Chapter 623

“Do you know that since I was a child, I have been jealous of you because you were born in 404 and grew up in 404. And I, born outside…” Wang Hao cried for a while, Zheng Quan wanted to persuade him, but was Xie Kai prevent.

Wang Hao now needs to vent.

Otherwise, he will suffocate himself to death.

“In many people’s understanding, only those born under 404 are the real 404 people. There are totally two concepts between Lao Zheng and me. This reminds me that I am not a 404 person!” Wang Hao cried Said.

When the boss and the couple saw this situation, they were ready to come up to watch the excitement. Zheng Quan got up and took the two outside.

“Once, I wanted to destroy 404. It was a prison! A prison that kept us from the outside world and incompatible with the whole world! Maybe you don’t know, I just arrived in the capital, and I didn’t know that I needed to buy a ticket for a bus! Ours Commuter trains, I never buy tickets… These classmates in the capital actually called me soil buns from the countryside. When I was playing with guns, they were still playing in mud…” Wang Hao cried as he recounted.

404 is a prison.

A base city that has given up many bases for national defense and for the supreme national interest.

All city functions are available, but they are different from any city.

People can only move around within a few square kilometers, and even if they leave, they need to apply.

“Even Luofeng’s bastard, his father is just an ordinary worker, he can look down on me because I was not born in that base city! They think I am not qualified to take over…” Wang Hao gave the wine in the cup again It’s full, I want to kill it in one bite.

Halfway through drinking, he vomited out.

He is uncomfortable.

Very wronged.

In 404, it was not accepted and admitted by the children born in 404; outside, it was also not accepted, because he had never seen the most basic toys of children in the city.

404, a city that does not exist.

404, a city that outsiders cannot know.

404, a city that people who know can only remember in their hearts.

“Even at the very beginning, Lao Zheng asked me to play armored vehicles. Actually, I didn’t understand the fart. It was just my cousin who was doing it… I know, he used me to stimulate you…”

“There is no such thing, Lao Zheng hopes to let you use your imagination…” Xie Kai knows the facts, but he can’t tell them.

“You don’t have to lie to me, I know better than anyone.” Wang Hao shook his head, “This is the reason I always want to destroy 404.”

“I even thought about blowing up 404. I will tell you that there are nuclear bombs in 404, and there are still three. All of them are installed on Dongfeng-5. If there is a war, Dongfeng-5 will be able to be refueled soon. Launch! I even thought about detonating that nuclear bomb…”

Xie Kai opened his mouth wide.

404 really has a nuclear bomb!

Wang Hao knows it.

“Don’t you believe it? I’ll tell you, that was what my father said, just outside the Shazao Lin, that place where we were not allowed to approach since we were young, saying that there are wolves…” Wang Hao said Let Xie Kai believe it. “And my dad, I followed the nuclear bomb in the first place.”

No wonder!

“My dad also wants to destroy 404, because he spent half of his life in it, but he didn’t get anything.” Wang Hao took a deep breath and continued, “But when I know he wants to destroy 404, what am I going to do? But I don’t want it anymore.”

Wang Shuwei’s behavior can indeed destroy the entire 404.

Moreover, he not only destroys 404, but also destroys the national defense of the entire country by destroying 404.

“That base, tens of thousands of people, countless people have spent their entire lives in it. They have no complaints or regrets for the country and national defense…” Wang Hao said, “If my father doesn’t cooperate with the Americans, it will simply destroy 404 , I will support him!”

Xie Kai felt that Wang Hao was a little crazy.

Is it because the stimulation was too great?

Especially looking at Wang Hao’s expression when he speaks.

Xie Kai couldn’t help but began to guard against Wang Hao’s sudden attack on himself.

After all, in the entire base, he and Wang Hao didn’t deal with it from the first day of the fight. At that time, it seemed that everyone was still in kindergarten and had not yet entered elementary school?

It is said that Wang Hao is not a 404 person and is not qualified to succeed 404. In the beginning, Xie Kai said it.

This is also the reason his friends use to attack Wang Hao in many cases.(Read more @

“The Americans, those bastards, are not good things. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, they began to bully us until the Korean War. That was to invade us, and even the Vietnam War later was also to prevent us from getting through. Good day… Now the Americans seem to help us on the surface. Once they know the real level of technology in our country, can they make it easier for us?” Wang Hao’s words shocked Xie Kai.

Can recognize the American wolf ambition.

With the words Wang Hao said earlier, Xie Kai didn’t know how to express his feelings.

That’s the education the base has given to children since they were young. After all, when they were young, the whole country was in a situation of being an enemy of the whole world.

Except for the Third World, all powers are enemies.

Su Xiu.

American Emperor.

And the lackeys of the capitalist empire headed by the US emperor.

The whole world is preparing to fight World War III, and China naturally cannot fail to prepare for it.

Ever since, there is now Zheng Hao and others.

