"Much better." Ziyun opened his eyes and looked at his sister lovingly. He wanted to reach out and touch her hair, but he found that his hands and feet were chained and he couldn't move.

"Brother, don't waste your energy. This chain is very strong. The harder you pull, the more you'll hurt yourself!" Xinxin saw Ziyun's actions and knew what he meant. She quickly reminded him.

"Uh... Why did Xinxin lock up her brother's hands and feet?" Ziyun asked in confusion.

"Of course, it’s because I want you to see how my sister sent the bastard who killed our godfather and imprisoned you to hell step by step!"Xinxin said with a smile, with a strong sense of resentment in her tone.

Ziyun was stunned... Before Ziyun could say anything?

""Brother, I'll be back soon!" After saying that, Xinxin leaned over and gently kissed Ziyun's forehead, then left the room.

But not long after, Xinxin came in with two people. They were Shangguan Yingrui and Ziyun's mother Gong Yueke.

Then, Xinxin threw them on the ground like garbage and stepped on each of them, then walked back to her brother's room, lying lazily and comfortably in Ziyun's arms like a cat.

"Brother, how do you think I should punish them?" Xinxin raised her head and asked innocently.

"Xinxin, please release them! They will be punished by law.………"Ziyun advised that he was not soft-hearted or a bitch, he just felt that Xinxin was still young and should not be stained with blood and sin. Besides, he did not want his sister to become a bloodthirsty and cruel woman like a devil.

"Brother!" Hearing that her brother actually asked her to release Shangguan Yingrui and Gong Yueke, Xinxin's eyes suddenly widened and she said in disbelief:"Brother, you are crazy!! One is the murderer who killed my godfather, and the other is the woman who abused you for five years, and you actually asked me to let them go?"

"Xinxin...listen to me………"Ziyun tried to communicate with his sister. After all, she was still young and didn't understand many things. He could only guide her slowly.

"Brother! I will never let them go! They hurt the most important person to me, I hate them so much! Brother will never know how mom treats dad... Every night I can hear mom scolding dad and beating him.………Wuuuuu…Brother, you don’t understand. Xinxin really hates them, so Xinxin will never forgive them!" Xinxin cried and stomped Gong Yueke’s feet to vent her anger.

"Xinxin……"Ziyun wanted to continue persuading her

""Brother, stop talking. There's no room for negotiation on this matter! Just watch! See how I deal with them both!" Xinxin wiped the tears from her cheeks and showed a hideous smile. Xinxin jumped off the bed, walked to Shangguan Yingrui, bent down, grabbed her long hair, lifted her head high, then raised her hand and slapped her hard in the face.

Pah pah pah!

The crisp and loud slapping sounds continued to ring, and Shangguan Yingrui's cheeks swelled up quickly, and the red and purple color was particularly terrifying.

"Bitch! Bitch! I let you bully my brother, I let you torture my brother, today you will enjoy the feeling of being slapped in the face! Hahahaha……"Xinxin laughed loudly and waved her right hand vigorously, slapping Shangguan Yingrui in the face.

""Hmm!" Blood oozed from the corners of Shangguan Yingrui's mouth, but she looked at Ziyun with a sick look in her eyes, as if she was saying to Ziyun: I finally found you!

Ziyun looked at that look and suddenly trembled in his heart. A chill surged from the bottom of his heart.

""Brother, don't you think she is miserable now?" Xinxin said excitedly. She likes to torture bad guys and make her enemies suffer.

Ziyun frowned and said lightly:"Xinxin, enough! She has paid the price. Leave everything to the police!""

""Brother! You are too kind. This kind of woman must be cut into pieces!" Xinxin said angrily, her eyes full of hatred towards Shangguan Yingrui.

Then, she walked to Gong Yueke and kicked her twice mercilessly, knocking Gong Yueke to the ground. Then she walked to Shangguan Yingrui and stepped hard on her back, then said word by word:"You are not worthy to be the mother of me and my brother! You are even more unworthy to live in this world. I will avenge my godfather. Go to hell! Go to hell!!!" After that, Xinxin stepped down hard.

"hiss………!!"Gong Yueke groaned in pain, bright red blood spurted out of her mouth, and then she fainted.

Gong Yueke bit her lips in pain, forcing herself not to scream.

""Brother, look, she's pretending to faint!" Xinxin exclaimed, and then punched Gong Yueke in the chest.


Gong Yueke's ribs were hit by Xinxin's fist, and she spat out a mouthful of blood. Then, she was stepped on several times by Xinxin, and she woke up again in pain.

""Xinxin, that's enough! If you continue like this, she will die, stop it now!" Ziyun said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, Xinxin snorted coldly, let go of her feet that were stepping on Shangguan Yingrui and Gong Yueke, and then returned to her original image of a cute, carefree little girl.

Gong Yueke and Shangguan Yingrui slumped on the floor, looking extremely miserable, with their clothes torn and their faces pale.

""Brother, they are all the culprits, and you actually asked me to let them go, why are you so stupid!" Xinxin pouted her lips aggrievedly, looking at Ziyun with eyes full of accusations and grievances.

Ziyun sighed and slowly said:"Xinxin, if you kill them, you can avenge your godfather and relieve your brother's hatred, but you can't escape the punishment of the law!"

"But I can't swallow this breath!" Xinxin said angrily

"Xinxin, I believe that godfather in heaven doesn't want you to become an executioner!" Ziyun said softly,"Let's not worry about this matter, let the police make the decision!"

""Yes! Whatever my brother says is what it is!" Xinxin nodded vigorously and agreed.

Ziyun smiled slightly, touched Xinxin's head, and said gently:"Xinxin, be good!"

Xinxin smiled sweetly, hugged Ziyun's neck, and put her little face on his chest.

""Brother, you smell so good!" Xinxin greedily took a deep breath and said intoxicatedly.

At this moment, Shangguan Yingrui broke free from her restraints and walked over quietly. She raised her hand, with three silver needles in the gaps between her nails. Then, while Ziyun and Xinxin were chatting, she secretly stabbed Xinxin's shoulder.

"Xinxin……"Ziyun reacted immediately, stretched out his hand, and blocked Xinxin.


Three silver needles as sharp as cow hair pierced Ziyun's skin. Ziyun's eyes suddenly widened, his pupils dilated instantly, staring at Xinxin, making a hoarse sound in his throat, and then fell backwards.

"elder brother!!!"

"elder brother!!!"


Immediately, Ziyun woke up from his dream, opened his eyes, and saw the snow-white roof.

The windows were open, and the warm sunlight shone into the house.

Ziyun rubbed his eyebrows. Just like dozens of times before, he didn't remember what happened?

But the little Loli in the system space was exhausted. Looking at the two more reincarnation memory fragments, she wondered how many more memory fragments her space could hold?

I'm really afraid that the space will suddenly burst one day!

Ziyun opened his eyes again, and when he was about to get up, he saw Shangguan Yingrui wrapped around him like an octopus. He sighed, moved her off his body, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower, Ziyun got dressed, helped Shangguan Yingrui prepare breakfast, and went to school for class.

Shangguan Yingrui was still lying in bed sleeping.………

When Ziyun arrived at the classroom, he saw his three roommates waving at him.

Then, Ziyun sat down. As soon as he sat down, Mo Zan came over and asked in a low voice:"Tell me the truth, did you go to a hotel with a senior yesterday?"

Ziyun's face darkened immediately when he heard this:"Get away!"

Mo Zan pouted and said nothing.

At this time, the professional course teacher walked in.

"There is nothing new to talk about today. Let's continue with your color composition homework.……"


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