Chapter 600

“Isn’t he safe? Why didn’t he wake up?” Xie Kai saw Zheng Yucheng still lying in the hospital bed, motionless, with an oxygen mask on his nose, and his emotions began to be uncontrollable again.

The doctors, nurses and others all held back their tears and put their heads aside.

Xie Kai pounced on Zheng Yucheng, “Old Zheng, you can’t die! Get up quickly, don’t you say, you are not old, give you a brick, can you still make a wave on the 38th line? Get up, Lao Tzu Give you fighter jets, give you tanks, and go to the 38th line to do the American devils!”

Xie Kai wailed loudly while pushing Zheng Yucheng hard.

However, Zheng Yucheng remained motionless.

The doctors and nurses in the ward burst into tears.

This situation is common to 301 Hospital. It stands to reason that doctors and nurses have also experienced too much, but the old man lying in the hospital bed in front of him is a little different from others.

“Comrade, the patient has just left the dangerous period and needs to rest…” The doctor in charge of the first aid controlled his emotions and stepped forward to pull Xie Kai. “He will wake up.”

“Get out!” Xie Kai pushed the doctor away abruptly, “You don’t have the ability to wake him up. Arrange immediately. I will send him to the United States, to Europe, and to the best hospital!”

“How can I say it! This is the director of our emergency department!” Hearing Xie Kai’s words, a middle-aged doctor suddenly became unhappy.

Kindly rescued and treated them like this.

Who can stand it?

“Comrade, we have done our best. Now we can only rely on him! Even if we are sent to the most advanced hospital abroad, this is the case.” The emergency director stopped his men and explained to Xie Kai. “Before you arrive, the superiors instructed him to heal him at all costs.”

“You didn’t try your best! You don’t know how important he is to our entire unit. Back then, in order to protect our unit from being affected, he shot his own son personally. Until now, his daughter doesn’t recognize him, but he is still there. Running for national defense… Before this time the problem, his body had already collapsed…” Xie Kai collapsed weakly to the ground, howling.

Everyone was shocked by Xie Kai’s words.

No one thought that the old man lying on the hospital bed in front of him would have such an experience.

For national defense!

For the military industry of the motherland…

“Pull him away!” Long Yaohua arrived, seeing Xie Kai out of control, and hurriedly ordered people to pull Xie Kai away.

Xie Kai struggled and did not want to leave, but was pulled out by two officers.

“What’s the specific situation? Isn’t it out of danger? How could he be like this?” Li Mingshan asked the person in charge of the hospital.

After introducing the situation, the person in charge of the hospital said with a lonely expression, “Chief, if he can’t wake up in 24 hours, he will never be able to wake up. There is a problem with his body function, and he has been paralyzed by alcohol for a long time. pain……”

“Is there any way to wake him up quickly?” Li Mingshan asked.

“Chief, we have done our best.” The person in charge said. “This situation is very complicated…”

“I’m not in the name of the chief, but as a veteran, I asked him to wake up…” Li Mingshan felt uncomfortable.

Zheng Yucheng knows too well.

For the sake of national defense, the old guy can not even have his life.

“He was not a combatant originally, but on the Korean battlefield, three American soldiers were killed by the stones in his hands, and he was wounded and fell into a pool of blood…” Li Mingshan’s words made the doctor in charge stunned.

What Xie Kai cried and yelled before was actually true.

Relying on a stone to kill three American soldiers, this is also worth a lifetime of pride.

“Currently, many projects are under the responsibility of their units. Once he falls, the progress of those projects will be delayed even if they are not affected…” Long Yaohua walked over.(Read more @

“What about the kid?”

“Crying so sad, I sounded uncomfortable, and people fainted him.” Long Yaohua was also uncomfortable in his heart. “How can you fix it now? If there is a problem with Old Zheng, the kid will definitely have to run.”

“He spent more time with Lao Zheng than with his parents, and although no one said what Lao Zheng did, with his cleverness, it is impossible not to know. Now let him carry the entire base, no Maybe. He can’t afford it…” Li Mingshan nodded.

Zheng Yucheng has always been lobbying, and he has designated Xie Kai as the successor of 404 for good reasons.

Xie Kai’s effect on 404 can be seen from above, so I always keep one eye closed.

At this moment, Zheng Yucheng fell. Xie Kai did not grow up. The entire 404, like Zheng Yucheng, can not only condense the entire 404 sand, and there is no one who can rob other units like Zheng Yucheng. , Others feel upset, but they still have to cooperate.

More importantly, no one has the courage of Zheng Yucheng.

If it weren’t for Zheng Yucheng, Xie Kai would never have a head start.

The person in charge of the first aid was a bit speechless, and the two leaders said these things and didn’t let themselves avoid it.

“Chief, if you want the patient to wake up quickly, you need external stimulation. Whether it’s the young man just now or his family…” the doctor interrupted the two leaders.

Going on, I listened to what I shouldn’t.

Many military personnel are involved in secrecy.

“Has his family contacted?” Li Mingshan asked.

