Chapter 1464

“We need 500 Tianjian individual anti-tank missiles, 200 Qianwei-2 individual anti-aircraft missiles, 20 Feidun-359 anti-aircraft missile systems…”

Kuwaiti people don’t talk nonsense, and directly report their needs.

This amount made the corners of Xie Kai’s mouth twitch.

Sure enough, he is a big dog who can get US dollars by digging for oil, and the amount he said with his mouth is surprising.

It seems that these things don’t cost money.

Regardless of the Tianjian anti-tank missile or the avant-garde air defense missile, the price is not cheap.

Feidun-359 is more expensive, tens of millions of dollars for a car.

People have such a huge number of mouths, and they don’t even have so much equipment in China.

Looking at Xie Kai’s expression, Samak Abdul was very satisfied.

“We need you to provide all weapons and equipment in the shortest time, all in cash, one-handed payment and one-handed delivery, and the price is paid according to the price between you and Saudi Arabia…”

Samak Abdul’s words only expressed one appeal to Xie Kai-the delivery date.

The sooner the delivery time, the better, now it’s all delivered, and they will pay all the money to 404 now.

As the richest oil-producing country in the Middle East, the annual income generated by overseas investment has exceeded domestic oil revenue, so it doesn’t care about hundreds of millions of dollars at all.

Kuwait is rich, is really rich.

In the case that the silly damu was about to invade them, he naturally didn’t mind spending 1.08 billion U.S. dollars to strengthen the defense.

Looking at Xie Kai, Abdul asked eagerly: “How? Is it okay?”

“Yes, it’s too good.”

Xie Kai screamed in his heart, wishing to agree to him immediately.

But on the surface it was calm.

Looked at the emboldened Kuwaiti with an embarrassed look.

“Sir, I can’t answer you now… Regardless of the Feidun-359, the Avant-Garde air defense missile, and the Tianjian anti-tank missile, the production cycle is relatively long. Moreover, you have not placed an order before, and it is difficult to complete the delivery in a short period of time.”

It’s not that Xie Kai doesn’t want to accept orders from Kuwait. The other party is too eager to gather such a large quantity in a short time.

The production cycle of all products is relatively long.

Missile defense systems like Feidun-359 involve too many fields, the number of parts is huge, and the production cycle is inherently slow.

In addition, there have been few orders. Up to now, only 100 sets have been ordered by Iraq and 100 sets have been ordered by Saudi Arabia, and all of them have been delivered.

More than 10 sets have been produced in China, mainly equipped with the Blue Army for combat experiments. At the same time, the 404 R&D team is also conducting experiments and further improvements to improve performance.

Although production is slow at ordinary times, it is also to maintain productivity.

200 avant-garde air defense missiles are available at any time.

The market for this thing is good, and the base has been slowly producing and storing it, so that it can be delivered quickly when the domestic troops need equipment one day.

What’s more, now that the base comes to the New Year, we also need to use this target shooting machine to show fireworks to the base.

The Tianjian anti-tank missile has just been delivered to Iraq and there is no order.

Even the Blue Army did not have many such anti-tank missiles. This thing is expensive, and it is not cost-effective compared to anti-tank rocket launchers.

It is even more incomparable with anti-tank artillery. An anti-tank artillery shell is only a few thousand, and a missile costs at least 100,000 or 200,000.

Seeing Xie Kai’s silence, Samak Abdul knew the urination of Chinese people, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Adding 20% ​​of the emergency fee, you will complete all delivery within one and a half months…”

Xie Kai was angry when he heard that the other party actually used money to hit him.

Can I buy it with money?

Although Xie Kai was seriously upset with Kuwait’s actions, for the benefit of 404, he still resisted the outbreak.

He looked at Samak Abdul with a calm face.

“Sir, if you increase the price no matter how much… we can consider urgent production without rest at any time… but there is no guarantee that all deliveries will be completed within one and a half months… You have to be too eager, according to the normal delivery period, at least Production can only be completed in half a year…”

Samak Abdul is naturally clear about the questions raised by Xie Kai.

He glanced at General Rafata next to him.

A Saudi general who was transferred from the Saudi Air Defense Force to the commander of the Navy, and now his position has changed.(Read more @

Lafata has not been in China for a short time, so she naturally understands the Chinese.

He knew that as long as enough money was given, the Chinese would find a way to accomplish the difficult task.

With enough money, all problems are not a problem.

Samak Abdul didn’t talk too much nonsense with Xie Kai, and directly gave Xie Kai a price that he couldn’t refuse.

“We increase by 50%, how long can you guarantee delivery?”

They don’t care about spending more money, they just hope to get weapons and equipment that can defend against Iraq’s offensive as soon as possible.

Xie Kai’s saliva almost drained.

200 avant-garde can sell for a price of 30 million; 500 Sky Arrows can sell for 135 million U.S. dollars; 20 sets of Feidun-359 can sell for 360 million U.S. dollars.

The total contract value is US5 million!

It’s all cash.

Xie Kai quickly measured and considered how these quantities can be completed in the shortest time.

But no matter how urgent it is, it will take at least three months even if all production forces are invested on it.

