Chapter 1210

How many cans can be made from the entrails of hundreds of thousands of cows?

Africa lacks food and should not refuse canned beef offal that tastes exquisite and nutritious.

It’s okay to refuse at first, just slowly change their eating habits.

“Finding relevant experts from the country to study, we must use all that a cow can use to the extreme. Hoofs and horns can be boiled, and the cowhide can be transported back to the country to make leather shoes or leather clothing. Those with bezoar or something are also precious Chinese medicinal materials…”

Since the Argentines agreed, Xie Kai had no opinion.

When the time comes, the Argentines will directly use cattle for settlement, and then the cannery will share the profits. The recipe is in the hands of the Chinese. Beef offal, the top delicacies on the Chinese recipes, cannot be processed abroad. They can only be used for fertilizer .

For the Chinese, only those things in the intestines of cows are the only ones that make fertilizer.

Xie Kai believes that this is for the poor and backward African people to solve the problem of malnutrition that has plagued them for a long time.

Maybe the United Nations will award itself an award or something, this achievement is too outstanding, isn’t it?

“Perhaps, it is possible to export the undigested or digested things in the intestines of cows to India? Isn’t the Indian delicacy made of cow dung?” Xie Kai suddenly remembered that the magical third brother not only drinks cow urine It also uses cow dung to make food, and it is said to be a top delicacy.

Zheng Yucheng, who had not yet gone out, heard Xie Kai’s mutter and almost threw up and left the place quickly.

Xie Kai is crazy.

It’s still acceptable to make canned beef offal or something.

The beef offal soup is still very delicious, and the hot pot of tripe is also very good. But cow shit, Xie Kai wants to sell it to Indians as food, it is too heavy and unacceptable.

Even Cheng Rui and Dong Jianliang were ashamed of themselves after Xie Kai said this.

“Xie Kai, about the cooperation between the Strategic Planning Department and other departments…” Cheng Rui asked Xie Kai.

In the past few days, not only are they helping to plan how to make the entire project more secure, but even some of their former colleagues have been invited to help freely, and a perfect plan has been formed soon.

The rest is looking for agents of canned beef or something.

This thing is not in a hurry. At this time, the cannery is not established so quickly.

China also has technology in this regard. Domestic military canned food is all meat products. Although this stuff is not tasty, it is definitely delicious compared to military canned food in the world.

Chinese Food!

Xie Kai thinks about how it will work in the future.

“The role of the Strategic Planning Department is actually this. It controls the risks of all projects and formulates development plans that meet the needs according to the situation and development direction of the base…” Xie Kai did not directly say anything.

Cheng Rui did not hear Xie Kai say anything else, but did not continue to ask.

The deal with Argentina has not yet been confirmed.

Once determined, the base needs to draw up a contract, and there are still many things to do.

“Thanks, the payment method has been settled now, and our country also agrees to this plan…Should we take us to see the shipyard and the fighter production line?” When Carlos saw Xie Kai again, he was already more confident.

Now the Chinese can’t accuse them of wanting to get equipment without giving money, and they need the Chinese to help them make money and increase employment opportunities.

Given the money, Xie Kai’s attitude has also changed.

Give money, this is God.

The warmth of spring must be given to God.

“General, this is a must. Even if we both cannot reach an agreement in the end, we cannot cooperate, it is necessary to visit the shipyard and the fighter production line to understand the specific performance parameters of the equipment we provide!” Xie Kai smiled.

I thought to myself, if the canned beef offal is sold well in Africa in the future, would you buy all the offal from Argentina?(Read more @

There is nothing to expect from domestic beef offal. Chinese people don’t have enough to eat hot pot by themselves!

For the Americans, forget it, let them keep them as fertilizer.

Argentines, in the eyes of Xie Kai, have become golden dollars.

Seeing Xie Kai’s diametrically opposite attitude, the Argentine wanted to swear, it was too snobbery.

It is estimated that when the time comes to discuss the price of beef, the Chinese will definitely have to desperately lower the price.

“When? We have been in China for a long time.” Carlos asked unceremoniously.

In his tone, he did not hide his contempt for Xie Kai, a snob who only recognizes money.

“Leave tomorrow. General, the day after tomorrow is the International Labor Day, our country will have a holiday… However, at Hudong Shipyard, the first aircraft carrier we built for the Thai and Taiwanese Navy will begin to lay the keel…” Xie Kai Don’t mind the contempt of the Argentines.

Just give money.

Free things are absolutely impossible.

“Thailand aircraft carrier laying keel?” Carlos and others did not expect that they would encounter such a good opportunity.

Xie Kai nodded, “If we both reach a cooperation agreement, your aircraft carrier will be like them.”

