Chapter 902

“You go on, when I haven’t been.”

Liao Dong said embarrassingly as he retreated outside.

He really didn’t expect that Xie Kai would do such a thing, and in broad daylight, he would actually attack the female assistant next to him.

“Don’t take it out yet!” Mo Qi flushed with shame.

Xie Kai was indeed a little embarrassed. For the first time, he put his hand into the third button of Mo Qi’s shirt. Before he even touched it, Liao Dong broke in and ruined a good thing.

He hurriedly pulled his hand back, and said embarrassingly, “The door must be locked next time!”

“You still said it!” Mo Qi wanted to find a place to sew in.

She didn’t know why she was impulsive today, and agreed to Xie Kai’s non-partial request that Xie Kai said it was just a touch, and this happened.

“You stay inside first, I’ll ask Dong Brother what’s the matter.” Xie Kai said as he walked out.

It was too embarrassing to stay in the room with Mo Qi now.

He didn’t know what was wrong, he would start thinking about pulling off Moqi’s pants at such a time.

Maybe it’s too much pressure?

Or maybe it’s because you’re holding back too hard, but it’s been too idle these days?

“I came too early?” Liao Dong smiled with a cigarette in his mouth when Xie Kai came out.

Xie Kai’s face blushed, “You really did not come at the right time.”

“Then you go back and continue, I will leave first.” Liao Dong turned around and left.

But Xie Kai stopped him, “Go back and fart, at this time, even if I want to continue, can I do it? You said you did, you didn’t knock at the door! Don’t be polite at all.”

Liao Dong looked contemptuous, but did not laugh at Xie Kai this time. Instead, he said to Xie Kai very seriously, “Don’t you know who she is? If I were you, I would never touch her. With your ability to follow Strength, it doesn’t matter how many women we find…”

“What’s her status? My girlfriend!” Xie Kai was dissatisfied.

Is that kind of person?

What’s the use of finding more women?

“You know it yourself. Do you think that in your position, Zheng Yucheng and the others will really rest assured that they will let you mess around? Once you get out of control…” Liao Dong sighed. “Whether it’s the Soviets or Americans, they want to arrange women around me.”

In the past, he was just an ordinary veteran, and he didn’t have much access to confidential things.

With the continuous development of the river crab mercenary group, as the person in charge, he stands higher and higher, and he comes into contact with more and more things, knowing the situation Xie Kai encountered better than anyone.

“Brother Dong, this situation is different. Let’s talk about what you called me just now.” Xie Kai knew that Liao Dong was doing it for his benefit.

But there are some things that I can’t explain to Liao Dong, right?

Mo Qi can be regarded as his compromise and Zheng Yucheng’s compromise, otherwise, changing to another person will make Xie Kai more uncomfortable.

But without such a person, Xie Kai does not compromise. He is absolutely impossible to have such freedom now. The above will not allow such an uncontrolled person with countless secrets to run around.

“The Persians launched two C-801 anti-ship missiles. The escort arranged by us fired ten in a row before intercepting them.” Liao Dong introduced what he had learned, “When you sold missiles before, Have you never thought that one day you need to use your own anti-aircraft missiles to intercept the missiles you sell?”

“C-801 is difficult to intercept?” Xie Kai didn’t believe it, and then explained, “I didn’t sell the anti-ship missile!”

Xie Kai really didn’t expect that one day, he would use avant-garde air defense missiles to intercept the domestically developed Flying Fish anti-ship missiles.

It stands to reason that C-801 is slow, and as long as it is discovered, it can easily be intercepted.

“The specific situation is not very clear. The news that came back from there was that the first anti-ship missile was intercepted by two avant-garde missiles, and the second one had a total of seven.” Liao Dong had a toothache.

Said meat pain is more appropriate.

That’s all money.

The price of missiles Xie Kai provides to the mercenary regiments is not low, and they must pass through the base.(Read more @

“The Persians will not send a second wave of interceptions?” Liao Dong asked when Xie Kai did not speak.

Xie Kai didn’t know either.

Theoretically speaking, the other party would not, but everyone knows what it means once the HMS successfully transports oil through the Persian Gulf.

“Probably not. Now you can really prepare to talk to the CIA, whether it is to drag them into the water or get their escort contract, you need to prepare.” Xie Kai said.

Many people are waiting for the Sea Giant to pass through the Strait of Hormuz safely.

The American CIA is staring, and the Soviet KGB is staring at it.

Even though they have reached a cooperation agreement with Xie Kai, Dimikov is still the highest head of the KGB in the Middle East.

“That’s it? The air is not suitable, you can send out armed patrol boats at sea.” After receiving a report from Ihor’s Southern Front Command, the Persian top leadership made such a response.

“Arrange an armed patrol ship, and you must sink this oil tanker for the damn Arabs!”

