Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 2: The stepmother's high school class 1, 14

I haven't slept well all night, and I feel like nothing is wrong when I get up.

The same 4D, the same debt repayment ("Mo Yi Xiaokeng" leader plus change, monthly ticket 1100 plus change)


Qi Lei searched for a long time, but didn't find himself in a few classes.

I walked all the way to the eighth class, and met Lu Xiaoshuai. When Lu Xiaoshuai saw Qi Lei coming from the last class, he came up and asked, "Did you see me in which class?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "Then which class did you see me in?"

Lu Xiaoshuai shook his head, "No! Fuck, did you miss it?"

Qi Lei still wants to say, "Did you miss it?"

The two looked at each other, a little dumbfounded.

What kind of shift is Lao Tzu in?


Just when they saw Tang Yi crawling into the classroom of Class 7, the two hurriedly called him out, "Your Class 7?"

Tang Yi, "Ah! What's wrong?"

Qi Lei and Lu Xiaoshuai, "We haven't found a class yet!"

When Tang Yi heard, "Trash! Look for it from the eighth class! I've seen the first seven for you, but Xu Xiaoqian is in the first class, and definitely in the next few classes."

Tang Xiaoyi cared about these things and read them carefully. It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes, and the old guys are not in the same class with him.

Lu Xiaoshuai was speechless, and shouted at Qi Lei, "Just say you are blind!"

Qi Lei is very innocent, "I came in a little bit, I didn't lose sight of it!"

Accompanied by Lu Xiaoshuai fell back from the eighth class, and ran into Wu Ning at the door of the tenth class.

The goods came up and yelled, "I've been looking for two shops, no me! I didn't see you either."

As he was talking, the financial sway came over.

Although not as familiar with Lu Xiaoshuai and Qi Lei, there is still peace on the surface.

"Did you see my name?"

Qi Lei shook his head blankly, suddenly feeling something wrong.

At this moment, I saw Fu Jiang coming down from the fourth floor style room with a single desk and a chair. Seeing Qi Lei and the others sticking there, he immediately understood what was going on.

With a grin, "Can't find a class, right?"

Everyone nodded.

Fu Jiang's mouth was amused, his expression was complicated, "Follow me, brother will take you to the organization!"

While speaking, Fu Jiang left the main building.

Everyone is even more strange. The freshman year of high school is on the first floor. Where do you go?

As a result, Fu Jiang led them to the first room in the West Classroom.

I saw a sign on the door beam, which read: [Senior Grade One, Class Fourteen]!

"I'm going to your uncle!" Lu Xiaoshuai went crazy when he saw the house number.

Looking at the list in front of the door, there are quite a few brothers, all of them are here, and there is only one Tang Xiaoyi missing.

Even if Qi Lei had been mentally prepared, his heart was half cold.

"How do you arrange it here!?"

He lifted his leg and gave Lu Xiaoshuai a kick, "You have that mouth!"

Before school started, this grandson was talking, how good would it be for us to be put in the same class? Now it's true.

It is exactly what Qi Lei replied. If we are in the same class, how good is this class?

Lu Xiaoshuai was also speechless.

This is not a problem with their few classes. To be honest, even if the top class is thrown in the West Classroom, you have to scold your mother.

As for why?

Enter the classroom and look up.

A big mud footprint on the roof, even after the vicissitudes of years, is still clearly visible.

Qi Lei looked up for a long time, and said, "Brother is not here to be nostalgic!"

This is his classroom in the first and second year of the junior high. How come he goes back here again?

Besides, old mother-in-law, are you hurt? You don’t treat Class 14 as a person, right?

The first thirteen classes are in the main building, with heating, double-glazed windows, warm and bright, but class 14 is...

Qi Lei couldn't be more clear that the frame of the second window was rotten, it could not be opened in summer, and a stove was built in winter, which resulted in a series of extracurricular work.

It’s not that people in the Northeast don’t understand, such as...for example, glued windows after autumn, nailed door curtains, nailed plastic sheets to windows, built stoves, made briquettes, brought firewood in winter, and lighted the stove.

What's more terrible is that the West Campus has no porch, and the door is open to the open.

It rains a little bit in summer, and if there is another heavy snow in winter, tut, you should wear a hand boring position at the gate (a kind of thick cotton gloves, which look like a robot cat after wearing them.)

"I'm damn!" The honest kid of Finance broke out at this time, "What's the situation? It's raised by a stepmother?"

The movement was not small, attracting the eyes of everyone in the classroom.

