The iPhone 1 "camera" can only take photos, not videos.

After Ni Pingnan continued to show Sanwei's many black technologies, Boss Joe's eyes became blurred and his ears were buzzing inexplicably.

After taking a sip of water and a handful of medicine, he came back to his senses from the fear.

It was difficult to describe his mood at this time.

The product that the other party brought out had many similarities with his in design and function. If Apple released it first, he would have enough reasons to sue Sanwei for high-end design plagiarism.

But what made him confused was that the other party not only released the product first, but also far exceeded the performance of the iPhone 1, which was still under design.

The designs of the two coincidentally collided!

The current situation is very unfavorable to Apple. The iPhone 1 will be released at the end of 2006 at the latest. By then, Apple will be labeled as a bad imitator.

Even more sadly, the iPhone 1 will be called a low-profile version of Sanwei.

Thinking of this, his heart went cold. Last year, he was diagnosed with cancer. Seeing the release of the Apple mobile phone and being loved by people was once his biggest motivation to live.

But this spark of hope was cruelly extinguished by the Sanwei mobile phone at this moment.

Unlike Boss Qiao, President Lukia looked ashen. Ni Pingnan showed off the functions of the Sanwei mobile phone in front of him provocatively.

Seeing this scene, the people of Longguo laughed out loud. Even those who didn't know the truth couldn't help but feel relieved after knowing the inside story.

These foreigners are too arrogant, and now they are frustrated.

Xiaorizi and the manufacturers from Hanguo are constantly taking pictures, for fear of missing any details.

The sudden appearance of the Sanwei mobile phone refreshed Li Zairong's stereotype of Longguo.

He also had to admit that the Sanwei mobile phone was worth learning from.

This sense of gap made him at a loss. In the past eight years, Samsung Electronics has been chasing the footsteps of American and Japanese manufacturers, and now it has to start chasing the footsteps of Sanwei.

Moreover, Sanwei is an epoch-making product. Whether it is the full-screen multi-touch design, the operating system, or the mobile phone chip, or the built-in software, they need to start researching each one from scratch.

Now they are a little impatient, not only because they don't want to see Ni Pingnan continue to pretend, but also because they feel that time is running out and they don't have much time left to survive.

They need to think about whether to stop the new mobile phone they are developing and invest in the research and development of full-screen multi-touch screens, or continue to go all the way and use the "old-time" mobile phone to seize the remaining market of Sanwei.

When they think about overturning all the previous designs and all the investment going down the drain, they can't help but feel heartache.

The official TV station filmed their miserable looks.

The painful looks of several presidents covering their chests and grabbing their hair became the classic picture of the next day's headlines.

Domestic mobile phone manufacturers are not looking good either.

Although they know that there is a big gap between them and the largest mobile phone manufacturer in China, they didn't expect that the other party could come up with such an epoch-making product.

The invited mainland CEOs were taught a lesson by Sanwei.

They can imagine the scene after Sanwei is released.

Sanwei will become the biggest electronic hit product in the new century. People all over the world will become loyal users of Sanwei mobile phones. It is also possible that Sanwei will become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer.

Once Sanwei is listed, it will not take a few years for Longguo to have another technology group with a market value of over 1 trillion yuan!

And they will only become pitiful supporting roles.

They deeply realize that technology is the primary productive force, and research and development is the only way for Longguo enterprises to rise.

Even the bigwigs who are watching the live broadcast in Longnanhai can't help but applaud.

"Sanshi and Longwei are both great, our national brand will stand at the top of the world!"

Xiao is proud of it. The first meeting with the father and son of the Wang family 18 years ago, the gears of fate began to turn quietly.

The audience was excited and flushed. This is a big step for the national brand to move towards the world. Since Changhong fired the first shot of the national brand, the world has been waiting for this day for a long time!

Domestic rise!

Sanwei, rise up!

Paramount TV broadcast the conference at the same time, and through its huge network, it showed the magical charm of Sanwei mobile phones to subscribers around the world.

Everyone was attracted by the mobile phone in Ni Pingnan's hand. They only had one idea now:

This mobile phone is so cool, and its functions are all black technology. No matter how much it costs, they must buy one, be a Sigma man, and be the most fashionable woman.

If the director hadn't stopped him, Ni Pingnan would have continued to show off in front of the president of Lukia.

Seeing the sign raised behind him, Ni Pingnan signaled everyone to be quiet:

"Next,I will announce the global and domestic prices of the A-generation Sanwei mobile phone. "

Hearing this, Li Zairong and other foreign CEOs had to be alert.

Sanwei's pricing determines the future positioning of their mobile phones, so they all have to listen carefully.

Ni Pingnan smiled evilly:

"The global price is 899 US dollars, and the domestic price is 2899 yuan!

Understand the applause. ”

The mobile phone manufacturers present applauded sincerely after hearing this.

It is simply because Sanwei’s pricing is very high.

In the United States, mobile phones, cars and other electronic products are quite cheap.

The price of $899 is already considered high among many mobile phones that cost one or two hundred dollars.

It seems that Sanshi and Longwei position Sanwei mobile phones as high-end products and look down on the low-end market of mobile phones.

The signal sent out made them all feel relieved.

In this way, they can continue to develop new mobile phones, but the track in the low-end market will become more crowded.

Seeing the foreigners’ happy expressions, Ni Pingnan couldn’t help but laugh secretly:

“Let you be happy for a while. ”

Domestic mobile phone manufacturers also breathed a sigh of relief. 2899 yuan is a lot of money for the masses in Longguo, who earn a few hundred yuan on average.

In 2005, the average annual income of Shanghai residents was about 15,000 yuan, and the user group of Sanwei mobile phones was destined to be the first to get rich.

Then they can survive by copying foreign mobile phones and grabbing the lower-level market.

Whether it is global pricing or domestic pricing, it is a decision made by the two groups after careful consideration.

On the one hand, it makes money from foreigners, and on the other hand, it gives small domestic manufacturers an opportunity to rise.

Foreign audiences who are watching the press conference think that they can own a cup-pretending weapon for $899, which is naive.

Learn about Lei Jun’s hunger marketing.

Purchase restrictions, always purchase restrictions, Sanwei mobile phones will become one of the most difficult electronic products in the world.

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