When Ziyun walked to the school gate, he suddenly felt a cool breeze on his back, as if someone was standing behind him and looking at him. He turned his head sharply, but only saw students and vehicles coming and going, and did not notice the existence of any person or object.

"Is it an illusion?" He frowned and muttered.

He shook his head, shook off the sudden doubt in his heart, and ran to the dormitory.

Shangguan Yingrui sat in the car, looking through the window at Ziyun who had already walked away, with a glimmer of cunning in her eyes."

Brother Ziyun, don't worry, sister will make you obedient.

At about 2:15, Ziyun returned to the dormitory. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the three dormitory members who had put on their shoes and were ready to leave.

"Lao Si, you are back. Hurry up and change into your military training uniform or you will be late."Chai Hansong patted Ziyun on the shoulder and reminded him. Then, they left the dormitory and rushed to the playground.

"Okay, got it."Ziyun nodded, took the military training uniform, and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Ziyun changed into the military training uniform and walked out of the dormitory.

He looked at the time on his watch. It was already 2:23. He couldn't help but speed up his pace.

When he arrived at the playground, the instructor was already there.

""Report!" Ziyun shouted immediately.

Upon hearing this, the instructor turned around and stared at Ziyun seriously,"Speak!"

Ziyun straightened his chest and raised his head,"Report to the instructor, I am late"

"Humph, you still know you are late!" The instructor snorted coldly and glared at Ziyun with dissatisfaction.

Ziyun pursed his lips and said nothing, waiting for the instructor to punish him.

Sure enough, the instructor said coldly and ruthlessly,"Since you are late, just run six laps around the playground like last time!"

""Yes!" Ziyun answered without complaint.

Then, he began to run on the playground.

Soon, Ziyun finished running six laps and returned to the team to start this afternoon's military training program.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was the stipulated break time of 3:40 in the afternoon. The instructor blew the whistle,"Everyone, stand at attention, at ease!"

""Rest for 20 minutes!" the instructor shouted.

Upon hearing this, all the students stopped what they were doing, sat down to rest, and started chatting.

Ziyun also sat down. After sitting down, he took out his mobile phone, looked at the stock trend, put it back in his pocket, and drank the water next to him.

""Old Four." Mo Zan, who was sitting nearby, suddenly called out.

""Hmm? What's the matter?"

Ziyun put down the water bottle and turned to look at Mo Zan.

"Fourth brother, have you heard that Guo Yu was expelled from school?"

"It's so fucking cool, someone finally punished him, and it also helped us vent our anger."

Mo Zan said excitedly, with a gloating smile on his face.

Guo Yu was expelled?

Ziyun was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Guo Yu to be expelled.

But after thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem strange. After all, that guy looked like a scum who bullied the good and feared the evil, and bullied others by taking advantage of his power. Maybe he offended someone he shouldn't have offended? Otherwise, he wouldn't have been expelled from school.

After thinking about this, Ziyun didn't think about it anymore and continued to drink water.

"Hey! Lao Si, did you hear that?"


Mo Zan raised his eyebrows and continued to ask gossipingly:"Then do you know who he offended?"

"I don't know!" Ziyun shrugged and said lightly

"Besides, if you didn’t tell me, I wouldn’t know about this. How would I know who he provoked?"

"That's right~, after all, you went on a date with your senior at noon"

"…………"Ziyun was helpless.

Mo Zan glanced at Ziyun, then suddenly leaned close to him, smiled ambiguously, and said mysteriously:"Old Four, how is your relationship with the senior sister going recently?"

Ziyun glanced at him and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Mo Zan curled his lips and continued:"Old Four, I advise you to strike while the iron is hot and take her down!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with her."Ziyun said in a deep voice with a straight face.

"Oh, nothing?" Mo Zan was surprised and obviously didn't believe it.

"It's true."Ziyun said seriously

""Oh~" Mo Zan dragged out the last word.

Ziyun glanced at him sideways, too lazy to explain anything?

Anyway, they wouldn't believe it, alas~


""Junior, what are you talking about?" Suddenly, a clear and pleasant female voice came, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Ziyun and Mo Zan looked in the direction of the voice at the same time, and saw Shangguan Yingrui's pretty figure in their sight.

At this moment, Shangguan Yingrui was wearing a white sportswear, her black and shiny hair was tied into a ponytail with a rubber band and hung down behind her head. She had a delicate and small face and crystal clear skin.

Moreover, Shangguan Yingrui's facial features were extremely beautiful, especially her eyes, which were shining, as if all the light in the world was gathered on her.

"Nothing." Ziyun retracted his gaze and said lightly.

He did not notice the flash of scarlet and murderous intent in Shangguan Yingrui's eyes.

""Yes, water."

Looking at the water handed to him by Shangguan Yingrui, he still hesitated a little...

Oh, forget it, since he can't avoid it or resist it, then let it go.

Huh~~ He exhaled a breath of turbid air, reached out to take the water from Shangguan Yingrui, and said"thank you" softly.

"You're welcome, junior." Shangguan Yingrui smiled lightly, and a strange look flashed across her eyes, but she concealed it very well and it was not easy to detect.

Mo Zan sat aside, chewing an apple while watching the interaction between the two, and couldn't help but click his tongue twice.

""Old Four, you said it's okay, but look at how fast the relationship between you and the senior is progressing!" Mo Zan teased Ziyun with a wicked smile.

Ziyun glared at Mo Zan,"Shut up! Eat your apple!"

"Hehehe~ Lao Si, don’t be shy~" Mo Zan said with a playful smile

"Get away from me!" Ziyun gritted his teeth and said, wishing he could beat him up and make him stop talking nonsense!

""Ouch~ Are you angry out of shame~" Mo Zan covered his injured heart and shouted exaggeratedly.

Shangguan Yingrui watched the interaction between the two, and a hint of murderous intent flashed in her eyes again, but she still maintained a gentle smile.


At this time, the instructor blew the whistle, signaling everyone to assemble,"Okay, the break is over, let's continue the military training"

"Let's go." Ziyun urged Mo Zan unhappily.

Mo Zan sighed helplessly, then stood up and joined the team with Ziyun.

The two found the class queue and stood side by side.

"Everyone! Stand at attention, at ease"

""Stand for half an hour first!!" the instructor ordered loudly.

Then, all the students began to stand at attention again.

At this time, the counselor came over and signaled to the instructor, then said:"Students, let me tell you one thing. Your class assistant during the military training will be replaced by Shangguan Yingrui, your sophomore senior. If you encounter any problems during military training in the future, you can go to your senior to ask for leave!"

"All right, let's go to military training!"

The instructor said and left.

When the whole class heard that Shangguan Da Xuehua was the class assistant, they were almost boiling, but at the instructor's command, everyone quieted down.

"Shut up, everyone. Do you want to run away again?"


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