Some are curious, some have bad eyes, and some are full of contempt.

For example, Cheng Lele, sweating, just moved to the fourth floor of the main building to move the table and chairs, panting tired.

Seeing the financial complaint, he rolled his lips and glanced at him, and said to his heart, "Look at what you pretended to be, how could the last senior high school student be able to bear it?"

Ms. Cheng is of course not in a good mood. The junior high school of the first middle school is also a bungalow, and it is also very simple. She hopes to come to the second middle school and enjoy the comfort of a building classroom.

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian was on the side of the main building, and they were assigned a place where this kind of bird does not shit.

However, seeing Wu Ning, I was a little satisfied.

Unfortunately, Wu Xiaojian wanted to die.

Here, after watching his masterpiece, Qi Lei turned his gaze to the faces of the classmates.

They were late, and now most of the class have arrived.

I can only say that Zhang Nan is pitting him!

Let me talk about the composition of Class 14 first!

The main force is the bargaining students, who are between 400 and 450 for the senior high school entrance examination.

There are also a few super low scores who spend money on trusting relationships. For example, Yang Jinwei.

Yes, Qi Lei also didn't understand how to change Yang Jinwei's life trajectory, and still lingering in the shadows, he was put into a class with him.

It may be that Yang Daqiang saw that Qi Lei had been focused, and he was a little embarrassed. In addition, it was cool to beat his son this summer. In return, he was sent in with money.

Large bargaining students are the most, there are more than forty. Not to mention that all the big bargaining students of the whole school year are here, at least half of them.

After all, big bargaining is not cheap, and there are not many families willing to spend 10,000 to 20,000 to come in this year.

Except for the big bargaining students, it is the small bargaining students. This part is the players between 450 and the key line.

Of course, it was also pinched out from close to 450. There are very few of these parts, only five.

Qi Lei, Finance, Fu Jiang, Cheng Lele, and Wu Ning.

In addition to bargaining students, there is also a special group, that is, junior high school graduates from Harbin City.

Yes, Shangbei No. 2 Middle School is also a key middle school in a county-level city. Although it is not as good as the key middle schools in Harbin City, there are many who can’t focus on Harbin City and don’t want to go to Pu Gao. Key high school borrowing.

There are such students in Harbin every year, but not many.

I heard Li Hanhan said before that there is no one in a shift, and there are two of them at most.

Moreover, it is very annoying, not very good at studying, but also because it is from the provincial capital, there are five people and six people.

In Class 14, there are 16 such students, and all the new Harbin masters are here.

Qi Lei took a look at the list. Well, I don't know which of the ill-fated goods did it. Not only are there names on the list, but there are also high school entrance examination results.

With 63 people in the class, he ranked fifth.

A boy from Harbin City ranked first, 491 in the high school entrance examination. After that, they were Finance, Cheng Lele, Wu Ning, and then Qi Lei.

Fu Jiang is still behind him, 453 points. One point difference, falling out of the top five.

In particular, Yang Jinwei ranked last with 234 points.

This is so special! !

Even though Qi Lei knew he was a poor student, he never thought that he could be in the top five.

Well, Lu Xiaoshuai did not expect that he would be ranked ninth. Zhang Xinyu never thought that he was in his early 400s, and he couldn't even get into this class with dozens of students.

In fact, Qi Lei had a little confidence in taking on Zhang Nan's aggressive strategy.

In any case, it is also a key high school. It is to choose the best students from the whole city to enroll. It is not like general high school or vocational high school. If there is no way, it is really bad, and there is no talent for learning.

No matter how bad the students in the second middle school are, at least they can get a score of 400 points in the middle school entrance examination, which is a little solid.

He then fudged, pulling Wu Xiaojian, Lu Xiaoshuai and the others to fudge together, and the teacher would take a little more responsibility to help improve, won't he just go up?

But when I look at it now, my heart is a bit cold.

I still want to keep it simple. Just watching Zhang Nan put Class 14 in this place, he has already expressed his attitude, and he didn't take Class 14 as a person?

Just thinking about it, Jiang Haiyang is really a little angry, don't forget, their brothers are all backgrounds, and the previous enthusiasm for fighting fathers is going up again.

Kick on the podium, "Fuck! How about playing?"

Xin said, she had to talk to the old man when she went home, she had to find someone.

He and Lu Xiaoshuai really planned to go to high school and study hard, but you got me such a thing?

This kind of thing is not something that didn't happen in the second middle school. In the first few years, the predecessor of Lao Gao also did it. It was divided into top class and poor class. Of course, the name is changed, and it is also called the enterprising class.

