"Grandma, what's wrong?"

Ziyun asked with a hint of confusion in his tone. He remembered that his grandma seldom called him on weekdays, so why did she suddenly call him?

"Ah Yun! Did you forget that today is grandma's birthday? Why haven't you come yet?"

"Uh, sorry, grandma, I forgot that today is your birthday. I'll go over tonight."Ziyun scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He really forgot.

"Okay, grandma will wait for you. Although Mrs. Gong's tone was somewhat complaining, she was still kind and warm.

"Grandma, that is... my mother………"Ziyun hesitated for a moment and asked

"Well, let her come along!" Mrs. Gong was silent for a second and said

"I understand, grandma."Ziyun nodded, and after hanging up the phone, a trace of sadness appeared between his brows.

Grandma... is she still upset about that incident?!

Ziyun sighed, sent a message to his mother, telling her that today is grandma's birthday... Then he put away his phone and turned to look for Xinxin and the others.

At this time, Shangguan���Shangguan Yingrui watched Xinxin squatting down to play with the cute little dolphin. Her eyes gradually became gloomy and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, which made her look particularly creepy.

Shangguan Yingrui squeezed the hand holding the dagger tightly in her bag. She was considering whether to kill Xinxin?!

Yes? Or no?!

Shangguan Yingrui's eyes were full of entanglement and contradiction. If she did it, her brother Ziyun would definitely ignore her and hate her after knowing it. She didn't want to lose her brother Ziyun.………

But if Xinxin is not eliminated, Xinxin will sooner or later become her biggest threat. This dangerous existence must be nipped in the bud!

At worst, it would be enough to imprison Ziyun! ?

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yingrui took a few deep breaths, slowly approached Xinxin, and prepared to take action.

But Xinxin had no idea of Shangguan Yingrui's intentions. She was still teasing the dolphin with a beautiful smile. She looked particularly innocent and pure, and very happy, not affected by anything at all.

Just when Shangguan Yingrui was about to take action, she felt Ziyun approaching, loosened the dagger in her bag, returned to her original gentle and lovely appearance, and stood aside looking at Xinxin.

Ziyun came over and thanked Shangguan Yingrui,"Thank you, senior sister."

"You're welcome. After all, she will be my sister in the future. Shangguan Yingrui said with a faint smile, her tone was so gentle as if she was afraid of waking up the sleeping kitten.

Ziyun nodded and said nothing.………

Xinxin looked at Ziyun coming over, and happily rushed towards him, hugged his neck, and called out sweetly,"Brother~!"

""Be good~" Ziyun reached out and scratched Xinxin's nose lovingly.

Xinxin giggled twice, rubbed her face against Ziyun's chest, then raised her head and looked at Ziyun with sparkling eyes.

Ziyun smiled, touched Xinxin's head, and asked,"What were you doing just now, Xinxin? Why are you so happy?" Xinxin tilted her head and thought for a while, then replied with a smile,"Xinxin is playing with dolphins!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to gesture.

"is that so?"

"Of course!" Xinxin patted her chest and promised

"Xinxin is amazing." Ziyun couldn't help laughing and rubbed Xinxin's head.

"Hehe...Hehe………"Hearing Ziyun's praise, Xinxin immediately smiled.

"You little girl." Ziyun dotingly pinched Xinxin's chubby little face.

Xinxin smiled and leaned over to give Ziyun a kiss on the cheek, saying coquettishly,"Brother~!"

Shangguan Yingrui clenched her fists at her side, her eyes were red, but her expression was not strange at all.

"Okay, Xinxin, let's go pick out a gift for grandma. Today is grandma's birthday."

""Yes." Xinxin nodded and walked out with Ziyun. She couldn't wait to give her grandma a birthday present.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Shangguan Yingrui hurriedly followed them.

""Brother Ziyun~" She called Ziyun.

Ziyun stopped and looked at Shangguan Yingrui, waiting for her next words.

