Chapter 597

“Really?” Yan Chengzhong asked excitedly, “Can people return it to us?”

“We only change the engine mapping. If we don’t want to, we won’t talk about it. Follow-up cooperation is fine.” Xie Kai said.

If you want someone, don’t even think about it.

In a word, the people of 606 suddenly became extremely hot.

“People, don’t think about it. It’s in our hands anyway, and our project has made a lot of progress…” Zheng Yucheng dug his nostrils and said slowly.

Xie Kai felt that the old guy’s disgusting methods were getting nasty.

“The engine of F-14 is Pratt Whitney’s TF30-P-412 afterburner turbofan engine; while the CFM56-3 core engine is developed based on the core engine of the American F101 military turbofan engine. Come up, these engines are the same in many technologies. If you compare them, refer to…” Xie Kai said with a smile.

606 has U.S. core computer mapping paper in hand, and 404 has the same in hand?

Cooperation benefits both.

The most regrettable thing about Xie Kai is that he didn’t get the F-14 with two F110 engines. With that thing, it won’t be too much of a problem to build a carrier-based fighter in the future.

“Just exchange the survey paper?”

“No, there is also cooperation in new engines. For example, after our large press is built, we can provide supporting processes, and powder metallurgy technology can improve the overall turbine disk; the three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics laboratory can cooperate and have full digital control. The system can be developed cooperatively, etc…” Xie Kai knows that Mr. Zhang and others are experts.

If you want them to be completely tempted, they have to throw out some good things.

Sure enough, as soon as these projects were mentioned, 606 high-tech people were interested.

These are all blank areas in the country. Currently, there is no systematic plan for the 606 engine, but it cannot be delayed.

The design of the No. 10 project is almost complete.

The engine cannot keep up. In the early stage, it may be possible to purchase an engine to replace it. If there is no domestic engine, this will be very terrible.

“Your projects have already started?” Mr. Zhang asked excitedly.

“Most of them have been developed. High-temperature titanium alloys, nickel-based superalloys with better performance and higher temperature resistance, DZ125 directionally solidified alloy, DD6 single crystal alloy, FGH95 powder alloy, etc., have made great breakthroughs in the laboratory. What needs to be solved is the process and cost of mass manufacturing…” Xie Kai reported a series of material names.

People who don’t understand the material won’t feel anything at all.

These are all engaged in aero engines, and the sensitivity to these top materials is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Both the formula and the craftsmanship are very life-threatening.

After taking over the Yunshi project from 404, Zheng Yucheng made a fuss about getting into a fighter jet. Xie Kai knew that the engine could not be bypassed at all.

He can’t wait, so he can only open the cheats frantically and start waiting for the materials first.

There is the formula he provided in the laboratory, although it is not easy to make it, it is relatively easy.

More than a year now, it has consumed millions of test funds, and hundreds of tests have been carried out on various materials. If there is no more results, it would be better to be killed by a headshot. What else?

“If so, it would be great.” Mr. Zhang said excitedly.

What they worry about is these things, there is no reference, no advanced materials.

There is not even an integral turbine disc.

“Tell me, what do you all have.” Director Yan Chengzhong knows that the other party is willing to give such a lot of good things. He is definitely not a small conspiracy.

“No conditions.” Xie Kai smiled, humans and animals are harmless.

But Yan Chengzhong didn’t believe him at all.

“Really, there are no conditions. We have a fighter project that requires a high-thrust engine, and we plan to develop it in 20 years. The engine is not available for medium-thrust engines. It was in the Soviet Union before. Willing to sell us the most advanced AL-31 engine… as a last resort, we chose RD-33.” Xie Kai sighed.

Zheng Yucheng kept reaching out under the table to pull the corner of Xie Kai’s clothes, asking him to make offers.(Read more @

Xie Kai ignored him at all, and the old man was so angry that he couldn’t interrupt Xie Kai’s words.

“If so, we are very happy to cooperate with you.” Yan Chengzhong was still suspicious, with a vigilant expression on his face.

Waiting for Xie Kai to propose conditions.

Xie Kai didn’t mention any conditions, and directly asked Liao Dongfeng and Jiang Chenyang to talk to them about specific projects that can be cooperated.

Before coming, we had already discussed it.

This makes 606 people extremely unaccustomed.

Since we are discussing business matters, we have to change places.

Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng had an excuse for not having a good rest. If they want to continue to rest in the room, the negotiations will be discussed by professional personnel like Liao Dongfeng.

“Sure enough, the fox’s tail is still exposed, people are staring at them, and they can’t let them go to our people alone.” Yan Chengzhong told his assistant.

The assistant nodded, this kind of thing is simple and easy.

