Chapter 553

“The current domestic armored vehicles can only be used during normal training. When there are suitable ones later, they must be replaced.” Xie Kai continued to add.

“In the organization of this force, we can consider the brigade and brigade companies, 4 combined battalions, 1 special operations battalion, 1 mixed artillery battalion, 1 fire support battalion, and 1 brigade support battalion. The communications company, intelligence company, engineer company and drone platoon directly under the jurisdiction of the brigade…”

“The 359 tank, let’s put aside the cost. Although the firepower is strong enough, and the defense is strong, and the performance is advanced, there is a problem. It cannot be deployed quickly. Even the Il-76 transport aircraft can transport one at a time. We can’t equip dozens or hundreds of these large transport planes to protect the entire army…” Xie Kai’s words made everyone extremely unhappy.

“If you don’t want to give 359 tanks, you guys just say, you have to go around such a big circle!” He Chao was angry, patted the table and pointed at Xie Kai and yelled, “Fortunately, I still treat you as a brother. You didn’t want military training before. After finishing this, I finally persuaded the leaders above, and expanded it. It’s good for you, don’t care about everything, get out!”

“Old He!” Yang Bin is also a bit shameless of Xie Kai.

But this matter, he can’t really blame him, after all, he is not the person in charge of the 404 base.

Moreover, it is really inappropriate for He Chao to call Xie Kai a brother here.

“I said the old man, when did I say I don’t want to give the 359 tank? I just think that the armored vehicle is more suitable.” Xie Kai said, “Relatively speaking, the tank’s mobility is much stronger than that of ordinary infantry. You belong to special operations. For the brigade, what is needed is the ability to deploy quickly.”

Xie Kai feels helpless.

If he really follows his idea and builds like the Stryker Brigade of the US Army after decades of study, this team, 404 will have to bear far more than dozens of 359 tanks.

The special forces brigade with 359 tanks will eventually limit its thinking due to the characteristics of various equipment.

“The firepower and defensive capabilities of tanks are not comparable to armored vehicles.”

“What does the special operations brigade need such fierce firepower for? Fight against the enemy’s steel torrent? Or is it used to charge solid positions? According to the tonnage, the 359 tank is also a medium tank. This kind of armored unit is not a problem, but it can be equipped. In the special operations brigade, the special operations brigade can still play the suddenness and concealment of special operations?” Xie Kai questioned several people. “Chief of Staff, you have been studying in the United States for several years. You should know these things, right? In modern wars, air superiority and information control are becoming more and more obvious. Before the United States bombed Libya, they used electronics first. The fighter planes suppressed and then destroyed several radar stations in Libya, forcing other radar stations to shut down. In the end, the entire bombing process only lasted more than ten minutes…”

Tang Xin was lost in thought.

Up to now in China, it is not clear about the development direction of the military.

For a long time, I have been learning from the Soviet Union’s ideas of the Continental Army, and want to build a huge steel torrent, but the current situation in China simply cannot support the operation of such a huge steel torrent.

Not to mention production equipment, even the cost of maintenance and use can not be supplied.

Otherwise, there will be no action without a better tank.

Even the 79 main battle tanks that came out before are only equipped with a small amount.

The military is too poor!

The country is too poor.

“That’s air combat!” He Chao retorted dissatisfiedly.

“It’s also war. Modern warfare is like this, blitzkrieg, fast forward and fast exit, achieve the predetermined goal, immediately evacuate.” Xie Kai said calmly.

Yang Bin also feels that Xie Kai’s words seem to make sense.

“If it is only equipped with advanced weapons and equipment, it is enough to directly become a motorized force. Why do you need to set up a special brigade? Since it is exploring the development direction of the force and accumulating experience, when intelligence and information become more and more important in wars, should it be equipped? Tanks, for special operations units, have become a bit tasteless. Because we can arrange for the special forces of the reconnaissance battalion to sneak into the enemy’s area and call the rear long-range missile strike. The ground red flag can provide a long-range strike of 230 kilometers. Even we are already starting Develop a tactical support missile with a range of 600 kilometers!” Xie Kai said very clearly. “The fire support battalion may be better called the strategic fire support battalion.”

“…” The mouths of several people grew up.

The attacking power of missiles is much stronger than that of tank troops.

A cluster of hundreds of tanks, under the attack of these tactical missiles mounted on a cluster warhead,

“What if our troops are performing missions thousands of kilometers away? How are these missiles transported?”

“Transport aircraft. Although the missile car is long, it is far lighter than the tank. In addition, even a battalion cannot be equipped with many missile launching systems, but what about the tank?” Xie Kai thought about this.(Read more @

In fact, there is no need to equip tactical missiles with a longer range. They are long-range fire support units equipped by higher-level units.

How far can a brigade be controlled?

Xie Kai said all these questions, making it impossible for a few people to refute them again.