In this way, the Argentines naturally have no grievances.

Although the Chinese have no experience in building aircraft carriers, since they dare to take orders for aircraft carriers, they will naturally not be incapable. With the aircraft carrier of the Thai Navy in front, they can clearly see whether the Chinese can help them build the aircraft carrier.

If something goes wrong, they can ask for the termination of the contract at any time.

As for the issue of first paying the down payment, the project has not started, so naturally there is no need to pay. China hasn’t started yet. They will pay the money a few years in advance?

“The high level of the Thai military will also arrive tomorrow. Regarding the piece of army equipment you mentioned earlier, there may be further news this time.” Zheng Yucheng told Xie Kai a piece of news before Xie Kai went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The one billion dollars you proposed to them last year to complete the upgrade of the entire army…”

“There has been no movement before?” Xie Kai was puzzled.

Last year, the cooperation with the Thai navy was negotiated. In the end, Xie Kai did not participate in it because of Mo Qi’s accident.

When the Thai government talked to the 404 person, it changed the terms of cooperation and did not accept Xie Kai’s proposal to repay the aircraft carrier’s arrears in the form of a mortgage for twenty years.

After all, the cost of the entire aircraft carrier will reach 1.2 billion US dollars.

Later, the method was changed. Counting the performance of the four frigates that were not transformed to deliver to Saudi Arabia, some performance was added to the original 053H2 ship. The total fleet price is 1.2 billion US dollars.

Among them, the Thai Navy paid an advance payment of 400 million U.S. dollars in advance, and then paid 300 million U.S. dollars after the construction of the four frigates was completed.

The remaining 500 million US dollars will be paid 50 million US dollars annually and paid off in 10 years.

Before signing the contract, Wang Guilin asked Xie Kai, how could Xie Kai at that time still care about this?

Therefore, the Thai Army’s orders have not moved much.

“No.” Zheng Yucheng shook his head.

Thailand’s economic aggregate is not high, so it looks prosperous. In fact, it is not easy to spend such a large sum of money.

Therefore, the Thai government finally did not choose the reduced version of the luxurious 053H3 ship that Xie Kai specially formulated for the local tyrants, but chose a practical warship based on its economic strength.

In that way, the price of a frigate was reduced to about 80 million US dollars.

“Perhaps, we can sell them an upgraded version of the 053 frigate.” Xie Kai said gloomily.

According to previous calculations, when the Thai government was unable to pay the mortgage payment, the first aircraft carrier was used as a training ship for the navy. Obviously, this calculation failed.

Perhaps the Thai navy personnel will ask China to help them upgrade after seeing the luxury configuration that has not yet been delivered to Saudi Arabia.

Going out again, even if Xie Kai cares about Mo Qi’s somewhat lonely expression, there is no way to stay here with Mo Qi and the child.

My old mother stays at home almost all day, and the clothing factory is not as focused on business as before. She concentrates on taking care of her grandchildren. If it is not for her sons and children to breastfeed, and they are still too young, Mo Qi is probably not willing to take care of children at home.

The next morning, Xie Kai took the Argentine group directly to the airport.

“This is also our business jet, the C910 business jet…” For Argentines, seeing the business jet in China is obviously a bit shocking.

For these customers, Xie Kai will not let go.

Promote their products when you have the opportunity.

The C910 in Xie Kai’s mouth is actually Yun-10.

It is obviously inappropriate to sell business jets to Argentina. The Argentine government is obviously not as rich as it can to equip government officials with business jets.

But as a civil airliner, it is still sufficient for Argentina.

There is no arrangement to ship -8, just to sell -10 to Argentines.

“Obtained the American airworthiness license and the European airworthiness license?” Carlos was a little envious of the Chinese.

Although China’s technological strength is far behind the Soviet Union and Europe and the United States, the Chinese can manufacture everything by themselves, unlike them, who have to buy everything.

“Yes, and got more than 20 orders.” Xie Kai introduced the situation of Yun-10. “Such a large aircraft has practical performance and low price. It only costs 40 million U.S. dollars, which is better than Airbus. It’s much cheaper than Boeing’s. This will take part in the Paris Air Show in June…”

The original price of a Yun-10 was 30 million U.S. dollars, but now the international exchange rate fluctuates greatly, so the price will naturally increase accordingly.

“If we purchase this kind of aircraft, will it be counted in the total of 2 billion US dollars?” Carlos asked suddenly, “Are there any military transport aircraft models?”

“The military transport aircraft model is still in the production of prototypes and has not yet achieved its first flight…” Xie Kai did not conceal the truth.

Yun-10 will participate in the Paris Air Show, when China’s aviation manufacturing industry will definitely attract the attention of the whole world.

There is no way to hide it.

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