Chapter 653

Xie Kai refused the request to eat here.

He asked Liu Dongsheng to learn more about the situation of Kaisheng Company here. Wu Jiang did not understand this person, and he killed most of Liu Dongsheng’s people.

If you are not sure, Xie Kai absolutely cannot leave him in Kaisheng to be responsible for everything.

People with 404 will have no problem, but they don’t understand the game industry at all, and they don’t know how crazy it is to make money.

What’s more, now the development of arcade machines, the next step is to develop family game consoles. As for the home game console, Xie Kai had already planned from the very beginning. The design of the game console was also handed over to the 404 computer research team.

When the time comes, just make it out, transplant “Street Fighter” into the first game of the FC player of Kaisheng Games!

This will again bring huge revenue to Xie Kai.

It is not that he is in a hurry, but that he must accumulate enough foreign exchange before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and even give Kaisheng a great reputation.

In this way, it can be ensured that Kaisheng will not be attacked by European and American countries internationally after Xie Kai retrieves the unfinished aircraft carrier of the Soviet Union.

Nintendo’s red-and-white machine made Xie Kai jealous.

From the listing in 1983 to the discontinuation of the red and white machines in 2003, 6921 units were shipped out of the factory!

This thing is just a game console. If the interface is different from other game companies, buyers have to buy all kinds of game software to play games. In the future, the game industry is another huge piece of cake that Xie Kai cannot give up.

For other game companies, if they want to become a licensed gaming software supplier for Kaisheng family consoles, they must follow Kaisheng’s requirements.

Become a standard setter in the gaming industry!

How can I prevent Xie Kai from being greedy?

As the first batch of gamers in China, Xie Kai naturally knows which games are popular and which are more attractive for various games. Otherwise, why bother to engage in the game industry?

Thinking of this, Xie Kai walked towards the outside beautifully.

The car was downstairs, and Liu Dongsheng greeted the driver and asked the driver to take Xie Kai back.

Kenzo Tsujimoto came out of the Kaisheng company, and did not leave directly, but asked the driver to park the car on the road outside the Kaisheng company and observe the situation inside.

“President, the kid came out alone. On the Audi.” The assistant watched Xie Kai get into the car alone, and said excitedly to Tsujimoto Kenzo who was closing his eyes and rested.

“Follow him, leave here, and talk to him again.” Tsujimoto Kenzo said.

Looking for Xie Kai outside the Kaisheng company will make Kaisheng people alert.

Audi came out of Kaisheng, and soon followed by a Toyota Crown.

“Boss, the car behind has been following us.” The driver reminded Xie Kai.

“Di~Di~” Crown honked his horn twice, but the driver ignored it, but waited for Xie Kai’s instructions.

“Go back to the hotel. Leave them alone.” Xie Kai sneered. If it wasn’t the Crown, it was another car, he didn’t know who was in that car.

The little devils are outside, mostly driving their own domestic cars.

“President, they accelerated.” Tsujimoto Kenzo’s driver said.

Honking the horn, the other party did not stop.

“Follow them!” Kenzo Tsujimoto wanted to talk to Xie Kai now, to see if there was a chance to dig Xie Kai into Capcom.

He believes that the conditions he can offer are far from what the Chinese can compare.

Up to now, Kaisheng has released these two games.

After following for more than an hour, until we arrived at the hotel, Xie Kai saw that the crown behind had been following perseveringly, and some complained that this era without mobile phones is not enough.

“Mr. Xie, our president wants to talk to you.” The translator appeared in front of Xie Kai.

“Who is your president?” Xie Kai asked, “He wants to talk to me, why didn’t he show up?”

“He’s in the car behind… You met before, President Kenzo Tsujimoto.” The translator was a little angry.

“Okay, let him invite me to dinner. It’s almost noon.” Xie Kai was nervous when he saw the driver next to him, but he didn’t care at all.(Read more @

In China, can the little devil make any waves?

After the translation whispered a few words next to the crown, Tsujimoto Kenzo smiled and got out of the car, walked to Xie Kai, smiled and bowed at ninety degrees, and then spoke a lot of Japanese.

The translator translates by the side, which means that it is very easy to invite Xie Kai to dinner.

Xie Kai pointed to the hotel where he was staying, and there was a restaurant inside.

Kenzo Tsujimoto smiled and nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

The driver who sent Xie Kai back followed Xie Kai and instantly became Xie Kai’s bodyguard.

“Perhaps, I should take a few bodyguards when I go out in the future. Otherwise, I will talk to someone and they will kidnap me directly. It won’t be worthwhile.” Xie Kai was a little nostalgic and always had Tian Li with him when he went out.

“President Tsuji, I wonder what you are asking me to talk about?” After Xie Kai sat down, he was not polite and ordered a lot of dishes, all of which were the most expensive ones on the menu.

It’s a pity that these years, even in hotels and restaurants in Shenzhen, the prices of dishes are not too outrageous.

Xie Kai ordered a lot of dishes, only more than two hundred yuan.

It’s not a meal now, and the food soon came up. Xie Kai asked Kenzo Tsujimoto while eating.