“Are you crazy? For such a good opportunity, if you don’t mention the conditions, we are very short of people!” When he returned to the room, Zheng Yucheng broke out.

Xie Kai shook his head, but looked at the door, indicating that someone was eavesdropping outside.

“You talk about you, people who want to dig others at every turn, can this work? Let’s do this for cooperation. Anyway, if the technology is developed, everyone can use it? It has to cause conflicts between the two sides, how can we cooperate… ”

The two quarreled fiercely, and the supervisor’s assistant who was eavesdropping outside did not leave.

“They are really like this?” Yan Chengzhong also felt incredible when he knew the situation.

The assistant explained that that was the case, and even said what the two quarreled with each other as they were, “They didn’t go out to find us.”

“Tomorrow they asked to visit our place?”

The assistant nodded.

“Let our people stare at them, and we must not let them come into contact with our core technical backbone alone. If someone is poached again, you go home and take the children by yourself.” The director said sternly, “Never relax. alert.”

The assistant still nodded.

He knows the severity. The 404 people are all bastards, who specialize in digging for the core personnel in various research institutes. Once those personnel leave, it will take a while to find a replacement.

That’s why 606 and other units don’t wait to see 404 people like this.

It’s not that the other party has put forward good conditions, but the projects they are engaged in can completely touch the hearts of those in the office. In addition, there are instructions from the leaders of the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission and other departments to request secondments…

Once a person is taken away, it is completely a meat bun and a dog, and there is no return.

On the second day, Liao Dongfeng and others continued to discuss cooperation projects and cooperation methods with Yan Chengzhong. Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng strolled in the 606 Institute.

A group of people are guarded strictly, as long as two people ask the researchers questions, someone will rush forward, and if they ask a little too much, they will be interrupted.

At the end of the day, all the research laboratories of the entire institute were almost gone.

“I didn’t ask someone’s name? I really didn’t intend to dig someone?” Director Yan felt weird when he heard the report. “They really only intend to cooperate?”

Seeing the assistant nodded, he was also relieved.

“Director, I always feel that their purpose should not be so simple. According to their behavior, it will not be like this.” The assistant reminded the director.

Director Yan is not the case, but the performance of the old and the young is completely impeccable.

Did not inquire about the situation of their personnel at all.

“Keep staring, sign the contract tomorrow and let them go.” The director said, “They didn’t propose to go to the Liming Engine Factory? They didn’t plan to go to the 112 factory for a walk?”

“No. It also explained that Tian signed the contract, and in the future, Director Liao and Mr. Jiang will be directly responsible for the cooperation.” The assistant said.

These words made Director Yan even more surprised. Could it be that both the old fox, Zheng Yucheng and the little fox, Xie Kai, have changed?

Regardless of the lateness of the time, I discussed with Haiyide and Zhang Enhe and others for a long time, but they couldn’t make a name for it.

Xie Kai and Zheng Yucheng are two people, are they really not planning to dig them?

“Are we so scary?” Zheng Yucheng returned to the room and asked Xie Kai after learning about the cooperation negotiations from Liao Dongfeng and others.

“Who knows what you guys are doing?” Xie Kai was speechless, “I didn’t let me get close to the researchers?”

Xie Kai looked resentful.

“It’s all about soldiers.” Zheng Yucheng sighed, “Is the personnel confirmed?”

Xie Kai nodded, took out a list from his pocket, added a few names on it, and crossed out a few more. “We got rid of these people and will not affect the progress of their projects. It’s a shame that we can figure out their list of personnel and the situation in each research room at the beginning. Otherwise, they will not be able to do so if they are so strictly guarded. what.”

“It’s just that your kid has a lot of thoughts. It is estimated that Jiang Chenyang will not be able to come back in the future.” Zheng Yucheng smiled sullenly. “Come back, it is estimated that wherever a person walks, they will be knocked sap.”

“Old Zheng, I find that you are getting more and more insidious. Mr. Jiang doesn’t even know the situation.” Xie Kai looked contemptuously, “If you don’t move, it will be difficult for you.”

“In this way, he won’t always think about his natal family?” Zheng Yucheng smiled sinisterly.

Xie Kai also smiled.

The two foxes, one old and one young, immediately rested after laughing.

Early the next morning, the two parties were in the meeting room of the 606 headquarters, preparing to sign a framework contract for cooperation.

The specific details can only be determined after communication and discussion between the responsible persons of both parties.

“Well, these cooperations, I think are very good. This way, we can effectively save scientific research funds, but also allow us to use effective funds to obtain more results, and both parties can make progress together…” Zheng Yucheng learned about the cooperation between the two parties. After the project, I knew that many good things on the 404 side would be taken out, and said, “However, it seems that we have paid a lot in cooperation…”

However, Zheng Yucheng’s heart is tight for everyone in 606.

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