Ziyun was speechless. Although he didn't reject dating Shangguan Yingrui, they had just confirmed their relationship and probably hadn't reached the stage of meeting their parents yet...

When Shangguan Yingrui saw him hesitating, she immediately hugged him and said coquettishly,"Okay, okay, don't hesitate~"


""Don't say but!" Shangguan Yingrui interrupted Ziyun domineeringly, and then leaned close to his ear and whispered,"Besides, if you don't agree to my sister, I will be angry.……"

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her fingers and gently pinched his earlobe, with an expression that said,"Just try to refuse me."

This move successfully made Ziyun surrender, and he had no choice but to compromise and said,"Okay, okay, I promise you."

Alas, I hope my mother won't hate me by then, Ziyun sighed secretly in his heart.

Hearing Ziyun's brother's promise, Shangguan Yingrui narrowed her eyes in satisfaction and showed a sly smile

"So good~"

After saying that, Shangguan Yingrui wanted to kiss Ziyun, but he dodged her in time.

"Ahem, senior sister, this is a restaurant………"Ziyun coughed a few times to remind her to pay attention to the occasion

"It’s okay~, I’ve bought this restaurant, and no one will come this afternoon."

Now that she has got brother Ziyun, she doesn’t want others to keep staring at her baby~

She will get angry, go berserk, and kill everyone...

Brother Ziyun belongs to her alone!

He goes to class and sleeps, and she can’t be with him, which makes her very uncomfortable. When she eats lunch, if someone stares at her baby, she will be even more uncomfortable...

So, she decided to buy this restaurant, and then hire a few waiters to be responsible for delivering lunch at noon, so that no other customers will harass her baby~

"Oh? I see. No wonder this restaurant is so quiet. Hehe~" Ziyun smiled awkwardly.

"Hehe... I do this for you! Brother Ziyun, you should know that you are my baby, because you are so handsome and so good at attracting bees and butterflies. I am helping you to get rid of peach blossoms. Shangguan Yingrui looked at him with a smile.


"Okay, don't be shy~ We are now boyfriend and girlfriend, some intimate actions are normal~~" Shangguan Yingrui hugged his arm and blew a breath of hot air next to his ear.

Ziyun suddenly got goose bumps all over his body, his handsome face turned red instantly, and even his neck was slightly flushed.

"School...Senior………"He stuttered for a long time before uttering a word.

"Hahaha………Brother Ziyun, you are still so innocent~ But I like you very much~" Shangguan Yingrui was very happy, hugged Ziyun's arms tightly, put her face close to his chest, and listened to the strong heartbeat.

"Senior...Senior, stop making trouble…………"Ziyun's face turned even redder

"What did I do wrong?" Shangguan Yingrui raised her head and looked at him in confusion.

"Senior, let's...let's go eat quickly...wait...the food will get cold soon." Ziyun changed the subject eagerly.

Shangguan Yingrui curled her lips and muttered unwillingly:"Okay………"

"Uh-huh……"Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief.

After lunch, the two drove back to school.

After parking the car in front of the school gate, Shangguan Yingrui took Ziyun's arm and walked slowly towards the dormitory.

This scene was naturally seen by the boys passing by. They hated it, but they could do nothing!

Of course, they still wanted to kill Ziyun.

After sending Shangguan Yingrui back to the dormitory, Ziyun felt that the resistance to Shangguan Yingrui that he had suppressed in his heart had faded a lot.

He couldn't help but sighed and stayed for a few minutes. Then, he turned and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

""Brother Ziyun~" Shangguan Yingrui called from behind, Ziyun stopped immediately and turned to look

"What's wrong?" Ziyun turned around and asked

"Take these two, remember~, put one on the bedside, and one on your desk~ If you don't put them there, sister will be angry~" Shangguan Yingrui handed the things in her hand to Ziyun.

These two things were the express delivery that Su Xiaomo brought back at that time.

Ziyun took them and looked at them and found that they were two decorations. He nodded, indicating that he understood.


Before leaving, Shangguan Yingrui did not forget to leave a kiss on his lips.

""Yes." Ziyun nodded and turned back to the dormitory.

Shangguan Yingrui looked at his back and smiled foolishly. She didn't go back to the dormitory until she could no longer see him.

When she returned to the dormitory, Shangguan Yingrui saw her best friend Su Xiaomo packing her suitcase.

"Sister Rui, are the things you just took down the things I helped you take out of the courier last time?"Su Xiaomo asked when she saw Shangguan Yingrui coming back.

Shangguan Yingrui nodded, then climbed onto the bed to turn on the computer, installed the software, and opened the software in one go.

Then, she kept staring at the screen as if she was expecting something to appear.

Su Xiaomo looked at Sister Rui like this, scratched her head, and simply continued to pack the things in her box.


"Three good boys, your dad is back." Ziyun kicked open the door of dormitory 203 from outside and jokingly shouted to the three roommates who were playing games.

Hearing this, Mo Zan looked up at Ziyun, raised his eyebrows and said,"Oh~ My good sons are back from their date~"

"Where's our lunch?"

"Oh, I forgot, you guys go order takeout!" Ziyun shrugged.

Then the three roommates said a word, and then went to order takeout.

"Lao Si, log in, we will help you gain points!!" Mo Zan patted Ziyun on the shoulder.

"OK, right away……"Ziyun responded and took the gift from Shangguan Yingrui.���Go to the bedside, put one on the table, and then turn on the computer

"Hey, Lao Si, who gave you something? And they put it on the table and the bedside?" Mo Zan pretended not to know and teased.

"Fourth Brother, you won't abandon your senior sister and find another one, right?" Yu Yizhi joked.

"What are you talking about?" Ziyun rolled his eyes at them and said,"This is a gift from Shangguan Yingrui."

"I'm in, join me~" Ziyun tapped the keyboard and logged into the game


The three roommates agreed in unison.

"Lao Si is playing as a support this time, don't choose an APC hero for me."Mo Zan ordered seriously.

"Why? I am the best at playing APC! Killing people indiscriminately!"Ziyun protested dissatisfiedly


"Hehe... it's really amazing, I like to give away heads……"

"Just play support, Lao Si, we will never believe your APC heroes killing randomly again……"

"snort!╭(╯^╰)╮"I knew you were jealous of me." Ziyun said indignantly.

Shangguan Yingrui narrowed her eyes slightly, revealing a scarlet glow, but the flash of her eyes soon returned to their original appearance. Then she stared at Ziyun's handsome profile on the computer screen.


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