“Mr. Xie Kai, “Street Fighter” was designed by you, right?” Tsujimoto Kenzo didn’t care about Xie Kai’s food, still smiling.

Xie Kai had a mouthful of meat in his mouth, his eyes widened, he almost choked, and finally swallowed it, before asking in surprise, “How do you know?”

“I don’t know how many shares Mr. Xie has in Kaisheng?” Kenzo Tsujimoto continued to ask.

“Shares? What is that?” Xie Kai was even more surprised, turning his head to the driver next to him with a confused look.

The driver frowned, “Boss, this little devil is not at ease.”

“What are you talking about? Who is the little devil?” The translation suddenly became popular. “With your words, we can complain to the embassy…”

I didn’t look down on Xie Kai, but now the driver opens his mouth as a kid.

Xie Kai frowned and looked at the translation.

The little devil’s Chinese language, isn’t it that slippery?

“Comrade interpreter, are you from RB?”

“RB Chinese.” The translator said triumphantly.

No wonder.

Kenzo Tsujimoto could not understand Chinese, but looking at the translation, he knew that the other party hadn’t said a good thing.

In order not to affect his plan, the translation was blocked.

“You don’t have company shares? Didn’t you develop the game?” Tsujimoto Kenzo was overjoyed.

If Kaisheng gave shares of Xie Kai, even if it was only one or two percent, the price would be too high.

“Yes. Kaisheng gave me a salary, two hundred a month!” Xie Kai said contentedly, “Mr Liu said, when I develop a new game for the company, the salary will continue to rise. You don’t know, My dad, a technician who has been working for more than 20 years, has less than two hundred salary plus bonus for a month!”

Xie Kai said triumphantly.

When Tsujimoto Kenzo heard his words, his heart was crushed by thousands of hurricane Chinese 59 tanks, and it could not be broken.

“What kind of game is your newly developed game?” Tsujimoto Kenzo asked hurriedly. “Are there no game development companies in China? And how do you know game development?”

Kenzo Tsujimoto couldn’t help but doubt.

This place in China was very closed for some years before, and it rarely communicated with the international community.

And there are no games at all.

“My mother was in RB at the same time. She came back in 1983 and gave me a Nintendo FC game console and cassette… Then, I was tired of playing, but found that I couldn’t get a game cassette at all. I beg my mother to help me find relevant types of learning materials. It just so happens that my dad’s job is similar to this, and their unit can find some good things. As a result, the game was designed and there was no way to record the cassette, so it could only be an arcade type… ”

Xie Kai’s lie, I even believed it.

Kenzo Tsujimoto continued to ask, “What type of new game are you developing?”

“Fighting, but it’s no longer a simple fighting like “Street Fighter”…” Xie Kai threw a close.

“Is the development completed?” Tsujimoto Kenzo was usually very cautious, but now he became anxious.

If the development is about to be completed, and the young man will be taken down by himself, the game in his hand will also be taken down. Then, what will happen to the market-saturated Kaisheng?

“Quickly. This time, I came here to let the Kaisheng people provide me with some people… It is too much trouble to develop the game by myself.” Xie Kai sighed.

“How did you come to our company?” Kenzo Tsujimoto asked Xie Kai, “Come to Capcom, you will lead a development team. You can develop any game you want to develop, and provide you with the most game team. .Every month’s salary, I can give you ten…ten thousand!”

Kenzo Tsujimoto originally wanted to tell Xie Kai a thousand, but thinking about it, he felt it was too much.

How can such a talented designer only give one thousand?

“Ten thousand? Ten thousand yen? How much is that?” Xie Kai scratched his head, pretending to be stupid.

But I was angry in my heart.

This little devil had a bad conscience, and he only gave himself 10,000 yuan a month!

“No, 10,000 yuan. If it’s 10,000 yen, it’s about two hundred yuan.” The translator looked at Xie Kai with contempt.

In September 1985, Japan signed the “Plaza Agreement.” The yen began to appreciate rapidly against the U.S. dollar. From 240 yen in September 1985 to 190 yen in February 1986, it was about to reach 150 yen per dollar. JPY.

The dollar to renminbi has reached 1:3, that is to say, 1 renminbi can be exchanged for 50 yen.

Ten thousand yen is only two hundred yuan.

“Ten thousand yuan? Didn’t I become a ten thousand yuan household in one month?” Xie Kai said in shock, and estimated in his heart how many yen is in the hands of Kaisheng, and it is time to convert it into US dollars.

Otherwise, when the little devil’s economy collapses, the yen in his hands will have to depreciate…

“Yes! As long as one month, you can become a millionaire household that countless people in China envy… After the game is developed, the company can give you 1‰ dividends…” Tsujimoto Kenzo said.

“Really?” Xie Kai pretended to be serious about it.

“Xie Kai, why is your kid here? At first, the waiter told me that you are here. We don’t know yet… By the way, I heard you went to Kaisheng? How about giving us some of your shares? Fang didn’t know when he appeared at the door.

Hearing the translation, Tsujimoto Kenzo immediately became angry, “Are you kidding me?”

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