Loyal to the motherland.

Loyal to the people.

This is not only unique to the military, but even the entire military-industrial system is doing this.

Xie Kai was ashamed.

“I persuaded my father, but he didn’t listen to me at all. He even wanted to send me and my sister to the United States. Why should I go to the United States?” Wang Hao’s words made Xie Kai still unable to answer.

Silently poured wine on Wang Hao, filled himself up, and emptied it.

There is no grief in my heart, it is full of bitterness.

For what, Xie Kai didn’t even know.

“I know that you have done a lot of things. I admire you for this. This is why I no longer fight with you. What my father wants to destroy is the entire national defense! I can only do this and send him to prison with my own hands. Only in this way can I be worthy of 404.” Wang Hao also killed the wine in his glass.

Xie Kai felt a little uncomfortable.

Pour a glass of wine again, and only a little with Wang Hao.

“Brother, I’m sorry, you are the real successor to 404!” Xie Kai said from the bottom of his heart.

Whether it was Zheng Yucheng and others who allowed him to fool around for the 404’s future; or later Zheng Yu became the man who made the domestic aeroengine and 606 drank and drank into a coma; even the Wang Hao in front of him is too far behind.

If it were not for rebirth, he would never be able to stand at the current height.

Even now, although he has the idea of ​​working hard for his life for the sake of national defense and the future of 404, his first consideration is his own safety and so on.

Just as at the beginning, Xie Kai couldn’t do it when he knew that Wang Hao had reported and exposed his father.

Even if Xie Jianguo is going to destroy the 404, Xie Kai will not only help conceal it, but may even become an accomplice.

For people like Wang Hao, national interests are higher than personal interests.

As Zheng Yucheng said, in the face of national interests, even family affection must give way.

Once, Zheng Yu became the safety of 404. He shot his son, in front of his wife and daughter. Now, he is alone, and his daughter will not forgive him when he is in a coma and is hospitalized, so he will not come to see him.

Now, for the future of 404 and national defense security, Wang Hao has personally reported and exposed his father’s behavior…

“I am not! But I am a child of military industry. I can do everything for the country and national defense!” Wang Hao smiled sadly and picked up the cup again, but the cup was not brought to his mouth, and the whole person fell on the table.

Xie Kai has mixed feelings in his heart, and he doesn’t know how to judge Wang Hao’s behavior.

From a personal standpoint, Wang Hao’s behavior is stupid.

After all, what Wang Hao ruined was not only his father’s future, but also his own future.

But from a national standpoint, if Wang Hao had not reported Wang Shuwei, the consequences would be disastrous.

He suddenly felt that he was not qualified to comment on what Wang Hao did.

Wang Hao lay down on the table and fell asleep, while Xie Kai just stayed with him.

“Boss, we still have to do business at noon!” The boss and the proprietress have been blocked by Zheng Quan. It seems that noon is coming, and they haven’t done a lot of preparation work yet.

Zheng Quan looked at them, “How much can your restaurant sell in a day?”

The boss was about to speak, and the lady boss pulled him a bit and said, “Although our store is small, the location is very good. It can sell five or six hundred every day. When business is good, it can sell seven or eight hundred…”

Hearing his wife’s words, the boss’ eyes widened. When the business is good, the shop can only sell about three hundred a day at most.

Daughter-in-law, isn’t this cheating?

He blushed and wanted to explain, but was glared at by his wife, and Nonodi dared not speak.

Zheng Quan glanced at the proprietress, and did not expose her, but took out a brand new bundle of great unity from the black leather bag he carried with him, “This is a thousand, today we pack it, don’t disturb them.”

The lady boss took the bundle of money with a smile on her face, “Boss, don’t worry, don’t worry, let’s do it when you want to eat!”

The boss frowned, but in the end he said nothing.

Zheng Quan ignored them either, and just waited outside.

It wasn’t until two or three o’clock in the afternoon that Wang Hao woke up, looked at the opposite Xie Kai, and smiled awkwardly, “The emotions are a bit out of control, making you laugh.”

“What are you going to do now?” Xie Kai asked Wang Hao.

“You can do a career, and I can do the same! I’m not going to go to college anymore. I plan to go south and go on my own.” Wang Hao’s words made Xie Kai a little frightened.

“Go back to 404, then you will take Lao Zheng’s class.”

“Am I not buried?” Wang Hao’s eyes widened, “That place is a prison! I won’t go back. However, doesn’t Kaisheng have a factory over there? When we come over there in the future, let’s drink and drink together, bragging. Right.”

After speaking, Wang Hao got up, turned around and prepared to leave. When he reached the door, he turned around and said, “You make so much, and you pay for the wine.”

Then he walked outside without looking back.

The whole person, with an aura of death as if he were on the battlefield.

Looking at his back, Xie Kai suddenly felt that Wang Hao stood upright, so stalwart.

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