Long Yaohua nodded, shook his head again, and sighed, “His son-in-law has contacted, and his daughter is unwilling to come. It turns out that in a unit, he hasn’t spoken for many years, so the old man can only take a long look.”

“Then wait for Xie Kai to sleep for a while and let him come.” Li Mingshan said.

Zhang Huazhong helplessly persuaded his wife Zheng Kangmei in the staff dormitory of the construction machinery factory under construction in Jiayuguan.

“No, no! He is not my dad at all, Zhang Huazhong, if you say anything else, let’s go straight to the divorce!” Zheng Kangmei roared with a distorted expression.

Zhang Huazhong knows that the relationship between his wife and husband-in-law is bad, and has been persuading him for these years, and Zheng Kangmei has not loosened anything. “Kangmei, Dad did something wrong back then. I am sorry for my family, but I am worthy of the country… After so many years, my children are more than ten years old. I’m old, it’s time to let go…”

“How about being worthy of the country? Let him go to the country! Back then, he ignored the pleadings of my mother and me and shot to aid the DPRK. My mother was pissed off for this incident. Has he been guilty for so many years? How did you let me let go?” Zheng Kangmei As soon as I said this, my heart cramped and I started crying immediately.

“Now my dad is in a coma and has been transferred to the capital…” Zhang Huazhong didn’t know how to persuade his wife.

Every time I say this, my wife will lose control of her emotions.

He is in the middle, very embarrassed.

Xie Kai asked him to come here to be in charge of the construction machinery factory for the time being, and then arrange other jobs later, also to allow him to persuade his wife.

“Boom boom boom…”

There was the roar of helicopter propellers outside, and it was already early in the morning, and many workers ran out to look at the helicopter.

Wang Guilin got off the plane and went directly to Zhang Huazhong’s room.

Seeing Zheng Kangmei, who was out of control and still sobbing, sighed, “Kangmei, Lao Zheng is going to be dying. There is news from over there and he needs a call from relatives. Once he can’t wake up within 24 hours, he will never be able to wake up… ”

“It’s best to wake up, he should have died long ago!” Zheng Kangmei gritted her teeth, trying to suppress her anger, and said with a trembling, “Uncle Wang, don’t persuade me, really. I can’t wait to kill her myself…”

Zheng Kangmei knew what Wang Guilin was here for.

Seeing his wife like this, Zhang Huazhong hurriedly took Wang Guilin out of the room.

“Director Wang, Kang Mei has not been able to sleep well every night these years. He often woke up in dreams and crying…” Zhang Huazhong looked at Wang Guilin, “The reason why I agreed to come out is that Kang Mei’s current situation is getting worse and worse, and I have to rely on it every night. Falling asleep with a lot of drugs, neurasthenia…I don’t think she is suitable to go now…”

“But…” Wang Guilin also knew that Zheng Kangmei’s health was not good.

“Believe in Xie Kai, the old man has always regarded him as his son.” Zhang Huazhong sighed, “Xie Kai is far more important than Kang Mei in the old man’s heart. This is not our jealousy, it is the case…”

Wang Guilin, who has been working with Zheng Yucheng for many years, naturally knows.

Who in the entire base dared to ride on Zheng Yucheng’s head and shit, except Xie Kai, no one else.

Zheng Yucheng is a figure who dared to slap his wife on the table and scold his mother as a rogue with the military leader.

“You can persuade her, it will not be a good thing for her and Lao Zheng to go on like this.” Wang Guilin was helpless.

Zheng Kangmei’s attitude is too determined.

“Uncle Wang, what was going on back then? I didn’t dare to ask in detail these years, and other people who knew it were also secretive. I couldn’t find the root cause and couldn’t prescribe the right medicine. After so many years of persuading…” Zhang Huazhong is not I didn’t persuade, but as soon as I persuaded, my wife couldn’t control her emotions, and she didn’t dare to mention it later.

“It’s not just Lao Zheng’s fault. Back then, there was contact with Soviet intelligence personnel…” Wang Guilin sighed. “It is precisely because of that. With the momentum from the outside and with the support of the Soviets, the aid to Korea had to rebel inside the base. Once the base is controlled by them, there are three mushroom eggs hidden inside…”

Zhang Huazhong was completely shocked.

He did not expect that the legend is true, there are mushroom eggs in the base, and there are still three!

I didn’t expect that things would be so complicated that year.

In 1969, the Sino-Soviet Battle of Zhenbao Island broke out, and Zheng Yuanchao was killed almost at that time.

The three mushroom eggs arranged here, don’t need to think about it, but also know who is used to fight back.

The nuclear warheads of all countries are aimed at each other, and deterrence is generated in this way. Once a nuclear power breaks out a war, no country can be spared.

Therefore, when the Soviet Union suffered a loss on Zhenbao Island, it did not continue to do it. It was totally inconsistent with the Soviet Union’s consistent strength. They were afraid of China’s nuclear counterattack.

“That’s why Lao Zheng hates spies so much! Before Liang Xiaolong, if it weren’t for those soldiers, Lao Zheng would probably do it himself…” Wang Guilin sighed, “Sometimes, if you are worthy of the country, you may be sorry for your family. These years , He is more bitter than anyone else.”

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