Chapter 651

“Why do you think they are unusable?” Liu Dong jumped up with anger.

Xie Kai is here. If you feel that you are incompetent and mess around, what if you throw yourself into a place where birds don’t shit in Africa?

“Boss, come and sit in first. Now the company’s affairs cannot continue without solving these problems. It just so happened that Mr. Liu said that you are coming back these few days. I will report to you in detail.” Wu Jiang was not angry when he faced doubts. Looking at Xie Kai, “I don’t know who this is?”

The actual situation of the company must not be known to outsiders.

“I am Xie Kai.” Xie Kai said calmly.

Wu Jiang couldn’t help but looked at Xie Kai a few more times, “Boss, I didn’t expect you to be so young.”

Obviously, he knows that Xie Kai is also a shareholder.

It’s just that I don’t know how the company’s equity is divided, and it has nothing to do with him, and I rarely inquire about it.

“Tell me about the company’s situation. I happen to have something, so I will drop by here.” Xie Kai said.

Wu Jiang nodded and waited for the two of them to sit down and make tea for the two of them before he opened his mouth to introduce the situation.

“When I took over, although Mr. Liu didn’t tell me what the company’s goals were, and what your boss’s expectations were. However, from the office buildings and factories built here, it can be seen that the boss’s goal is not just to produce this. Two games…”

Wu Jiang explained all the outstanding problems of the company.

Liu Dongsheng gritted his teeth with anger.

For example, the company’s management, many of whom were any people who were previously Liu Dongsheng when he was outside, had little understanding of management. At the beginning, the company basically didn’t do much work. Most of them were produced by Hongqi Machinery and shipped here. Then export.

The domestic companies were created entirely by Xie Kai for the purpose of exporting foreign exchange and keeping part of the funds in Xiangjiang.

For example, the company’s previous financials and accounts were completely misrepresented, and the cost and other issues could not be calculated at all…

Even the security issues are being dealt with by a group of small gangsters from Xiangjiang.

Such a company, if it weren’t for the two games of Kaisheng’s “Street Fighter” and “King of Fighters”, would have gone bankrupt due to chaotic management.

“These series of problems have been effectively solved in the past few months. It is difficult to recruit professional counterparts for domestic game development. In the past few months, we have been training some related professional personnel. Technical personnel and management personnel are mainly recruited from Xiangjiang. The personnel from the Japanese country are not willing to go to the mainland to develop…” Wu Jiang’s briefing took more than an hour.

Liu Dong was so angry that he was about to explode, “How did you arrange my previous management staff?”

“Boss, I don’t know how to arrange them at the moment. Some people have already left on their own initiative, and the rest are trained as grassroots managers in the production workshop…” Wu Jiang said.

Xie Kai frowned.

In this way, the entire Kaisheng game company, everyone, is all Wujiang people.

This situation is not allowed by Xie Kai.

In the domestic game companies of Little Devils, both Tsujimoto Kenzo and Takadō Yoshihiko were originally partners, but in the end, Capcom’s Tsujimoto Kenzo used the company’s game board for his own benefit, leading to a split.

At the same time, Takadō Yoshihiko also established a new RB project.

What little action Wu Jiang wants to do will cause the situation of the entire company to get out of control.

“Isn’t my brother-in-law the designer who found dozens of devils?” Xie Kai asked.

Liu Dongsheng was also suppressing his anger, waiting for Wu Jiang’s reply.

Wu Jiang looked helpless, “The RB designers recruited by Mr. Liu before, didn’t all belong to the Xiangjiang headquarters, and have always been in Xiangjiang?”

“Indeed. You didn’t originally plan. Xiangjiang was responsible for the design, and the mainland was responsible for the production?” Liu Dongsheng asked Xie Kai.

Xie Kai understands.

“So, your relationship with Xiangjiang’s company is not very good at the moment?” Xie Kai asked.

My uncle finally did something reliable.

“No, the current talent training here is the responsibility of the company’s headquarters.” Wu Jiang said, “In order to make the company develop more soundly, and to cultivate domestic game development talents at the same time, I decided to set up a design division here. But the content of the design is different, the content is developed based on the family game console…”(Read more @

Wu Jiang introduced all the situation.

He did not explain why he transferred most of Liu Dongsheng from the top.

“Mr. Wu, regarding your current behavior, I think we should give us an explanation.” Xie Kai looked at Wu Jiang and spoke out.

Liu Dongsheng was puzzled, but did not speak.

Xie Kai didn’t say any explanation, just let Wu Jiang explain to him.

“Boss, financial staff, I didn’t move the staff dispatched by Hongqi Machinery Factory. I think this is enough to explain.” Wu Jiang was not angry because of Xie Kai’s suspicion.

“If management is concerned, should I continue to arrange personnel?” Xie Kai’s question became a bit sharp.

