Chapter 1264

“You have conquered the dynamic braking maneuver!” The head of the base looked at Xie Kai excitedly.

A flight like this cannot explain the problem. If several fighters can fly such maneuvers under the operation of different pilots, it means that the Chinese have fully mastered the relevant technology in this area.

Hearing him say this, not only the prince, but the other Saudi military officers also looked at Xie Kai expectantly.

At this time, they believed that Xie Kai was the person in charge of the Chinese delegation.

Under the look of these local tyrants’ anticipation, Xie Kai shook his head and said to Prince Sultan apologetically, “Your Highness, I’m very sorry, even the performance just now is very dangerous… this is not our pilot’s skills. But it’s hard, it’s not that our fighter planes are not very maneuverable. Our pilots have been moving around these days and are very tired. In the evening we will set off again and fly to Egypt…”

“Can it be postponed?” Prince Sultan frowned.

He understands that this is a trick of the Chinese people who want to get caught.

“His Royal Highness, the time of the Paris Air Show has long been set, and in order to save money, all the itineraries are carefully arranged and planned. Any accidents in the process will affect our participation in the air show. I know that for this air show, we have paid a lot…Although we cannot perform multi-aircraft formation flying dragon head-up maneuvers and other maneuvers in your country, at the Paris Air Show, we will show the world…” Xie Kai Said calmly.

Bai Yanjun heard Xie Kai say this and secretly gave a thumbs up.

This kid’s method of hanging people’s appetite is becoming more and more purely.

Prince Sultan also knew this was true, and he still wanted to let the Chinese pilots perform a collective performance so that he could see it as soon as possible. Even if they were willing to pay a fee, Xie Kai, who had always loved money, refused.

This makes His Royal Highness very dissatisfied with Xie Kai!

Threatening not to give the order, Xie Kai ignores it.

For the Saudis, it’s like a person who is looking for a girl to have fun and meets a beautiful girl, and this girl also wants to have a good time with him. As a result, she stripped off and excitedly pounced on XXOO, and the girl put on her clothes. I’m on it. I said that I can’t do it today. I have to wait a few days to join more people…


Bullying the prince has no money or what?

“His Royal Highness, I’m very sorry, it’s not that we don’t want to, but the schedule has already been arranged, and we don’t have enough time…” Xie Kai didn’t give up when seeing the prince. He had to see it before the whole world saw it, and could only explain, “Yes. Yes, even if you are willing to purchase, this requires the agreement of King Fahd and Prince Abdullah with many air force generals in your country. It is better to invite them to the Paris Air Show. When you return, we can ask you National citizens show…”

Prince Abdullah controls the pillar of Saudi royal power and the National Guard, the most confidant of the Saudi royal family. Compared with Prince Sultan, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Aviation, Prince Abdullah has many rights. If he opposes, King Fahd will also not approve. Purchased.

Prince Sultan nodded helplessly.

This is indeed the problem.

They are all the younger brothers of King Fahd, and he cannot decide on these matters alone.

This is no way. The founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Ibn Saud, in order to win over various tribes in the early days of the founding of the nation, he married more than 300 brides, and gave birth to 43 sons and more daughters. Now, the Saudi royal family has become the largest royal family in the entire world.

Thousands of male members of the royal family are widely distributed in various important departments throughout the country…

“Then about the naval training…” Prince Sultan asked Xie Kai how to solve this problem. “At the beginning, you said that the training was provided and the church was guaranteed.”

The equipment is bought, and the other party’s training is provided.

The only bad thing is that their navy officers and soldiers are too unbelievable. After all, many grassroots officers and soldiers are young members of the royal family.(Read more @

The results of the training were not satisfactory, and it is no wonder that the Chinese teachers did not teach them seriously. The students who were taught by the same teachers, the Bahraini Navy performed extremely well.

Moreover, this achievement is still demonstrated in countries such as Argentina and Thailand. Otherwise, Prince Sultan would definitely say that the Chinese instructors did not take the responsibility for teaching seriously to cause this result.

“Didn’t we provide a solution before? We will organize a group of retired naval officers and technical backbones to continue training in your country…” Xie Kai said.

Prince Sultan said nothing.

Anyway, it was not clear for a while.

Even though the kid Xie Kai is now showing that he doesn’t care about money, His Royal Highness who has dealt with him a few times naturally knows who the other person is.

“His Royal Highness, do we really want to purchase their aircraft? China itself is seeking to purchase advanced fighters from Europe and the United States, and is still cooperating with the United States to improve the J-8II fighters of their naval aviation…” After the prince and Xie Kai finished talking, a The colonel asked the prince worriedly.

China’s fighter planes really do not work.

“Yes, Your Highness, the King has always emphasized that we should buy the most advanced weapons and equipment for our troops. Advanced weapons and equipment can not only enhance our national defense capabilities, but also make our soldiers safer.” Another person also said.

