
"What are you talking about? Say it again."

The reporters were all frightened by the grinning Smith. Could this guy be crazy because he couldn't stand the stimulation?

Whoever we meet will bite each other later.

Robert shouted loudly:

"She is asking you, Peninsula Technology has developed a 134 nanometer light source, what do you think?"

He looked playful. Smith wanted to hit him in the face, so he naturally had to hit him back.

Smith immediately shouted:

"Impossible, this is not realistic at all, they must be cheating, can Dongzhou monkeys develop something that is more than one generation of us?"

"They must be academic fraud!"

The reporters watched Smith's performance as if they were watching a clown.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Mr. Smith, the research results of Dr. Lin Benjian of Peninsula Technology have been verified by many industry experts on the scene. Facts have proved that Peninsula Technology has indeed developed a 134-nanometer light source!"

Smit still didn't believe that Peninsula Technology's results were true. He shouted:

"Those experts and organizations must have been bought off by Peninsula. We spent so much money and energy to develop a 157-nanometer laser. How could they develop a 134-nanometer light source before us?"

Everyone looked at him as if he were a clown.

Kembauer, who had been embarrassed in the audience, also realized the seriousness of the problem.

If Peninsula Technology really developed a 134-nanometer light source, how would he and ASML respond?

ASML's stock price, which had risen with great difficulty recently, will collapse, and it is very likely that it will even fall below the issue price, and his years of investment will go down the drain.

The most important thing is that the elders of the family will definitely not let him go.

Because he was just holding shares on behalf of others, it was the family that used funds to take over the shares held by Cayman Capital, which harmed the interests of every member of the family!

Thinking of this, he shuddered.

"Enough! Smith, I think we should immediately send a team to verify whether Peninsula Technology's research and development results are true."

Smith, who was on the verge of collapse, came back to his senses.

He picked up the microphone and shouted across the air:

"We seriously suspect that Peninsula Technology has academic fraud. We hope that the Semiconductor Association can send a team to investigate. If the verification is fraudulent, I hope that the relevant departments will severely punish Peninsula Technology."

At this time, they still have a fluke mentality.

What if, no, Peninsula Technology must have fraudulently, this is a blunder.

After the news report, there was an uproar outside the venue.

Many beautiful Chinese still believe in ASML's words and denounce Peninsula Technology.

Almost all TV stations are making fun of Peninsula Technology.

But their bodies are very honest, and ASML's stock price is steadily falling.

Seeing these reports, Wang Lei just smiled:

"People only want to see what they want to see, so tell Schmidt and Kembauer that the door of our Peninsula Technology is always open to their expedition team, and they can come to verify the truth at any time."

Who are the people in the American Semiconductor Association?

Almost all of them came from Fairchild Semiconductor, known as the Eight Traitors, and the American semiconductor industry is almost controlled by these people.

Of course, they stand on the side of the little brother Schmidt. Before they left, the old man who led the group patted Schmidt on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, the fake can't be real, and the real can also be fake."

But after watching Lin Benjian's demonstration with his own eyes.

Traitors immediately appeared among them.

Who are they? American semiconductor businessmen. What they value is the interests and the survival of their own companies.

The intrusion method is indeed real, and the light source can be made to 134 nanometers. And from what Peninsula Technology said, their technology will soon be able to achieve mass production!

If they don't beg for mercy at this time, do they really have to follow ASML and die with the 157nm dry lithography machine?

Faced with the flattery of the eight rebels, Qiu Mingxiang did not respond immediately. In fact, it didn't matter whether the Americans admitted it or not. With this technology in hand, Peninsula Technology could only make more or less money. With several major buyers in Dongzhou, they would not worry about the lack of sales of the new lithography machine after it leaves the factory.

In order to show sincerity, the Semiconductor Association of the United States immediately notified the media, acknowledging the advanced position of immersion in the field of micro-optics, and congratulated Peninsula Technology for its outstanding contribution to the scientific progress of mankind.

As soon as the news came out, the world was in an uproar.

Smith was confused. What happened? Why did the big brothers betray?

Kembauer's last hope was also extinguished.

As soon as the market opened the next day, ASML's stock price began to plummet. It only tookIn three days, ASML fell below the issue price.

Financial institutions re-rated ASML and it became a junk stock.

The market value of hundreds of billions evaporated in an instant.

The investment of several major investors shrank.

The huge investments of the Ross family, Guy, and Microsoft were all lost.

ASML collapsed so quickly that they had no time to withdraw their funds.

Because of the wrong investment, Microsoft's stock market fell sharply. When Microsoft fell, the entire IT industry fell.

The result is imaginable.

Schmidt was retaliated by angry investors.

Although he was very careful, he was still assassinated in a security company in Heilongjiang. The killers were extremely cruel and even his wife and children were not spared.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he hated him to the core.

Kembauer also lost contact immediately.

In fact, he is a coward at heart. He used to like to hide under Guy's wings and pretend to be powerful. Now he dares not face the inquiries from the family and has to become a turtle.

His evasive behavior disappointed the elders of the Ross family.

In addition to the loss of money, the more important thing is that Kembauer lacks the courage to face the trough. How can such a person take on the heavy responsibility?

The elders are very distressed. The elite teachings they believe in seem to have failed.

Guy is like this, Kembauer doesn't even have the courage to commit suicide, and the rest are just some drunkards.

The only thing that makes them look sideways is the woman Ahebben.

It seems that choosing Ahebben as the head of the family is also a good choice. At least this woman is the best among all the heirs in terms of making money, and her personality is cold and ruthless. She is very good in many hardships.

But when they cast their expectant eyes on Ahebben, they thought they would be grateful to Ahebben, but they were rejected outright:

"I think my life is good now. Austin's growth cannot be separated from me. If possible, I would rather be a housewife."

The elders felt humiliated. Ahebben, are you willing to be a housewife?

No one would believe it if they told others. But the elders found that they could not turn against Ahebben. The family suffered losses from ASML's investment, and the Lantau Island project of Hong Kong City was still a mess. Now the family could not do without Ahebben's excellent ability to make money.

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