Chapter 615

The faces of Zheng Yucheng and others were extremely ugly.

Even the head of Li Yunlong, who has always supported them, his expression turned gloomy.

No one thought of such a thing.

“Obviously 404 can do fewer projects, so that results can be obtained faster, but the kid is a hammer, the whole 404 is now involved in various projects, so that all projects have not made much progress… and that The child, that is, Xie Kai, doesn’t understand anything, so he can do whatever he thinks. From the tanks and armored vehicles at the beginning, to the missiles behind, even to intervene in transport planes, fighter jets, etc…” Wang Shuwei’s words were completely crushing the camel. The last straw.

With a sullen expression on his face, Li Yunlong turned to ask Zheng Yucheng and Wang Guilin, “Is what he said is true?”

The two lowered their heads, not knowing how to answer.

A smile appeared on Wang Shuwei’s face. The other party couldn’t explain this matter at all.

“Li Yunlong, this is what you have always supported? A company of such a big company, let a child come and tell?” Feng Zhiqing’s face couldn’t help. “That’s a top-secret defense military industry unit! A pilot unit that undertakes the task of reforming and exploring the entire military industry system!”

It’s not rigorous.

“What else do you have to say?” Li Yunlong did not expect that things would eventually develop to such an extent.

Ever since, Li Yunlong turned around and left.

404 is not only under the jurisdiction of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, but also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Logistics.

“Wang Shuwei that bastard!” Zheng Yucheng gritted his teeth with anger, wishing to get Wang Shuwei cramped. “Lao Li, you and Lao Long won’t help explain either.”

“Explain, how to explain?” Li Mingshan was also speechless.

Long Yaohua looked at a few people, “Under the situation just now, if you explain, it is not a good thing for Xie Kai. Let Wang Shuwei be happy first. I think, Mubara and others, it is bad luck for you, or Very welcome. Iraqis should also be very happy…”

Several people looked at Long Yaohua puzzledly.

Zheng Yucheng just ended the get out of class, and Wang Guilin also suspended his job to reflect, and Wang Shuwei was in charge of the work. Hearing this, he was totally gloating.

“I tell you, it can be like this…” Long Yaohua said calmly.

After hearing his idea, several other people suddenly looked surprised, and Zheng Yucheng even laughed three times, “You old guy, you were very sinister when you were in North Korea. I said why you didn’t talk just now! That’s good, let’s Go split up!”

Wang Shuwei’s goal was achieved, and the whole person was extremely happy.

It’s a little bit floating when you walk.

With such a great prospect of 404, Zheng Yucheng and others wanted to throw him away, but he got Zheng Yucheng and others away.

Even Zheng Yucheng and others couldn’t even go back with 404.

“Well, let the Pakistanis know that at two o’clock in the afternoon, we will re-negotiate cooperation…” When Wang Shuwei returned to the office, he dialed a call and asked his subordinates to notify the Pakistani and renegotiate in the afternoon.

The original cooperation will definitely continue. China needs foreign exchange.

However, Pakistan cannot be allowed to take advantage, and all kinds of advanced technologies will be taken away from China without paying any price.

When Wang Shuwei’s people notified the Pakistanis, Wang Guilin was talking with Mubara.

Mubara had no idea that this would happen at this time.

His face was full of seriousness, and when Wang Guilin left, he called everyone to a meeting to discuss.

In 301 Hospital, a 212 Jeep broke the railing at the door and rushed into the courtyard, causing many guards to catch up.

“Doctor, hurry up and help!” a middle-aged man in his thirties jumped out of the car and roared loudly.

The other two rushed into the emergency room with Zheng Yucheng who was in a coma…

These things happened almost at the same time.

Mubara took two of his men and went directly to the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, asking to see Li Yunlong, saying that there was an important matter that needed to be discussed.(Read more @

The Iraqi ambassador to China urgently asked the person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and suggested that the president had a crush on a Chinese boy who happened to have graduated from high school. He hoped that China would approve this young man to study in Baghdad, Iraq.

“Mr. Minister, I can’t count this matter alone.” Li Yunlong did not expect the Pakistanis to come so quickly, “And there is a special team to negotiate with you. Within the scope of my duties, I will try my best to help you fight for it.”

Especially when the other party came up and said how the traditional friendship between the two countries is.

“No, Director Li, I am not here to meet you to discuss cooperation. Entrusted by our president, we hope Minister Li can help and agree to send a foreigner to Pakistan to communicate…” Mubara’s words surprised Li Yunlong. .

He thought that the other party knew about the 404 personnel changes and came to talk to himself and approved the export of those advanced technologies of the Super Seven Project to Pakistan.

“This is easy to say. Our two countries have had a lot of exchanges and cooperation in the field of science and technology, but I didn’t expect that you would specifically ask who you want.” This matter is easy to handle.

Li Yunlong didn’t even take it seriously.

