Chapter 1295


There are also the Soviets.

If they don’t provide engines, what a…

When Xie Kai thought of this, his face became a little ugly.

Although he was expecting that the French gusts that had not yet equipped their troops also crashed, so as to give Super-7A a greater chance.

However, the French disappointed Xie Kai.

Soon, the organizer notified via the airport broadcasting system: “Due to a flight accident, the airport runway was destroyed and the air show was suspended!”

Of course, the Paris Air Show, which is held only once every two years, cannot be suspended for all exhibitions.

Only the air show was suspended.

All the audience has no intention to watch the flight show, and the successive disasters are too shocking for ordinary audiences.

Their weak hearts can no longer bear such a fright.

Especially the French gust, which has not yet been fully developed.

The possibility of an accident is even greater today.

Many people are here to watch the excitement, and now there is no excitement to watch, and there is no point in staying here again!

Not everyone thinks that way.

Many people who came to the air show were aerospace manufacturers, and many worked in the aviation industry, so these people began to discuss today’s air show with people around them.

Especially the only Chinese Super-7A who performed thrilling and thrilling without any problems.

Many more are potential buyers, so many people began to move towards the area of ​​Chinese exhibitors.

“We can start negotiations with the Soviets!”

Xie Kai heard many people around him discussing, and from time to time he heard Super-7A. Long raised his head and calmly said to Bai Yanjun and others.

I came to Paris to negotiate with the Soviets.

Bai Yanjun nodded, “This air show flight performance has nothing to do with us!”

“Director Bai, Xie Kai! Let’s have a meal together at noon?”

When Xie Kai, Bai Yanjun and others watched the rescue team on the runway which was busy fighting fires and looking for the remains of the pilots, Zhao Zheng and Wang Xingfeng, general manager of AVIC, walked over.

Xie Kai looked at the group of people suspiciously, not knowing what their purpose was.

Even Zhao Yujun from the 112 factory was in them.

I am even more curious.

Zhao Yujun saw Xie Kai staring at him, and smiled awkwardly, “You are on fire this time, and you will be the biggest winner of this air show. I don’t know if we can work together again…”

Xie Kai looked at Zhao Yujun and asked playfully, “Cooperate? Deputy Factory Manager Zhao, you refused to cooperate at the beginning. And you said at the beginning that it will never be possible to cooperate with us again…”

Bai Yanjun didn’t speak, but stared at them.

They are still very unwelcome to AVIC, Factory 112 and the Ministry of Aviation Industry.

There is no business competition between the two sides. The 404 business is based on exporting equipment, while the fighters of the 112 factory are basically supplied to the domestic air force, and there is very little export.

Originally, when possible, 404 would help other domestic fraternal units to sell various equipment and obtain orders. Like the 132 factory’s J-7 and Qiang-5, 404 sold a lot.

However, the J-8II of the 112 factory is a fighter used by the national naval aviation, and it is cooperating with the Americans on the “Peace Model” project, so the 404 is very unwelcome.

Especially 404 people dig when they get the chance.

So after 404 got a huge super-7A order, she took the initiative to cooperate with 112 factory, hoping that they could help with production, but she was coldly rejected.

Wang Guilin also heard a lot of cool talk.

The Ministry of Aviation Industry is even standing on the side of Shenfei 112 Factory, and AVIC is not dealing with 112 Factory.

It’s weird to be seen.

“I heard that you have received a lot of intentional orders, and even the Greek Air Force is preparing to negotiate the purchase of Super-7A.” Zhao Zheng looked at Xie Kai and others, and said familiarly, “Everyone is a brother unit… ”

Xie Kai squinted at Zhao Zheng and snorted, “Cooperation? They refused at the beginning.”(Read more @

He didn’t know where the old guy was so emboldened, he actually came out and asked them to cooperate.

When 404 was too poor to even pay wages and the entire unit was going bankrupt, why didn’t he let the 112 factory, which has a huge business, cooperate with 404?

The other party is a master of the Ministry of Aviation Industry, and Xie Kai is not too much.

It just so happened that Mubara of Pakistan and Muhanad of the Minister of War and Products of Egypt came here with a group of his subordinates.

“What are these two guys plotting together again?”

Xie Kai ignored Zhao Zheng and others, but greeted the Pakistanis and Egyptians.

“Thanks, our fighters performed so well!”

Mubara smiled and gave Xie Kai a big hug.

Even Muhanad next to him smiled brilliantly, and said happily: “Thanks, Super-7A shows that the reality is great. However, regarding our cooperation, I have some ideas. I don’t know if it is convenient to talk about it? ”

He obviously also saw Zhao Zheng and others.

In full view, Xie Kai was a little embarrassed.

After all, Bai Yanjun is responsible for 404, not him.

