Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 71: Grind 1 sharpen gas

   Zhao Na’s house is two old-fashioned private houses, but the furniture is emptied, and a computer is placed in the hall.

   Zhao Na sat in front of the host and turned on the machines for everyone. She saw her control three machines on the host to start up, and set a time. Tell me what number it is, and it's over.

   This surprised Tang Yi and Wu Ning. They had never seen such an "advanced" one.

   You need to know that when you go to other computer rooms, you always take a big account book, write down the number of the machine, when you turn on the phone, and how many hours you have been on. When it's time, the boss will ask you whether to disembark or continue.

   How can this be done with just a few clicks of the mouse?

   Regarding this, Qi Lei is not surprised.

   It's not that he has seen the Internet cafe system of later generations, but that Zhao Na has this ability in her own.

   Qi Lei even knows that Zhao Na’s hardware is better than software.

   It's a pity that I have an unconscious younger brother.


   Qi Lei was not in a hurry to get on the plane, but with Qi Guodong and Xiao Liang, standing at the front desk, obviously having something to say.

   Actually, later generations Zhao Wei and Qi Lei shared their feelings.

   What he regrets most is the summer of 1998. At that time, Zhao Na couldn't help him. She gave up her studies just to look at him.

   Zhao Wei said, in fact, at that time, he wanted to learn well.


   "I have no father or mother since I was a child, no one taught me those great principles. What if I could go back? There would be no bad things in the back."

   So, according to the script in Project Reviver:

   He will appear at the end of the summer vacation, the time when Zhao Wei regrets it most, and when Zhao Na finally decided to give up her studies, hand over the brothers and sisters, and pull them out of their original destiny.

   However, Zhou Tao advanced the plan.

   Therefore, the gradual progress that Qi Lei envisioned naturally loses its meaning, and now there are only simple and rude things left.

   That's right, he came today to prepare for another step to take down Zhao Wei directly.

   smiled at Zhao Na, "Sister Na, where's Weizi brother?

   Zhao Na was startled vigilantly, when Qi Lei saw her, she immediately understood her thoughts.

   "Sister Na, don't get me wrong, it's a bit serious for me to look for Weizi."

   Zhao Na is still suspicious, thinking Qi Lei is also a small gangster in the society, what good things can do to find her brother?

   But looking at the two people standing behind Qi Lei, in white shirts and big shoes, they don't look like any bad guys in the society.

   Then he smiled awkwardly, "My brother is not very sensible, why are you looking for him?"

   Qi Lei said: "It's really business! It's like this. Our family has done a small business and lacks a helper. I want to ask Brother Weizi to help us."

   "Sister, don't worry, serious business, it must be much better than he is now showing others the roller skating city."

   added another sentence at the end, "I earn more."

   Zhao Wei is now showing people the roller skating city, which is equivalent to watching the bar and nightclub of later generations. In the most chaotic place, what you earn is money that is neither black nor white.

   Qi Lei said so clearly, Zhao Na finally felt relieved.

   She really wanted Zhao Wei to find a serious job, and Qi Lei was in the right place.

   didn't think too much, after all, Coco Lee brought it here, and immediately became enthusiastic.

   "Really? That's great!"

   To be honest, Zhao Wei is well-known in Shangbei, and he is afraid to use him in ordinary places. It is really not easy to have a "daring".

   pointed to the back room, "I haven't gotten up yet! I, I will call you."

   Qi Lei heard, "No, I will go by myself!"

   talked, and walked violently into the back room.

   Zhao Na didn't stop, only that this child was different from other children.


   Zhao Wei spent the night in the roller skating city, and only fell asleep in the morning. At the moment, he wore a little trousers and was sleeping. No one could touch it. What's more, he was still a little B **** he had never seen before.

   When you open your eyes, you are round, "Fuck you..."

   After half cursing, he saw the two people behind Qi Lei.

   "Brother Liang... Brother 3..."

   Okay, I'm going back again.

   He is muddy, but not stupid, these two gods are not easy to mess with.

   got up in a daze, seeing Xiao Liang and Qi Guodong expressionless, they thought they were found by the **** who came to the hospital a few days ago.

   hurriedly put on clothes and said, "My sister is at home, and I have something to say outside."

   Qi Guodong raised his eyebrows. The relationship between him and Zhao Wei was actually similar to that of Erbaozi. He had met each other, but was not familiar.

   Knowing that this kid is a bit stunned, he can pierce the sky for you when he is stunned, I really don't know what he is afraid of.

   I know now, I'm afraid of his sister.

   This made Qi Guodong take a look at Zhao Wei.