Doubt, nothing hidden.

Wu Jiang did not get angry because of Xie Kai’s words, but said, “Boss, if it’s the kind of management staff arranged by Mr. Liu before, I can only express regret, please ask the two of you to be smart. If it is a professional management staff, I welcome . Boss, the hardest thing for us to recruit now is staff with rich management experience.”

Faced with Wu Jiang’s answer, Xie Kai was a little surprised.

“Many managers of state-owned units are conservative in their thinking and are not easy to manage.” Xie Kai is not at all polite.

Regarding the management staff, he already has an idea.

404 Many units went bankrupt before, and many managers are still idle.

He must be at ease by staring at someone he can rest assured.

“No problem. As long as they don’t have the decision-making power in game development, it is enough. And now, our company does not have this right.” Wu Jiang looked at Xie Kai and said helplessly.

“Didn’t you recruit a lot from Xiangjiang?” Xie Kai asked.

“There is no one who can lead the team.” Wu Jiang said.

He has no right to manage the corporate headquarters of Xiangjiang.

Even if he had the right, he would not go.

As a shrewd professional manager, Wu Jiang knows better than anyone that what he is doing now makes the boss very upset.

Therefore, he did not request that the company on the other side of Xiangjiang also take care of it.

The annual salary is one million, and in an era when the average salary per capita in China is less than one hundred yuan a month, even in Europe and the United States, it is not something ordinary people can find.

“Boss, I don’t hide my ambitions. The current situation of Triumph’s domestic branches does not require people like me. And such a job is difficult to find… The annual salary is more than 300,000 US dollars, I hope it can reflect Own value.” Wu Jiang said.

“Show your value and satisfy us, you will become a shareholder of Kaisheng.” Xie Kai said calmly. “Let us take a tour of the entire company after your rectification.”

Xie Kai is not afraid of being ambitious alone.

But I am afraid that a person can use his platform to realize his ambitions or even destroy the platform.

Kaisheng is currently the largest cash cow, and a lot of funds need the profit support of Kaisheng.

If you want to get the Soviet aircraft carrier back, you must have sufficient funds.

Xie Kai has never known about Kaisheng Continental Co., Ltd. from the very beginning to the present.

Everything is entrusted to Liu Dongsheng in charge.

Different from the gorgeous costumes seen in the Shanghai stock market before, the various departments in the office building are kept highly tidy and do not give people a sense of chaos.

Even the production workshop is extremely tidy, all parts are neatly arranged, and no smoking signs are everywhere.

Gives people a sense of strict Japanese companies.

In the workshop, a few people looked at Liu Dongsheng, their eyes brightened, and they wanted to come over, and then looked at Wu Jiang who was with Liu Dongsheng, but in the end they didn’t come.

Xie Kai is very satisfied with the management of the workshop.

Even the most rigorous 404 management workshop can’t compare with this side.

“Currently we are negotiating with Capcom about the copyright of “Street Fighter” and “King of Fighters” transplanted into TV games…”

“Capcom is going to acquire the copyright of our game?” Xie Kai frowned and asked. “Didn’t Tsujimoto Kenzo and Takado Yoshihiko fight you to death? Why isn’t Nintendo looking for us for this kind of thing?”

“The people from Nintendo contacted us and the conditions were too harsh, so I refused.” Wu Jiang said, “When I came before, the two President Liu both said that I was solely responsible for the company .”

Immediately, Wu Jiang introduced the current situation of several domestic game companies in Guizi.

When the game industry on the island was in a downturn, Nintendo achieved great success on home consoles and handheld consoles, which created their dominant position. It is not easy for games developed by other companies to be used on their consoles. Up.

Most of the profits will be taken by them.

“Capcom is now ready to transplant arcade games to home consoles by himself? They have obtained the Nintendo FC software vendor qualification?” Xie Kai asked.

Wu Jiang looked at him in surprise, he really didn’t know that Xie Kai actually understood these things.

FC is a red and white machine developed by Nintendo. Before the emergence of online games, Xie Kai was obsessed with it for a while.

“Yes. After the launch of Nintendo’s FC game console, it has been very popular in recent years. All game development companies hope to join…” Wu Jiang said. “Capcom’s self-developed game market has not received particularly good response. And our two game consoles are now becoming popular all over the world.”

“Do you want to become a Nintendo FC game console software supplier?” Xie Kai asked Wu Jiang.

Become Nintendo’s software supplier?

Xie Kai didn’t even think about it.

If it weren’t for his energy to be put into the military industry, plus his age is too young, he will put all of his energy here.

In the future, most of the international game development giants were established only in the past two years.

Wu Jiang looked at Xie Kai, “Boss, we only have these two games in our hands. Although we have recruited a group of game developers in Xiangjiang, there are not any attractive explosions…”

“If you are given a chance, what do you think?” Xie Kai asked.

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