Chapter 670

“Your people are going to quit?” Looking at Ibrahim in front of him, Liao Dong’s eyes burned with rage.

Ibrahim also had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain, “Jabri accused the rescue team led by Feng Yuan, regardless of their safety, and pursued directly in order to gain credit…”

“Exit and exit.” Xie Kai has been by the side and heard the report from Feng Yuan and others.

The Iraqis will not play any role in the team.

“Xie Kai, our armor is already weak. If Feng Yuan and the others get on, they will face ten times as many enemies!” Liao Dongji said.

Xie Kai pulled him outside, “Iraqis weren’t very good at war. The team didn’t run in and didn’t obey the command. If they continue, it will even make the situation worse. This is my mistake, and people who agree with them shouldn’t participate in it. .”

I didn’t expect to encounter such a situation before.

“The people of Kovarubi can’t count on it. The Iraqis have another moth. Now the enemy’s reinforcements are coming. The 32nd battalion in South Africa is not an ordinary force.” Liao Dong’s face was helpless.

The situation changes beyond their imagination.

Xie Kai looked at the airport outside that the restoration was about to be completed, they drove up to the 59 tank to be rolling back and forth in the repaired area, gritted his teeth and said, “I have an idea, whether it is feasible, you wonder…”

Three strong fives were lost, and one was driven by the Tanzanian. There were 8 strong fives and 10 J-6s at the airport.

“Air tanks work together? Use fighters to bomb the opposing tank cluster? But they have been sticking to Bujumbura, and they can’t solve it.” Liao Dong shook his head.

“Report, the reconnaissance team sent a message that a team of 80 tanks and 64 armored vehicles were going south from Bujumbura.” The news reported by the correspondent caused Xie Kai and Liao Dong to look at each other, and then both laughed. .

In Kabez, about 40 kilometers south of Bujumbura, a large armored cluster stays at the end of the Eha Mountains to the south, which is only about 3 kilometers away from the narrowest area of ​​Lake Tanganyika in the west.

“Just set up a blocking position here, send a reconnaissance team, and set up an observation post on the surrounding hillside.” Bruce personally directed it.

In the armored forces, a large part of them are served by experienced mercenaries as the commander and gunner, and the Burundian armored forces are responsible for driving.

Upon reaching the position, the engineering units following the troops began to dig anti-tank trenches and build positions.

The already narrow area has been narrowed down.

At the same time, all tanks and armored vehicles were separated, and there were even tanks climbing up the mountain, clothed into a pocket, ready to encircle and destroy the armored units of the crab mercenary regiment.

Bruce’s purpose is to block the armored units of the crab mercenary regiment attacking Bujumbura here.

Kill their armored forces and the war is over.

If Bagaza was caught again, Joba would have no troubles.

“Hey, these bastards are going to turn this into a blocking position?” On a mountain more than a thousand meters away from the area where the armored troops stayed, several soldiers in camouflage uniforms and camouflage on their faces silently looked at the situation below, and said Report to the headquarters.

“Dead cat, retreat, otherwise the tank shell will stab you in the chrysanthemum for a while, that will not be good.” A soldier said with a smile.

The others laughed.

“Meow~ lunatic, people don’t need tank shells for chrysanthemums, they are reserved for you…” The dead cat who had lost a lot of weight became sturdy and sturdy. When he opened his mouth, he still got goose bumps.

“Okay, quickly eliminate the traces, their scouts are coming up, maybe they have to fight against them.” Liu Yue, the leader, said with a smile.

There is always so much fun with the dead cat in the team.

“Captain, not going to Bujumbura?”

“Report the situation and wait for instructions.” Liu Yue said.

“The Soviets have stabbed the dead cat Chrysanthemum, and the dead cats in Europe and America have not tasted it yet.”

As a result, the most elite special operations squad mobilized from Afghanistan easily and happily eliminated the traces of their stay while withdrawing, as if the huge armored troops below the mountain were not threatened at all.

“Anti-tank rocket launchers? Those mercenaries are very good. They airdrop this thing for us!” When the airdrop box was stored, looking at the rocket launcher inside, Feng Yuan didn’t know what model it was made in, and he also knew the thing. What for.

Even if they are a few minutes late, Jabry’s team will fully explain here.

“Boss, the headquarters is calling.” The communicator shouted aside.

Feng Yuan hurried to the command tank.(Read more @

“Lao Feng, what do you think?” Facing the command headquarters’ proposal, both Zhao Zheng and Feng Yuan were in entanglement.

Eleven tanks were parked with the armored vehicles, and the rescued Iraqi armored task force stopped two hundred meters away from them.

Liao Dong personally discussed with the two, hoping that the tanks and armored vehicles led by the two would drag Kabez to Burundi’s armored forces. He must persist for half an hour in advance to create opportunities for air attack formation.

In half an hour, 11 tanks, 11 armored vehicles, and accompanying infantry, have to fight against 80 tanks and 64 armored vehicles!