“It will take us 3 months to complete production. Many parts and components need to pass natural aging, so it will take a long time…”

Samak Abdul shook his head straight.

They can’t wait for 3 months.

Silly Damu has strong military strength, so he has the confidence, and he is inflated to launch wars against neighboring countries.

Kuwait has its own ideas for not purchasing weapons and equipment from the United States and Western countries.

This batch of weapons will be used to defend against the invasion of the Iraqi army.

All weapons are tested in actual combat.

Samak Abdul looked at Xie Kai with a heavy face.

“Thank you, the production will be completed within one and a half months and all delivered…For this, we pay 50% emergency plus freight… This is a very profitable transaction. Once the transaction is completed, the account will be settled immediately…Similarly, we can also Pay for the equipment first, and urgently add freight and pay after you complete the delivery…”

The time of Kuwaitis is not negotiable at all.

Explicitly tell Xie Kai that in order to complete this transaction, they must meet their delivery period.

This has never happened before in equipment transactions.

Customers not only take the initiative to raise prices, but also take the initiative to give money first.

Xie Kai feels that customers like this cannot be lost, even if the amount is not high.

Lafata looked at Xie Kai, “Thank you! Our country hopes to purchase 100 sets of Feidun-359, 200 359 tanks from you again…”

Big business!

Seeing Xie Kai looking at herself suspiciously, Lafata’s face was calm.

“Don’t worry, this batch of equipment won’t be in a hurry now… we need you to complete the delivery of Kuwait, and then talk about it in detail…”

As soon as Rafata said, Xie Kai knew that the Saudis were trying to increase bargaining chips.

When the Kuwaiti and the Saudis came here together, they must have reached a cooperation agreement.

Xie Kai didn’t bother to pay attention to the cooperation between the two countries, but thought that Samak Abdul’s request was difficult to fulfill.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in profits, for the 404 who is seriously lacking in funds, cannot be given up in any way.

Immediately Xie Kai said to the two of them: “I will communicate with the leaders first, think about it, and then I will give you an answer…”

Samak Abdul put up three fingers: “Three days, if you don’t answer in three days, we will seek other countries to purchase.”

Xie Kai cursed in his heart.

A big dog, he used money to smash Lao Tzu!

But he likes the other party to use money to destroy himself, anyway, he has to get it done, right?

The other party asked China to complete all equipment delivery to Kuwait within one and a half months, that is, 45 days, which is too difficult.

Zheng Yucheng, Wang Guilin and others did not expect that when the international situation was tense, Kuwaitis and Saudis wanted to purchase various weapons and equipment to defend against Iraq.

The scale of the contract is small, and the profit far exceeds the previous order.

“In order to get the 50% emergency payment that Kuwait is willing to pay, we have to find a way to solve this problem anyway.”

Zheng Yucheng said with a distorted expression.

Wang Guilin looked embarrassed.

“Our production capacity is just like that. The Feidun-359 production cycle takes more than a year. Even if we place an order now, we cannot complete the production of 20 sets of defense systems in such a short period of time. There is also Sky Arrow, such a large quantity, and a reserve. There are only more than 200… it is impossible to complete the delivery.”

Bai Yanjun, who had just returned not long, also felt embarrassed.

Xie Jianguo looked at his son. He didn’t understand why Xie Kai wanted to complete this task even though he knew it was impossible.

If the base lacks money, it must be able to get the money, right?

“The Blue Army, take out the Flying Shield-359 equipped by the Blue Army and all the avant-garde and sky arrows…”

Wang Guilin looked at Xie Kai incredulously, “Do you think this is possible? Tang Xin’s woman would not agree at all. Every time our experimental equipment enters their warehouse, it is beyond our control…”

“If you don’t give it, you have to give it. The blue army’s weaponry superiors didn’t allocate any money. They were all in the name of experiment. We provided the blue army. It was an experiment in the research and development process. According to the ownership, it is still ours… It’s not currently equipped by the army…”

Zheng Yucheng felt that Xie Kai’s proposal was fine.

The Flying Shield-359 equipped by the Blue Army, Qianwei, Sky Arrow, etc., are all used to help the 404 experiment.

Only the installed 359 tanks and ground red flag missiles were allocated funds by superiors.

Bai Yanjun didn’t expect them to do such a thing.

“Even so, it’s still not enough! The Blue Army doesn’t have much equipment at all, especially the various missiles. Feidun-359 is equipped with only 12. Even if it is fully deployed, it is still 8 short. These numbers…”

Indeed, even if the Blue Army’s equipment is taken out, it is not enough for Kuwait’s needs.

There are not many 20 Feidun-359, but for air defense systems with a long production cycle, it is not possible to complete production in one or two months.

It will take more than a year to complete the entire production cycle from the start of the feed to the production.

Without placing an order in advance, it is impossible to complete these 20 orders within 45 days.

“The base test vehicles were pulled out, refitted and delivered to them. As well as the acceleration on the production line, these production cycles should be completed within 40 days… After completion, lease the Soviet An-124 airlift.”

“Now let’s see how to convince the blue army tigress…”

Zheng Yucheng’s frowning words silenced everyone.

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