The Persians would not tolerate such a situation.

The order was quickly issued to Abadan’s Southern Front Command.

“Mullah, what do you think?” Ihor asked Hazari with an order.

Hazari did not speak, but looked at General Hadmla, the chief of staff who had not always had a strong sense of existence.

This is the highest position in the army left by the old Pahlavi dynasty. Although he is deeply trusted by the supreme leader, he rarely interferes with Hazari and Ihor, or even interferes with their orders.

The battle to seize the Fao Peninsula, the battle plan and the command of the battle, were all Hadmura.

“According to the order of the superior, let Abbas’s navy act.” Hadmura did not know about Ihor’s deal with Xie Kai.

The above requested that an armed patrol ship equipped with 107 rocket launchers be dispatched to sink the huge oil tanker that transported oil to Iraq in the Strait of Hormuz. This can only be done as required.

Otherwise, they will all be dismissed.

“The 107 rocket launchers on the armed patrol ship simply cannot sink the tanker unless the other party does not fight back and let it attack. Once the air force of the United Arab Emirates or Oman arrives, it will directly conflict with them, and even Western countries will There are reasons to send warships into the Persian Gulf!” Ihor looked serious.

All of them know the consequences.

Oil tankers are usually bombed, and they rarely operate in the Strait of Hormuz. This time, it was because that tanker was too involved and transported 4.1 million barrels of crude oil at a time.

“Is it impossible to disobey orders?”

“I don’t think we should send naval warships. High-speed patrol boats will do. You can’t let things get out of hand…” Hazari said while looking at the Chief of Staff.

He cannot say that if naval ships are sent to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, let alone the fleets of Western countries and the Soviet Union, even the deal with the Chinese boy will be ruined.

The technology they are plotting is hard to get.

For such a thing, Hadmura is not opposed.

Like the other six Gulf countries, Persia has no large-tonnage naval warships. If the navy is dispatched, it will be a knife on the lifeline of the global economy. No country in Europe or the United States can stand it.

Blocking the Strait of Hormuz is completely different from the nature of their usual bombings.

Persia is not ready to go to war with the world.

An order was passed to the naval headquarters stationed in Bandar Abbas, asking them to send a high-speed patrol ship to pursue the tanker Giant at sea that was not successfully sunk.

Soon, two high-speed boats of only tens of tons departed from Bandar Abbas and headed towards the Strait of Hormuz.

There is also full consideration for not dispatching the 220-ton Female Warrior II missile boat.

The superiors did not know the situation on the front line, and the fact that guided missile boats or frigates were dispatched would be too serious.

After experiencing a round of aerial attacks, the sea giant saw the sky getting darker and darker. In order to quickly pass through the Strait of Hormuz, Captain Lindford ordered the sea monster of more than 80 tons to drive to the highest 16 knots!

“As long as it is more than ten nautical miles ahead, it will be safe.” Lin Defu’s legs are still trembling now.

He couldn’t do where the mercenaries leaned on the ship to smoke or chat easily, and even on the deck, the damn mercenaries started to set up barbecue grills again!

The sea under the sunset is so beautiful.

But from the captain to the sailor on the Sea Giant, no one is in the mood to watch the beautiful sunset on the sea.


The stern alarm sounded again.

“What’s the matter?” Dunzi looked at the sky, but didn’t find any flying objects, not even a seabird. He couldn’t help being a little hot. Is the watchman on the mast drunk too much?

“Speedboat! Two speedboats are approaching at high speed!” The watcher pointed in horror at the two speedboats that were approaching at high speed behind the ship.

Dunzi raised his binoculars and looked over there, and sure enough, two speedboats were approaching quickly.

“Brothers, ready to work!”

For the armed speedboat coming at high speed, the mercenaries are not as nervous as they were when they encountered the Persian fighter jets before.

They didn’t know the intention of the other party, they didn’t shoot rashly, and the muzzles of the machine guns at the two firepower points on the bridge had been aimed at the fast approaching speedboat.

“Listen from the ship behind, please stop immediately! Otherwise we will open fire!” Dunzi raised the horn in his hand and warned in Arabic to the two speedboats.

“Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!”

In response to Dunzi’s warning, it was not the speedboat leaving, but the two speedboats turning to the side, exposing the 107mm rocket launcher at the rear of the loading, and suddenly firing the rocket launcher at the Giant of the Sea.

“Fuck! Tigers don’t show off their power, when we are sick cats!”

“Meow~ What’s the matter with Sekimoto Meow…”

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, fight back! Fuck them hard!” The anger made by the Persian fighters had not subsided. At this moment, the Persian armed speedboat turned towards without a word. The Giant of the Sea opened fire and didn’t fight back. How could it work?

“Hoo~ son~”

Regardless of the range, several individual rockets flew towards the armed speedboat that was firing not far away…

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