Ziyun looked at the attribute panel in his mind and frowned slightly.

He could understand the first part, but what the hell was that about permanently locking his lover?

Was he dating someone? Where did his lover come from?

Forget about that, damn it, you're still hiding it? Forget about hiding it, you have to wait until level 6 to unlock it.

What if it's an ugly monster?⊙▽⊙

Ziyun thought to himself:"System, please explain!"

【have no idea!】

"As a system, how come you don't know this?"

The system still replied with only three words:"I don't know."】


Ziyun was speechless for a while

"How to upgrade? You know it!"

【Experience is needed!]

Then there was silence again.………

Uh~, forget it, let’s figure it out on my own!

The system is unreliable!

I think I have a novice gift pack!

Ziyun thought, and silently said,"The system opens the novice gift pack!"

【Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the skill: Basic Cooking Mastery (Note: Each skill is divided into four levels: basic, intermediate, advanced, and god-level. Each level upgrade requires 200 points)】

【Congratulations to the host, you have successfully obtained the item: a set of cosmetics (Note: cosmetics can make the skin whiter and more delicate, and have rich beauty and skin care effects)]

Damn! What the hell is this reward? I don't need it.

The system ignored Ziyun's inner complaints and continued to broadcast,

【Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining 100,000 yuan!】

【Congratulations to the host, you have successfully gained 200 experience points, and you are still 9800 points away from the experience point required for upgrading.

The smile on Ziyun's face at this moment seemed to be frozen in time by a camera.

"How long will it take to get 10,000 experience points? Only 200 points reward"

"System, are you too stingy?"Ziyun was a little depressed.

【The system is powerless! Please try your best!】

"…………"Ziyun was speechless for a while.

Oh, I don’t think I signed in today!!

Ziyun remembered this and silently said in his mind:"System, I need to sign in!"

【System, would you like to confirm your sign-in?】

"Confirmed. Ziyun answered without hesitation.

【Sign in completed, congratulations to the host for gaining 10 experience points and 50 points. 】

That's it? ? Where's the reward?!


【Return to the host, the sign-in reward is random, the probability of winning is 50%%】

The system replied coldly, and Ziyun couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Random? It's really a rip-off.

Ziyun didn't bother to dwell on it anymore, so he got up, checked the time, and found that he was still alone in the dormitory.

What's going on? Why haven't the dormitory people come yet?

Then he didn't care, put on his shoes, and went out, ready to go to the cafeteria for lunch.


Walking all the way to the campus, after about half an hour, I finally saw the cafeteria.

At this moment, the cafeteria was crowded and lively. The bustling crowd made people feel as if they were on the street. There were many students and teachers sitting in the cafeteria hall.

Everyone was in groups of three or five, chatting, talking and laughing, so comfortable.

Ziyun walked along and found that many girls stared at him.

Some even couldn't help but cover their mouths and screamed softly.

Ziyun didn't care and continued to walk forward.


At this moment, a girl suddenly bumped into his back, and the drink in her hand spilled on Ziyun.

Suddenly, everyone in the cafeteria stopped talking and looked at him.

The girl who was knocked down also stood up quickly and looked at Ziyun.

She was wearing a white sportswear, a ponytail, and a pair of black-framed glasses on her face, giving people a very pure impression.

""I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The girl lowered her head and apologized repeatedly.

Ziyun looked up at the girl in front of him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly,"It's okay."

Then he continued to walk towards the window for getting food.

The girl was relieved to see that Ziyun did not pursue her responsibility, and she tidied up the tableware that had just fallen...

When she looked up, Ziyun was no longer there.


The girl patted her chest, took a long breath, and then regained her composure and started to line up for food.

After getting the food, Ziyun found a seat and sat down.

At this time, music was playing in the cafeteria.

The melodious music echoed in the empty cafeteria.

Ziyun picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

The meat melted in his mouth.

It tasted delicious!

Ziyun squinted his eyes with satisfaction.

Well, this meat is okay!

Ziyun thought

"Have you heard? This morning, a freshman was kissed by the school's most beautiful girl."

"real or fake?"

"What I saw with my own eyes"

"Oh my god, this is so shocking, she is the most beautiful girl in our school!!!"

"Is that guy handsome?"


"What do you think is their relationship?"

"Who knows?"

Ziyun couldn't help but frowned as he listened to the discussions of the people around him. The news about him and Shangguan Yingrui spread throughout the school so quickly.

He was not ready to deal with these rumors!

Ziyun sighed.

"Junior, we meet again."

Just as Ziyun was immersed in his thoughts, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded in his ears.

Ziyun looked up and saw Shangguan Yingrui, who was sitting opposite him, looking at him with a smile, and the feeling of resistance and resistance in his body came again.

"It's you!" Ziyun said lightly.

Shangguan Yingrui heard the alienation in Ziyun's tone, and her morbid side emerged again,"Junior brother, do you hate me?"

"How could it be?"Ziyun's back was already covered in cold sweat. He didn't know why, but he was afraid of Shangguan Yingrui, so afraid that he wanted to run away.

Shangguan Yingrui saw the fear in Ziyun's eyes, and a hint of madness flashed in her eyes, but a bright smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"That's good. Senior thought you hated me."

""How could that be?"

Ziyun laughed dryly. He didn't want to stay with this woman for even a second longer.

Shangguan Yingrui saw this and immediately said,"Junior, don't you want to eat?"

"Oh, I'm full."

"Now that you are full, come take a walk with me, junior brother." Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun expectantly.

"But I'm not used to walking with others, sorry"

"It's okay. Take care, little brother. I'll go back to the classroom first."

"Okay, goodbye, senior sister. Ziyun nodded slightly.


Watching Ziyun's departing figure, the smile in Shangguan Yingrui's eyes disappeared, replaced by a hint of coldness and an unnoticeable morbidity.

Brother Ziyun is getting more and more naughty as he grows up! He rejected my invitation again!


But it doesn't matter! I will make you listen to me!

You can't escape my Five Fingers Mountain!!


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