But I heard that people were told, and after that, they were all divided into classes evenly.

Unexpectedly, it's coming again this year! ? Why did he catch up?

With another choking kick, the podium was kicked horizontally, and the whole class fell silent, not daring to make a sound.

Looking at the few standing in front, it's hard to mess with at first glance.

But the few students gathered in the back row sneered.

Those are all from Harbin, and the clothes are different from those of local children, which are much higher.

In fact, they are not very satisfied. For them, the conditions of the main building are considered poor, not to mention the West Campus. They have never seen such a classroom with air leakage from all sides.

However, compared to the classroom, Qi Lei is even more uncomfortable with this group of people. A bunch of old planes yelling five and six, one stand in front, what kind of special outfit?

One of them was a little bit overwhelmed, and a strange voice urged: "Try harder, I'll pay for it if it breaks."

The sound is not loud, but everyone can hear it,

This is a challenge with Jiang Haiyang.

At first he was frustrated, Jiang Haiyang immediately stared, "Come here, you come out, let's chat."

When the boy heard this, not only did he not move, but he ignored Jiang Haiyang.

Young people owe them, but they are not fools. When they owe them, looking at Jiang Haiyang's posture, it seems that they are not easy to provoke, so naturally they shut up.

Of course, he is not afraid of what Jiang Haiyang will do to him now, after all, there are many people here, a dozen!

Seeing Qi Lei stabbed Jiang Haiyang, let him calm down, and said to the boy over there, "They are all in the same class, don't worry about it!"

Fu Jiang frowned and said, "This is Shang Bei, where is your house?"

The boy curled his lips and stopped talking, maybe he was also scared.

Qi Lei went down the donkey and pulled Jiang Haiyang and the others out of the classroom.

They don’t even have tables, chairs and benches in the house, so they have to move to the main building by themselves.

Still worrying on the road, mother-in-law shouldn't play like this! It's getting darker.

This is no longer aimed at him alone.

When I returned to Class 14, everyone in the class was almost there.

Because Qi Lei and the others came late, those who came first occupied the back of the classroom, and Qi Lei could only be in the front row.

Although we all know that we have to regroup into groups, but from this we can see the gap.

Good students are willing to sit in the front, see the blackboard clearly in front, and listen clearly.

Poor students like to sit in the back, because the back is conducive to small moves.

As for class 14 and above, they all wanted to hide behind.

The 14th grade at this time can be described by one word-the scum concentration camp!

One by one, the clues can be seen from the mental outlook.

Either like Jiang Haiyang, seven are not satisfied and eight are not angry.

In this, except for Lu Xiaoshuai and Fu Jiang from No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School, they can hold down, and there are still a group of No. 3 Middle School and Tiezhong who come here. They are not familiar with them, and they are a bit dissatisfied with Qi Lei.

For example, there is a man named Wang Dong, the second-to-last in the class, who came in with less than 300 points.

This person is very famous in the Third Middle School, so loud that the out-of-school ruffians around mixed schools like Erbao and Zhao Wei can't enter the gate of the third middle school.

The freshmen who had been in the third high school basically circled him, seeing Qi Lei and his group become the focus in front, squinting and frowning, obviously dissatisfied.

Or it's the kind that looks confused and bitter.

Such freshmen are generally more honest, or the home conditions are not good, and they feel a little inferior.

Putting it in other classes like this is basically at the bottom of the grade, lingering, and the small transparency in the class is something that no one can notice.

Now that I have been assigned to this chaotic class, I feel even more unsure, and I don't even dare to make a head start.

Either his eyes are straight, and you don't know what he is looking at.

In short, Class Fourteen is a bit horrible, and there is a faint smell of gangs and assignments, very distinct.

One group is from Qi Lei's side. There are more than a dozen people from No. 2 Middle School and No. 1 Middle School. They are basically related to the summer camp booth.

One group is from Harbin City, and there are more than twenty people, but no one is pleasing to the eye.

One group is Wang Dong’s gang of No. 3 Middle School. Because No. 3 Middle School is relatively remote and close to the suburbs, they are all children of farmers or ordinary workers. In addition, the quality of teaching is not good, and the school is chaotic. There are always dwarfs in the three middle schools in the city. One end.

After a long time, even if others don't say it, the three out of the three have a vigorous vigor. Just look at no one is angry, especially look at the rich children of No.1 and No.2 Middle School.

I'm used to it!

But this group of people have one thing in common, that is, they don't like to learn.

