As the night deepens, the moon and stars fade

"Brother, Xinxin has finished her bath, please coax her to sleep." The bathroom door was pushed open, Xinxin was wearing white cartoon pajamas, her hair was wet and draped over her shoulders, water droplets slid down her fair and smooth skin to her collarbone, she walked to Ziyun with her short legs and opened her arms for a hug.

"Xinxin, be good, wait until your brother blows your hair dry before you go to sleep." Ziyun took out a hair dryer to dry Xinxin's hair, then picked her up and………

Xinxin crawled into Ziyun's arms and rubbed against him coquettishly,"Brother, Xinxin loves you the most."

"Brother loves Xinxin, too. Ziyun kissed her on the pink forehead.


Xinxin leaned on Ziyun's chest happily and closed her eyes.

Shangguan Yingrui, who saw this scene, was jealous and almost crazy, and her possessiveness and control desire also rose, but she still tried her best to hold back.

Because she knew that as long as she lost control, the consequences would be serious! So, no matter how much she hated and unhappy she was, she had to endure, endure, endure...

She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, said something to Ziyun, and went back to the guest room they prepared for her.

After returning to the room, she locked the door, then jumped out of the window, and quickly found Ziyun's room based on her memory of coming to Ziyun to play when she was a child.

Then, she quietly sneaked into Ziyun's room.

Ziyun took her back to her room and let her sleep peacefully.

Of course, before going to bed, Xinxin asked Ziyun to tell her a fairy tale.

Ziyun sighed helplessly, and had to sit by the bed and tell Xinxin a fairy tale seriously.

Listening to Ziyun's deep and magnetic voice, Xinxin smiled sweetly, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing that Xinxin was asleep, Ziyun took out the doll from the system space and placed it on the head of Xinxin's bed, then turned off the lights and tiptoed away.

"Godfather, why haven't you rested yet?"Ziyun just walked out of the bedroom and met the man walking towards the stairs. He was stunned.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk." The man glanced at Ziyun calmly, then continued walking.

"I'll accompany you."Ziyun hurriedly followed.

"No, go and rest. The man stopped, turned sideways, and said calmly

"Well, godfather, you should also go to bed early." Ziyun nodded and did not insist.

Then, he remembered something and called the man again:"By the way, godfather, I have 8 million here, give it to your brothers. After all, your organization has not received any work, and it also needs money on weekdays.……"

As he said that, Ziyun handed the bank card to the man.

"No need." The man shook his head and patted Ziyun on the shoulder."I appreciate your kindness. I will keep the money. I heard that they took a big order not long ago and made 1 million."

Ziyun frowned."What order is it? It can't be another order for murder and arson! They just got out of jail.……"

"No, someone hired them to protect a wealthy businessman. The identity of that wealthy businessman is quite complicated. I don't know the details."

"Besides, I promised your father that I would not do anything illegal."The man added.

Hearing this, Ziyun finally felt relieved.

"However, godfather, you should accept this money. It can be used for emergencies."

Before the man could refuse, Ziyun had already put the card in the man's hand, and then turned and walked towards his room.

The man looked at Ziyun's back as he left and sighed helplessly.

This kid... Alas!

Ziyun returned to his room and locked the door as usual. Then, he went into the bathroom, took a shower, changed into pajamas and walked out.

He lay on the bed, watched some videos, played some games, and then turned off the lights and went to bed.

After Ziyun fell asleep, Shangguan Yingrui came out of the cloakroom, then slowly walked to the bed and sat down, staring at Ziyun's handsome face for a few seconds, then leaned close to Ziyun, pecked his lips a few times, and seeing that Ziyun showed no signs of waking up, she curled the corners of her mouth, then lifted Ziyun's quilt and crawled in.

Her movements were very gentle, as if she was afraid of waking him up.

Lying down beside Ziyun, she raised her right hand and hugged Ziyun. Shangguan Yingrui leaned against Ziyun's waist, buried her head in his neck, smelling the unique scent of Ziyun emanating from his body, enjoying it greedily. A strange curve appeared on her lips, and her eyes became even colder.

Her body pressed against his, feeling Ziyun's strong heartbeat, Shangguan Yingrui closed her eyes contentedly. At six o'clock the next morning, Shangguan Yingrui opened her eyes, and what came into her sight was Ziyun's warm and handsome cheek. At this moment, he closed his eyes, his long eyelashes covered his eyelids, his nose was straight, and his thin lips were slightly pursed. He looked particularly tempting, making people want to kiss him.

Shangguan Yingrui stared at him obsessively for a long time, then slowly lowered her head, wanting to touch Ziyun's lips, but found that the corners of Ziyun's lips were tightly pursed, as if resisting something.

Shangguan Yingrui was stunned for a moment, then she raised her hand and pinched Ziyun's chin, forcing him to open his mouth slightly.

""Ugh!" Ziyun suddenly woke up from the nightmare and opened his eyes.

"Ziyun……"Shangguan Yingrui didn't expect him to wake up and was immediately startled.

"Senior?!"Ziyun stared blankly, looking at the person who was pressing on him with a look of shock.

""Hmm." Shangguan Yingrui smiled charmingly.

Ziyun frowned and pushed Shangguan Yingrui who was pressing on him, but because he had just woken up and was weak all over, he couldn't exert any strength at all, let alone push Shangguan Yingrui away.

"Senior sister, you get up first……"Ziyun frowned and said

""Haha." Shangguan Yingrui laughed twice, looking very charming.

"How come you are here?……"Ziyun frowned. Didn't this woman go back to her room to sleep early last night? How could she appear in his bed? Moreover, his clothes were obviously stripped off... Could it be...

Shangguan Yingrui approached Ziyun and teased him ambiguously,"Guess~"


Ziyun just opened his mouth, but Shangguan Yingrui sealed his lips.………

"study……"Ziyun frowned and tried to break free from her kiss, but it was no use.

Shangguan Yingrui kissed him crazily and fiercely, like a hungry venomous snake, clinging to Ziyun tightly, making it impossible for him to escape.

In the end, he still failed to break free from her hold.


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