Tokyo World Expo.

The mascot emperor of the Sakura Country sat at the top.

Shigeyasu Sanno, who was already the Minister of Finance, was whispering something to him.

Every time he heard the key points, the Japanese emperor would laugh.

"So, Wang Leijun, you have made another contribution for us?"

"Yes, he is the best friend of the Sakura Country."

The Japanese emperor nodded slightly and approved of Shigeyasu Sanno's statement.

Originally, their royal family had an irreplaceable and lofty status in the Sakura Country.

All the people regarded the Japanese emperor as a spiritual leader who was born to rule them.

Both the Ronin Group and the military respected him.

Even if he chose to surrender, his status was still noble.

But after the arrival of the American people, everything changed. MacArthur, known as the founding father, tried his best to weaken the prestige of the royal family.

He found a few clowns who claimed to be of royal blood and gave speeches everywhere.

The royal family of Sakura Country was vilified, the bloodline of the Japanese emperor was questioned, and the Japanese emperor was no longer mysterious...

In the end, MacArthur succeeded in making their royal family a mascot.

Just like now, he can only sit here and watch the opening ceremony, but it is the prime minister who is giving a speech on the stage.

"Shigeyasu Sanye, how sure are you to run for prime minister?"

"If Wang Leijun fully supports me, I will definitely win the election."

"What is his attitude?"

Wang Lei took advantage of the real estate bubble in Sakura Country to make Tokyo TV the TV station with the highest ratings, and the White Dragon Agency even won over all the artists in Sakura Country.

The White Dragon Group almost monopolized the entire broadcast media market.

As long as the White Dragon Group supports Shigeyasu Sanye, the little dog of another major faction has almost no chance of winning.

The little dog is now the president of another party. The next step is to participate in the election. He is the biggest potential opponent of Shigeyasu Sanye.

"He also dislikes Xiaoquan very much, saying that he is a dog of the American people.

After taking office, he will definitely try every means to please the American people, and even have the idea of ​​killing him."

"Bagayalu, Wang Leijun is so right, such people should not be alive."

His sudden increase in volume made people around him look sideways.

As a member of the House of Representatives, Xiaoquan sneezed violently.

The Emperor lowered his voice and said:

"Then did Wang Leijun say that he supports your candidacy?"

"He is a businessman, probably waiting for a good price."

The most important thing in the election is to guide public opinion and public opinion war. Wang Lei, who controls the media channels, is enough to change the final result of the election.

"Oh? What does he want?"

Sanye Shigeyasu looked very embarrassed:

"He is now the most powerful person in Sakura Island, what can we give him?"

The Japanese emperor also had a headache when he thought of this:

"Isn't he interested in the pharmaceutical industry?"

"That was a few years ago."

"Then give him our military industry and military procurement orders!"

Sanye Shigeyasu hesitated. The White Dragon Group was already the overlord among private enterprises. If he let the other party get involved in the military industry, he was worried that it would become too big to be removed and raise another emperor.

Even if he became the prime minister at that time, it would be meaningless.

"Haha, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child. We can give him everything, and we can take it back at that time. The other groups will stand with us at that time."

Sanye Shigeyasu suddenly became clear. The reason why he couldn't turn around was because he and Wang Lei had a good personal relationship. His ability to become the Minister of Finance and President of the Bank of Japan was inseparable from Wang Lei's vigorous propaganda.

After the Emperor's advice, he had some crooked thoughts.

"Okay, let's do it."

Compared to the friendship between the two, his career was obviously more important.

Wang Lei was sitting in the guest seat and chatting with Fuld of Lehman Brothers and the presidents of several large investment banks.

"Mr. Wang, you are the most informed in Sakura Island. Recently, Sakura Country Bank has launched a very profitable financial product..."

As soon as Wang Lei heard it, he knew that it was a rumor deliberately released by several other financial groups.

He immediately denied it:

"Fuld, there is no such thing. There is no such profitable product in the world, and it is not the turn of foreign businessmen like us."

Fuld and others saw his strong denial.

Instead, it was more like a performance that he did not want to make money with them.

Because as soon as they landed, they found that the financial market of Sakura Island was extremely hot, and the financial reports of several banks changed their previous decline and achieved profits.

Seeing that they didn't believe him, Wang Lei tried his best to prove his innocence and said:

"If you don't believe me, you can go to Bailong Bank and take a look. Our bank's business has been very quiet recently."

His words further confirmed the guess of the people present. Xiaoshi has found a way to make money, and he didn't bringWang Lei, the outsider.

At this time, Li Qilin very cooperatively walked to Wang Lei and whispered:

"Boss, we have negotiated with Mitsubishi Bank, and they are willing to sell us some LJCD."

Wang Lei seemed to be trying his best to hide his excitement and patted Li Qilin's shoulder.

It must be said that Li Qilin's performance was just right, and both of them were trying hard to hold back their laughter.

The presidents of these investment banks did not notice that Li Qilin and Wang Lei deliberately communicated in English.

They only knew that the rumored financial products existed.

Thinking of this, they all pretended to be indifferent, but in their hearts they were planning to ask familiar friendly merchants after the opening ceremony.

Wang Lei knew that the fish had smelled the blood, and the next step was to see if the bait was fresh enough.

Thinking of this, he sent a message to several presidents of the consortium:

"They have taken the bait, remember not to reveal the truth."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, our operation is very complicated. We disdain to do scams that can be seen through at a glance."

"We are professional in counterfeiting, please believe in our craftsmanship!"

Wang Lei couldn't help but smile. This group of presidents are quite excited. They are really a nest of snakes and rats.

At the end of the opening ceremony, the current representative of Sakura Country (the character is purely fictional) found Wang Lei.

"Mr. Wang Lei, thank you very much for your continued support. My term will end in a few months."

For this person, Wang Lei can't hate him because he publicly admitted the crimes of the Japanese devils in the past and expressed his apologies to the victim country.

This is very rare for a representative of Xiaorizi. There are only two representatives who have done this in history.

During his tenure, he actively maintained the relationship between several countries in Dongzhou. He is one of the few sober people in Xiaorizi.

"Congratulations, Representative! But I still want to ask, do you have a suitable candidate to recommend?"

"Hosokawa, he has always been unwilling to give up, I hope you will support him to return to the election."

Hosokawa? ?

Wang Lei nodded, he was the only one.

Hosokawa was another person who publicly apologized and was assassinated because of this incident.

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