Hearing this, Ziyun almost choked. He forced out an awkward smile:"Haha, how...how is it possible? Sister, you are worrying too much."

"Yeah...that's right……"Shangguan Yingrui seemed to have believed Ziyun, so she picked up the salad and put it into her mouth.

Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not act rashly at that time, otherwise he would definitely be exposed.

The two of them ate breakfast and chatted at the same time. The scene was warm and beautiful.

Half an hour later, breakfast was over.

Ziyun stood up and prepared to clean up the dishes, but was stopped by Shangguan Yingrui,"Brother Ziyun, don't move, sister will come."

After that, Shangguan Yingrui tidied up the dishes on the table, then took them up and walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Ziyun stood there, looking at her slender figure, tightly grasping the things in his pocket.

Then, he lay down on the sofa, signed in in his mind, and took a look. There was still nothing good. He had long been accustomed to it, so he glanced at the panel.

Just sitting there in a daze, I don’t know what you are thinking?

After Shangguan Yingrui finished washing the dishes, she responded to Ziyun’s request and the two drove towards the hospital.

Today is the day Gong Yueke is discharged from the hospital………

At first, Ziyun thought Shangguan Yingrui would not agree, and that he had to give her some conditions. But he didn't expect that Shangguan Yingrui would agree so readily.

He always felt something was weird and wrong, and felt that Shangguan Yingrui was deliberately catering to his plan, but he didn't seem to show anything weird recently?!

Of course, except for those subconscious reactions.

Soon, the two arrived at the hospital.

After parking the car at the designated location, Shangguan Yingrui got out of the car first, and then opened the door for Ziyun,"Brother Ziyun, let's go in."

"Thank you, sister."

After entering, they came to Gong Yueke's ward.

They saw that Gong Yueke had already changed into this dress, and the"servant" waiting had packed up and was ready to be discharged.

Seeing Ziyun, Gong Yueke smiled brightly:"Xiaoyun, my baby~ Mom misses you so much~"

She automatically ignored Shangguan Yingrui and only saw her son

""Mom, didn't we just meet yesterday?" Ziyun said with a helpless smile.

"Yes, but mom just misses you.

Before Gong Yueke could get up and hug her son as usual, a small figure got there first.

""Brother, Xinxin misses you too~" Xinxin said in a baby voice, her hands were hugging Ziyun's thighs, looking very clingy.

Ziyun squatted down, picked up Xinxin, and scratched her pink little face lovingly,"Xinxin, dear, brother misses you too"

""Hmph~" Xinxin pouted proudly, then raised her head and looked at Gong Yueke and Shangguan Yingrui with her cute little face, as if telling them that her brother loved her the most and they were no match for her.

This move made Gong Yueke and the others look very bad.

Especially Shangguan Yingrui, whose face instantly became frighteningly gloomy!

However, her drooping eyelashes covered the resentment that flashed across her eyes.

Shangguan Yingrui gritted her teeth and forced herself to calm down and not be impulsive.

Ziyun and Xinxin were intimate for a long time,"Okay, Xinxin, be good, come down, brother is going to help godfather pack up."

""Okay~" Although Xinxin still couldn't bear to leave Ziyun, she still agreed obediently, and then loosened her arms around Ziyun's neck.

Ziyun touched Xinxin's head, then walked towards Ah Cheng to help pack the luggage.

""Godfather, what happened to your face?" Ziyun was helping his godfather to organize his things, and suddenly noticed that there was a Band-Aid on his left forehead.

Ah Cheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"It's okay, just a minor injury, it won't cause any trouble."

Ziyun saw that his godfather was unwilling to say, so he didn't ask any more questions.

He probably guessed that it was caused by his mother.

After Ziyun helped Ah Cheng to pack up his things, he went to the special window of the hospital to complete the discharge procedures, and several people left the hospital together.

After returning home, he accompanied Gong Yueke to finish dinner, and stayed with her for a while. After coaxing Xinxin to sleep, he left with Shangguan Yingrui.

In the following days, Ziyun could almost be said to be completely obedient. Whatever he was told to do?

Ziyun rushed to cook almost all the meals for the morning, noon and evening.

Shangguan Yingrui knew what he wanted to do, but she still let him do it.

She also deliberately moved his activities outside the yard, and occasionally let him go out, but he had to bring a tracker and a bug. Ziyun gritted his teeth and agreed.

In the past few days, Ziyun went out………

Shangguan Yingrui watched Ziyun's movements through her phone and found that he was very quiet and there was nothing unusual... But she knew that all this was just the calm before the storm.

As Shangguan Yingrui expected, that night.

Ziyun took advantage of Shangguan Yingrui taking a shower in the bathroom and quietly sprinkled the powder in the teacup.

When Shangguan Yingrui came out of the shower, Ziyun was already lying on the bed.

"Ziyun, why do you go to bed so early? Shangguan Yingrui looked at the clock on the wall. It was one o'clock in the morning.

"Sister, have a drink of water first. Ziyun sat up, holding a cup of warm water and walked to Shangguan Yingrui's side.

""Thank you." She smiled faintly. Brother Ziyun finally took action.

Then, she reached out and took the boiled water from Ziyun's hand.

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui drinking water, his eyes were a little erratic.

This feeling made him a little frightened.

""Ziyun, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me with such strange eyes?"

Shangguan Yingrui looked up and asked in confusion.

"No...nothing………"Ziyun shook his head

"Well... nothing is best………"Shangguan Yingrui took a sip of water

"Sister, it's getting late, we should rest."Ziyun reminded

"Well, that's good." Shangguan Yingrui nodded, lifted the quilt and crawled in.

Ziyun also closed his eyes, and the two of them had their own thoughts.

After a while, Ziyun opened his eyes and gently said to Shangguan Yingrui:"Sister?"

There was no response.

Then he called a few more times:"Sister………"

Still no response, he slowly moved Shangguan Yingrui's body away from him, put on his clothes, got out of bed, and looked back at the sleeping Shangguan Yingrui again. An inexplicable emotion arose in his heart.………

Damn it! What the hell was I thinking about? Had I been abused for too long and developed feelings for this crazy woman?

Ziyun cursed inwardly, turned around and left the bedroom, locking the door.

At this time, Shangguan Yingrui, who was lying quietly on the bed, curled up a smile at the corner of her lips, slowly got up, got out of bed, put on her slippers, and walked towards the stairs.

Coming to the balcony on the second floor, Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun who had already walked to the yard, and slowly said:"Brother Ziyun, where are you going?"


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