Tactical missiles were originally used for tactical strikes. A brigade equipped with this thing really doesn’t have much effect.

Fast assault troops, with tanks, are equally incapable of long-range and long-distance excitement.

The weight of each Stryker armored vehicle is controlled within 17 tons in order to carry C-130 and C-17 transport aircraft. The C-17 transport aircraft can transport 3 armored vehicles at a time.

In this way, the Stryker brigade is more mobile than the heavy brigade, and at the same time it has stronger protection and firepower than the light brigade.

“No, if it is an armored vehicle, the offensive firepower is too bad. The above will not agree to such a plan…”

“What if equipped with a batch of mobile artillery systems equipped with 105mm rifled guns? Although this kind of firepower is worse than that of the 359 tank, it is much stronger than ordinary tanks…” Xie Kai suddenly thought of the Stryker brigade Equipped with MGS mobile artillery system.

There seems to be such a thing in China, but Xie Kai doesn’t know what model it is, let alone which manufacturer makes it.

The 363 workshop is integrated with the 359, and such a fire support vehicle can be quickly produced.

“What about the protection capabilities?” He Chao asked.

“Old He, I think you should be the chief officer of the armored unit. Special operations forces, the best defense is offensive!” Xie Kai suddenly felt that He Chao was not suitable to be the brigade commander of the special operations brigade.

Lao He is still the traditional domestic artillery thinking.

This is absolutely not necessary in future wars.

It has not been a few years since the Gulf War. From the beginning to the withdrawal, the U.S. Army entered Iraq for 100 hours. It did not get any battles at all. This will not only make the embarrassing U.S. Army reflect on it, but also armies all over the world will reflect on it.

It can be said that the Gulf War started a wave of informatized army building.

During the Second World War, the Germans created a torrent of steel, which was finally carried forward by the Soviets, and the whole world trembled. In the 1990s, the Americans, in order to solve the problem of their inferiority to the Soviet steel torrent, created an informationized army…

“Don’t make it useless. Tell me why you want to do that. The 359 tank is good. It fires on the move and has high accuracy…” He Chao said.

“It is meaningless to engage in a tactical support unit hundreds of kilometers away, and a missile is too expensive. An armored vehicle equipped with a 105mm rifled gun is fine. But that…” Tang Xin carried 105mm for the one in the 404 base. The armored car of the gun is not interested.

The project has been under way for a long time, and many things have not been resolved.

And that thing is still tracked.

The 363 itself is for the 359. Up to now, the 359 has begun to fire American tanks on the battlefield. The supporting armored vehicles have not yet come out, so they can only use the backward-performance Type 63 to coordinate operations.

Fortunately, the two sides of the Iran-Iraq War did not use armored vehicles very well.

“At present, we have a plan for the mercenaries in Africa. The maximum speed can reach 90 kilometers. Except for the chassis, the others are relatively mature. They are equipped with 105mm rifled guns, equipped with 12.7mm high-level dual-purpose machine guns, 7.62mm Light machine gun…The armor can protect against machine gun bullets, mortars and artillery shrapnel. It contains 18 rounds of 105mm rounds, 400 rounds of 12.7mm rounds and 3400 rounds of 7.62mm rounds…”

The weapon Xie Kai said is the Stryker MGS mobile artillery system.

This is very similar to the 105-gun armored vehicle built before the 363 workshop. Xie Kai felt that the change was not a big problem.

Automatic firing or something, if the technology is immature, it can be done with human beings, and the difficulty will be much reduced.

“Can you do it?”

“What can’t it? The difficulty is much lower than that of the 359 tank.” Xie Kai said that the difficulty is low, but there are countless MMPs in his heart.

This bragging is too ridiculous.

In order to find more business for the base, and for the People’s Liberation Army to emerge as a composite brigade leading the world’s military development earlier, Xie Kai can only do this.

“If it can, there is no problem, but we need equipment training now.” Tang Xin was a little embarrassed.

Waiting for equipment is simply not appropriate.

The plan is submitted for approval.

Xie Kai, they can’t provide such equipment now, how to train the troops?

“Yeah, Xie Kai, we need training now. We only purchase 24 S-70 helicopters in China, and the superiors have awarded us 5 aircraft…no results…”

“What do you do, no one will stop it.” Xie Kai rolled his eyes and said.

“You don’t give the tanks, how are we going to fix it?” He Chao felt that this was Xie Kai’s problem.

“I’ll go!” Xie Kai jumped up, “He Brigadier Commander, do you want to point your face? Tank, you ask your equipment department if you want it!”

It was a joke.

“No money, let’s borrow some equipment from you first.”

“Then go to Old Zheng.” Xie Kai didn’t promise.

“Do you still want to hit our helicopter?” He Chao was very angry. “Where did you go before, it was our direct-5 delivery…”

“Don’t see the Il-76 parked at the airport?” Xie Kai looked contemptuous.

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