"It's hard for you, brother………"Shangguan Hong patted Ah Cheng on the shoulder and walked over.

Ah Cheng just smiled faintly, then walked upstairs.

When he came to a room on the second floor, Ah Cheng exhaled, then took out the key, opened the door, and said to the person inside,"Qing Xi is here!" Then he went downstairs.

In the room, Gong Yueke, who was originally holding a pillow and in disheveled clothes, opened her eyes and saw the outside. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and coldness emerged from her eyes.

It seems that they are here to snatch her son... She will not agree.………

Her baby son can only belong to her! No one can take him away!

Gong Yueke got up from the bed, opened the closet and found a red dress to put on, put on some light makeup, tidied her hair, then walked out of the room and went downstairs.

When Wen Qingxi saw Gong Yueke walking down the stairs, her face was full of joy,"Keke,……"She walked forward excitedly, holding Gong Yueke's hand, and looked around carefully,"Since Ziyi's accident, we haven't seen each other for several years. I really miss you!"

Gong Yueke pursed her lips, then lowered her eyes to hide the scarlet in her eyes, and said calmly:"Yeah... Yes, it's been a long time since we last met.………"

There was suppressed anger hidden in her tone.

But Wen Qingxi didn't notice that Gong Yueke was abnormal. She pulled him aside and sat down, then started chatting with her.

Shangguan Hong and Acheng watched cartoons with Xinxin, teasing the delicate little girl from time to time.

Shangguan Hong looked at Xinxin, which reminded him of Shangguan Yingrui's childhood. A smile appeared on his face, and then he sighed softly.

If he and her mother had cared more about her at that time, could Xiaorui have avoided becoming the person she is now?

Xinxin seemed to feel Shangguan Hong's emotional changes, so she raised her little head and asked in a childish voice,"Godfather, what's wrong?"

Shangguan Hong touched her furry head, and then whispered,"Nothing, godfather is just thinking about something."

Xinxin nodded as if she understood, and then continued to stare at the TV and watch cartoons.

Shangguan Hong also calmed down and continued to watch cartoons with Xinxin.………

On the other side, the two chatted, and soon Wen Qingxi turned the topic to Ziyun and Shangguan Yingrui.

""Keke, you see the two kids are already together, should we also start considering their marriage?" Wen Qingxi looked at Gong Yueke and asked.

Hearing this, Gong Yueke's eyes darkened again, and a morbid hatred rose in her heart.

Damn it!

Are they really here to covet her son?!

Ziyi, she has already lost... Ziyun, she can't lose him again, otherwise she will go crazy and collapse!!

So, she will never allow it!!

But the expression on her face was still very calm, without even a flaw, she curled the corners of her mouth, then smiled and replied:"Qingxi, Xiaoyun is still young, he is only nineteen years old, it's too early to get engaged………"

"cocoa……"Wen Qingxi frowned. It seemed that her best friend still treasured her son very much. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. But for the sake of her daughter and to see her daughter smile more often, she had to try her best to persuade her best friend.

Then, she reached out and grabbed her arm,"Keke, look! The two children have been together for such a long time, they must have an emotional foundation! Besides, didn't we say before that if you are pregnant with a boy and I am pregnant with a girl, we will become relatives? Have you forgotten?"

After speaking, Wen Qingxi looked at Gong Yueke aggrievedly.

Seeing Wen Qingxi's tearful expression, Gong Yueke couldn't help but frown. Every time her best friend acted like this, she would compromise.………

But this matter is not negotiable!

Thinking of this, Gong Yueke took a deep breath, but what she said was contrary to what she thought in her heart:"Qingxi, I know I promised you, but the two children are still young and not suitable for engagement. Why don't we wait until they graduate from college before we talk about it?"

"Keke, this is what you said, so don't go back on your word!" After hearing what Gong Yueke said, Wen Qingxi immediately raised the corners of her lips happily, and then said with a smile.

Gong Yueke also knew that she had said the wrong thing just now, but it was obviously too late to change it now. She pulled the corners of her lips, forced a stiff smile, and nodded,"Okay, I won't go back on my word.………"

But in his heart, he was thinking that it seemed that he could only hide his son, or...get rid of Shangguan Yingrui.………

As soon as this thought came out, Gong Yueke showed a hint of excitement on her face, but she quickly returned to normal. She lowered her head to hide the expression on her face, and a fierce look flashed in her eyes.

Wen Qingxi did not notice Gong Yueke's expression, but just pulled Gong Yueke to continue nagging.……… villa,

""Sister, can you please let me out?" Ziyun was driven crazy in there. His phone and computer were blocked and he couldn't play. The system went offline while he was chatting. He wanted to use the 'random skill' to leave, but the system reminded him. Shangguan Yingrui was listening to his every move outside the door.………

"No, this is your sister's punishment.……"Shangguan Yingrui's voice came from outside the door. She was wearing a light blue knee-length dress with her hair draped over her shoulders. She looked extremely beautiful.

Ziyun gritted his teeth, but he had no choice. Who told him that he couldn't beat her?

"Then sister, please don't block all the signals! You don't know how bored I am in my room.………"

"Oh~, brother Ziyun is bored, so sister will come to accompany you……"After saying that, Shangguan Yingrui opened the door and walked in.

Ziyun was so scared that his whole body trembled after hearing her words, but the look she gave him when she opened the door was as if she wanted to eat him.………

Ziyun swallowed hard, then carefully moved his feet to the side, trying to avoid Shangguan Yingrui's approach.

But she followed him closely,"Ziyun, why are you hiding from your sister? Didn't you say it was boring?"

Ziyun was speechless when he heard this.………

At the same time, shopping malls

"Su Xuejie………"

Yu Yizhi was dragged away by Su Xiaomo, her face full of shame, because at this time she was wearing a wig and a JK uniform, and she looked very pure.

But this kind of pure dress is not uncommon in shopping malls, so although the people around were looking at the two of them, no one else showed surprise.

Yu Yizhi's ears turned even redder, he lowered his head, and didn't dare to look at the people around him.

Seeing this, Su Xiaomo couldn't help but stretched out her index finger to poke his cheek, and then said with a smile:"Yizhi, you are so funny~"

Yu Yizhi's face flushed instantly,"Senior Sister Su...you………"


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