The reason why they have such an idea is that the two variety shows and two TV series produced by Paramount are so popular.

The most exaggerated one is the national challenge variety show "Everyone Go Forward".

The ratings once reached an astonishing 50 million, directly breaking the variety show ratings record of the United States.

The average ratings are stable at around 40 million!

This means that almost half of the users in the United States watch "Everyone Go Forward" every weekend night.

If Paramount has not yet developed global business, if the business is expanded to Western countries.

This number will be even more terrifying.

As far as they know, in the Eagle Country, where variety shows are well developed, several TV stations have tried to buy the Eagle Country copyright of "Everyone Go Forward".

The ratings of "Who Will Be a Millionaire" are also high. After becoming a single broadcast, the ratings of the program have not decreased, but increased a little.

It is also an unmatched existence.

ABC's "Swap Wife" is still in preparation. I don't know if it will be another fierce battle at that time. It is hard to say whether it can steal the limelight of "Millionaire".

There is no need to elaborate on the popularity of "Prison Break" and "The Walking Dead".

Seeing that Wang's Real Estate is the only sponsor of several major programs and is very popular in the United States, the big brands are naturally drooling.

They are all ready to fight.

It's just a matter of cutting meat, they are willing to do it.

So much so that they saw that the friendly companies who came to the conference were all wary, looking at everyone as a potential competitor.

But what they couldn't understand was that Paramount's business people brought four large cardboard boxes, each of which was marked with "Everyone Goes Forward"...

They were a little confused.

What new thing is Paramount doing?

They looked at Michael with question marks, hoping that he would explain.

"Mr. President, when will the auction start?"

"Everyone, I have good news for you. Our board of directors thinks that auctioning is a bit hurtful and not conducive to the orderly development of the industry, so we will not have auctioning at this Paramount investment promotion meeting!"

Hearing this, the big brands below all smiled in surprise.

They all praised:

"It's good not to have auctioning. It's too hurtful."

"Yes, vicious competition will only reduce our enthusiasm for sponsoring programs."

But a new problem came with it. If there is no auction, how to decide the ownership of the advertisement?

Michael took the microphone and explained:

"We decided to decide the ownership of the sponsor in the form of a secret bid."

As soon as this was said, there was an uproar below.

Because several companies with the same shareholders have been privately colluding, planning to have one person bid and then privately redistribute the benefits.

Even Coca-Cola and some advertising giants have secretly made hellos and allocated their respective goals to avoid collisions and benefit Paramount.

Wang Lei, who had heard some rumors in advance, certainly couldn't sit idly by.

He changed his mind temporarily and made a secret bid. The program names on the cartons were just written, and the ink was not dry yet.

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Several major brands tried to communicate with each other about the price, but were interrupted by the sound of Michael knocking on the table.

"Everyone, please look at the back of the carton. This note is attached with the corresponding starting price. Of course, it will not be disclosed to you now. Only I know the amount."

"Only the top five who reach the starting price can become the sponsor of our program, and the one with the highest secret bid amount can become the title sponsor of the program!"

Everyone was stunned by Paramount's new investment rules.

Not disclosing the secret bid starting price is obviously to prevent them from secretly colluding. They can imagine that the hidden starting price must be extremely high.

At this time, the minor league and the major league are useless. Everyone has only one chance to bid for each program. If you don't want to return empty-handed, you must go all out!

Michael emphasized without rushing:

"The purpose of our use of blind bidding is to avoid vicious bidding. There are 20 sponsorship spots in total, so you don't have to worry about not getting the advertising space if your bid is too low."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were full of disdain.

It is said that there are 20 spots, but in fact there are only 5.

The top five powerful advertisers can easily take over 4 programs.

But soon some emerging brands also realized that there will be variables in the blind bidding.

As long as they focus on a program and go all out to bet big, maybe they can exceed the bid of the big brand and become the title sponsor?

All the guarantees given by the big companies before were thrown behind their heads.

They are full of my own destiny, not God's., just wanting to cling to Paramount's thigh and copy the miracle of Wang's Real Estate.

Seeing the "small" advertisers with their eyes full of brilliance, the representatives of the big group realized that something was wrong.

These people are going to rebel.

A group of people changed the cardboards they distributed again and again.

Each program has only one quotation opportunity, which makes them have to consider it carefully again and again.

Until Michael coughed and announced:

"Okay, time is up, let's make a quick decision. If the cardboard is not put into the box within one minute, it will be regarded as an automatic waiver."

His words made many advertisers sweat profusely.

At this time, they didn't care about so much, and they hardened their hearts and wrote a bolder quotation and put it in the box one by one.

After doing all this, the brand owners were like students who had just finished the exam, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

No one can guarantee the result, and now they can only leave it to fate.

"The first thing to be made public is the starting price of the potential stock "Prison Break."

As Michael tore off the sealed sticker, a row of numbers suddenly came into view - 800,000 US dollars for 1 hour (1 episode)!

The expressions of the advertisers sitting in the audience became extremely exciting.

Because this number is really not very high, far lower than the market quotation they estimated.

Then Michael took out the cardboard in the box neatly and selected the five highest bids one by one.

"Coca-Cola Company bid 1.5 million US dollars for 1 hour;

Nestle bid 1.6 million US dollars for 1 hour;

Motomorrow bid 1.8 million US dollars for 1 hour;

711 chain bid 1.85 million US dollars for 1 hour;"

At this point, Michael paused and took a breath.

Surprisingly, the advertising giant Coca-Cola almost lost the bid.

Pepsi Cola did not appear on the list. Judging from the other party's expression, the bid must have been a bit conservative.

"Congratulations to Ford Motor for winning the title sponsorship of Prison Break at a price of $2 million per hour!"

People were not too surprised because Ford has strong financial resources and ranks eighth in the world in terms of profits.

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