"Hey! Where are we going? Aren't we going to eat?"

Yu Yizhi tilted his head and looked at Su Xiaomo.

"You will know later."Su Xiaomo blinked twice and said mysteriously.

After the two got in the car, the car started to drive out of the city at a high speed, came to the suburbs, and finally stopped at the foot of the mountain.

Su Xiaomo opened the door and jumped out first, and then Yu Yizhi followed her out.

""Huh? How did you get to the foot of the mountain?" Yu Yizhi asked curiously.

Su Xiaomo smiled and explained,"There is a farmhouse here with a beautiful environment! Let's go and try something new!"

After Su Xiaomo finished speaking, she ran to the front to lead the way, leaving Yu Yizhi at a loss.

This farmhouse is a quaint wooden house with a fenced yard outside. Inside, there are several peach trees and willow trees. The scenery is very elegant and peaceful, and a narrow path leads inside.

After Su Xiaomo and Yu Yizhi walked in, they saw two girls who were already sitting at the table. The two looked about the same age. One of them had short curly hair and wore glasses, and looked gentle and refined.

As for the other one, she had a baby face and a bun, looking pure and lovely. Both girls were the type that were pleasing to the eye.

When the two saw Su Xiaomo leading the strange beautiful girl in, they immediately showed surprised expressions.

Especially the girl with the bun, she stared at Su Xiaomo with wide eyes,"Momo, who is this?"

"Her name is Yu Yizhi, she is my best friend, I brought her out for a walk today!" Su Xiaomo briefly introduced

"Oh~ It turned out to be Momo’s new best friend, come! Come and sit over here!" The girl with the ball head immediately asked Yu Yizhi to sit down.

"Thank you."Although Yu Yizhi was a little embarrassed and at a loss, he still smiled politely at the two girls.

After Yu Yizhi greeted the two girls, he sat there quietly. The girl with the bun was more lively. After looking at Yu Yizhi, she immediately pulled Su Xiaomo to chatter and asked questions.

Yu Yizhi was a little reserved and didn't say a word. The other girl was quieter and restrained, and occasionally talked.

Seeing that Yu Yizhi was too reserved, Su Xiaomo patted the girl with the bun, whispered a few words to her, and then took Yu Yizhi away. Su Xiaomo took Yu Yizhi to a more secluded pavilion.

There were many flowers, plants and trees planted next to the pavilion, and the air was filled with fragrance, refreshing.

The two sat on the benches in the pavilion, and Su Xiaomo handed Yu Yizhi a glass of water,"Yizhi, you must remember that you are a girl, and you don't have to be restrained when getting along with girls." Yu Yizhi nodded, took the water and took a sip,"Hmm………"

She still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, she had lived as a boy for so many years, and suddenly she changed back to being a girl and interacting with girls again. She still found it difficult to adapt.

"Yizhi……"Su Xiaomo called her softly, and said nothing more. A cunning look flashed across her beautiful eyes, and then she pounced over, touching the little white rabbit with her hands dishonestly.

Yu Yizhi was startled and quickly stretched out his hand to block Su Xiaomo's claws.

"Don't touch me………"Yu Yizhi's face flushed

"Haha, Yizhi is shy! Come, sister will help you rub it.………"Su Xiaomo smiled mischievously, and continued to grab the little white rabbit and rub it.

Yu Yizhi couldn't break free, so he had to grit his teeth and endure it. He just hoped that Su Xiaomo wouldn't make a fuss for too long, so as not to attract the attention of people around him. She was too shy.

Finally, after she endured for a long time, Su Xiaomo finally stopped,"Let's go, the food will probably be served when we go back."

After that, Su Xiaomo pulled Yu Yizhi, who was shy, back.

Back at the seat, the girl with the ball head saw that Yu Yizhi's face was flushed, and looked at Su Xiaomo in confusion,"Momo, what did you do to other girls? Why is your face so red?"

""Huh?" Su Xiaomo was stunned for a moment, then looked at the girl with the bun hair innocently,"I didn't do anything to her?"

""No?" The girl with the bun frowned, and seemed not to believe Su Xiaomo's words. She clearly saw that Yu Yizhi's ears had turned red. It must be that Momo had bullied her just now, so the girl's face was so rosy.

The bun girl suspected Su Xiaomo so much that Su Xiaomo immediately felt wronged. She pouted and said,"I really didn't do anything. If you don't believe me, ask Yizhi."

Yu Yizhi nodded slightly, proving that Su Xiaomo really didn't do anything, but her face was still very rosy, as if she had just been in a sauna.

""Okay! Let's eat!" When the girl with the ball head saw this scene, she understood that it was probably Momo who bullied the little girl, so she made her blush.

After all, Momo had done this to them before.

The four of them began to eat, and after dinner, the four of them went for a walk nearby to digest their food.

The mountains and forests were brightly lit at night, with birds and insects singing, dense green shade, bright moonlight, pleasant air, and a gentle breeze, making people feel warm all over, especially comfortable and cozy.

Su Xiaomo took Yu Yizhi for a walk, and when she saw that they were tired from playing, she returned to the inn that had been booked in advance.

On the other side, Shangguan Yingrui returned to the villa, took a shower, changed clothes, and then prepared the meal, and couldn't wait to go to the basement.

Opening the door of the basement, Shangguan Yingrui walked in. It was pitch black inside, and she couldn't see her hand in front of her.

She turned on the lamps on the wall, and the room instantly became bright.

"Brother Ziyun, you are so good today. As long as you behave well in the future, I will let you out in a few days.………"Shangguan Yingrui slowly walked to the bedside with the food.

Ziyun didn't react when he heard it, but just glanced at Shangguan Yingrui. Shangguan Yingrui didn't care, thinking that he understood what she said, so she put the bowl and chopsticks on the counter beside her and sat on the edge of the bed.

""Brother Ziyun, sister will feed you~" Then, Shangguan Yingrui picked up some food and put it into her mouth, moved close to brother Ziyun's mouth, touched his lips with her lips, and then put the food into his mouth.

Ziyun did not reject Shangguan Yingrui's action and let her manipulate him. He lowered his eyes to hide the disgust in his eyes.

Shangguan Yingrui saw that Ziyun cooperated with her so well, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Then she picked up another piece of fish, picked out the bones and handed it to Ziyun's mouth,"Brother Ziyun, eat it.……"

Ziyun pursed his lips tightly, without saying a word, but still obediently opened his mouth and ate the fish.

"Brother Ziyun, you are so good………"Shangguan Yingrui was very satisfied and picked up some more food to feed him.

After feeding brother Ziyun well, she stood up, cleaned up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

Shangguan Yingrui started the dishwasher, then turned around and took out a bottle of medicine from the drawer of the bedside table, handed it to brother Ziyun, and coaxed him,"Brother Ziyun, this is a special medicine made by sister for you, eat it obediently~"


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