Zhang Nan is still very good at picking people. Even though the poor students of the whole school year are not in this room, those who don't like to learn are definitely here.

There are people like Lu Xiaoshuai and Fu Jiang who rely on their wealth and status to mess around. The same idea as Li Hanhan before, mixed with a diploma to get married and succeed.

There is a freshman in Harbin like Fang Bing. He may have broken his jar, but the family still holds hope. There is a little hope that he will try to go to a good school.

As for Wang Dong's group, to put it bluntly, it doesn't matter to them to learn good and bad. I spent three years in a place like the Third Middle School, and continued to mix in another place for another three years.

At least Lu Xiaoshuai and the others have another goal, don't care about salted fish or not, but at least they have.

But this kind of child didn't, playing, making trouble, seven of them dissatisfied, eight of them dissatisfied, and muddled.

What is helpless is that at the age of sixteen or seventeen, this is not rare.

Moreover, such people cannot listen to persuasion. Parents’ persuasion is useless, and others’ persuasion is even more useless.

Lu Xiaoshuai and the others can still reason and use things to influence, but this is not so easy.

By the way, there is one more thing that all the boys in Class 14 can't bear.

Can't bear it, especially Wu Xiaojian and Lu Xiaoshuai.

There are 63 people in the class, and the girl's face value is in charge...It is actually Cheng Lele! !

Who can bear this Nima? How can you live?

Enduring emotions, I sat in the classroom for a while, chatting with my acquaintances, and finally waited for middle-aged female teachers who were not tall and had short hair to come in.

At first glance, Wu Xiaojian almost didn't vomit.

Whispered, "Why is it her!?"

After all, Qi Lei had been over the details of the Second Middle School for more than 20 years. He had forgotten it a long time ago and frowned and asked, "Who?"

Wu Xiaojian: "Black Widow."

It's not the black widow in Marvel. Liu Yanbo's skin is a bit dark, his eyes are a bit small, and his upper and lower teeth are a bit protruding, causing that face to look a bit like a rodent.’s a little bit pierced, just walking sideways.

Coupled with the glorious deeds in the past, it was given such a nickname by the cattle in the high school.

Speaking of her glorious deeds, that's too much.

For example, once in class, a girl who was late slapped two big mouths in front of the class.

For another example, take a few female classmates who haven't done homework to the office to fan.

In this year, it is normal for teachers to punish students physically, but even so, they rarely punish girls.

The black widow seems to have this hobby, specializing in beating girls.

Hearing Qi Lei took a good look at Liu Yanbo, and said to his heart, that's pretty dull.

By the way, he scolded the mother-in-law again.

However, Wu Xiaojian hasn't said everything yet.

The place where Black Widow is awesome is not just about beating girls, but I will let them know immediately.

After Liu Yanbo stood on the podium, he glanced at the two clear shoe prints on the podium skirt, tilted toward the podium, half-leaning, "Who did it?"

Jiang Haiyang frowned and was also a bachelor, "Me!"

Liu Yanbo raised his eyes and glanced, "What's your name?"

"Jiang Haiyang."

Looking down at the roster, nodded, "Sit down!"

Jiang Haiyang sat down somehow.


Liu Yanbo began to call, "Cheng Lele..."


"Finance, Fu Jiang... Wu Ning... Qi Lei..."

When he arrived at Qi Lei, he raised his eyes and took a look, saw Qi Lei shouting, and continued to call a few names.

"Lu Xiaoshuai... Jiang Haiyang... Yang Jinwei."

When Yang Jinwei stopped, "You guys come out with me."

You guys, look at me, I look at you, and follow Liu Yanbo out of the classroom in a confused manner.


Liu Yanbo went straight to the subject, "Finance, monitor."

"Cheng Lele, Yang Jinwei, deputy squad leader."

"Wu Ning, study committee member."

"Qi Lei, life committee member."

"Lu Xiaoshuai, the sports committee."

"Jiang Haiyang and Fu Jiang, a labor commissioner and a disciplinary commissioner."


The brothers were shocked.

Oh fuck! ! Is it so sloppy? Just... just got promoted?

And, what do you divide it by? Grades? What does Yang Jinwei mean?

Finance is the first one, oh so big, I don’t want to be the monitor! I just want to be overcast!

Quickly said: "Old, teacher, the monitor still let..."

Sweeping for a while, "Let Qi Lei come? I, I'm not good."

But Liu Yanbo smiled kindly, "It doesn't matter, it's important to exercise!"