The command did not give an order, but told them the situation and asked them what they meant.

After all, this is to use them as bait.

It is likely to sacrifice.

“Fear of a ball! Anyway, we just need to drag them. Let’s get a little farther and run when we see them coming…” Feng Yuan gritted his teeth, “This is an opportunity. If we missed it, we won’t even be able to win the battle. Iraq. People are greedy for life and fear of death, and Tanzanians are unreliable.”

Once the opponent has a large number of armored mercenaries, this battle is basically gone.

The command will not let them use their lives to help Bagaza regain power.

No matter how much money you have, you have to spend your life.

“Let’s discuss it with all the brothers. After all, we are no longer active in the country. We are all mercenaries.” Zhao Zheng said, a little lonely.

Because of this, the command headquarters did not order.

They are here without even reinforcements.

After some discussion, there was no objection, and no one wanted to evacuate.

“You guys are crazy! You are hitting the rocks!” After learning the situation, Feng Yuan asked him what he meant, and jumped up, “Feng, let’s wait for the armored forces from Tanzania to come up…”

“The command has agreed to withdraw you. There are still many remaining rebels around here, so be careful.” After speaking, Feng Yuan turned and left.

“Mad! All are crazy!” Jabry shook his head and said, “You are going to die, I won’t accompany you.”

“Boss, what shall we do?” the subordinate asked.

“Retreat, back to the border!” Jabry said coldly, “Let them go and die.”

As a result, the Iraqi armored assault team that had just been rescued turned around and turned towards the rear; while the troops that came to rescue them continued to rush north along the highway along the lake.

The synthetic armored unit, led by two Type 63 armored vehicles carrying 30mm cannons, protected an ordinary armored vehicle, about five kilometers ahead of the entire convoy behind, and constantly passed the situation along the way to the convoy behind.

There is no special reconnaissance vehicle. After the weapon system on the top of the three armored vehicles undertaking reconnaissance missions, there are soldiers holding machine guns and heavy machine guns, observing the surrounding situation. Wherever there seems to be an ambush, the armored vehicles with heavy machine guns are right. Try shooting over there and shoot a few bullets.

Behind this are the remaining eight armored vehicles accompanied by 59 tanks. There is a communications armored vehicle and an armored command vehicle.

Feng Yuan and Zhao Zheng both sat in the car, discussing combat missions continuously along the way.

This time, unlike them in the army, they have superior command, logistical support, and even more detailed intelligence, and they can only rely on them.

All the way cautiously, even along the lake highway, the entire team did not drive at high speed. Tanks and armored vehicles were all driving at a speed of 30 kilometers.

When passing through the four heavy formations of Nianza, Kikweina, Rumengue, and Minago, the reconnaissance tank retreated, starting with the tank, and proceeded directly from the road on the edge of the town.

The rebels who encountered harassment didn’t care at all, and they only used machine guns to expel them.

To attract the other party’s attention, Feng Yuan and others did not hide their whereabouts at all.

Besides, it is the time of day?

So, when Feng Yuan’s troops first arrived in Nianza, Bruce got the news.

“Just more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles?” Bruce didn’t believe it. “Order to continue to observe. This is just their vanguard.”

But when the team arrived in Minago, they didn’t receive any news from the opponent’s follow-up troops.

“The river crab mercenary group wants to use this tank and armored vehicle to kill us?” Bruce was puzzled.

“Boss, it is very likely that it is the same as the one we surrounded, greedy for merit. The one we attacked has escaped back to the border.” Jonathan said, who fled back.

He was very unwilling.

Even if Bruce didn’t say anything, Jonathan was very upset.

“As many as you come, let’s pack as much! According to the news, the opposing special operations team sneaked in, Jonathan, take your team to encircle and suppress them.” Bruce said to Jonathan.

Jonathan nodded and went out to gather his team.

“Bait? Then I’ll eat the bait!” Bruce murmured after considering all the possibilities.

Kabanga is only 120 kilometers away from Bujumbura, and it’s only more than 80 kilometers away from Kabez.

In less than three hours, the armored composite unit commanded by Feng Yuan had reached the road only 5 kilometers away from the Bruce line of defense.

The two men at the mercenary observation post placed on the side of the highway saw the first armored vehicle.

“Sentry No. 1 reported that a crab appeared…”

“Attention everyone, get into range and fire freely!” Bruce didn’t even bother to figure out the battle plan.

Several times the force, what are you afraid of?

“Assault!” Feng Yuan gave the order.

Starting from a distance of five kilometers, the entire tank team rushed towards the encircling circle in front…

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Before Bruce’s armored unit fired, the tanks that rushed over opened fire from two kilometers away.

“Encircle them!” Bruce gave the order, “Resolve it as soon as possible!”

What they didn’t expect was that the tanks that were not afraid of death at first turned around collectively and fled in the direction they came.


The Chinese escaped!

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