Hot scene

Because of the time difference, the meeting did not last long. Seeing that everything was ready, Lin Hao gave a few more instructions and the meeting ended.

This time the public beta of the game cost a full 1,000W to promote, and with so much time to prepare, Lin Hao thought about it from beginning to end and there should be no big problem, then went to bed.

On October 1st, at 10 a.m. domestic time and 2 a.m. Los Angeles time, “Miracle MU” officially launched its public beta. Li Xueling sat nervously and excitedly in the conference room and looked at the background numbers on the big screen.

“Mr. Li, it’s time.” The operation said when he walked up to Li Xueling.

“Start the public beta.” As Li Xueling finished speaking, the public beta officially began.

Previously, the game could only be downloaded and could not be registered. With the start of the public beta, the number on the big screen was still 0, but it changed instantly. Countless gamers waiting in front of the computer rushed in after registering the game for the first time.

“Brother, what kind of game is this? It doesn’t seem to be Legend. The game graphics are so beautiful.”

In an Internet cafe in the capital, Xue Hao had just registered the game. When he entered the game, he was shocked by the graphics of the game. He had always been a hardcore player of Legend before. Players accidentally saw the promotional video of “Miracle MI” on the Duowan Game Forum, and they were immediately attracted.

At first, he was attracted by the two girls in the advertisement. This was the first time he saw such beautiful girls. It was not until the end that he realized that this was a game promotion advertisement. This was the first time a game had carried out such promotion. In previous game promotions, at most, some game scenes were edited for promotion, but this is the first time that real people are used for promotion.

After that, he would stare at Duowan Game Forum every day. There were too many discussion forums about “Miracle MU”, and he would watch them one by one. At the beginning, they were all about the two girls in the video. From the discussion, he learned The names of the two girls are Liu. One is Liu Yifei and the other is Liu Siying. Both of them are studying at Nortel.

After the advertisement video was released, the two became somewhat famous, but within the gaming circle, they were regarded as goddesses by many gamers, especially Liu Tianxian, who was immediately shocked.

As the popularity grew, discussions about the game gradually increased. After that, with the release of the second video and the third video, the two of them were completely out of the circle, and even those who did not play games were After starting to pay attention to the two of them, “Miracle MU” also began to spread among non-game players.

“This is not a legend, but a miracle. It has become very popular recently. I have just registered for the open beta today and started playing.” Xue Hao was completely attracted by the game at this time and did not look back. The people behind him looked at Xue Hao manipulated the hero to kill monsters, feeling itchy in his heart.

The smoothness of the game screen, the appearance of the heroes, and the release of skills are much better than Legend. He originally wanted to play Legend, but he had no intention of playing it at this time.

Just then, a huge screen popped up on his computer, a game poster of Liu Tianxian and Liu Siying. In the screen, they were on the left and right, with delicate faces, beautiful pictures, and huge fonts on the top.

“”Miracle MU” is in open beta today, with massive benefits being given away.” He immediately clicked in and started to register.

This scene started to be played across the country. At 10 o’clock, as long as Internet cafes across the country used Inspur’s Internet cafe management software, all netizens online received this pop-up poster. Some people knew that “Miracle MU” directly saw the poster. I clicked in. Some of them didn’t know but were attracted by the content and clicked in out of curiosity.

“Mr. Li, the number of game registrations has exceeded the 100,000 mark, and the speed is getting faster and faster.” The operation in the conference room reported the game results to Li Xueling. Only 10 minutes had passed. This number is very dazzling. It can be said that it has been created. Record.

It’s still morning, and it’s the first day of vacation. Many people haven’t woken up yet, and they won’t go to Internet cafes so early to surf the Internet. The peak should be at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, but according to the numbers currently jumping on the big screen, It is very possible to break through to a very high number in the morning.

Li Xueling wanted to call Lin Hao to report, but thought it was still late at night in Los Angeles and stopped the idea.

At this time, Lin Hao was sleeping. You can’t blame Lin Hao for this. He was too sleepy. He originally wanted to wait until the open beta started, but fell asleep while waiting.

In the early morning, Lin Hao was still asleep when he was woken up by the sound of a phone call. Lin Hao was so excited that he immediately answered the call. He thought it was Li Xueling, but he didn’t know it was Liu Tianxian until Liu Tianxian’s voice came from the phone. .

“Brother, are you awake?”

“You woke me up even if you weren’t awake.” Lin Hao said with a yawn.

It is already 2 o’clock in the afternoon in China, but it is only 6 o’clock in the morning in Los Angeles.

“Sorry, I’m so excited, so I just wanted to call you.” Hearing Lin Hao’s words on the other end of the phone, Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Today she was recognized by someone in school, and someone asked her to sign an autograph. This was the first time someone asked her to sign an autograph. This made her so excited that she directly called Lin Hao and wanted to talk to her. Lin Hao shared his joy.

After the commercial video was played, she had been paying attention to the information on the Internet. She first discovered it on the four major portals. There were many comments below, praising the beauty of the two people and asking for various information. Of course, there were some keyboard warriors. ridicule and slander.

“What the hell is this? Can anyone shoot commercials these days?”

“One has an expressionless face, and the other has an exaggerated expression. They are such a pair.”


Seeing such remarks made me sad She felt a little uncomfortable and immediately started to confront people. However, she was no match for the online trolls. She was immediately depressed by the trolls. She didn’t expect that someone would take the initiative to recognize her and ask for her autograph today.

“It’s okay. I’m just about to get up. How are you lately?” Lin Hao asked.

“Very good. Someone recognized me today and asked me to sign. This is the first time.” Tianxian couldn’t help but talk to Lin Hao.

“There will be more in the future. You will be surrounded by people when you walk on the street. You have to get used to it now.” ”

How can it be as exaggerated as you said?”

“It will be even more exaggerated than what I said in the future. You have to get used to it.” Be prepared to become a big star.”

“Well, thank you brother, but I saw a lot of comments on the Internet saying that I did not perform well.” Speaking of this angel, he felt a little disappointed.

“Ignore what is said on the Internet. Many people just don’t like others, and some simply have nothing to do. They are all jealous of you.” ”


“Of course, you think I’m lying. Pass you?”

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