In reality, in the morning, the girl woke up from the accompanying bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Then she saw Ziyun on the bed, sweating profusely, and his clothes were already soaked.

She exclaimed, and quickly lifted the quilt to check his physical condition.

Ziyun's whole body was cold, as if he had just experienced a cold weather, and his lips were also blue and purple.

Seeing this, the girl anxiously pressed the alarm

"Doctor, doctor, come and see that man's condition………"The girl shouted anxiously.

Then, a group of doctors in white coats ran in quickly.

After the doctors finished the examination, they reported Ziyun's physical condition to the girl,"It's okay, miss, this patient is fine."

"Nothing?" The girl frowned and said,"Are you sure? His temperature is so low, how can he be okay?"

The doctors looked at each other, and then one of the old men with glasses explained,"Don't worry, girl, he's fine."

"Then you can explain to me why he has become like this?" the girl asked aggressively.

"Forehead……"The doctor was speechless.

They didn't find anything abnormal!

Seeing the doctor hesitate for a long time, not knowing what to say, the girl was even more angry.

Seeing the girl's ugly face, the doctor quickly changed the subject and comforted her:"Girl, please relax. The patient's body functions have returned to normal. I think he must have had a nightmare in his sleep.………"

The girl blinked in confusion when she heard this.


She frowned and thought, and suddenly she seemed to think of something. She suddenly opened her eyes wide and stared at the doctor, saying,"Could he be... a ghost?!"

When the girl said this, she looked directly at the doctor, as if she wanted to see the doctor's expression.

But the doctor was still confused and even a little speechless.………

The young doctor next to him was stunned for a moment, then he was amused and said,"Girl, you are so humorous!"………"

The girl's frown slowly relaxed, and then she revealed a sweet smile and said,"Hehe……"

The innocent smile on the girl's face made the young doctor look at her infatuatedly.

He had to admit that the girl was really beautiful.

On that delicate face, two black gemstone-like eyes rolled around. Combined with her cute appearance and lively personality, people wanted to pinch her cute little face. The young doctor's heart beat involuntarily for a few seconds, and then he reacted. He lowered his head quickly, his face flushed with shame.

He actually had improper thoughts about a strange girl! Moreover, his heart was still beating wildly, which was extremely embarrassing.

The young doctor did not dare to look up at the girl, for he was afraid that the girl would find out something.

But the girl did not look at him more, but talked to the attending doctor about Ziyun's condition.

The girl's face gradually softened, and she smiled and said to the attending doctor:"I see, thank you doctor."

The doctor nodded and left the room.

After the doctor left the room, the girl suddenly remembered something?

Oh no! How could I forget it? They should help the person on the bed change his clothes, his clothes are all wet.

After thinking about this, I felt distressed. I wondered if I, a girl, could have changed his clothes.

As for how he changed them before? Of course, I came to see her uncles or doctors changing them.

The girl sat on the chair, holding her cheek and lost in confusion.

""Oh my! This is so annoying." The girl scratched her hair in annoyance.

"I'd better find a male doctor to help him change his clothes."The girl stood up and walked out the door.

After searching for a long time, the girl found a male doctor who was willing to help.

But he was called away by others just after he took half a step.

""I'm sorry, I have an operation that needs me to do suddenly, so please find someone else!" The male doctor politely rejected the girl's request and left in a hurry.

The girl stared blankly at the doctor who left, and then looked around, but didn't see any other doctors.

She could only find someone else.

The girl searched in the corridor for a long time, but couldn't find anyone willing to help.

Either they had something to do, or they didn't want to help.………

Of course, there are also deliberate………

Suddenly, a tall man blocked the way. I frowned and looked up at him.

The man was dressed in casual clothes and had a burly figure. He had strong features, dark skin, a high nose bridge, and thin lips. His dark and deep eyes contained a strong sense of oppression, which made people tremble.

He exuded a gloomy and dangerous aura.

"Hello, have you seen the person in the photo?"The man handed a photo to the girl.

The girl glanced at the photo, then shook her head and said,"Sorry, I haven't seen him."

"Thank you."The man nodded and turned away.

Seeing him turn away, the girl couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then continued to look for someone willing to help Ziyun change clothes.

However, after looking around, she still couldn't find anyone.

Finally, the girl sighed helplessly and decided to help Ziyun change clothes herself.

The girl took a towel, wet it with water and wrung it dry, then slowly walked to the bed.

When the girl came to the bed, she found that Ziyun was still in a coma.

His pale cheeks and bloodless lips showed his weak body at the moment.

The girl gritted her teeth, then forcefully unbuttoned Ziyun's shirt, took off his pants, and revealed his strong chest.

Then, the girl dipped a towel in some hot water, wiped his naked, exposed muscle texture lines, and carefully washed his body.

Her eyes were focused and her movements were gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting Ziyun.

After washing his body, the girl covered Ziyun with a quilt, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl took out a set of clean hospital clothes from the drawer.………

After putting the clothes on Ziyun, she laid him flat on the bed. Then, she sat down on the stool, the redness on her face had not faded, and her ears were still slightly pink.

This was also her first time to wash and change clothes for someone else, and the person she changed clothes for was a strange man, which made her feel a little embarrassed and shy.

Fortunately, there were no outsiders around, otherwise, she would have really run away in shame.

The girl looked at the unconscious Ziyun, still muttering in his ear:"Why don't you wake up yet, wake up quickly, and give me back my money! That's the dowry money my parents left for me………"

The girl reached out and poked Ziyun's waist. She tried to wake Ziyun up, but Ziyun didn't respond at all and still looked like he was asleep.

Looking at Ziyun lying on the bed with a peaceful face, the girl couldn't help but pout, then picked up her phone and started watching videos.………

At this time, a voice message popped up in the message bar: Yiyi is going to celebrate the New Year, do you want Aunt Wang to buy some New Year goods for you?

After listening to it, the girl immediately typed: Yes, thank you Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang replied: You are so polite, kid!

Girl: Hehe... Thank you Aunt Wang.

Afterwards, the girl chatted with Aunt Wang for a while, and finally ended the chat because Aunt Wang's bus arrived.


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