Chapter 633

(The new book “Sacred Hand Little Chinese Medicine”, there is no technical article of Chinese medicine with golden fingers, brothers who are interested can check it out.)

“Brother Wang, I won’t…” Qiang Zi Dun was really scared.

“How much benefit did the Americans give you?” Wang asked.

“Ten thousand. Just let us do something against the Americans at the airport and stir up trouble, and then nothing will happen to us…” Hadron immediately explained the matter.

Brother Wang listened and nodded, “Did the Americans find you personally or someone else?”

“Americans, we met at the food stall outside the big airplane factory before, and we drank a few times together…” Qiangzi didn’t hide it, and explained everything. “Later, the Americans asked us to inquire about the big airplane factory, especially their people were often dragged by some mysterious people to nearby restaurants to drink, and then the people disappeared…”

Before, the Americans did not let them do anything that violated the rules, but just let them stare at some mysterious characters that appeared around them.

Several people were originally children of the original large aircraft factory, and they have a better understanding of the situation in the factory.

I haven’t been admitted to university, my brothers and sisters have already entered the factory as temporary workers, they can’t arrange…

“There is such a thing?” Brother Wang really didn’t know Qiangzi’s situation.

I don’t even look down on it at ordinary times.

If it hadn’t been for someone to ask them to find him this time, he would have heard his subordinates say that they are like strong sons, and came here with the mentality of trying, but he didn’t expect that they were really strong sons.

Those who are looking for them have given very good conditions and can engage in business in the Soviet Union!

Brother Wang is usually just a small mess, at most from the south to get some computers, toad mirrors and so on.

Some people organize the supply of goods here, go through Soviet channels, and are safe and profitable.

The whole arena has heard about it, but there has been no way out. Now people have spoken.

Brother Wang didn’t have any hope, but he didn’t expect to let himself get the bargain.

The news that Qiangzi revealed made him even more grinning.

“When will the Americans look for you?” Wang asked.

“I don’t know, I usually meet in the restaurant outside. The foreigner can speak Chinese.” The monkey said hurriedly.

Brother Wang can’t afford to offend them.

“How can I give you money?” Brother Wang asked coldly.

If the Americans were also captured and handed over to the other side, and let the mysterious figure take them to the Soviet Union to make a fortune, then things would be more secure.

“He asked us to wait at home and will send it to us.” Qiangzi had to say.

Up to now, he has faintly felt that the matter is not good. This time the matter is not as simple as the Americans say, and there will be no serious consequences.

“Leave two people, take them away first, we are here waiting for the Americans. Also, ask over there, how to contact.” Wang Ge soon had an idea.

Xie Kai and the others were in the hospital. Carl and the other person didn’t answer any questions at all. There was no way to use other methods. Both the police station and the hospital were not allowed.

Besides, Xie Kai doesn’t know how to interrogate.

It was just a simple trip to the Shanghai stock market. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen?

“Director Yan, the people will be handed over to you first. We will find those young people who ran away before and let the truth of the matter surface.” Xie Kai said to Director Yan.(Read more @

Director Yan nodded, and things were a bit beyond his ability.

He understood that the seemingly ordinary young man in front of him had a background he could not imagine, otherwise he would not be able to fight the Americans.

“What’s the matter with this?” Liao Zhuolin didn’t expect that the matter would develop to this point.

He was afraid that Xie Kai would make things big. Although it was a very good propaganda for Yunshi, it would make the CAAC passive with the superiors. Up to now, Yunshi’s technology has not been fully mature, and its safe flight life is only a few hundred hours.

It is impossible for the Civil Aviation Administration of China to issue airworthiness licenses regardless of principles for domestic production, let alone purchase such aircraft.

“Wait! The Americans don’t dare to make this matter a big deal, and we don’t have to make it a big deal.” Xie Kai said, “As long as we find someone and prove that they have instructed us, then we can watch the show.”

Xie Kai also knows that Yunshi is not suitable for vigorous publicity right now.

There were still many technical problems and quality problems that had not been resolved. He sat on it with trepidation. In order to make such an aircraft soar in the domestic blue sky for the sake of fame, if an accident occurs, it will cause immeasurable effects on the prospects of the entire domestic large aircraft loss.

The General Administration of Civil Aviation did not look down upon Shanghai Yunxing.

The above is also through many arguments, and finally reluctantly dismissed the horse.

If you want to impress the Civil Aviation Administration, you must have strong own technology and strength.

“You are right to think like this. I’m afraid you will eventually make a fuss…” Liao Zhuolin was originally in the system, and he knew what the leader thought.

Xie Kai didn’t say anything, the two went back to find Zheng Quan, and now they must be found.

