

“What does this have to do with the technology of the kind of defense system we obtained?” Muhammad still wanted to find a place to get back.

I was beaten in this way, and I can’t find it now, I have to find it if I get the chance.

“He sold all the weapons and equipment.” Hazari sighed. “If you hadn’t brought the requirements of the Ministry of National Defense, you must get the Saudi missile defense system. We would not be so passive.”

Muhammad said nothing.

Now they cannot fight the war with Iraq. Both sides have obtained a lot of tactical missiles from China. They may not be enough to attack each other’s capital, but they can still be used to attack cities.

The type of missile defense system that appeared on the Saudi border before, tempted the Persians not only to intercept missiles, but also to incorporate Hawke air defense missiles originally imported from the United States by the Pahlavi dynasty into the missile defense system. This will allow them to The defensive ability is stronger.

“If we want to get better technology and make our national defense stronger, we must get the technology of their system!” Hazari said, “If you can’t accept their terms, this thing won’t be done.”

Muhammad was silent for a long time, and finally did not insist on his own opinions, “As long as I can get the technology, I will persuade the superior.”

“If you want to get the technology, you must solve the immediate matter…”

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