In mid-November, everything seemed so calm.

Many people have not yet recovered from the aftermath of the stock market crash.

At this time, another big news happened in Hong Kong.

Wang Group and Poly Group jointly released a public meeting.

The Wang family is going to donate the national treasure bronze dragon head that was recently auctioned to the Poly Museum in Kyoto for free!

From ordinary people to inspectors and chaebols, everyone thinks Wang Zhengyi is crazy.

That was a national treasure that cost 1 billion Hong Kong dollars to auction.

It can be used as a family heirloom.

It was donated for nothing?

For this reason, the Wang family also offended the richest man in Dongzhou, and the two families recently broke out in a small-scale business war.

Most people don’t understand the Wang family’s operation.

They think Wang Zhengyi is old and confused, and he actually made such an unbearable decision.

Some people even took to the streets to protest. They claimed that the dragon head belongs to Hong Kong, and they would not agree to the Wang family donating it to the mainland privately.

Requesting the Hong Kong government to forcibly take back the dragon head.

Facing the pressure of public opinion, Wang Zhengyi sneered repeatedly. He rarely accepted media interviews and publicly fired:

"I bought the dragon head for 1 billion. I can do whatever I want. Others have no right to ask.

If you really want to manage it, I am willing to do it for 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars."

These mouth-cannon people definitely can't afford 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars.

They can only watch the two large companies sign a deep cooperation agreement with red eyes.

After signing the agreement, the Wang Group, which has always been low-key, has been making continuous moves.

First, it announced the opening of the Peninsula Technology stock repurchase.

Because of the previous intentional dissemination of negative news to the market, the share price of Peninsula Technology fell to 20 yuan/share, falling below the issue price.

The Wang Group is willing to repurchase the circulating shares in the secondary market at a price 20% higher than the market price (24 yuan/share).

For investors who are deeply trapped in the quagmire of the stock market, this is the best news since the outbreak of the stock market crash.

The repurchase went very smoothly, and some shareholders were even grateful for the Wang family's move.

"Delisting is a helpless move. There are still more than 1 billion in Peninsula Technology's account, and the daily turnover has exceeded 10 million not long ago. According to the price-earnings ratio, our company's market value should be far more than 3 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The current stock price is far lower than the market value of our company, which makes it impossible for the company's brand to be highlighted. Therefore, after research, the board of directors decided that Mr. Wang Lei would personally invest in the repurchase of our company's shares to complete the delisting!"

Qiu Mingxiang's speech received applause from the media.

Wang Lei behind the scenes also gave Qiu Mingxiang a thumbs up.

This is his Stanford University classmate. Qiu Mingxiang has excellent grades in school and is the recipient of a four-year scholarship.

After graduation, he went to work at National Semiconductor in the United States.

It's a pity that he was not reused.

Wang Lei called Qiu Mingxiang many times to invite him to join Peninsula Technology.

After using his money power, the other party was finally moved by Prince Wang's sincerity.

He quit his high-paying job in the United States and returned to China with the semi-finished products he developed.

Currently he is the CEO of Peninsula Technology.

He is second only to one person and holds great power.

What makes him more motivated is that Wang Lei promised him that as long as he completes all the set goals, he will give him 3% of Peninsula Technology's shares.

In his eyes, Peninsula Technology, which has mastered the core technology of VCD, is a money printing machine, and its market valuation should be around HK$3 billion.

3% of the shares is HK$90 million.

Qiu Mingxiang is confident that within five years, through technological research and development, he can double the market value of Peninsula Technology.

By then, his wealth will also rise, and he will become a veritable billionaire.

This is much more comfortable than being a slave to foreigners.

The operation of Peninsula Technology's delisting is well-reasoned and makes those who are jealous speechless.

The richest man Li sighed slightly, the Wang family stepped on his head to get to the top.

After two heavy blows, the Wang family's momentum was unparalleled and it was on the headlines for a month.

There is really a momentum to become the fifth family in Hong Kong.

The market in Hong Kong is so big, and he finally seized the opportunity of the times and got his current status.

What virtue and ability does the Wang family have to snatch food from his pot.

He is not without any action, and has tried to fight with the Wang Group in many fields.

Wang Zhengyi, the president of the Wang Group, is indeed a character. He can counter the moves and didn't suffer any small losses in his hands.

This also made him realize that the Wang Group is not a paper tiger with strong appearance and weak inside.

As an old fox, he knows that it is not urgent to eat up the market of the Wang family.

When masters fight, they are often killed in one move.

What he didn't know was that while he was seeking opportunities, the counterattack of the Wang family had already begun in secret.

At the same time.

Wang Lei received a good news from Erica.

They successfully broke through and arrived at the neighboringCountry.

It was the time of the Iran-Iraq War, and the situation was chaotic. They successfully boarded the cargo ship and would soon arrive in Tianzhu.

At that time, they could take the fastest flight back to the port city.

Wang Lei approved of this escape plan.

The princess's escape was an international scandal, and the royal family of the oil country probably didn't want to make a big deal of it.

Maybe at that time, they could threaten the other party in return and make them afraid to act rashly.

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