After returning from the hospital, Zhang Zhenzhong felt faintly uneasy. According to his original idea, he went to find the leaders of the municipal government with Wang Chongqiang, but now he went back to the hotel by himself, waiting for news.

Wang Chongqiang did not return to the Bureau of Industry, but reported the situation to the leader in charge of the industry.

“This is not just a fight?” The leader asked with a frown after hearing the report.

If not, what is it?

“Leader, the two sides are fighting because of the appearance of Yunshi. It seems that both sides have premeditated.” Wang Zhongqiang did not know the specific situation, and the report was to let the leader know, so as not to get the time to follow Zhang Zhenzhong’s way.

The leader was even more puzzled, “How could Yunshi appear in a civilian airport? Isn’t it converted to a military project now? That aircraft has flown for a long time before, isn’t it going to be scrapped?”

“Who knows! The person from the unit that got the Lucky Ten production line and the data showed up, and they met Zhang Zhenzhong. Before Zhang Zhenzhong was reluctant, after seeing the people over there, he became more honest…” Simply report.

Without telling the leader, what Xie Kai said would obviously lead to diplomatic disputes.

“If this is the case, just wait and see the changes. The McDonnell Douglas people have always valued their projects from above, and they have no eyes.” The leader said, “You are staring at this. If you have any news, report it in time.”

Wang Chongqiang nodded and left.

“Interestingly, at this time, Yunshi flies to a civilian airport, and there is still a premeditated plan. Has it been successfully developed? If this is the case, McDonnell Douglas will raise messy conditions and ignore them.” The leader thought if Yunshi was true. After the development is completed and it can be put into use, the people of McDonnell Douglas will naturally not dare to ask for conditions as often as before when they have domestic competitors.

If you don’t cooperate, you can just produce and ship directly.

Thinking of this, the leader in charge of industry suddenly became happy.

Regarding Zhang Zhenzhong’s noise, although the officials expressed concern, they did not pay too much attention to such things.

The signing of the contract between China and McDonnell Douglas didn’t take long, and Zhang Zhenzhong used various trivial matters to create a lot of moths. The only purpose was to make more benefits for McDonnell Douglas.

No one likes such a collaborator.

Besides, right now, it’s just a small matter, isn’t it?

Zhang Zhenzhong didn’t dare to make things happen.

“BOSS, should we make this matter a big deal? American citizens were attacked at Chinese airports. Once the publicity spreads around the world, under such pressure, the Chinese government had to agree to our request and calm down things…” Zhang Zhenzhong I’ve been worried about this since I came back, and gathered several assistants under his hand.

Discuss together how to respond.

“Yes, the European and American worlds like to report on things like China. Once the world knows it, it will be more difficult for the Chinese government to attract investment. Investing in China helps China develop its economy, but there is no guarantee for personal safety.” Another person Said.

“Is this kind of thing reported in the international arena? It won’t have much effect at all. It will even make China even more disgusted, which is not conducive to later cooperation.” A woman in her forties said, “Plus now We have allowed China to agree to a lot of additional conditions in such a short period of time, and they are very dissatisfied. They are only tolerating us in order to cooperate. And if their big planes continue to test flights, they will at least accumulate up to now. Nearly a thousand hours of flying time…”

“Laura, is this too worrying? China’s Yunshi originally had serious design flaws, and the basic conditions were too poor…” the person who started the talk said.

He simply does not believe that the Chinese can solve these technical defects in such a short time.

“Yeah. Even the airplanes we assemble in China can’t process most of the parts. Many materials need to be transported from the United States…A variety of key core parts, they can’t meet our needs. That’s the technology of the 1960s!”

“China itself has begun to produce 45,000 tons of large presses, and the progress is very fast. Once such a large press is available, whether it is the girder, landing gear, or other structural parts of the aircraft, the strength problem can be solved, and it will be formed at one time… …” Laura looked at her two colleagues and reminded them.

Zhang Zhenzhong nodded, “It is true, and this is not an investment project of the Chinese government, but a certain unit invested by itself. There is no way to terminate this project! Although we do not know the specific location of this unit, we can be sure that it is related to It is related to the Yun-10 project.”

If this were not the case, Zhang Zhenzhong would not worry about the impact of Yunshi on McDonnell Douglas’ orders.

Under the competition between Boeing and Airbus, the market outlook for McDonnell Douglas is not optimistic.

Finally, the board of directors was persuaded, and through several years of arduous negotiations and a series of operations, China was dismissed from Yunshi and introduced McDonnell Douglas production lines to produce McDonnell Douglas aircraft in China.

As a result, Yunshi did not die at all. Before McDonnell Douglas’ first aircraft was assembled, it began to appear in front of the public.

Once the order is really affected by Yunshi, the original profit plan will be seriously affected.

His own personal future is also closely related to the entire cooperation plan.

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