“Thank you Director Li…” Mubara smiled, “Dr. Li, please arrange for Comrade Xie Kai, a child of Dongfeng Machinery Factory, to come to Pakistan for exchanges. Thank you very much, Director Li.”

“Huh?” Li Yulong thought he hadn’t heard clearly.

He thought that what the other party wanted was a technical master in a certain technical field, and there was no problem in arranging exchanges in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s military technology is not good, but Pakistan has some equipment that China does not have.

For example, the F16, Boeing 707 modified aerial tanker, the Laurel God-class submarine from France and the Agosta-70 submarine are all attractive to China.

These things, China’s performance is not good.

Unexpectedly, what the other party asked for was actually a young man and a student.

Naturally I thought I was wrong.

Mubara repeated the words again.

Li Yunlong felt that a certain 404 technician who knew Pakistan wanted to send his child abroad to do such a thing. He felt uncomfortable, but did not make a difference. Even if he gave the child’s father to Pakistan, there would be no problem.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to agree, he was stopped by Long Yaohua.

“Director, no! Once Xie Kai goes abroad, 404 is over!” Long Yaohua’s words made Li Mingshan’s brows twisted together.

“Director Li, he is just a student, we only need him.” Mubara smiled.

“Director, absolutely not! Anyone can give it…” Long Yaohua didn’t care about the occasion at all, “Once he is not in 404, the whole 404 will become a mess.”

“Report! Director, Mr. Overmeer, the Iraqi ambassador to China, urgently asked for a meeting, and there is something to discuss.” A communications staff knocked on the door at this time.

Upon hearing the urgent request from the Iraqi ambassador to China, Li Yunlong could only leave the Pakistanis here first.

The Iraqis are the big benefactors.

In recent years, the total purchase price of weapons and equipment in China has exceeded 4 billion U.S. dollars.

“Director Li, our President’s most beloved daughter fell in love with a young Chinese…” Overmeer didn’t say any greetings, and directly asked someone.

He is very tactful.

As soon as Li Yunlong heard this, his anger suddenly became angry, and the Iraqis actually washed themselves.

“Director Li, our president’s favorite daughter does not eat or drink for you Chinese…” Overmeer continued.

“Mr. Diplomatic Ambassador, you can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Civil Affairs for this kind of thing. We are the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, regardless of marriage.” Li Yunlong suppressed his anger.

“But he belongs to the personnel of the military logistics system.” Overmeer said, “The name is Xie Kai, 18 years old, from Dongfeng City…For this, we can provide the right to exploit a large oil field, and there are some needs in your country. Samples of advanced weaponry…”


Li Yunlong thought he had heard it wrong.

Xie Kai again?

Moreover, the conditions of the Iraqi people a little bit Li Yunlong’s heart.

China wants to acquire a lot of Iraq’s equipment, such as the MiG-25 fighter jet, and even the Soviet air defense missile system.

Before he could say anything, someone came in again, approached Li Yunlong’s ear, and whispered to him that the Persians also asked to see him.

“Aren’t they doing it for Xie Kai too?” Li Yunlong thought he was a little funny.

This is simply impossible.

This kid is worth money. When did you hook up with an Iraqi girl?

“Director Li, we want Xie Kai. We can provide samples of any advanced weapons and equipment sold to us by the Americans. F-14, aerial tankers, early warning aircraft, and even a P-3F anti-submarine patrol aircraft, as well as supporting facilities A sample of the Harpoon anti-ship missile…” Li Yunlong was shocked by the Persian handwriting.

The Persians only bought 6 P-3F anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

Especially after Khomeini came to power, the Americans blocked Persia and even ruined one at the beginning.

There are only 5 anti-submarine patrol aircraft left. There were rumors that they could not take off because of lack of spare parts. By this year, at least 4 of these anti-submarine patrol aircraft have been modified and can be launched again…

The Persians are willing to give such conditions, how can Li Yunlong not be moved?

Get it back!

Then imitate it, it can very effectively improve the national defense strength, the development of China’s naval equipment is the most backward.

“The chief, absolutely can’t agree. Wang Shuwei said that Zheng Yucheng and others let the kid mess around, and Xie Kai is the kid…” Seeing Li Yunlong’s heartbeat, Long Yaohua said hurriedly.

“What?” Li Yunlong didn’t believe it.

“The cooperation between 404 and foreign weapons and equipment is almost all made by Xie Kai. He has a very high talent in project hosting. Especially keen insight, etc… This is what Pakistan, Iraq, Persia and other countries are willing to contribute. The price is exchanged for the reason for Xie Kai!” Long Yaohua was a little admired, and Wang Guilin was able to impress the Persians in such a short time.

With such a person who seems to know all kinds of projects to lead the work, this makes their backward industrial base will develop very rapidly.

“He is a child, really has such ability?” Li Yunlong felt incredible.

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