Langtou Village Pier.

The sea water recedes early and all the fishing boats are stranded, only to float again when the tide rises.

Zhao Dahai was wearing a straw hat and holding a hoe in his hand. He took a look at his fishing boat and walked forward into the sea. He arrived at a beach with a mixture of coarse sand and small stones. Many people were raking clams with rakes and raking clams with hoes. , I picked it up for about twenty minutes. It was not big, almost the size of a thumb. I picked up almost two kilograms, which was enough for a meal. I continued to move forward. My goal today was sea centipedes. There were some places. They are called lugworms or sea worms. They look very similar to centipedes on land. They are ten centimeters long. Fish in the sea like to eat them very much. They have been cultivated artificially. However, if you can save them, save them. There are them in the sea in front of the village, but they are expensive. Dig harder.

Zhao Dahai found a place and dug for ten minutes, but found nothing. He moved to another place and dug for another ten minutes, but only dug one line. He continued to change places, and it took more than an hour to find the right place. , I kept digging until it was almost high tide. Unknowingly, I dug three kilograms, grabbed two handfuls of sea sand, mixed it with sea centipedes, and walked ashore toward home.

After Zhao Dahai finished lunch, he took out the entire fishing box and placed it in the yard. He also took five fishing rods, wheels and fishing lines and carefully arranged them for use tomorrow.

Zhao Shi walked into the yard and saw the fishing rods placed on the ground. He also saw the bucket in the corner containing newly dug sea centipedes, which were ready to go fishing.

"Second Grandpa."

"I just went out to sea, so I'm not particularly familiar with the sea conditions. I plan to fish for a while first. Just in these places near the pier."

"Don't rush and take your time."

At first, Zhao Dahai thought about driving a fishing boat out to sea to release fishing nets or releasing hooks to catch fish, but he quickly changed his mind. I have been fishing with my father since I was a child, but I was young at that time and had never seriously fished. Just because I had seen and knew how to do it did not mean I could do it well. My father left behind a whole box of various kinds of fish. Various fishing rods, decided to start fishing near the pier, and then go further afield after getting familiar with it.


"That's a good idea."

Zhao Shi came here this time because he was worried that Zhao Dahai would run directly to the sea regardless of his desire to catch big fish and make more money. This was a very dangerous thing. After hearing this plan, he felt relieved and warned After a few words, especially a few spots where fish can be caught near the pier, we left.

Zhao Dahai continued to organize, carefully put everything away, and took the fishing boat down early tomorrow morning.

Zhao Dahai didn't get up until five o'clock the next day. He cooked porridge, packed it in a lunch box after eating, and added two pieces of salted fish. He had to stay at sea all day fishing and wouldn't come back at noon. Carrying the fishing rod and the bucket containing the sea centipedes, when I walked to the pier, the fishing boat that went out to sea for fishing happened to come back. I took a look and found that it was exactly the same as what I had seen in the past two days. There were more black snapper.

Zhao Dahai got on the fishing boat, put away the things he brought, and did not rush to go to sea. He carefully inspected the fishing boat. The new boat was launched. In the next one or two months, he would have to check it before going to sea. If there was no problem, he started to take action. The anchor untied the cable, started the diesel engine and drove the fishing boat away from the dock. For almost an hour, we arrived at a place that Zhao Shi told him yesterday. The seabed here is mainly sandy mud bottom and some rocks. It is the best place for black sea bream that he wants to fish today. Loved the place to be. This is a fish that looks a bit like Luo Fei in fresh water. It reproduces quickly and in large numbers. It can be found in water of one to two meters, two to three meters or even shallower. If it is deeper, it can be seen at fifty or sixty meters.

Zhao Dahai turned off the diesel engine. The sun was very bright, but the weather was good, with only a little wind and a little waves. The advantages of wooden fishing boats were immediately apparent. They are very stable in making waves, unlike speedboats, which have to rock as long as there are waves. I swayed a few times as I walked around, took out my fishing rods, and brought five of them, but only used two of them. One was because I would be in a hurry if there were too many people on my own, and the other was related to my fishing method today.

Zhao Dahai took a nylon rope as thick as his fingers and tied one end to the reserved rope tying place on the side of the middle of the fishing boat. The other end was tied with a slip knot. The water here is not deep, about three meters to less than four meters. He held I had already prepared a five-meter dianthus pole, threaded it through a slip knot and tightened it, then stretched it vertically into the sea and gently poked it into the mud on the bottom of the sea. It didn’t require too much force, as long as it could stand upright. There was no wind and only small waves today, so there was no need to anchor the fishing boat. It will not float away. When fishing, when you shake the bamboo pole, bamboo pole or wooden pole, the mud and dust on the seabed will be stirred up, which will become muddy and produce an atomization effect. Together with the sound, it will attract nearby fish to think of this place. If there is food swimming over, this is called "swinging the pile". This method is very useful for fishing in shallow seas such as bays.




Zhao Dahai held the bamboo pole in his left hand and shook it gently back and forth. He knocked the bamboo pole on the side of the boat and made a sound. He knocked three times five times at a time. He held the fishing rod with the sea centipede hung on it in his right hand. He put it into the sea from the side of the boat and placed it directly on the bamboo pole. On the edge of the bamboo pole, the lead pendant went directly to the bottom. The other one did the same thing, but placed it on the other side of the bamboo pole. After waiting for a while, there was no movement. After pulling it, there was no movement. I held the bamboo pole with my left hand and shook it a few times on the side of the boat. , at this time, the tip of the pole on the right trembled a few times. With quick eyesight and quick hands, he picked it up and lifted it up. The tip of the pole bent down, and a pulling force was transmitted from the pole to his hand.


Zhao Dahai immediately spun the spinning wheel. In a few seconds, a fish was pulled out of the water, flicking its tail alive, and a few drops of seawater flew up. This was the first fish of the day. He wrapped it in a towel, took off the hook, and carefully After looking at it, I saw that despite its small size, its body was round and very fat, it was a black snapper, not big but about four ounces.

Zhao Dahai opened the baffle of the living cabin and unscrewed the lid of the bilge. The sea water rushed in. Half of the living cabin was filled with water. The black sea bream was thrown in and it immediately started swimming.

Just as Zhao Dahai was about to hang a sea centipede, the tip of another pole shook hard several times, and when he pulled it up, there was another black sea bream of about the same size.

"Black snapper school!"

“There’s a school of black snapper down there!”

Zhao Dahai was very excited. Black breams hunt in groups. Two of them were caught at once and they were all about the same size, which proved that a group of black breams in the sea under the fishing boat were attracted by the "shaking stake".

Zhao Dahai quickly hung up a new sea centipede and put it in the sea. As expected, two fishing rods, one for a while, another for a while, was so busy that he hoisted more than a dozen fishing rods in less than half an hour. , all black snapper of about the same size.



Zhao Dahai shook the bamboo pole a few times and waited for five or six minutes, but no fish took the bait. Knowing that he had caught all the black bream, he picked up the bamboo pole and started the diesel engine to change places. When fishing with "swinging piles", once there are no fish in one place, immediately change to another place.

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