There is such a good thing!

Wang Lei's face suddenly changed, as if he was afraid that Clark would go back on his word.

Clark was speechless. He, as a company founder, couldn't have no credibility at all.

He promised in front of many people:

"In order to thank Mr. Wang for his long-term support for Netscape, I, Clark, am willing to transfer 3% of the shares to Mr. Wang at today's closing price. I hope everyone will be a witness."

Wang Lei nodded with satisfaction. It is estimated that it will not take long for Clark to regret it.

At 9:30 in the United States, the New York Stock Exchange opened on time.

"It's started!"

Netscape's shareholders and founding team stared at the big screen and the rolling numbers.

As soon as the market opened, Netscape's stock began to turn green (rise).

Before everyone came to their senses, the stock price had reached 36 US dollars per share.

The seven members of the founding team hugged each other excitedly.

When they joined Netscape, Clark gave each of them 1% of the shares, and the company's VP Andre held 2.65% of the shares.

In just a few minutes, the net worth of each of them increased a lot.

Andre shouted excitedly: "We have become multi-millionaires!"

The rich people at the scene watched this scene with interest. Perhaps it has been too long since they made their first pot of gold, and they have forgotten the excitement they once had.

But seeing the stock price continue to grow, they also took out champagne to celebrate after making a lot of money.

Wang Lei, an outsider, was also dragged by Clark to meet Robert.

"You two, I know that there are rumors that there are some misunderstandings between you, but after today you are all shareholders of Netscape. I hope you can put aside the rumors outside and help our Netscape company grow bigger and stronger."

As soon as he finished speaking, many capital giants looked over here.

They all felt that this Internet upstart was a little bit arrogant. He had just become a small rich man with a net worth of over 100 million, and he dared to take care of the affairs of a billionaire.

In order to avoid suspicion, Wang Lei had rarely had the opportunity to drink a glass with Robert before. How could he let go of such a rare opportunity?


In the eyes of everyone in amazement, the three cups clinked together.

An invited reporter took a camera and took a picture of this scene.

"Do these two want to reconcile?"

"It really fits the old saying that as long as there are enough benefits, cats and mice can be friends."

Clark seemed very proud to be able to let Wang Lei and Robert sit together and talk happily.

Wang Lei still admired this new rich man. Two consecutive successful business ventures were enough to prove his ability.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei kindly reminded:

"Clark, don't say I'm pouring cold water on you. My father is one of the major shareholders of Microsoft. As far as we know, Microsoft has actually been developing its own browser!"

Hearing this, Clark, who was so proud just now, suddenly couldn't be happy.

That's Microsoft, the company of the world's richest man!

The world's largest market value giant.

It's a giant in front of Netscape.

This news brought a great shock to Clark.

But soon other shareholders questioned Wang Lei:

"Clark, don't listen to his alarmist words.

Netscape is not afraid of any competition in the browser track. We already have tens of millions of users. The TV industry has used it for many years, and the radio industry has used it for many years. Microsoft's products have not yet come out, and you have successfully listed, leaving other companies far behind. It is impossible for them to surpass you."

Everyone thinks it makes sense. Why are they optimistic about Netscape and want to get a piece of the pie.

It's nothing more than seeing Netscape's near-monopoly position in the browser track.

Once a monopoly is formed, it is difficult to be surpassed without major technological breakthroughs.

Moreover, Microsoft's products have not yet been announced, and Netscape, which has raised huge funds, can grow itself in a short period of time.

Clark is not a short-sighted person, and the words of the crowd did not completely eliminate his sense of crisis.

Wang Lei, who was refuted, argued with the man under the influence of alcohol:

"As everyone knows, Microsoft controls the global computer system market. If Microsoft grabs market share by pre-installing its own browser in every Windows system, how will Netscape respond?"

The few people who were complacent just now were stunned by the question.

They realized that this was a problem that must be faced. Microsoft was very likely to do so in order to force its own browser.

Once Microsoft did this, Netscape's browser market would definitely be eroded by the other party.

Even if Netscape could retain some old users, its decline was only a matter of time.

Clark also fell into deep thought.Compared with the lively atmosphere outside, the atmosphere in the entire VIP room was almost frozen.

This group of Wall Street's proud sons and daughters offered suggestions to Netscape.

They knew very well that the reason why Wang Lei poured cold water on them was because of the Netscape shares in their hands.

They would not give up the Netscape shares they had finally obtained just because of Wang Lei's words.

That was tens of millions of users, the future cash cow in their eyes.

Clark also didn't understand it very much.

He looked very optimistic about Netscape and wanted to buy shares, but he kept pouring cold water on them.

The suggestions made by these financial tycoons were all old-fashioned things, nothing more than technological innovation, function optimization, etc.

He wanted to listen to Wang Lei's opinions.

He was smart and had already vaguely guessed Wang Lei's inner calculations.

Thinking of this, he coughed and said to all investors:

"Everyone, your proposal cannot solve Netscape's disadvantageous position in the competition, it can only temporarily delay Netscape's decline.

If you are not determined to live and die with Netscape, you can withdraw at any time and let better Netscape capital come in."

All major investors fell into deep thought, maybe now is the time to cash out?

Clark asked Wang Lei again:

"Mr. Wang, you raised the question, you must have some response..."

Just when Wang Lei wanted to refuse to answer this question, Netscape's VP Andrei rushed into the box excitedly.

He said excitedly:

"Everyone, Netscape's stock price has risen to $70 per share!"

Everyone was shocked and looked through the glass at the rolling big screen.

Only to see that Netscape's stock price had risen to $71.

The number was still rising.

Everyone immediately put aside the unhappiness just now.

Until this moment, these Wall Street tycoons were a little restless.

Because Netscape's market value has exceeded 3.5 billion US dollars, such an amazing increase is the first time in their rich life experience.

Wang Lei also hugged Robert excitedly and spun around in a circle.

Because he indirectly holds 49% of Netscape's shares, the tens of millions of US dollars he invested at the beginning have skyrocketed more than a hundred times in an instant.

Wang Lei couldn't help but sigh that the Internet in the United States is really a magical place.

Clark on the side was a little puzzled. Wang Lei hasn't become a shareholder of Netscape yet, so why is he more excited than him, the founder.

Thinking of selling 3% of the shares to Wang Lei, Clark couldn't help but worry about gains and losses.

He was happy that he could immediately cash in $100 million, but he was worried that Netscape's stock might continue to rise.

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