China’s weapons are truly incompatible with advanced technology.

Although this fighter flew a very shocking maneuver.

That doesn’t explain much.

Prince Sultan looked at his men and said calmly, “This matter needs to be looked at again, and he has to report to His Majesty the King. You can equip the Wehrmacht with such fighters…”

These people want to purchase weapons and equipment from Europe and the United States. They are in different locations and naturally have different ideas.

Although the United States and Saudi Arabia are allies, they always have to consider the sentiment of Israel, which is not against the entire Arab world. This has a great impact on the relationship between the two sides.

Especially after Saudi Arabia purchased the Great East Wind from China, Israel jumped fiercely. The Americans did not say anything on the surface, but in fact their attitude was very unfriendly. If it hadn’t been for Saudi Arabia’s oil, it would have been turned around a long time ago.

What’s more, to equip the National Defense Forces requires advanced, but it cannot be the most advanced equipment.

“Saudi Arabia will really purchase our fighter jets?” On the plane, Bai Yanjun looked at Xie Kai, always feeling it like a dream.

Saudi tyrants have money, and all advanced conventional weapons will not be embargoed on them except for the embargo of strategic weapons.

As a result, it was because Xie Kai talked with the other party for a while, and then let a Super-7A fly a dragon head-up maneuver. Saudi Arabia, which has always only bought advanced Western fighters to arm its own army, should buy Chinese fighters?

“Yeah, I always think this is like a dream.” Ge Minglang thought so too.

Xie Kai looked at them, both of them had doubts on their faces, raised their brows, and said, “Two, do we dare to have a little more confidence in ourselves? Although our technology is indeed lagging behind that of Western countries, As a fighter jet, the combat performance of the -7A may not be as good as that of Western countries, but in some respects it is still better than the West? What’s more, Saudi Arabia is not buying equipment for national defense.”

“Not for national defense, for what?” Bai Yanjun saw that Xie Kai was getting more and more ridiculous, and he gave Xie Kai a blank eye.

“It’s fun, they can’t fight anyway. They really want to fight, and Western countries that buy oil from Saudi Arabia will come forward to help.” Xie Kai said calmly, “Look at their army, do they seem to be used for war? The Egyptians still have troops to help them perform some defense tasks. Pakistan’s Ministry of Defense has also provided some mercenaries…”

Xie Kai really can’t figure it out about Saudi Arabia’s national defense construction.

For him, this is a very good quality customer.

In Saudi Arabia, the National Guard controlled by Prince Abdullah is more well-equipped than the National Defense Forces. This SANG unit for short is generally rarely reported. Like the silly Republican Guard, it is composed of absolute cronies of the Saudi royal family. This force guarding the palace, the holy city, strategically important areas, etc. also has the role of checking and balancing the domestic army, and is prepared to far exceed the ordinary domestic defense forces.

Xie Kai understands this force because it was the SANG that was the main force of the Saudi army to participate in the Battle of Khafji in 1991. In Khafji, the US Marines repelled two attacks at the level of the Iraqi armored battalion. For the third time, the Iraqi army, which was bombarded by the U.S. army to the brink of collapse, maimed the same number of SANG troops and drove out Al Khafji. In the end, SANG organized more combat power in the U.S. fighter plane. Cooperating with him, he rushed into Al Khafji occupied by the Iraqi army…

The combat effectiveness of the Saudi army can already be seen here.

Furthermore, the world knows about the world’s most advanced tanks being captured by guerrillas with light weapons.

In the Battle of Khafji, Saudi Arabia, which suffered a loss, summarized its experience and learned lessons. In the end, it was not to strengthen the training of the troops and rectify the military discipline, but to specialize the French equipment that was just bought for a long time and was not easy to use Throw it away, re-buy usable, more advanced American equipment…

For such a country, can Xie Kai not want to sell them some equipment?

Saudi Arabia bought a fighter such as Super-7A, and it will certainly not be equipped with an army like SANG that protects the royal power, but is used to equip the national defense army.

In that way, if the National Guard is about to rebel, the National Guard will be able to maintain the crown more easily.

Prince Sultan is a member of the royal family, even the highest person in charge of the Wehrmacht.

Relatively speaking, if a war really breaks out, and a war that is not easy to fight, the US allies will help them solve it. With US allies, Israel can bully other Arab countries, and certainly not dare to take action against Saudi Arabia, the main source country of US oil imports.

Selling it to Silly Damu, that product will definitely smash the reputation of Super-7A like it smashed the 59 tank.

But these words, Xie Kai could not explain to Bai Yanjun and others.

Apart from being rich, the Saudi army really cannot do it.

To achieve greater development, you must get more orders. The Saudi Air Force also needs such fighters to train their air force, doesn’t it?

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