But I said in my heart, who made you the son of the mayor of Cai! As for Qi Lei... if it weren't for the news from the provincial channel, the life committee might not be able to get it.

It doesn't give a few people a chance to respond, "Go back and ask a few people to follow me and get the textbooks."

No way, the finances bite the bullet and walked to the classroom.

But halfway through, he turned back again.

Coming to Qi Lei, "Yes, or else, go call it!"

He really doesn't want to go ahead.

Qi Lei didn't refuse, so he entered the room and ordered a few boys, plus them, and followed Liu Yanbo to the main building to get the textbooks.

When I returned to the classroom, there was another footprint on the podium. Maybe it was because it was not there just now, but it was popular, but it was printed.

When Liu Yanbo saw it, he still tilted to the podium, "Who did it?"

The Harbin boy who had been in conflict with Jiang Haiyang before frowned and stood up, "I."

"what is it call?"

"Fang Bing."

"Who made you kick?"


"Fine! Ten yuan, hand it to me tomorrow morning."

Fang Bing exploded as soon as he heard it. Just about to speak, Liu Yanbo ignored him and told Jiang Haiyang and Zhang Xinyu to distribute the textbooks.

The three monitors and Qi Lei were called out.

First, Qi Lei said: "When you go back, you will inform the whole class. The class fee is 20 yuan per person. You have to buy brooms and mops."

He said to the three monitors: "Teacher's Day is coming soon. It is not easy for the teachers to work hard for a year. I mean, you take the lead and call on your classmates to buy some festive gifts for teachers of various subjects."

After speaking, he called Yang Jinwei aside and said something in a low voice.

After speaking, I went straight back to the office.

When Yang Jinwei came back, he was very squad leader.

"Ms. Liu meant that at least 20 yuan per person, to buy gifts for the main subject teacher. As for what gifts to buy..."

Okay, Liu Yanbo listed them directly.

Qi Lei and Wu Ning almost vomited.

If your mother has a wave, you just open your mouth, right?

And now, Qi Lei basically understands what the class cadres are based on.

They are arranged according to the size of the parents, the exceptions are Qi Lei and Yang Jinwei.

Needless to say, Qi Lei, with the blessing of provincial Taiwan, other students don't pay attention, but the head teacher can't help but know.

As for Yang Jinwei, Yang Daqiang should be sensible, and he gave the teacher a gift.

At this moment, Yang Jinwei saw that they didn't speak, "Give me a word! Can it work?"

As a result, Lu Xiaoshuai shook his head speechlessly and looked at Qi Lei, "What should I do?"

It's not that he is short of twenty yuan, the key is to respond.

I have never seen anything like this before!

They also looked at Qi Lei in the finances, and to be honest, it was the first time they met such a teacher.

Cheng Le was about to explode happily, pulling Qi Lei and the others aside, "I want to sue my dad!"

But the finance stopped him, "It's really hard for you to sue, the headteacher in the new school year has to nod the headmaster. That's Xu Qian's mother, let your dad go to Xu Qian's mother?"

Cheng Lele was speechless and stomped straight, "What should I do then! I don't want to stay in this chaotic class!"

Yang Jinwei was put aside, and he didn't know what they were muttering, so he was in a hurry.

"Can you discuss it with him? He is just a life committee!"

It can be regarded as pressing Qi Lei, Yang Jin Chuanmei is broken, of course he can't give Qi Lei a good face.

No one paid any attention to him.

Seeing Qi Lei, I have developed a habit all summer vacation.

Qi Lei thought for a while, "Let's take a look first." The main reason is that he still doesn't know what is going on with Zhang Nan.

Yang Jinwei, "The class fee is collected together with the money for the gift!"

Qi Lei, "The class fee is not in a hurry."

Talking, walk into the class.

The class is noisy, it seems that there is a quarrel.

Going in and looking, sure enough, Jiang Haiyang and Fang Bing were yelling.

Fang Bing was still not convinced by the matter of kicking the podium, "What the hell, is it the one who bullied us from outside? Why don't you punish you and punish me?"

Jiang Haiyang shouldn't have interrupted in the first place. The moths Liu Yanbo made had nothing to do with him.

The key is, who makes Fang Bing's mouth owe? There was one more lip before, and the two people were a little bit vengeful.

Jokingly back, "You are so ugly, okay?"

Wang Dong's group of people were watching the excitement. In their eyes, don't just make a noise with the silly forks of the rich and the silly forks from Harbin! Fight! It looks good when you fight.

