Chapter 1460

As long as the United States shows that it does not care about these things, Iraq will feel relieved and go to war.

Iraq goes to war against US allies, can the US military just ignore it?

As a result, the U.S. military has reason to bring the United Nations military into action against Iraq.

This is in the national interest of the United States.

The US Secretary of State James Addison Baker quickly recalled the Kuwaiti and Iraqi ambassador, Applel Glaspi, and gave her an account.

After being summoned by the Secretary of State, Apple Glaspi learned what the Secretary of State thought.

Upon returning to the Middle East, he began contacting members of the Kuwaiti royal family.

“The U.S. government wants us to continue to increase oil production?”

The King of Kuwait, Emil Jaber, looked puzzled and looked at April Glaspi, the US ambassador to Iraq and Kuwait.

Kuwait’s current oil production capacity has reached its limit, and it is not a good thing to continue to increase.

At the same time, it will make Iraq even more dissatisfied.

Iraq continues to accuse Kuwait of stealing their oil in the border area. Many oil fields in the border area are located on the border between the two countries.

To increase oil production capacity, the number of oil wells must be increased.

Kuwait’s source of income is not only dependent on oil production, their foreign investment income has exceeded the income derived from oil.

Increasing oil production will affect Kuwait’s own interests. The more oil production, the lower the oil price.

April Glaspi nodded seriously and looked at the king of Kuwait, organizing the language in his heart.

“Your Majesty, yes. Chinese economic experts have made a serious analysis based on the domestic economic situation. They believe that the price of crude oil is maintained at about 20 US dollars per barrel to meet the economic development of my country and the entire Western countries. If the price exceeds this price, it will be harmful to the world economy. Make an impact…”

King Jabir looked at April Glaspi, very dissatisfied.

What is the relationship between the U.S. economy and Kuwait?

“You don’t need to emphasize that we discussed this issue when Secretary of State James Addison Baker visited our country. Whether it is us or Saudi Arabia. Oil production capacity has reached its limit. And the current international oil price is not much higher than this price. , Continuing to increase oil production is not a good thing for any country…”

King Jabir knew the intentions of the Americans.

Iraq deliberately wants to reduce Kuwaiti oil production just to increase international crude oil prices.

The Americans demand that oil production continue to increase, but only to keep oil prices lower.

Kuwait’s further increase in oil production does not give Iraq a reason to act against Kuwait?

The silly damu, Jabir knew well.

Kuwait’s increase in oil production again will definitely cause the angry silly Damu to suspend a series of negotiations with Kuwait on oil and territory, and declare war on Kuwait.

Iraq’s military strength is the strongest in the Middle East, and all the armed forces of Kuwait’s entire country, together, are just over 20,000. How to fight?

April Glaspi did not give up on seeing the other party’s unwillingness to increase oil production.

“The Saudi side has agreed to our request and decided to increase oil production. If you do not expand oil production by then, it may affect our cooperation and even your country’s cooperation with Western countries…”

April Glaspi made the king of Kuwait suddenly rise in anger.

However, the king’s anger could not solve the problem.

Although Kuwait is a major oil producer, it needs the support of the United States and Western countries.

Most of the oil is exported to the United States and its allies…

After the U.S. ambassador left, the king personally summoned military personnel, including the Secretary of Defense, Prince Fahd, Shamako Abdul and others.

“The Americans hope that we will continue to increase oil production. Saudi Arabia has agreed to increase production. I also asked King Fahd. The Saudis did agree to increase oil production…”

Before the king had finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Minister of Defense, Prince Fahd.(Read more @

“Your Majesty, if we continue to increase oil production, it will make the Iraqi government even more angry… They have always wanted us to reduce production. Once production increases, Iraq will definitely accuse us of relying on Western countries and helping Western countries suppress oil prices… Not only does it give them reason to refuse. Paying foreign debts may even launch a war to annex us. The Americans knowing this, they also ask us to increase production…”

As the Minister of Defense of Kuwait, Prince Fahd is most worried about the invasion of the country.

Now that the price of oil is still being suppressed, the silly damu lunatic may start a war against Kuwait at any time.

Negotiations between the two sides on oil have been going on, and the Iraqis have become more and more eager.

Iraq not only wants to increase the price of oil, but also hopes that other countries will reduce oil production. The gap in the market will be partly supplied by Iraq, thereby increasing Iraq’s fiscal revenue and repaying its debts as soon as possible.

Samak Abdul looked at the Minister of Defense and the King, fearing that they would have a conflict.

“Iraq has no intention of repaying our debts. During the negotiation process, they have been making all kinds of non-discriminatory demands. Even if we reduce oil production and increase oil prices according to their requirements, the funds they receive are difficult to repay, stupid. Omu believes that he is helping the entire Arab world to resist Khomeini, and all countries need to help them share the cost…”

The words of Samak Abdul silenced both the prince and the king.