Xie Kai pointed to Bai Yanjun and said to the two of them: “Director Bai is our person in charge!”

Mubara naturally knew the situation, and he was all old acquaintances.

Immediately laughed, “I have a treat at noon, how about everyone having lunch together?”

Xie Kai didn’t care about Zhao Zheng and others, and walked away with a smile on Mubara’s shoulders.

Bai Yanjun complained to Zhao Zheng and others, and left here.

Zhao Zheng and others were left with a wry smile.

“Hey! This kid is too vengeful.” Wang Chengfeng sighed, and he even regretted rejecting the 404 at the beginning.

Zhao Yujun was helpless: “They are not holding a bit of grudges. Say something nice to them at that time, and I hope I can get some orders too!”

Zhao Yujun was very envious of this Super-7A performance.

What’s more, the Super-7A project dug a lot of people from them and took away a lot of technology.

Zhao Zheng looked at him and asked in surprise, “Now 112 Factory is not afraid of them digging people?”

The contradiction between Factory 112 and Factory 404 mainly stems from 404’s continuous digging of core technical backbones and excellent technicians from Factory 112. Many projects of Factory 112 have been seriously delayed.

The 404 excavation made all domestic units uncomfortable, not to mention the 112 factory in the hardest hit area.

The domestic fighter design, research and manufacturing unit with the strongest technical strength, the 112 factory is not like the 132 factory in Rongcheng, which has a cooperative relationship with the 404. There is little cooperation, and the other party is madly digging people. How can it be the 112 factory?

Only now that there is an order from the superior, 404 does not have such a blatant dig.

But still digging people.

Because of this kind of thing, the two sides have a lot of contradictions, and cooperation is becoming less and less.

In the distance, the general manager of Israel Aerospace Industries, Mr. Radino looked at the Indian next to him and asked, “Gentlemen, how does China’s Super-7A perform?”

The Indian face was blue.

They would never have thought that the Chinese fighters performed so outstandingly.

In the MiG-29, Su-27, F-16, the most advanced fighter planes all had accidents, and several crashes, the Chinese Super-7A not only did not have any accidents, but it performed extremely eye-catching.

Became the biggest winner of the entire air show.

When the Israelis said this, they were completely slapped in the face.

Amir Pandit, general manager of the Hindustan company, looked at Radino and said coldly: “No matter how good a Chinese fighter is, it is only a trainer with no combat capabilities!”

The sourness in the tone began to diffuse in the air.

Ladino smiled. He knew that the Indians could not accept the fact that the Chinese were more advanced in technology.

“Gentlemen, the fighter production line and technology we talked about before is more advanced than the Chinese fighter. Based on the Chinese fighter, we will upgrade…”

The face of the Indian became even more gloomy.

When the Israelis sold their fighters to them before, they were vague. The Indians never thought that the chances of war would come from China!

I thought it was designed by Israel itself. After all, Israel’s aviation industry is also quite developed.

As far as the Indians are concerned, they cannot accept Chinese fighters to equip their troops.

China is their goal to surpass!

And many Indians believe that they can far exceed China’s strength.

In particular, the Hindustan Company, after introducing the full set of technology of the Soviet MiG fighter, has completed the plan for domestically produced fighters, and has begun to design its own national fighter—the Brilliant fighter.

The Minister of Defense Pakarli, who has not spoken, roughly interrupted the introduction of the Israelis, “We will not and cannot use Chinese fighter planes! It will never be possible!”

“Yes, we have our own brilliant fighter!”

Summit Tiwidi next to Pacalli added the words of the Secretary of Defense.

As the Deputy Minister of Defense Equipment of India, he felt dull on his face.

It is really unacceptable to be compared by China in terms of fighter jets!

For a long time, they can purchase the most advanced fighter jets from the Soviet Union and Western countries, and introduce the most advanced technology, unlike China, which was jointly embargoed by Western countries and the Soviet Union.

In the case of the Chinese being embargoed by technology, how can they make the Indians feel better when they develop such excellent fighters?

The damn Israelis actually said to sell them Chinese fighter planes!

How can it be?

India will never be able to use any weapons and equipment from China in its lifetime.

Ladino was not surprised by the performance of the Indians.

I also did not give up, and explained calmly: “Gentlemen, please note that this is not a Chinese fighter plane, but a design improvement after we introduced it from China to provide you with more advanced technology than the Chinese, and change it to the United States. More advanced engines of the same type, and advanced radar and avionics systems from the West…”

Before he finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted by Amir Pandit, “Mr. Ladino, we don’t need to, goodbye!”

Seeing the Indians leaving, Ladino smiled, “No need? You need it more than anyone else!”

In Ladino’s view, it will be a very reliable business to sell China’s Super-7A to Indians.

The Indians simply cannot refuse, unless they do not want to surpass the Chinese technically.

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