   Qi Lei looked at the face that was more than 20 years younger, and smiled sincerely, "Don't be nervous, we are Coco Lee's classmates."

   Zhao Wei relieved his mind, looked at Qi Lei, and said to his heart, this little boy really doesn't know him? What are you looking for?

   Four people left the back room and came to the courtyard.

   Zhao Weiben wanted to leave the house and talk about it. He usually didn't let Zhao Na hear about his messy things. I don't want her to follow along, let alone worry about her.

   As a result, Qi Lei stood still in the yard, "Let's talk about it!"

   He deliberately let Zhao Na hear.

   Zhao Wei frowned, a little anxious, "What the **** are you doing? You have to be uncomfortable, right?"

   Qi Lei, "Don't worry! I won't ask you to fight or make peace with you."

   I told Zhao Wei what I had said to Zhao Na again, "I have a job, and I work with Harbin people. We are all students and we can't take care of it. Please help."

   Zhao Wei frowned, although he was relieved, it was not what he thought, but he was not too cold at the invitation of a kid.

"I have a job."

   Qi Lei is not polite at all.

   Zhao Wei's face is a little bit awkward, if it weren't for Qi Guodong and Xiao Liang's brother here, I guess the big mouth would have been slapped.

   However, Qi Lei suddenly leaned against him and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Think about your sister. You don't have a full-time business student, so your sister can't go back to school."

   Zhao Wei: "!!!"

  I cut to Zhao Wei's pain point in one go, and stared at Qi Lei for a long time.

   Finally, he nodded slowly.

   Actually, if Qi Lei came by himself, he wouldn't even take care of it.

   However, Brother Xiaoliang and Brother 3 are there, so he can't help but believe them.

   "What the **** is this job?"

   Qi Lei, "A sock dealer in Harbin, what is going on, you and I will go to see her in the afternoon."

   "What do you do?"

   "Sell socks."


   I don’t recognize it a bit.

   But, again, at this point in time, Zhao Wei is the most guilty, the most eager to learn, and the most opportunity to jump out of the original chaotic life.

   Thinking of Qi Lei's sentence, thinking about your sister, Zhao Wei finally nodded.

  Xin said, even if it's a mess, he can come back when his sister starts school.

   nodded: "Okay!"

   still agreed.

   "However, I'll take a look first before talking, but it doesn't count as a promise."

   He hasn't seen the businessman in Harbin, and Qi Lei is too young.

   A fifteen-and-six-year-old kid stands in front of you and says he has a business, so who can believe it?

   But Qi Lei smiled, not caring about Zhao Wei's hesitation: "You will agree."

   I wanted to talk to Zhao Wei about his relationship first and then about business, but now it's just the other way around.

   Let's talk about business first, and let's talk about feelings later!

   was looking at Zhao Na's constant attention, and there was a hint of gratitude in it.

   However, Qi Lei returned Zhao Na's look, which was more grateful than her.


   Zhou Tao said that she arrived in the afternoon, but in fact, she had already arrived in Shangbei before one point.


   Just half a month ago, she really made a good amount of money according to Qi Lei’s method, earning more than 60,000 in half a month.

   It's strange that Zhou Tao is not anxious!

   In the past few days, as Qi Lei said, everyone has learned it and won't make any money.

   Can she not be in a hurry?

   Tang Yi received Zhou Tao's paging, Qi Lei asked her directly to Zhao's house.

   This is also Qi Lei's tricks. Although Zhao Na's sister and brother agreed to the invitation, there are still many doubts in their hearts, even distrust.

   And Zhou Tao can solve the suspicion of her sister and brother, after all, Zhou Tao and Qi Lei have no doubts at all.

   In this regard, Zhao Na is very happy to see her success. Moreover, Qi Lei's magnanimity made him even more convinced.

   Just ask some customers who are still on the computer away, and I will not do business today.

   At this time, Qi Guodong and Xiao Liang can leave first, they are no longer needed here.

   After a while, Zhou Tao was taken to Zhao Na's house by Tang Yi.

   When talking about business matters, Tang Yi and Wu Ning never came to mix up.

   When they came, they couldn't help. Xu Xiaoqian was almost there.

  Secondly, I don’t want them to be too involved in the matter of making money for the time being.

   is still young, and once you know it, it is easy to wonder, if you let the three parents know, you have to nag.

   In the end, only Qi Lei, Zhou Tao and Zhao Wei sat together.

   Zhou Tao is accustomed to the refreshing profit: "It's all old acquaintances, no nonsense! The cost is half of the cost of one person, and the sister is born, and you get 30% of the profit."

