The source of the sound was not far away, He Yan galloped hurriedly, and Shen Hong behind him followed, and said while running, Hey, wait for me!

Going further on the top of the mountain, over the top of the mountain, because of the shade, the mountain forest becomes more and more dense and humid, and the sunlight hardly leaks in front of the people, but it feels like a dark night, cold and cold. He Yan stopped in front of the bushes.

I saw Zheng Xuan and the three of them in front of them, the horses were pacing anxiously in the same place, not daring to take a step forward, Zheng Xuan's face was pale, and the other two were about to cry.

Around the three of them, four wolves crouched down and were howling lowly at them. Just as He Yan and the two came over, these wolves looked at He Yan with a fierce look in their eyes.

How can there be wolves at this time, at this time? He Yan was a little strange.

Looking at Zheng Xuan and the others, they were all in a state of embarrassment, and He Yan also noticed that the knife on Zheng Xuan's waist was gone. A pack of wolves will attack a single person, but they will not attack the three of them for no reason. He Yan asked, What did you do?

Zheng Xuan's face was white and he didn't speak. The recruit behind him said with a crying voice, We, we walked to the front and saw a hole in the ground, there was a cry in it, let's go in and see, there is a litter of wolf cubs inside...

You moved the wolf cub? He Yan asked sharply.

She spoke so sternly that the recruit was startled, and she quickly replied, No, no, we just want to take it back and raise it. It didn't take long before we saw these wolves.

He Yan just wanted to pry open the heads of these people to see what was inside. Seeing the wolf's den means that the mother wolf is nearby. If you don't leave quickly, she also takes the wolf's cub. Do you really think that the adult wolf will not follow the smell?

Where's the wolf cub? He Yan asked.

...We were terrified and hurriedly threw the wolf cub back to them, but...

Just what? He Yan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

It's just that one fell on the stone tip, and it seems to be dead. The man said.

You! He Yan was extremely angry. The wolves are not going away.

What are you yelling at! Zheng Xuan became annoyed, Isn't it just a few wolves? Kill it! How many beasts will people be forced to death?

He Yan sneered, Really? What about your knife?

Zheng Xuan's face was even more ugly. After he fell to the death of the wolf cub, he also drew a sword to confront the wolves, but the wolves were cunning. He was originally good at swordsmanship, but when he was nervous, the wolf took advantage of it and was almost injured. Even the knife was lost. If not, it would not be facing such a desperate situation now.

Stop talking nonsense, now either die together or find a way. He forced a few words between his teeth.

Just as he was talking, Shen Hong also arrived on his horse. He was shocked when he saw this scene, and his voice immediately trembled, Okay, there are so many wolves! How can there be so many wolves?

The wolves have already bent down, showing their fangs, which is a sign that they are about to attack.

It would be fine if there was a fire certificate, wolves are afraid of fire, but they came out during the day, and they never brought them with them, and now it is not possible. Just thinking of this, the four wolves rushed towards the three surrounding people together.

The three people screamed in panic, and one of them was bitten in the leg and almost fell down. Shen Hong was about to cry, Help!

What's the use of calling for help now, as there is no one else here, He Yan's heart slammed, and he rushed in on a horse. With this rush, she broke the encirclement of the wolf just now. When several wolves saw her, they rushed towards her.

He Yan urged: Where's your gun? Take it out and use it!

Oh, oh. The two recruits woke up like a dream, and then they remembered their spears, they took them out and waved them a few times, but they couldn't hold them firmly. He Yan's heart suddenly became cold.

It is impossible to count on these people. He Yan wanted to touch the knife, only to remember that her knife had just been borrowed by Shen Hong. She only had a long stick cut from bamboo on her body. She shouted, Shen Hong, throw my knife over here!

Shen Hong responded and threw the knife tremblingly, but he was so nervous that he didn't even put the knife away. , was put away by He Yan.

The wolves waited for an opportunity around them again, He Yan said: Wait for me to let you run, then you all turn around and run, don't worry about anything, run down the mountain, run all the way to the camp, let the instructors come up, know ?

Shen Hong asked, What about you?

I can get rid of them!

He Yan, how can we run, the recruits beside Zheng Xuan sobbed: We are surrounded, they will bite the horse's leg, and if it bites the horse's leg, we can't get away...

It's not impossible. After He Yan finished saying this, the short knife in her hand flew out suddenly. The mandarin duck was originally small, and she moved quickly. In the blink of an eye, everyone saw silver light flashing, and there was a sudden howl. , the bloody smell suddenly flowed out.

The biggest wolf fell to the ground, blood bubbling from his throat, and a knife was completely submerged, leaving only the hilt outside. The wolf struggled a few times and then stopped venting his anger.

Run! He Yan shouted loudly.

Zheng Xuan and Shen Hong didn't dare to come out. They immediately shouted Drive and used all their strength to ride their horses out of the jungle. They thought that the remaining wolves would chase after them, and they didn't dare to turn their heads back. disappeared.

The remaining wolves did not chase after them. They were flustered for a moment, and then looked at He Yan with vicious eyes.

He Yan killed the wolf.

Wolves are pack animals, and among these wolves, the biggest one is their leader. They listened to the command of the alpha wolf, and He Yan killed them. They were a leaderless group of dragons, and they were not as smart as the group just now. But at the same time, as the price of killing the alpha wolf, she will face the revenge of these wolves.

A wolf pounced towards her with its white teeth exposed, and its sharp claws could tear people's heads apart. He Yan swept his stick in front of him fiercely, rolled the wolf forward, and threw himself in the air.

With a chi sound, a very slight voice, He Yan's ears were astonishing, and his heart sank when he heard it.

This bamboo-cut stick, with cracks, may not be able to support a few times, and it will break.

Unfortunate! She cursed in a low voice. It was only three wolves, and even she could deal with it alone, but now she has no weapons except this stick that is about to break. Is this really, a penny stumped a hero? No, it's a blessing and a misfortune.

People can't be forced to death by beasts, she thought of what Zheng Xuan said, and laughed softly.

On the battlefield, in addition to taking the initiative to attack, she actually has another thing she is good at, that is, running away.


The girl's voice resounded through the mountains and forests, causing countless birds to fly.

She rode away with a long stick on her horse, as if she was about to disappear into the vast forest.

A pack of wolves chased behind him, and the fish swam in a frenzy.

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