Taking advantage of Jiang Haiyang's time to reply, Wang Dong added fuel and jealousy.

At this time, Fang Bing was even more angry, seeing a bunch of cadres coming in, they were energized, and he was not afraid of anything.

After all, there are many fellow villagers in Taha city, there are more than a dozen, at least now I am not afraid of fighting.

"What's this broken school? Why should I go to the principal to sue her!"

Jiang Haiyang ignored him, and Qi Lei smiled: "Isn't this too bad to clean up? Why is he punishing him to be angry at me?"

Wang Dong giggled, but he was not afraid of big things. Stabbed Fang Bing, "Have you heard? Say you owe it to clean up!"

Fang Bing, "I just don't agree, what's the matter? There is a kind of you to clean up me!"

Lei Qi's brain hurt when he heard it, and he stared at Wang Dong coldly.

Wang Dong didn't take it seriously, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

That look is a bit scary.

After Qi Lei stared, he ignored him, and said to Jiang Haiyang, "You pay five yuan for Fang Bing!"

Jiang Haiyang stared, "Why!?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Lei took out five yuan from his pocket, "Then I will pay five yuan for you!"

Looking at Fang Bing, "I paid five yuan for him, is there any problem? No problem with taking the money!"

Fang Bing stared at Qi Lei in a daze, and finally sold ten dollars, "I didn't miss the five dollars, or I was too annoying!"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "What should I do? You said that this is the ocean? I want to kick my feet!"

After finishing speaking, banging at the podium is just two feet.

The movement was quite loud, let alone Fang Bing, Wang Dong, Lu Xiaoshuai, they all trembled.

You know, Qi Lei has never had such a strong temper.

When he was engaged in Erbaozi, he was calm and calm, and he still stared at him for the first time.

The whole class was stunned.

Fang Bing shrank his neck, he could tell that Qi Lei was the leader of this group, and he couldn't mess with anyone.

Take ten dollars and say, "Forget it, I'm so unlucky!"

Qi Lei picked up ten yuan and stuffed five yuan back to him, "Say five yuan, that's five yuan!"

Over there, Jiang Haiyang couldn’t hold on to his face, "Hey!!" He took out five dollars and stuffed it to Qi Lei, "What do you pay for my business?"

Turning around, Jiang Haiyang and Fang Bing finally paid five yuan each.

Qi Lei took the money, "Isn't it finished like this?"

Throw the money to the finances, "hand it in for them tomorrow morning."

How can the finances pick up, "You, you, don't you want to get it, what do you do for me?"

While talking, hiding far away.

At this time, Cheng Lele stabbed Qi Lei, "There is still a general cleaning."

Just now, the black widow said, cleaning up in the afternoon, and waiting in a row, anyway, there is a lot of mess.

Qi Lei: "Oh!"

Come to think of it, but it's simple.

Facing the whole class, "Shangbei local raise his hand."

At this time, Qi Lei had a certain degree of authority to speak, and his classmates sparsely raised more than 30 hands.

"Let down live in the building."

Six or seven were put down, leaving more than twenty people.

Qi Lei said: "In the afternoon, we will clean up the grass in the backyard. Those students who raised their hands should work harder, bring tools, shovel, rake, what to take."

This is common sense. If you live in a bungalow in the Northeast, every family has a vegetable garden, and these tools are also essential for every family.

"Other students look at it. Rags, washbasins, buckets, and newspapers are fine. What you can bring with you."

"By the way, in the afternoon one person pays two yuan for the class fee, and three yuan for those without tools. Please eat popsicles for the whole class for the extra money!"

At this time, the whole class listened to Qi Lei giving orders alone, and Wang Dong and Fang Bing even had a weird feeling, wondering in their hearts, what kind of monster is Class 14 really Doha!

Wonderful classroom, Wonderful class teacher, and another Wonderful life committee member.

What a feeling, he has the final say in this class! The squad leader and the second squad leader are all decorations.

In this regard, Yang Jinwei is also very depressed, I am the squad leader! Although he is a deputy, he is also the squad leader! Why don't you ask me?

It happened that Cheng Lele stood honestly beside him, and Yang Jinwei moved forward, "Cheng Lele, right? My name is Yang Jinwei, three..."

"Zhong" hadn't said it yet, Cheng Lele frowned and pressed to Wu Ning's side, "Is this your mortal enemy when you were young?"

Wu Ning nodded, "It's a sandbag."

Cheng Lele looked at Yang Jinwei, then turned around and said to Wu Ning, "It's not good! Where's the enthusiasm with Fu Jiang and the others?"