But she held his hand and held his.………

Ziyun looked at her, frowned slightly, but did not refuse.

Shangguan Yingrui lowered her head, her long eyelashes covered her eyes, making it difficult to see the look in her eyes.

Xinxin looked at Shangguan Yingrui, blinked, and then asked her brother to pick her up. Ziyun held Xinxin in one hand, and held Shangguan Yingrui with his other free hand, and the three of them went to the mall together.

The three of them came to a shop specializing in ancient paintings and antiques, which was filled with all kinds of ceramic utensils. Each seemingly ordinary ceramic product represented a value that could not be ignored.

Xinxin curiously lay on the glass counter to look at the ceramics inside. Seeing this, Ziyun explained:"Xinxin, that is enamel, this is a bronze tripod, this is a purple clay pot, and this is a jade carving.……"

"Of course, these are all imitations."Ziyun added

""Oh." Xinxin nodded.

Then, Ziyun explained these antiques to Xinxin in detail.

Xinxin listened with great interest, and occasionally made surprised exclamations. Shangguan Yingrui stood by and watched them get along happily. She felt like an unnecessary person.

""Boss, do you have any calligraphy or paintings?" Ziyun remembered that his grandmother loved calligraphy and paintings, so he asked the boss who was greeting the guests.

"Ah? Calligraphy and paintings! Of course, I'll take you to see them!"The boss heard this and quickly responded

"Please lead the way." Ziyun smiled politely.

"Hahaha……"The boss smiled and led Ziyun and the others to the second floor.

The decoration style of the second floor was completely different from that of the first floor. The walls were white and covered with various exquisite murals, including paintings by celebrities and folk paintings. It looked extremely artistic.

"How do you think of this one?"The boss took down a painting hanging on the wall and handed it to Ziyun. Ziyun looked at the painting carefully, confirmed that it was really an authentic work, and then looked at it again before smiling at the boss,"Very good, this one will do. Please wrap it up for me.""

""Okay!" the boss replied, and then took the calligraphy and painting from Ziyun's hand,"A total of 1.5 million, please pay."

Ziyun took out a card from his wallet and swiped it to pay.

After buying the calligraphy and painting, the three of them left the store and continued shopping, buying a lot of things.


In the evening, the lights in the Gong family manor were bright, and the servants were busy preparing tonight's dishes.

Old Lady Gong sat on the main seat, always with a smile on her face, looking cheerful.

Ziyun, Xinxin and Shangguan Yingrui came to the main hall. When Old Lady Gong saw Ziyun and the others enter the hall, she smiled and greeted them,"Come here and eat something first. The dishes are not here yet, and your two aunts and uncle haven't come yet!"

Xinxin took Ziyun's hand and ran over, and sat down on the chair.

Xinxin took out the gift box she had carefully prepared and handed it to Old Lady Gong.

"Grandma, I wish you good fortune and a long life. Happy birthday!~!"Xinxin said in a baby voice, showing her cuteness to the fullest, which made Madam Gong feel itchy. She reached out and pinched Xinxin's face,"Xinxin's little mouth is so sweet!"

"hey-hey……"Xinxin smiled foolishly, revealing her white and neat teeth. Her row of white teeth shone brightly under the crystal light.

"Hahaha……"Madam Gong pinched Xinxin's chubby face again and said with a smile:"Xinxin is so good, eat quickly!" After that, Madam Gong looked at Shangguan Yingrui who was sitting on Ziyun's right, and then smiled and said:"Shangguan girl is getting more and more beautiful, sitting with Ziyun, they are a perfect match!"

""Thank you grandma for the compliment." Shangguan Yingrui still respected Ziyun as her grandmother. After all, she was the same as her grandparents, hoping that the two of them could be together. She nodded slightly in response.

Madam Gong nodded, glanced at Gong Yueke, said nothing, and turned her eyes away to continue teasing her little granddaughter.


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