   "Hehe." Qi Lei answered her with a dry smile, thinking beautiful!

   Zhou Tao also knew that this little fox would not be so easy to pass, "Then you say, what do you want?"

   Qi Lei, "Sister Tao, it's early to say that this is too early. You don't know how this business should be done, so let's make a price?"

   Zhou Tao: "......"

   "Then what do you want to do?"

   Qi Lei, "You have to ask how much money this business can make."

   Zhou Tao was a little mad, "Okay! Then, how much money can you make?"

   Qi Lei thought for a while, "500,600,000 a year...should be okay!"

   I poof! ! !

   Zhou Tao spewed out old blood, five or six hundred thousand? What's this kidding?

   I just think it's too magical, but you can't refute it yet.

   For these things Qi Lei did this summer, he said five to six hundred thousand, which is really not like a kid bragging.

   But the wholesale point in her dungeon will burn a lot of incense if you can earn one hundred thousand a year.

   Zhou Tao was dubious, "You didn't tease sister, did you? Really five or six hundred thousand?"

   Qi Lei also knew that she couldn't accept it at once. After all, this was 1998. After the factory of Tang's father came down in a year, it was already incredible that he could earn two RMB five or six hundred thousand.

   If you want to say that selling socks can make five or six hundred thousand a year, no one really believes it!

   But, Qi Lei is still afraid of scaring her, so I don’t want to talk about it!

   If you do well, it can cost more than five or six hundred thousand.

   didn't argue with Zhou Tao, and just said, "You have already made a lot of money, haven't you?"

   Okay, old Versailles.

   Zhou Tao can't refute this sentence, but I can't figure it out!

   "How do you earn?"

   Qi Lei, "How do I earn? Then I'll talk about it after we've negotiated. Little Tao, you just need to know that I can earn."

   Zhou Tao is depressed, and it is really hard to negotiate business with this child.

   tangled for a long time, "Okay, listen to you! Then tell me, what are the conditions?"

   Qi Lei smiled, that's right.

   No nonsense, "You pay 100,000, and I pay 20,000. I'll pay another person, and you will get the rest, and the profit will be split equally."

   Zhou Tao, "Why!?"

   I pay more money and people than you, and even share with you?

   Qi Lei, "Because I have an idea!"

   Zhou Tao: "......"

   Finally, "Okay!"

   The temptation of five to six hundred thousand is still too great.

   "Can you tell me how to do it now?"

   "Let’s sign a contract first!"


   Zhou Tao: "Qi Shitou, you have enough!!"

   I was anxious, "My Zhou Tao was a little stingy, but you patted your conscience and said, "My mother promised you, when did you not honor it?"

   Zhou Tao cried, "Too bully!"

   She really didn't get rid of Qi Lei's thoughts of doing it alone. Usually, she and Qi Lei make their minds true, but Zhou Tao still has the integrity of her.

"Hey!" Qi Lei smiled slyly, "Sister, my brothers still settle the accounts! Now it’s good for you and me. In case we have other business to make big money in the future, can we still be unclear? Chu's?"

   Zhou Tao stared at him I was a bit wronged.

   "Qilei, you will remember that if you can't make money, my mother will never end with you!"

   "Sign it! What did you say to be with my old lady. Don't you just sign the contract? Sign now!"

   "Hey." Qi Lei smiled, "Sister Tao is so bright! Do you dare to sign a contract that you don't know about? How bold!"

   Zhou Tao: "......"

   I really lost my temper at all.

   And Qi Lei is really not true to Zhou Tao, he must have a defensive heart, but if he is strong, he must be counterproductive.


   If Zhou Tao is really the kind of person who forgets righteousness, Qi Lei would not have dealt with her for such a long time.

  The reason for doing this is just to sharpen Zhou Tao's vigor. Cooperation in the future will also save a lot of trouble.

   "However, with the grievances of Little Tao, let's explain it clearly before signing the contract!"

   Zhou Tao was weakly paralyzed, "Please, brother...Speak up, don't lose your appetite!"

   Qi Lei pondered, "Actually... it's very simple, it's nothing more than marketing. Find the right marketing strategy and make a lot of money like socks."

   "Then what about marketing?"

   Qi Lei, "There are many ways, which one would you like to hear?"

   Zhou Tao, "I can do it anyway! And as long as one, I can make money!"

   "That's OK, 20 yuan for 6 pairs."

   Zhou Tao was startled, the price is wrong? Combine three yuan and one pair, but it's not cheap.

   He only heard Qi Lei said: "Send another imported umbrella worth 25 yuan, Russian goods!"





  Thank you: [Yan Yizhen]'s great reward...

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