Iraq has been spending money on military equipment, and its force has become stronger and stronger.

Kuwait and other countries are worried about Iraq’s expanding military power.

The Iraqis originally fought the Persians, but other countries had no objection to their expansion of military power.

Countries even contributed money and efforts to help Iraq purchase weapons and equipment.

The more intense the fight between Iraq and the Persians and the higher the international oil price, all countries can benefit.

The Iran-Iraq War has ended, and Iraq is still desperately expanding its armed forces.

Even, Iraq sought out governments from various countries and asked them to share the cost of the Iran-Iraq war. The reason was that everyone profited from the war, and Iraq also helped the Arab world resist Khomeini’s export revolution and life…

Kuwait, as a neighbor of Iraq and the third largest oil producer in the Gulf, is naturally more worried about Iraq’s invasion.

Once Kuwait is annexed, Iraq will become the largest oil producer in the Middle East, controlling more than 40% of the oil production in the entire region.

With such a large amount of oil production, Iraq will have a greater say in oil prices.

Jabir was also helpless. As a king, he naturally worried that Iraq would take action against a country like Kuwait without much military strength.

But the United States has also made demands. If it does not meet the demands of the Americans, it will be even more difficult for Kuwait.

Either choose to cooperate with Iraq to reduce oil production and increase oil prices; or choose to cooperate with the Americans to increase oil production to make oil prices lower.

How to choose between the two, as long as a comparison can make a clear choice.

Cooperation with Iraq is not in Kuwait’s interest.

Iraq is also a competitor of Kuwait’s oil. What’s more, Iraq has always been very dissatisfied with Kuwait and has launched aggression.

Soon, after communicating with the Saudi royal family, Kuwait and the Saudi government once again announced an increase in oil production.

Hearing this news, Silly Damu jumped into a rage and quickly called his officials to a meeting.

“You must teach the damn Kuwaitis a lesson. Not only did they refuse to reduce oil production, they increased oil production to suppress oil prices…”

Silly Damu told his subordinates angrily.

In his opinion, Kuwait was originally part of Iraq and negotiated, but in order to avoid war, Iraq also failed to complete preparations for war.

“Kuwait must be taught a lesson. During the negotiations, they have been demanding excessively, reducing oil production without any concessions, and expanding oil production in border areas to steal our country’s oil resources…”

Aziz, who was in charge of the negotiations, seemed to fan the flames.

Kazim looked at the president and understood what he meant.

Now it’s time to take action on Kuwait.

“Your Excellency, starting a war will not necessarily achieve our goals. The war will affect oil production. After destroying the oil fields, we need to rebuild… mobilize an army on the border and put pressure on Kuwait… In this case, the negotiations will be much easier. If They disagree, then consider…”

Everyone knows that once Kuwait disagrees with their terms, it will directly crush Kuwait into Kuwait and directly turn Kuwait into the 19th province of Iraq.

Kuwait was originally part of the Basra Province of Iraq. Kuwait was founded in 1961.

Although in the past few decades, after Saddam came to power, he has always wanted to incorporate Kuwait into Iraq.

If no war breaks out, there will be a fear of destroying the oil field. Not only will it be impossible to obtain oil, but also huge amounts of money will be needed to rebuild the oil field.

“President, perhaps we should ask about the attitude of the United States and the Soviet Union.”

Someone made comments.

They are not opposed to the President’s launch of a war against Kuwait.

Iraq’s mobilization of troops to display its borders will cause regional tensions.

The Soviets hoped that the tension in the Gulf region would be better, and now they rely on selling oil to support their economy.

It stands to reason that the Americans do not want conflicts to break out in the Gulf region.

The skyrocketing international oil prices will deal a heavy blow to the slow-developing US and Western economies.

Once Iraq takes action against Kuwait, the Soviet Union may support Iraq, and the United States will definitely stand on the opposite side of Iraq.

Even the United States may send troops in person.

“Now we will not start a war. We will only teach Kuwait a little lesson. We don’t need to inform the United States and the Soviet Union. Unless the Kuwaiti government does not know how to exaggerate and does not meet our requirements, we will kill them if we want to continue to die…”

The President did not think that they needed to obtain approval from the United States and the Soviet Union to take action against Kuwait.

Silly Damu also has some concerns. If the United States really finds an excuse to participate in the war, it will not be a good thing for Iraq.

You only need to worry about taking action against Kuwait. Now it’s just that the troops are placed on the border to put pressure on the Kuwaiti, let them weigh the consequences and make negotiations easier.

“Last year, the Berlin Wall was overthrown and East Germany and West Germany were reunified. We and Kuwait were also in this situation. It was the damn British who created a border for us that should not exist for their benefit… Kuwait belongs to Part of us…”

The president’s reasons are very good.

“Assemble an armored force to the border and let Kuwait know the consequences of angering us.”

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