Yang Jinwei: "..." Critical hit 10,000%.

Fu Jiang: "..." I was also a little frustrated, but I don't know why.

Nothing else happened in the morning, and Liu Yanbo disappeared completely.

After Qi Lei assigned the task, he let the whole class go and came early in the afternoon.

As soon as I left the classroom, I ran into Tang Yi.

This guy knew that Qi Lei and Wu Ning had arrived at the West Campus, and was surprised, "No, what's the situation with your mother-in-law? It's dark enough!"

"Even if you and Xu Xiaoqian are a little bit hateful, you can't do it like this, right?"

Qi Lei was really confused about this, he didn't know what was going on with Zhang Nan.

He can understand the difference in class, and this year, there is not so much fairness at all.

However, to get such a classroom, such a class teacher...More importantly, Finance, Fu Jiang, and Cheng Lele were also thrown here, which is really incomprehensible.

Isn't this just waiting for someone to poke her spine?

However, at this moment, Zhang Nan was in the principal's office on the fourth floor. He stood in front of the window and hadn't moved for the whole morning. His eyes were always fixed on the West Campus, without even the head of Old Dong coming in.

When Old Dong saw this, he shook his head and smiled, "What? Don't you worry? I don't think this squad leader can do it. Don't think about it as soon as possible."

Zhang Nan also shook his head, "I feel relieved."

Old Dong frowned, and looked at the West Campus, "I don't care what you toss about, but let's replace Liu Yanbo, she has to make trouble for you!"

Zhang Nan, "Provoke it!"

Old Dong, "It's said that you accepted her gift, won't you really accept it?"

Old Dong didn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Nan nodded, "Take it."

Old Dong: "Xiao Zhang, what are you going to do?" Old Dong really couldn't understand.

And Zhang Nan didn't speak, looking at Qi Lei who was leaving school.

He also looked at Liu Yanbo, who came out of the main building and strolled into the cafeteria with a group of 14 teachers.

He shook his head silently.



Qi Lei came earlier in the afternoon and was one of the first few people to enter the class.

When I came, I put a small book on the podium and collected class fees from everyone. Two yuan per person, like those in Harbin, and three yuan for rural residential students who don’t have tools.

Wu Ning watched and whispered, "The black widow asks you to charge twenty dollars. What do you mean by two yuan?"

Qi Lei didn't look up, "Just light a broken broom and a broken mop. Will it cost more than a thousand dollars?"

Twenty per person, the whole class is more than 1,200, and it is enough to paint the walls for class 14 more than a dozen times.

Wu Ning sneered, "I really don't know, or if I don't know?"

Of course Qi Lei knew what Liu Yanbo's 20 meant, and said to Wu Xiaojian: "Don't mix things up, I can do it myself."

After speaking, he gave Wu Ning fifty yuan, "Take two people to the ice mixing factory."

"What are you doing?"

"Cream popsicles, come for fifty dollars!"

In the school shop, popsicles in bulk cost 50 cents, but the big foot and the beautiful can cost a dollar. It is better to go to the popsicle factory for wholesale, 2 cents and 1 stick, and 10 sticks for a stick.

In summer, Ge San often took the water scoop to the popsicle factory to wholesale. Twenty sticks are enough for the three family members to enjoy.

Fifty yuan can even kill a class.

Wu Ning looked at the fifty yuan and spit out: "Hey, this class of cadres has to pay for it!"

Those who have no tools are still a few, how many people can there be?

After speaking, led Zhang Xinyu and Jiang Haiyang to the carport.

It happened that Fang Bing came to pay the money. Hearing a little, he owed, "What is it?"

Qi Lei smiled at him, "It's nothing."

To be honest, it didn't take much, it was only twenty yuan.

A half of the class didn't bring tools, and one person picked a piece, and it was nearly thirty.


Next door to Class 14 is the first-year freshman.

To be honest, watching the first-year children coming in and out of the West Campus, the big brothers and sisters of Class 14 met, and slowly there were not so many complaints.

The West Classroom is indeed inconvenient. However, the students of this era are not so spoiled and spoiled as later generations. They have been in this kind of classrooms since elementary school. They have to work year after year with windows and briquettes.

Some came from the Three Middle Schools, and even planted the ground!

There are soybean fields in the third middle school, and students are used as free labor every year.

But there is one thing to say, this class teacher is really the best!

It was a little too late, and the teacher from the first and sixth grades next door had already taken the whole class to start cleaning, and there was no shadow of Liu Yanbo in the fourteenth class.

Everyone sat and chatted foolishly in the class.

At one and a half, the finances were really out of hiring, so Qi Lei asked, "Or, do you organize it? That silly B can't count on it anymore."

The classmates behind him heard this and began to be confused again. What's the situation? Our squad leader is a bit weak! On the contrary, the life committee is like that.

Regarding this, Qi Lei has no choice but to greet everyone and start working.

The girls wipe the glass and sweep the floor, the boys weed the backyard, and several boys carry water and buckle tables and chairs.

With one command, the fourteenth squad immediately started to make noise.

However, Yang Jinwei raised a moth again and held on to Qi Lei's collection of class fees.

"Qilei, Teacher Liu asked him to charge 20, so why did you charge two? Who asked you to call the shots without authorization?"

To be honest, Qi Lei is really reluctant to wrestle with Yang Jinwei, a kid.

But, don't match your face!

Squinting at him, "Xiaowei, I advise you, don't be troublesome, you're easy to get beaten!"

The scared Yang Jinwei shuddered, remembering how bad he was when he was a child.

But then I think again, I am the monitor, am I afraid of you?

A lot of stubbornness, chest straight, crossed facial features, "Qi Lei, what are you going to do? Twenty is twenty, two yuan is not right, you can't do it!?"

The movement was not small, the whole class heard it.

It's just that Yang Jinwei didn't say clearly, everyone didn't know what was going on, they just looked over suspiciously.

Only Finance and Lu Xiaoshuai understood what was going on. Yang Jinwei looked like a fool.

They were sitting close to Qi Lei, and they had all heard and understood their previous dialogue.

Don't be troublesome, it's easy to get beaten up, so I told you so understand, still don't understand? Are you stupid?

Over there, Fang Bing leaned over, "What 20? Two yuan?"

Qi Lei glanced at Yang Jinwei meaningfully, "You are really going to be beaten."

Then Fang Bing said loudly: "Don't ask, it's no good."


Fang Bing retreated obediently, while Qi Lei pulled Yang Jinwei away and greeted everyone to start cleaning.

And Yang Jinwei still thinks that Qi Lei wanted to beat him up until now, and he didn't know where the beating came from.


To be honest, the school cleaning is the most interesting, the fetching water, the window sill on the window sill, the lazy slacker, the slapstick slapstick.

It is also the time when boys and girls are most prone to conflicts, running inside and outside chasing houses.

Of course, Class 14 is still unfamiliar, and this situation only happens to students who are in the same class in the junior high school.

I saw the dust in the classroom first, and then there was a fresh smell of earth.

It was less than two o'clock, when the job was just starting, Wu Xiaojian and the others rode back to kill.

In the back seat was a foam box full of loose cream popsicles.

It's not the kind of milk recipe used by later generations of milky thief, nor is it as hard as an old popsicle.

When Qi Lei was a child, he could eat ten roots in one meal, and he was too thin.

Seeing that the class 14 students actually bought popsicles, they were immediately happy.

Well, the child is a child in the end, no matter how troublesome the division is, I will forget about it in this atmosphere.

Putting the popsicles on the podium, Qi Lei greeted the class, "You are welcome to treat without tools!"

There are nearly three hundred popsicles, just eat them.

Wu Ning was still instructing, "Don't break the box. If you borrow it from someone, you have to pay it back!"

After eating, playing, and working, it’s almost done before three o’clock.

But Qi Lei found out that Wang Dong's gang basically didn't move the popsicles.

They belong to the guy who paid two dollars and brought tools honestly.

Although Qi Lei was still unsatisfied, but this kind of thing followed the trend, the whole class listened to Qi Lei, and even if he didn't agree, he wouldn't get any moths.

As for the popsicles, I didn't spend any money and didn't want to bow my head for a few popsicles.

Stubborn! Don't What can you do?

After finishing his work, Finance found Qi Lei again, and he planned to call the whole class to pay for Teacher's Day.

As a result, Yang Jinwei couldn't stand it anymore, so can you ask him for nothing else? He is the squad leader, am I the squad leader?

Take the initiative to take over this task, stand in front of the podium, the thief has the style of the squad leader.

"Say something! Teacher's Day is coming soon, let's raise funds to buy gifts for teachers."

The finances were very upset at first, it's obviously you!

However, Qi Lei stopped him and gave Qi Lei a choking pleasure.

Xin said, this product is real and not good at brain, it is not fake.

"If he likes to take it, let him take it, what good thing is it?"



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